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  • in reply to: Iron Ow-er #290489
    Registered On: February 1, 2019
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    I tried the Iron Hour pod and it wasn’t for me, one person in particular just seemed to like the sound of his own voice a bit too much which was enough for me to turn off. I enjoy the Bru pod, probably because it’s less “bantz” and more serious football talk.

    I sometimes watch Gareth’s videos for the alternative footage of the game but the pre/post match talking heads are a bit repetitive so I just skip past them. This is clearly a labour of love for him and I think it adds a bit of value to the overall experience for a quite a few fans so good on him for dedicating what I assume is a lot of time to it.

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    in reply to: Home kit #289001
    Registered On: February 1, 2019
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    600 pre-orders being dealt with away from the club shop and I still had to queue for 30 mins at 10:05 this morning to get my boy the shorts and socks.

    It’s fair to say they’ve nailed it with the kit this year, I was so impressed I ended up buying one for myself too, my first home shirt since the white Pleasure Island number!

    in reply to: Euro Prediction League #288285
    Registered On: February 1, 2019
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    Well done BarnardFoxtonBarker!

    I’m kicking myself that I was on holiday and completely forgot to predict the Quarter Finals, I reckon I could’ve had ya!


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    in reply to: Where’s your post wotnowbrncow? #285673
    Registered On: February 1, 2019
    Topics: 1

    Mixed bag there then. Think there’s enough evidence for us not to read too much into their end of season posts. Shame; genuinely wanted a scientific hypothesis!

    I think you’re being a bit kind there Deerey, I was absolutely miles off!

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    in reply to: Mr Motivator #285612
    Registered On: February 1, 2019
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    Word for Roj Rahman too, I don’t know him but he came across really well in that interview, particularly the way he deferred to Michelle Harness and spoke about the different directors having different areas of responsibility; I think that’s important, and shows that people are all pulling in the same direction.

    The contrast to the last 2 owners, who both wanted to make it all about them, is incredible. Talking frankly, not hiding behind phrases like “I’ll be as honest with you as I can”, not looking to find excuses. Really positive stuff, despite all the problems which they are still facing.

    I’d love to know how much the talents of people like Michelle were harnessed (pun intended) under Swann’s ownership. I certainly have my suspicions….

    Completely agree about Roj, first time I’ve heard him speak but listening to him talk about what would be lost in terms of history and legacy if the club were to fold shows that he just ‘gets it’. Clearly sees the board as a custodians of a community asset and understands the responsibility that comes with that, really encouraging stuff.

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    in reply to: Butler’s got the nod #285267
    Registered On: February 1, 2019
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    Some might be underwhelmed but I think it’s another sensible and pragmatic decision by the board. Money is obviously tight so this appointment keeps some continuity and also means quick decisions can be made around which players we try to keep hold of and which are let go.

    I also genuinely believe that 600+ games as a professional in the football league commands a lot of respect from players at this level, possibly more than that afforded to someone like Jimmy who’s spent most of his career much lower down.

    Hopefully he’s also learnt a thing or two about winning football games, I guess time will tell.

    in reply to: Club Statement #285063
    Registered On: February 1, 2019
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    Yes, noticed those, particularly the ones that intimate a future with the club. Is that reading too much in to it though?

    Absolutely, I may be way off. The differences in the wording is just the first thing that struck me that’s all.

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    in reply to: Club Statement #285041
    Registered On: February 1, 2019
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    In terms of a player retained list it’s not an exact Science but you might be able to work a few out based on the player tweets that the club are reposting and the wording of them (or in the case of those leaving the lack of certain wording in them):

    Cal Roberts – “we’ll be back stronger and better for sure”
    DSF – “Time to recover, regroup and refresh and go again next season”
    Whitehall – “All we can do is go again”
    Tom Pugh – “We rest up and (go) again next season”

    Scales – “Thankyou for all the support this season”
    Denton – “Gutted, thank you for your continued support throughout”

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    in reply to: Whitehall’s Shirt #282049
    Registered On: February 1, 2019
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    I think the quality of the shirts / training gear is pretty poor. I’ve watched a couple of the ‘question of the day’ videos on twitter and I’ve noticed some of the players are wearing training gear where the badges are coming off or have disappeared completely leaving just a faint outline.

    So either the gear is poor or we have so little kit that it’s all threadbare

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    in reply to: The boy who cried wolf #282007
    Registered On: February 1, 2019
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    The only positive I took out of the whole thing was the general crowd reaction that prat who got escorted round the ground after getting in the keepers face. He was giving it the old fist pump to the crowd as he came round the corner, I assume expecting to be celebrated as some kind of hero. He got absolutely hammered by everyone in sight, even the mums in the family stand were letting their feelings known. By the end he looked like he just wanted the ground to swallow him up, it was a beautiful sight.

    in reply to: Chesterseals #282006
    Registered On: February 1, 2019
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    Their manager appears to be switched on

    Came across very well didn’t he

    in reply to: Record atempt #281874
    Registered On: February 1, 2019
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    The Management must grasp this chance to get back on the promotion track. A win with entertainment will motivate some previous stayaways to rekindle their enthusiasm which will boost revenue and give the board a bit more breathing space.

    Players have to turn up 2moro.

    I mean if the players aren’t up for it with 6000+ crowd including a large and presumably vocal away support then you have to question what they’re doing in the game at all. No disrespect but at their current level (and anything marginally higher in the future), this is about as big as it gets.

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    in reply to: Poundshop Iron #281332
    Registered On: February 1, 2019
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    I fear Clunan may be a poundshop Justin Walker

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    in reply to: 1899 / 100 Members Consultation Event @ GP Monday 18th #281038
    Registered On: February 1, 2019
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    Were contracts actually signed? knowing everything we do about Hilton I’d be surprised if he committed to anything in writing.

    in reply to: Signings. #280942
    Registered On: February 1, 2019
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    From what I’ve seen recently some physicality and legs in the middle of the pitch is what we need most. We’re weak in the tackle and get cut through time and again, if you don’t control the middle of the pitch then you can’t control the game.

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    in reply to: National League Television #280930
    Registered On: February 1, 2019
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    I think he’s talking about Saturday 3pm games which aren’t usually available in the UK.

    Yeah, the Saturday 3pm games… but I’ll want to watch the mid-week ones too.

    Ah ok, in that case then wifi is your friend

    in reply to: Harry kane #280915
    Registered On: February 1, 2019
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    I believe he’s pointing out the schadenfreude of Harry kane moving to Bayern to guarantee a trophy on his CV, only for Leverkusen to go on a 31 game unbeaten run and beat them 3-0 this weekend to move 5 point clear at the top.

    in reply to: National League Television #280914
    Registered On: February 1, 2019
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    NLTV appears to be viewable worldwide so there should be no geolocation restrictions on the IP address that your phone picks up (so basically it should work on your phone as long as you have a good data signal or a wifi connection)

    If you’re using mobile data then what IP address you pick up will depend on how your UK carrier has your data setup, some use local breakout so you will pick up an overseas IP, some use proxies back in the UK to pick up a UK IP address. Either way though you should be fine to use your phone without the need to buy a local one.

    in reply to: The Spartans of Blyth #280498
    Registered On: February 1, 2019
    Topics: 1

    That makes no sense.
    In previous seasons he’s had to play the same amount of games, at the same level, but in a side of less quality whilst holding down a second job. This season he can concentrate full time on training, preparation, rest and recovery but he’s ran out of steam?

    I’m merely speculating. Only things I can think of is the fact he’s training more and the fact he’s getting less sleep due to his baby daughter.

    Other than that it’s a simple drop in form.

    Yeah it could just be form, perhaps the start of the season was a peak in form and now we’re just seeing the normal level? I hope not.

    A new baby is more likely to have an impact I would say, it can be exhausting mentally and physically so would understandably take a toll.

    in reply to: The Spartans of Blyth #280452
    Registered On: February 1, 2019
    Topics: 1

    That makes no sense.
    In previous seasons he’s had to play the same amount of games, at the same level, but in a side of less quality whilst holding down a second job. This season he can concentrate full time on training, preparation, rest and recovery but he’s ran out of steam?

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    in reply to: Rushall Olympic #280428
    Registered On: February 1, 2019
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    I find the midfield setup in general totally bizarre, considering we play a three the amount of empty space in the middle of the pitch is incredible. Earlier on in the year I remember a goal kick that bounced in the centre circle completely unchallenged!
    The oddest thing though is that there doesn’t seem to be any positional discipline between whichever three are on the pitch, at one point on Saturday Clunan was sat just in front of the back four, Scales just to his right, Butterfield at right back and Ogle was hugging the touchline on the wing. It’s no wonder the lone striker always looks so isolated.
    We really lack physicality in the middle of the pitch too and need someone more imposing in there who just gets through the dirty work, wins the ball and breaks things up (a Jim Goodwin type). Unfortunately from what I’ve seen I don’t think we have such a player in the squad.

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    in reply to: Tamworth home #280154
    Registered On: February 1, 2019
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    I also thought Evans was one of the few to come out with any credit last night, won an awful lot in the air and got in front of his man to win the ball repeatedly. He also looked up for the physical battle which it was always going to be.
    Fitz made a few saves and his distribution was outstanding.
    I can’t think of any other positives.
    We never looked like winning and against a technically limited side who were well drilled, well prepared, motivated and managed the game like a team who just know how to grind out results.
    People say Jimmy hasn’t gat a plan B but I honestly couldn’t tell you what plan A is right now. We’re just so slow and ponderous once we get the ball 10 yards past the half way line, it gives teams time to get set and we then can’t pass through them so we just knock it side ways until someone ultimately miss controls it or plays a poor pass and we lose posession.
    We also look so lightweight in the middle of the pitch.

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    in reply to: Pseudo accents #279819
    Registered On: February 1, 2019
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    In fairness to Eric Dier he spent 10 years between the ages of 7 and 17 living in Portugal so I think his accent has always been a little bit unusual.

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    in reply to: Darlo on Tuesday. #279789
    Registered On: February 1, 2019
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    I agree with a delayed K.O.
    By the time we’d got round the pitch and queued for our refund voucher it had cleared up completely and by the time we got back to the car my coat had dried out thanks to the wind!

    in reply to: Darlo on Tuesday. #279764
    Registered On: February 1, 2019
    Topics: 1

    I must say it was a strange one, we arrived at the ground about an hour before kick off and the rain was steady but not torrential, it looked a lot worse than it was because the wind made it horizontal but the actual amount of rain coming down wasn’t too bad.
    The way the stadium is laid out you enter the away end on one side of the ground near the corner flag and the seating is on the other side of the pitch so we walked almost half way round the pitch via the away end and no part of it was waterlogged and there were no signs of standing water. Players were warming up across the entire pitch (our keeper even occupying the supposed problematic centre circle for kicking practice with Fitz), the Darlo players were doing some pass and move drills down in front of us and the pitch looked fine, it was cutting up a bit but the ball was travelling without any issue, our players were doing the same in the opposite corner.
    To be honest at no point did we or anyone around us have any inkling that the game was in doubt so when someone said it was off I actually thought they were joking, by this time the rain had stopped, the skies were clear of cloud and the forecast was getting better.
    I’m no expert and I’m not saying there wasn’t water somewhere on the pitch but based on what we saw it must have been confined to a pretty small area of the pitch which perhaps could’ve been dealt with especially with no more rain coming down?
    Anyway it can’t be helped and I’m sure the decision was taken in good faith but I’ve never experienced anything quite like it.

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