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I remember you were leaving but you can’t so leave others alone
Oh dear we are winning give them a chance
I suggest you are clutching at straws but if that’s what you want carry on
If you go on you tube search for iron army this will provide you with at least a few clues.
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Very good you missed I’ll leave the rest up to you
Well what a waste of half a tank of petrol and eight hours of my life that was!
At least the Iron fans turned up which is more than the team did.
Powder puff defending (never seen a team have as many free headers against us). Zero creativity. No pace. Nothing!
Completely pathetic, and Harrogate could fill their boots. Surprised it wasn’t 10-1.
Can’t see any way back from here. We’re dead in the water unless drastic (and I mean drastic) measures are taken.
you don’t have to watch it every week but you and your mates claim you do btw I only watch home games and l am not impressed
So when was your last game im sure you will lie
I’ll tell you what Mr DM go to a game now and then otherwise as you said to me fo
Pretty sure the club still have a postal address. Why the need to post it anonymously on here? Really about ‘me me me’ isn’t it.
Not now
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You are right l have watched that today torn apart is this part of the plan
Give him a chip that shuts seagulls up
Dee would have been banned months ago but what else has he got err nothing
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Are you going to wish me dead aswell?
Oh dear something wrong here
Have you tried the Chinese in Messingham it’s really good perhaps it’s them
Is that a flying king prawn
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I’m not to sure about that Elvis was a burger man l herd he was not a fan of Chinese one burp and you need another ahh
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Not bad for you NI
You missed out selfish which other than that l totally agree with you there was no need for this at all
Perhaps we shouldn’t bother training at all.
Just let the captain “pick-up” at 2:30pm and go out and let them do their thing.
Can’t be any worse surely? And Swann would save a shit-load of money on coaching staff. Enough to buy a real Aston Martin for his 007 bar!
You haven’t answered the question no good running over this side do you want that young girl to win the tennis final
I think you may be wrong can you quote me on being racist l doubt that but your a nasty piece of work behind a keyboard
Oohps iron awe you look really
You are one angry man Dee you need to calm down
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And you’re still going on about it!! Are you on a mission to bore the board to death?!
You’ve been doing it for years
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They look to be wearing the shirt with pride.
High praise indeed given how bloody awful it is!
I wonder if you were there which l doubt everyone tried nice to criticise from your armchair
It was probably less a comment about your vast knowledge of Worthing and more about your view that an article by someone who lives there isn’t worthy. Personally, I think that’s the place you got turned down for that public sector job.
Gordon gob shite is back no need for that comment
Sorry for the negativity but these two initiatives sound like one bright spark’s ideas to ‘come up with a few things we can promote to appease the whingeing gits – something quick and easy and that doesn’t require too much resourcing’.
I think it will take a lot more actual committed engagement to re-engage disenfranchised fans, but agree CT, it’s a start and hopefully more to come.
So will you be there Saturday because l will
Funso might have got into my top 20 CMs since 1966. But – maybe not.
Terry Heath in your top 3 les since 1966?
So you were there last night or promoting a revolution neither I think
Yes it’s another nail in the non league coffin that is heading our way next May. The car park won’t be a big deal for a lot of people, I presume the stewards will have hand held devices you will just sweep your card over, about the same time it takes to hand them three quid and as for the stadium I personally never spend a bean at the food points because the food and service is crap. Have a nice lunch at home before the game, grab a pint if you want one in a local boozer before KO ( nominated drivers will help ) and tell the Prawn we except he is driving the club into oblivion but apart from a match day fee to gain entry, he can bollocks. Playing right into his hands I know but the ethos of our club has been draining away for years and I’m afraid unless a local well intentioned rich bloke comes along who GENUINELY loves the club, we are all pretty much shafted. Rich people always win, that’s why we need a revolution in this country.
What an earth are you on about a revolution give over