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Just as odd, TW, you won’t find any posts on here criticising a Labour MP. In fact I don’t recall ever seeing criticism of a Labour MP on here from the usual suspects.
Clearly, they’re all perfect.
Who are the usual suspects?
Of course all Labour MPs are perfect, well, according to you lot. Yeah, right.
Nope, I can’t seem to find that particular post by anyone on here, how odd. 💩
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..can an adult human female have a penis?
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I’d have been surprised if you didn’t use the term ‘usual suspects’!
William Hill’s have just lengthened the odds.
Any deal should include the stadium, we all know what sort of problems can arise if a stadium is separated from a club.
The high handed arrogance of Buck’s posts remains the one constant on these boards over many years, luckily the majority will just spend time dismissing them with the contempt they deserve. Dear dear me Buck’s, what are you like
Entirely predictable, you usual suspect. ;-)
Coming soon to the Non Football section, a non supercilious post from Bucksiron, William Hills are giving generous odds for this decade. 😜
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Sorry to hear you have serious issues Buck’s, take care
Wonder if I’m the only one that had to go back through the posts before the penny dropped. :-)
I’m not going to get involved in personal comments about BPG. I’m simply pointing out that society is heading in a dangerous direction with many freedoms in danger of being removed.
It’s unlikely to be too long before we’re told when we can and can’t use various appliances in our own homes, told when and where we can drive our cars and even what we should and shouldn’t be eating.
These are serious issues.
Whereas I’m of the opinion none of those things will happen. As ever, time will tell.
Anyone know what’s happening with his hotel in Blackpool? Not a great time to be opening a “high class” venue, especially in Blackpool. Just hope he’s better at running hotels than he is at running football clubs.
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I see the Royal Mint have now begun manufacturing new 50p pieces, wonder if they have a chip in them for tap and go payments?! ;-)
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Huddersfield Town put up for sale today, and Wigan rumoured to have yet more financial troubles. Strike while the iron is hot Mr Chairman?
Crikey, watched that once a while back (I think – not clicking on it). Not going back there!
Viewing is not necessary, the thumbnail tells all.
Axing ReesMogg.Snidy little tory scumbag lining his own pockets while playing Westminster games,.I don’t know how you define insider trading but you have wonder if being an “investor” is the right or fair job for a minister
Man of the people, that’s Jacob.
If I had to compare BPG to a film character he would be Aunt Sylvia from This Happy Breed, she’s a Bible passage ranting fruitcake too. 😜
He’s certainly got something. 😜
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The most evil act in the world was the killing of Christ on the Cross- God’s only Son.
This is an example (I could name more) of God allowing evil to take place .The perpetrators meant it for evil but God meant it for good.
The intention of God to fulfill His purposes is clearly seen in Christ dying on the Cross. His Glory is shown by His love for anyone repenting and putting their faith in the only mediator between God and Man- Jesus Christ.
Trying to claim because evil exists ,God is not “loving” is wrong.
God has sufficient reason for evil to exist but isn’t the author of evil ,His appearance in Time and love for Mankind is clearly seen in giving us the unbelievable gift of Grace to anyone who will repent and put their faith in JesusChrist.Many would argue, reasonably, that drowning every single human on the planet, bar eight, is a tad more evil than just a single death. If you believe in him it’s not the first, or last, time he’s been naughty. Have a skim through the ‘good book’ for a response. 🙂
“Time “your” God started showing some mercy”
Every day you “spit in His face”,are hostile to Him, and rebel in your unrighteousness and sinfulness He is showing mercy to you.He even allowed His only Son to die on the Cross in order for you to be reconciled to Him.I have little doubt many Christians in the concentration camps never spat in his face, the face he turned away from them, how merciful. Your serve.
TwoWrights- who are YOU to be judge and jury of the “Potter who created you!”
Who are YOU “the lump of clay who the Potter created “ answering back to your Creator?? Your rebellion and suppression of the truth you know by revelation is clearly seen. God so loves you he sent His Son as a substitutionary atonement for your sins.
Read the Bible and ask yourself “Who was Jesus Christ”?
God is rich in mercy and Grace.I’m just one insignificant git amongst billions, but like everyone else special in their own way. Time ‘your’ God started showing some mercy, he could start in somewhere like Afghanistan, then again he could have used his omnipotence to have made sure the Taliban were among the one in four pregnancies that end in miscarriage. Omnipotent, merciful and graceful, I should coco.
I can imagine Boothferry Park in its heyday was quite the sight. Am I right that by the end, the stand down one side of the pitch had been condemned?
It was closed for a while but then got a safety certificate, but just for a few hundred.
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TwoWrights-“What does a stillborn child have to repent”. NOTHING.
Remember God is a “just” God.
Noted you put “stillborn child”.
Even though you state the child is “ dead at birth”,you still classed the unborn as a child.
The unborn child needs protection . Millions of unborn children have been killed in the womb unfortunately.Given that ‘your’ omnipotent God allows one in four pregnancies to end in miscarriage methinks ‘he’ has much repenting to do.
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Quality oxymoron there TW.
How do you feel now looking back at Boothferry Park? Do you miss it? I always found it a bit of a hole, in that crappy supermarket end, but then I find the KC very sterile and bland. Not sure if I’d want to watch football there every week.
Like many grounds it was well past its best, and a reminder of what could have been. At one time it was on the shortlist for the 1966 World Cup, had its own large covered gym, four covered stands three with seats in them, train halt and state of the art floodlights. All in all though the best thing that happened was the new ground, which is now also showing its age and is in need of overdue maintenance. Perhaps the new owner will stump up, after all this week he bought a 20 million quid yacht, cost of living crisis eh?! I actually prefer the MKM and am still with the same old gits like myself from Boothferry Park!
Trivia question, what was the only top flight league match to be played at Boothferry Park?1 user thanked author for this post.
..”isn’t that what your mate Jesus preached”?
God’s command is repent and put your faith in the only mediator between God and Man – Jesus Christ.
God’s eternal power and divine nature are clearly seen,so you will be without excuse on judgement day.What does a stillborn child have to repent?
Some good memories there. I’ve visited all of those league stadiums, and also Penrith, in the F A Cup, where I had a copper stood with me for nearly all the match. He told me he recognized me as a Carlisle United hooligan, police intelligence eh?! 🤭
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Have a bit more to say but have made myself late for the Hospital. A minor op today … if I make it through I will add a final bit later
Best wishes and hope everything goes well. 👍
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Look on the bright side chaps, they’ll be an election eventually, just after Penny’s turn in Number 10. 😜
It’s a bit like a football club being a member of the F.A. or the Football League. If you want to compete with other clubs, you can’t just make up your own rules on say, the size of the goal…
‘Some’ have recently tried doing just that! 😊🐯
Nici is also a great friend to Angela Rayner, *****. I’m very tempted to visit her returning hall on election night. 💩
So funny if it happens not for you lot makes me laugh
King of the tipsters, not. :-)
Actually matched Cloughie at Leeds!
The Damned Disunited?
You can take all your tax rises, tax cuts, two year energy caps, six months energy caps, 2019 manifesto, and chuck ’em in the bin. Oh…