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  • in reply to: Raising Money For SUFC #274515
    Registered On: May 24, 2022
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    Good idea GTFCfan .. need a strong ref ( I nominate Awaywego) and make sure he has a couple of pens for taking names.. NO knuckle dusters or VAR needed.

    I suggest something a little more within AWG’s abilities, like watching the corner flags don’t get stolen.

    in reply to: Wake me up before you go go #274176
    Registered On: May 24, 2022
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    Happy to lighten the mood a little. You have to hit rock bottom before you can begin to rise, I think the club are there now, time to climb even if it’s inch by inch.

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    in reply to: Wake me up before you go go #274103
    Registered On: May 24, 2022
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    So WHAM have split, Hilts solo career begins.

    Careless Grifter

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    in reply to: Notts County #257992
    Registered On: May 24, 2022
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    It was a free hit today and we got stuffed by the best footballing team in the division so well played to them. Disappointing for the large traveling group of Iron fans today but those saying the manager is miles out of his depth should apply the same assessment to all the other managers whose teams have been thumped at Meadow Lane this season, ridiculous comment, the gap between County and the majority of teams in this division is vast.

    A free hit. Funny that, this time last week it was ‘Caught, gutted, battered, fried and eaten all in ninety minutes, it’s a role they were born to play, well done Brighton very professional today 👏👏👏’

    A Grimsby loss to a Premier team THREE divisions higher, Iron losing by 4 to a team in the SAME division. And then doomed bottom of the division FGR ignore any free-hit nonsense by beating 2nd placed Wednesday earlier today. Free hit, pfffft; it was a chance to show guts and passion but it was boys vs men. Now it’s the inevitable ‘bounce-back’ against York, if the team go missing in that game it’s curtains and the Dorking win will look like some anomaly.

    in reply to: GTFC – FA CUP #257656
    Registered On: May 24, 2022
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    I’m sure its raised a giggle among certain sections of Iron fans but losing heavily at the end of a history-making cup run that brought in close to 1 and half million pounds won’t be as funny come the close season when they spend that money on new players as Scunny look on from the NL/NNL(?) as I think that cup money has been sidelined for the transfer kitty.
    Enjoy it but he who laughs last and all that…

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    in reply to: GTFC – FA CUP #256548
    Registered On: May 24, 2022
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    That’s right, and I came round for tea to yours and it was a shoe box in middle o’ road..

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    in reply to: GTFC – FA CUP #256531
    Registered On: May 24, 2022
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    Ok, it wasn’t a Harvey joke. Not Harvey, disabled or Katie Price related. It was a meme, it was relaying an emotion.
    I hate VAR generally, just about tolerate it in Cup games but I esriously would not want to watch VAR games week in week out.
    Daft thing is that they’ll tell you that VAR decisions will even out over time but that was said about refs in the first place.

    in reply to: GTFC – FA CUP #256511
    Registered On: May 24, 2022
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    As a reader/casual poster on here I now see how badly your posts lack any sort of validity and why why you get so few replies.
    ‘Without Var Grimsby would have lost 2-1 fair and square.’ Wow, want to read that back to yourself, unwind the tangled logic and then slap your forehead?
    ‘And your clubs Tweet about Harvey Price Richgy? Pure class.’ It’s a general meme, not directed at anyone in person, just a general reflection of someone happy about something. Either see it for that or twist it into your own miserable take,prove to all that you’re a snowflake and then, maybe, reflect on the follow up post from a Gy fan who wishes your club well.

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    in reply to: Everyone has a plan #250981
    Registered On: May 24, 2022
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    “Hang on lads, I’ve got an idea…”

    Michael Cane as his club see-saws precariously over the sheer dropto NL football.

    in reply to: Notts County #249756
    Registered On: May 24, 2022
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    The old theory of the ‘new manager bounce’ has passed. The new one is the ‘new owners with more than a shred of responsibility, dignity and business sense bounce’ which takes more time to work than the former, but is worth the wait.

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    in reply to: What is the Truth #249502
    Registered On: May 24, 2022
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    So, then. Do we all agree that Musk to replace PS would be a good call?
    He would certainly want to get rid of all dead wood, moreover, he does sell a pretty decent car.

    As long as he handed the dosh over, no strings attached and no business involvement (but then, why would he?) bc he seems to be running Twitter the same way Swann is running SUFC.

    in reply to: Played 2 – Won 2 #242382
    Registered On: May 24, 2022
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    Grimsby won their first non-league game, an away win at Crawley who were one of the favourites.
    Then the entrance to hell opened. Never take it for granted, the National League is a Frankensteins monster of a division.

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    in reply to: Mcatee to Luton #241809
    Registered On: May 24, 2022
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    McAtee shows rare loyalty by staying on for another season, bringing in a dollop of cash for them and in the main because of one factor; Hurst.
    The man sacked by Swann.Twist it how you want, it’s a(nother) good day for them, they’re not gurning, they’re rubbing their hands.

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    Registered On: May 24, 2022
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    See, this is where the failure begins. They crashed out, they let Southend, a club in a dreadful mess, overtake them. They had a decent team core?? Why was that? bc Hurst was brought in, he failed to save them but immediately brought in better players, some from the bargain bin, thinking that even if they went down they would be prepared for the opening day of the next campaign.
    Swann brought Hill in, who arsed about bringing in kids, no prepping at all for what was to come just prepping to finish the season on 26 pts, emit soundbites and shrug.
    That last sentence is bang in line with your final sentence. New personnel, top to bottom. But the emulating needed to start 3 months ago, instead it looks like the York/Stockport/close your eyes and hope spiral was adopted, the club becoming an ever more unattractive sellable asset.

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    in reply to: Is No News Good News ? #238361
    Registered On: May 24, 2022
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    Good post Beefy, I just posted similar on another thread. Wild thinking and wreckless chairman are everywhere, and the days of financial woes being solved by going round the crowd with a collection bucket are long gone, astute businessmen with a love for the game are needed.
    A very rare breed in the current game it would seem.

    Registered On: May 24, 2022
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    Hard to keep saying about keeping positive, on the one hand Scunny’s position is eerily similar to Gy’s, a wretched chairman who was too busy looking at the money at the expense of running a capable team, and both said teams crashing out of the League into potential NL oblivion…the one crucial factor is that the new Gy setup was in place as they crashed out. There was a real feeling of positivity this time last year despite the reality as the new owners immediately started putting things into place.

    No new owners for the Iron in the close season is as disastrous as it can get. Time to drop any bitter rivalry, any previous grievings, just bite the bullet and realise that Gy’s business model is the one to emulate for success, be it a quick return or the long haul.
    Fenty WAS the problem, Swann IS the problem.

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    in reply to: Real Madrid #238260
    Registered On: May 24, 2022
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    “Uefa has issued an apology to Liverpool and Real Madrid supporters as well as all other spectators caught up in the “frightening and distressing events” at last weekend’s Champions League final in Paris”

    Agreed, case closed, close it down.

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    in reply to: Real Madrid #238194
    Registered On: May 24, 2022
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    As has been stated on this thread earlier, plenty of verification from different independent journalists, tv networks plus lots of social media about what went on in Paris but if some people have an agenda about Liverpool fans then their prejudice won’t change one iota. Some people are just a sad bunch.

    And you are right. Personally it is no secret that I’m a manc. Moved to Scunthorpe aged 4 in 1970 after the closure of Manchester steel, and my dad losing his job on the blast Furness a Earlham. He went on tho work on the Anchor Site then the Pit Arch Plant. Liked to live dangerously my old man. So Man U are my second fav team. I hate the Scousers as much as I hate the Cod Heads.

    You sound 15.

    in reply to: Real Madrid #238192
    Registered On: May 24, 2022
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    in reply to: Grimsby / Wrexham #238066
    Registered On: May 24, 2022
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    Awaywego’s club sounds fantastic, absolute dream football-free bus riding sporting utopia, who does he support?

    in reply to: Real Madrid #238051
    Registered On: May 24, 2022
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    Scouse bastard? I’m neither of those. I’m someone who read the verdict of the justice system that ploughed through mountains of reports, witness statements and harrowing accounts of how football fans were let down that day, and how those in charge on that awful day were guilty of neglect and covering up.
    You, well you just read The Sun.

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    in reply to: Real Madrid #238039
    Registered On: May 24, 2022
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    Awaywego sounds like every other feckless, bitter and infantile Man Utd supporter I know. Shortly to be proven with a desperate sounding ‘I,m not a ManYoo fan..’ post from him…

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