Apologies, your absolutely rite. The keys are in the ignition to drive him anywhere my self!!!
He’s the worst version of Jamie Vardy. Shouldn’t be near the first 11 for me. Get him gone as soon as we get and offer over £150!!!!
Given our current state I think thinking about getting back anywhere near the football league is somewhat getting ahead of ourselves!!! Just having a club to go and support is a far bigger thing to be pleased and giddy about at the moment!!!!
He’s no hair but we don’t care , Timmy, Timmy Clark!!! By far my favourite time watching the iron. I’d take those days above the Championship days even!! Just ace!!!
Whether you like players of Nuttall’s type or not. It’s always handy for clubs at our level to have a long ball type of outlet when under pressure at the back. The fear now is anything long will just come straight back to our flakey looking defence to deal with. I’m a strong believer at this level that there’s nothing wrong with old school tactics of a big un and a little un. Let’s see what, if anything comes in to replace him…….
Minimum expectation is maximum effort. No different to what I tell my kids!!