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Just so I’m not mistaken, is this Herbert character the guy who became best mates with Hilton, took over the Facebook group, tried to get peoples addresses, made veiled threats and is on crown court bail for some sort of football related criminal charge ?
yes, he’s due in Minshall street crown court in April, where he will not only receive a football banning order but highly likely a jail sentence.
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Officially…… Yes he is banned.
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I spoke to Paul Hurrell on the subject of Herbert the other week.
He told me he had been told to keep away from GP for his own safety.
Apparently, there’s members on the Facebook forum not happy with him.Same as Hilton’s but his got the transfer embargo lifted as well.
Not completely true.
Hilton used part of the funds that were in the clubs account to part pay the HMRC debt and come to a monthly payment arrangement, which incidentally he didn’t stick to hence the new application for a winding up order.
Because of the arrangement the transfer embargo was lifted.
The statement by Hilton that we were days away from being wound up wasn’t true either, no judge in the history of football has ever wound a club up on the first application for a winding up order, they are always given time to pay.
Southend is a prime example, research will show you other clubs have never been wound up at the first application either.2 users thanked author for this post.
Do they still sell scarfs NI? One of the debts was reportedly from Macron for unsold scarfs. Never wore one since the red and white days when you had to wear it round your wrist.
The debt to Macron was for an unpaid invoice for kit followed by being sued for breach of contract when Hilton turned to Kelme as Macron wouldn’t supply this seasons kit as the club hadn’t paid their invoice.
The CCJ for unpaid scarves was from a different supplier.1 user thanked author for this post.
It doesn’t disappoint me Cass we all have different views, I just can’t forgive Turnbull for threatening the protesters with police action after telling me personally he was in it for the fans, and I don’t trust Sharp if he gets fed up he’s made it quite clear he wants the money he puts in back
Two things in response:-
There is little doubt in my mind that LT was a mouthpiece and spoke under instruction. I’d consider what he told you represents his true feelings.
If Ian Sharpe loaned the money to pay the wages then of course he would expect it back. We don’t know the terms of the arrangement do we?I can and will answer this.
The money the club received from Ian Sharp was a loan, it was entered into the clubs accounts as a loan, I know this to be a fact and have seen it.
It was never a gift, it was never intended to be a gift.
There’s only ever been one person that ever claimed that it wasn’t a loan and that was Hilton and he has been proved more than once to be economical with the truth!4 users thanked author for this post.
Looking at all this from a different angle.
IB has posted a lot on here, always anti Hilton and the vast majority on here want to crucify him but what he’s posted he’s always backed it up with proof.
The vast majority has turned out to be true, the remainder that hasn’t been proved but may yet prove to be true.
Today, Hilton makes a statement on many things but without any proof, these are all things that he claims are going to happen but as yet none proven.
You’re all taking his word for it.
I don’t know IB, regardless of whether he has a personal agenda to do with Hilton matters not, he has a track record of his claims coming true, ask yourself does Hilton have the same track record?2 users thanked author for this post.
Most of the ‘rumours’ discussed on here look to be based on fact- including the 2,500 cap that was dismissed as rubbish in the Facebook group. I’ll look forward to reading the apology later.
Perhaps David only thinks these have truth because he’s been drinking at the Malt Shovel. :-)
Perhaps if he calls in to check for rumours Pat O’ Fake can introduce us to each other.
August 24, 2023 at 11:13 am in reply to: 17/08/23 – County Court Judgement – £14,591.00 – Case No. K1QZ9Z77 #270197I spoke to SNOT at glanford park before a number of games last season, I am not a liar! FACT.
The only fool who needs help is you Prat O’ Fake.
I stopped attending matches towards the end of the Swann era due to a deep mistrust of the way he was running our club, at the beginning of December when Sharp and Elliott announced the demise of Swann I resumed attending.
13 home games where I sat in the main stand in row G, I drank at the bar in the exec lounge before and after games.
I also attended 5 away games last season.
Those FACTS don’t align with Prat O’ Fakes agenda.You’ve quoted the wrong person
I haven’t, I purposely didn’t quote Prat O’ Fakes lies.
August 24, 2023 at 10:53 am in reply to: 17/08/23 – County Court Judgement – £14,591.00 – Case No. K1QZ9Z77 #270190I spoke to SNOT at glanford park before a number of games last season, I am not a liar! FACT.
The only fool who needs help is you Prat O’ Fake.
I stopped attending matches towards the end of the Swann era due to a deep mistrust of the way he was running our club, at the beginning of December when Sharp and Elliott announced the demise of Swann I resumed attending.
13 home games where I sat in the main stand in row G, I drank at the bar in the exec lounge before and after games.
I also attended 5 away games last season.
Those FACTS don’t align with Prat O’ Fakes agenda.August 24, 2023 at 10:00 am in reply to: 17/08/23 – County Court Judgement – £14,591.00 – Case No. K1QZ9Z77 #270178I couldn’t confirm he was called Andy before but given my comment has been deleted, that confirms it is to me.
The only thing it confirms is that admin have deleted your post naming a forum member, as they do with any others that attempt to name someone.
By your own admission, you don’t know the identity of said forum member do you?Retired ex councillors?
Retired fork lift instructors?August 23, 2023 at 3:53 pm in reply to: 17/08/23 – County Court Judgement – £14,591.00 – Case No. K1QZ9Z77 #270111Just what club is that I know who I support have grave doubts about you
Read that three times now and still can’t make head nor tail of it
This is Prat O’ Fakes new best friend and source of misinformation that claims I only attended one game last season.
Info that is completely false, I’m baffled by his agenda, no doubt he’ll find a new target to attempt to discredit when he realises his new best friend is as barmy as he is.I’ll give our current owner his dues, he doesn’t give up does he.
In December it’ll be rebranded to the “5 Club”Hmm.
He didn’t call my bluff, I didn’t need to provide any evidence, it was out there for all to see if they could be bothered to look.
It’s still out there now and now others have looked and found it.Transport booked.
Hopefully a positive outcome for SUFC..
I’m waiting for him to provide a link I’m sure he will, bet he takes balloons and a kazoo.
A link to what?
Remind me I’ve slept since the last Spanish Inquisition.pity you don’t share the same enthusiasm watching the Iron.
I do,I sincerely hope that we continue to play the remainder of the season at GP and for many seasons after.
You’re taking the word of an idiot from another thread claiming I don’t attend matches, I can assure you I do.
As already explained, I haven’t this season, I’m waiting for the outcome next Tuesday before I return to GP.Update.
The case is now to be heard in open court next Tuesday.
Train booked.August 21, 2023 at 3:43 pm in reply to: 09/08/23 – County Court Judgement – £1,547.00 – Case No. K5AA1W08 #269963Why can I not publicly name the party involved?
Because if the debt is satisfied within 30 days then the CCJ will not be made public and wiped from the record.
If it isn’t satisfied then it will be made public for all to see, in which case there will be no need for me to name the creditor.Not true “FACT!”
CCJs and your credit rating
If you get a county court judgment (CCJ) or a high court judgment, it will stay on the Register of Judgments, Orders and Fines for 6 years.Banks and loan companies use this information to decide whether to give you credit or loans.
If you pay the full amount within one month, you can get the judgment removed from the register.
Write to the court to say you’ve paid. You’ll need to send proof of payment from the person or business you owed money to.
If you pay after one month
If you pay after one month, you can get the record of the judgment marked as ‘satisfied’ in the register.It will stay on the register for 6 years but people searching the register will see that you’ve paid.
Write to the court to say you’ve paid. You’ll need to send proof of payment from the person or business you owed money to.
It goe4s on record straight away according to the government
This is what I stated.
“If the debt is satisfied within 30 days then the CCJ will not be made public and wiped from the record”
This is what 64 quoted from the government site “ If you pay the full amount within one month, you can get the judgement removed from the register”Slightly different wording, exactly the same meaning, FACT.
I don’t need to but I’m going to quash some of the absolute crap that Prat O Fake is spouting.
Yes I am a supporter, I have been for near on 60 years, I’m also a shareholder and have been for many years.
Do I attend games, last season I did, prior to that I didn’t because of a dislike of the way Swann was running the club I’ve supported since I was a child.
This season, there’s only been 2 home games (pre season I never attend), I haven’t attended because of a mistrust of Hilton and refuse to line his pockets.
Once the outcome of next weeks court case become clear or Hilton pays Swann I will start attending again.
As for Pat O Fake stating on another thread that I don’t know who the creditor for the CCJ is, yes I do know, what annoys him is that he doesn’t know and he can’t handle the fact that someone knows something he doesn’t.I see Scunthorpe’s top lad on the clappers page has picked up on this and is claiming he’s going to Leeds to report live on the case.
2 things.
Firstly, reporting live on a county court case will see him locked up for contempt.
Secondly, the case is being heard in chambers and there’s no public access.What happened to the previous accountant? I thought the club were using Dave’s Ilkeston Town accountant a while back? Seems like a high turnover of staff going on.
You’re right, Dave’s mate came to deal with the clubs finances.
He’s gone, he wasn’t here very long.
Extremely concerning as wages are due in a week, also could it be sheer coincidence that the club were advertising his position the day before the CCJ was registered?New vacancy.
For the second time in a matter of months there is a vacancy for a club accountant.August 20, 2023 at 6:40 pm in reply to: 09/08/23 – County Court Judgement – £1,547.00 – Case No. K5AA1W08 #269893Why can I not publicly name the party involved?
Because if the debt is satisfied within 30 days then the CCJ will not be made public and wiped from the record.
If it isn’t satisfied then it will be made public for all to see, in which case there will be no need for me to name the creditor.August 20, 2023 at 3:58 pm in reply to: 09/08/23 – County Court Judgement – £1,547.00 – Case No. K5AA1W08 #269886The CCJ was for a supplier during the current owners tenure, FACT.
Was he given ample notice that a claim was to be made, yes, FACT.
Did he ignore it, yes, FACT.
Do I know who that supplier is, yes I do , FACT.
Can I divulge that publicly, no that would be wrong and I’m not prepared to do that, FACT.
Do I care if the usual suspect don’t believe me, no I don’t.Revert to type, along comes Iron-Bore spouting his usual bile like a deranged stalker.
You’re confusing me with someone who cares, do with the information relating to the new case number and court date as you wish.
It’s FACT.It’s the case number for Coolsilk v Scunthorpe United to decide whether the club play at GP or not.