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I think Boris was more of a Neil Cox than a Nigel Adkins!
Boris is more of a Stefan Kuntz than a Tom Watt, just. 🙂
bpg spotted in Westminster:
I saw that live and thought the same thing. 🤭
Oh and I see he’s had two edits, have another to leave a blank page. 😜1 user thanked author for this post.
‘I’m a fighter, not a quitter’.
24 hours is a long time in politics.
🤭Oh, there are plenty of things about market forces that I don’t like, TW, but I don’t think there’s a better system. In life nothing’s ever going to be perfect.
A colleague of mine, who just happens to be a socialist — doesn’t bother me and we get on very well — is a Man City season ticket holder. I tease him about the money side of Man City’s success given his political views and in true football supporter style he says: “I know, but I’m just enjoying it while it lasts”.
I’m quite sure that if the club was doing OK I’d manage to overlook a lot of other things that are wrong with the game. I’ve absolutely no idea why the club’s position has affected me so much, but it has.
I find myself in agreement with AWG in that the football is a just part of the day, but not the whole day. Yesterday was another home defeat, but a very good day out with pre and post match beers with mates in the pub. I can’t see anything any owner, or league standing, could do to change that, hopefully. 🙂
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I’ve hardly watched any football at all this season. My love for the game has evaporated. Despair at what’s happening at SUFC and despair at what’s happening to the game at all levels. I normally love the World Cup but can’t imagine watching any of it. Qatar of all places, in stadia built on modern slave labour. Money, money, money from overpaid players to hypocritical pundits.
I just wish that I no longer cared about SUFC, but in reality I do. It’s back to the bad old days, just worse.
Money, money, money indeed. Or as ‘some’ might claim, market forces. 😊
…some people believe biblical truth.
‘Some’ people believe a God made the world from nothing. Why bother with Noah’s Ark when he could have let all the animals, and humans, drown then just create them again?
Heath (and TW), if you don’t find this comment in the OP abusive then I pity you:
“Dirty filthy con men and women. Not in my lifetime has a government behaved so abominably,the worse they behave ,the more racist morons love them.”
Are you seriously saying that is acceptable? These are nasty comments. There’s no other word for them; and as usual, of course, it’s full of irony given problems Labour’s had with anti-Semitism, which is racism, and the numbers who supported them.
Do as I do with many posts (elsewhere as well as on here) and feel free to ignore it and move on with your day. Some on the left are nutters with dangerous views, some on the right are too, who knew?! 🙂
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So where does that leave people without offspring or belief in God? A meaningless life?
Childless and Godless. That life can be full and well lived but it still ends with your last breath, and there’s nothing after that.
🙂TwoWrights ,”I’ll just return to what I was ten months before I was born, nothing”.
So in your “world view “life has no ultimate meaning.
You obviously used “Laws of Logic” to come to this conclusion. Where do the laws of logic come from? If we are just created from a “Big Bang” ( how can you get life from non-life?), where do the laws of logic come from?? Once you think about this question your presuppositions will be in exposed as foolishness.Life has but the one meaning, to produce the next generation, every thing else is just detail.
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Greylag- “So Christianity is not a man-made religion?”
No ,it’s not.
The only time God has revealed Himself in “time”, is in Jesus Christ. He proved He was God in human form by performing miracles,brought the dead back to life ,died on the Cross and rose again to prove who He was. God’s command is to repent and have faith in the only mediator between God and Man(Jesus Christ)to receive the undeserved gift of Grace and Eternal life in Heaven.3-2-1 you’re back in the room! When I shuffle off I won’t be having eternal life, I’ll just return to what I was ten months before I was born, nothing.
So Swanny can publish or say what he wants with impunity? Yet others have their hands tied by confidentiality agreement, By he’s a powerful man why would we want rid, so clever than everyone else a messiah.
This is exactly what the Allams did at Hull City with various ‘buyers’ that came and went. They even managed to trouser a six million quid non-refundable deposit.
All the evidence suggests the parties haven’t been interested in growth for the last 20 years or so. The usual suspects on here all want higher spending without austerity but that’s impossible if you don’t generate the wealth required to fund it.
This is why Truss is taking a big political risk, but she’s doing it for exactly the right reasons. If it comes off — and it could — you’re likely to see the opinion polls changing just as fast as they have in recent weeks, only in the other direction.
I’ll give you my opinion of Truss and her ilk, removed from the masses gits! Mrs Two’s mother had a fall earlier this year, I took her to a&e and after a six hour wait (pretty quick these days!) the doctor told us it was just soft tissue damage and there was no need for an x-ray and just to use something like Ralgex, so we took her home. Two days later she deteriorated so we called 111 and they advised calling for an ambulance, twelve hours later one turned up, then followed a four and a half hour wait outside a&e with another seventeen ambulances. An x-ray showed she’d broken her hip!
Yesterday a good friend of mine knew he was having a heart attack so called 999, they asked him if anyone could go to him until an ambulance could get there, his wife rushed home from work and had to give him CPR until the ambulance got there ‘just’ one hour later, absolutely disgusting in both cases.
I’m sure you’ll have all the answers to improve matters but I have just one. Make it mandatory that all politicians have to solely use the NHS for the rest of their life with private treatment banned, on pain of a jail sentence. I have a suspicion that things would improve, and improve somewhat rapidly.The drive to net-zero has created huge problems for the western world. Renewable wind and solar energy sound great in theory but their inherent intermittency makes generating electricity at the levels required for national grids both wasteful and expensive.
First, national grid supplies require a steady base load, which renewables cannot provide without hugely expensive battery support. Second, changes in demand mean high levels of capacity are required at very short notice, which means back-up for renewables must be maintained at high ‘spinning levels’ to accommodate the unpredictability of their supply. Third, drops in wind and/or sunshine can happen unpredictably over prolonged periods of time, during which even the biggest batteries would be unable to cope, meaning total capacity back-up is required. In simple terms, all of this means creating two national grid supplies. As well as being uneconomic this is also hugely wasteful in resources and energy.
On top of this, wind turbines require large quantities of materials, from steel to cement that need huge amounts of energy to manufacture and build as well as to site and secure. Offshore they damage large areas of the seabed while the harsh environment in which they operate demands high levels of maintenance. Onshore and offshore wind turbines kill significant numbers of birds. Solar panels are well-suited to domestic use but at national grid levels require large amounts of land, which takes valuable farmland and destroys habitats.While renewables can provide useful sources of electricity, at the scale required for national grids they are unlikely ever to become economic, even given likely developments in battery and other storage technology. The only practical and viable source to fossil fuels for producing electricity is nuclear power.
It will be many decades before fossil fuels can be phased out.
Tell that to those that have been in power in this country for the last decade and a quarter.
How very odd, no mention of ‘magic money trees’, or ‘our grandchildren will be paying this debt off’ from the usual suspect. Imagine the howls of protest from him if Labour had borrowed (to invest in infrastructure and job creation) just a fraction of what the Tories had. Hey ho, same as it ever was.
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Be hoped to bring some Turkish Delight but it’s turning into a bitter chocolate taste in the Tigers mouth.
Not quite yet, but I never trust any football club owner. 🙂
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Honeymoon slowly but surely coming to an end for the Turkish owner. 🙂
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1) Get a vane Patsy to cosplay as Thatcher and back her.
3)Payback is have her tank the economy and devalue the pound to dollar
3) Ivite us mates in to rape the NHS cheaplyNeeds further modification. 🙂
September 29, 2022 at 1:02 am in reply to: The Tory, Oops, I mean Labour Conference is Going Well #245728I can forgive Boris anything.
Many will never forgive him having piss ups with his mates while they couldn’t visit a sickrelative in hospital, and if they died then had to arrange a funeral where only six could attend.
Abridged version, Boris was is and always will be a cun…I am not having it that Shrewsbury, Birmingham or Hereford are northern! :-)
Gloucester City play in the National League North, and I can remember Cambridge United playing in the northern section of the JPT, bizarre. 🙄
Not read it yet but I will. I’m fairly sure parts of their terracing is still there in a public park. Several YouTube videos about it, Footy Adventures is a decent YouTuber. 🙂
Well, it’s a good job Scunny is further north than mouth of the Humber, eh? ;-)
Anywhere south of that is practically French! 😜
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I thought he went on to support Exeter?
Indeed he did, mea culpa.
..and we voted to secure our borders with the Brexit vote,but the Tories didn’t implement our wishes because the “Establishment”were adamant Remainers ,and were determined to go against our wishes.
No crisis here as the Lord will provide.
Anywhere south of the Humber is southern. ;-)
Wonder is Spireiron will be there, or perhaps he’s found another team to ‘support’? No😜
“Dennis Moore, Dennis Moore, riding through the sward.
Dennis Moore, Dennis Moore, on his horse Concord.
He steals from the poor and he gives to the rich.
Stupid bitch!”
Monty Python’s Flying Circus.
Your lupins or your life.
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Well, the ref has just blown for half time, in what must have been the worst performance by a Scunny team in many a year, they have been overrun by a part time team who are 0-2 in front, but according to the commentators, it should be 5 or 6 to the part timers, Scunny have reached an all time low, and have not really had a shot on the Dorking goal, the players have just gone off to a really good ringing of boo’s from the die hards that still are prepared to bother to turn up to watch thus pathetic shower.
How bloody low can our once great little club sink. only this week fans were yelling how things are much better, that was after a couple of draws which were following six straight losses, so just another round of boo’s from the fans, and another round in 45 minutes time, then back home sick as parrots and get ready for thew next home game, and the two away matches that are coming up for about 200 usual nut heads.
The very first protest at a match against the Allams saw Hull almost immediately score a goal. That pished on the ‘protests distract the players’ argument. That said owners usually go at a time of their own choice, I doubt Swann will be any different. 🙂
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I see the dole queue in London is 4.4 miles long!
I’m guessing it’s the dole queue as these people obviously have no jobs to go to.
I couldn’t get to London so I paused my tv and slowly walked past it. 👑
Speaking of such, I see Alex Belfield is to be sentenced this coming Friday. What a conman he turned out to be.
That Belfield went way OTT ,the bit about harrassing his pregnant wife and stealing pics of one of his victims kids to use as a video header went beyond decency and led to a real sense of threat to his family, .I cannot believe that anyone is defending him but there are morons out there victim shaming.
Belfield is an odious gobshite, but in my opinion five and a half years is it too long.