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  • in reply to: Catering Point a Joke #267358
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Are you on something?…. I answered very clearly that I don’t know if Mr Hilton reads my comments.
    I don’t spend my life on his knee, or him mine.
    And so what, if he does know I put old misery Deerey me in his place?…
    If Deereyme wants to try and put me down he should expect a response… and he got one!…. and it’s nothing to do with hilton or you.
    What I wrote is 100 % true, unlike Deerymes crap.

    in reply to: Catering Point a Joke #267355
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    I don’t know?…
    He may well read this forum, and if so I don’t have a problem with that.
    I am answerable to no person, and I write what I like regardless of who I know, or don’t know.
    My words are my own and not representing anyone else.
    If Mr Hilton doesn’t like my comments on here that’s his bad luck, he has no control over me, as I don’t over him.

    in reply to: Catering Point a Joke #267351
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Slagging off?
    Do you mean telling the truth about one of your fans that posts absolute negativity day in day out.. and mentioned me yet again today… BEFORE I replied back to him and about him.
    Seems your OK with his comment about me.but not a reply to put him in his place?… he shouldn’t comment about me and expect no reply!..

    in reply to: Catering Point a Joke #267349
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    If you have no interest in anything I have to say… why do you read my posts?….
    Look forward to your answer if there is one?

    in reply to: Catering Point a Joke #267347
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Too be honest… your out of the same stable as him
    I take no notice of people like you, in fact I pity you if anything.

    in reply to: Catering Point a Joke #267344
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    I would not concern yourself too much with the catering at Glandford Park, you are very unlikely to ever cross paths with it, as you do not attend games as you are not a supporter of Scunthorpe United!… a supporter attends games, pays at the turnstile to support the club and spends a few quid in there on food and beers.. you don’t contribute one penny!… you are a fan Mr Deereyme.. not a supporter.. unlike some of the people you slag of, who pay good money to follow the Iron.
    Just hope you don’t decide to follow Ilkeston with your financial contribution, we wouldn’t be able to buy a corner flag with it! Stop all your crap posts to cause unrest among genuine fans… and give everyone a break from your negative posts day in day out!
    Take a holiday somewhere away from your keyboard!

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    in reply to: Ilkeston #267015
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    No connection to Ilkeston?… if it wasn’t for the fact the Ilkeston town Chairman saved your club there wouldn’t be a Scunthorpe Utd!!!
    Think I will log out here for a good while and avoid silly comments like yours.

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    in reply to: Ilkeston #267008
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    S N O T
    I do not disagree with most of what you say, you are obviously a good lifelong supporter of the club, well done with that.
    What I don’t agree with you is how this guy was/is allowed to proceed with his persnal agenda, using Scunthorpe United as his medium to spout his abuse and allegations, it was blatenly obvious from day one that he could not give a toss if it destabilised your club(or closed it), it would not have happened at Ilkeston, he would have been off loaded very quickly.
    Yes of course you are entitled to wonder why Hilton brought the club, I wonder why Abramovich brought Chelsea, and the Arabs brought Newcastle?.. the difference is I can not get the chance to ask them?,(not that I actually care) whereas you have had that chance according to your post.
    My son at Ilkeston gets asked almost daily about the club, most of it is positive, sometimes negative, but never abusive, he explains things the best he can, whether it be signings, forward planning,etc and although not always the answers wanted, nobody goes onto social media to air grievances either way.
    Here at Scunthorpe social media is a very prominent part of the club, which in my opinion is not always a good thing, mainly because negative issues seem to occupy far more posts than positive ones.
    To me, it seems that Whatever Hilton does, or doesn’t do, is praised,or criticised, by one half of the supporters or the other half!…. you must admit that can be very tedious for anyone, when it is endless don’t you think ?…
    I know personally he spend a lot of time and effort trying to get through all the issues, and it can not be forgotten he has a missus and three young kids, that would be a lot for most people,me certainly, never mind trying to sort the mess at Scunthorpe without some guy pushing negative posts daily we have all seen more times than the wife recently.
    Best wishes

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    in reply to: Good day out #267002
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    That would be great, look forward to seeing you.
    I will post when I know the matches I am attending, I have to make sure it does not clash with Ilkeston or if I have a function on an evening I would like to attend, but hopefully it won’t be so long, I have enjoyed every match watching Scunthorpe, being honest not with the standard of football but the passion of the fans, I always mix at games and interact with anyone standing near me, especially at the bar!

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    in reply to: Good day out #267001
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Hi 64
    Fair point, but in fairness to myself I have recently been attending Scunthorpe games(home and Away)
    And many people like our Ilkeston fans attend Forest/Derby games as well as Ilkeston… not sure if that makes me a Scunny fan or not?… but sure makes me more qualified to post than someone who wouldn’t be able to find Scunthorpe on a map.. not a dig at you, just a valid point in my opinion.

    in reply to: Good day out #266998
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Your name changed because of predictive text, and I did not read before sending.. so sorry my fault for not checking.
    I think you maybe are reading my texts as they are sent?, mainly because written words have little or no inflection?
    I do respect you, and you are very welcome to yout opinions, they are not offensive in any way, even if I don’t agree with them all.
    You have stated you do not get to so many matches and sometimes because of finances, that’s fine (and honest as well, not so many people would say that)
    You are welcome to come as my guest to the next Scunthorpe match I attend, I will buy your ticket and pay your taxi there and back, and we can discuss our disagreements in a friendly manner and hopefully put them to bed…and if we don’t I will shake your hand and wish you well… up to you, I keep my word with everything.
    Ps I am not so tech savvy and would have sent this as a private message if it was possible… I don’t know?… some sites you can

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    in reply to: Ilkeston #266996
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    More chance of the world exploding than him turning up at a match and asking Hilton to his face anything he has concerns about?…. but why not?. Others have, and been no problems…

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    in reply to: Good day out #266993
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Sideline… how can I possibly be abusing a Scunny fan?…. did you not read he has NOTHING to do with Scunthorpe …ask him on here, see if he answers the truth of where he is from?

    in reply to: Good day out #266992
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    If your paper boy kept pushing the same newspaper through your door.. you would stop him posting wouldn’t you?…
    Maybe that’s what’s happened here?

    in reply to: Good day out #266987
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    I think you have missed the point, I don’t have any problem with people questioning Hiltons tenure, and if they actually attended games they could ask him themselves, to me it seems it is the people who don’t move far from there keyboards on match days that make the most noise… not those that spend time and money supporting thier club, the good fans I seem to bump in to at matches.

    in reply to: Good day out #266986
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Well Done to this site, a credit to you.
    I have just seen you have taken his repeated (many, many, times) anti hilton post off…. I was wondering how it was being allowed day in day out?

    in reply to: Good day out #266933
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Hi awaywego and MK Iron.
    (Said in fun) I know someone who has got all the boxes so think it won’t be a problem.. maybe if they are all full we can have the boardroom.
    (Confident there won’t be a problem)
    I will go through your fixtures later and see how they correspond with Ilkestons midweek fixtures and maybe find a suitable match?
    Our fixtures throw up us at Whitby new years day, missus was not pleased about, but is now, as week have booked in a hotel for 3 days new year at whitby, she is not interested in football but is a champions league standard shopper so she is going to give Whitby a bash…me, I just hope the shops are shut!

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    in reply to: Good day out #266923
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Hi MK Iron
    It was a pleasure to meet you and awaywego Saturday.
    Just wished we had more time to socialise, trade our football life stories and basically enjoy a bite to eat and a few drinks.
    I did of course realise you both were aware that it was not so easy with how busy it was, however I intend to come to some of Scunnys games when possible (possibly mid week evening match)… and we can meet again and have some social time swapping experiences, and considering we are of the same generation it should be an interesting exchange… that’s how I found the situation to be when mixing with Scunny supporter’s at the games I have attended, I would also like to meet pat’o’cake who posts on here, his posts are very good and think he would be good company as well
    I will get us one of the boxes in the stand to watch the game if you 3(pat o cake included if he wants?) and the young lad fancy it?…. that way we can have a few beers, dine out and down watch the game at the same time…but of course I understand if you want to stay in your season ticket stands.
    I am quite pleased at the many pleasant comments from an awful lot of fans who enjoyed their visit to Ilkeston across this and other forums, that is how football fans should interact before and after the game, but of course sworn enemies for the 90 mins in between, we at Ilkeston realise we are a small club and Scunthorpe are far bigger, so it our pleasure to host clubs like yourself as we did Saturday, there was a lot of banter between the supporters not only at my outlets but at the bar as well…. all good natured and not one unpleasant incident all day….. that’s nice to see.

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    in reply to: Closing academy #266834
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    I leave you boys to it I think, you don’t ever seem to have made a bad job of ripping each apart for the 99% of the time I am not on this forum.. and trying to rip me for the 1% I am on.

    in reply to: Closing academy #266829
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Maybe it is Swsnny or his family who post anonymously?… who knows?

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    in reply to: Closing academy #266822
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Yes you are correct, I am the father of the Ilkeston chairman, never hid the faCt and as far as I am aware it’s not a crime?… I also post under Patrick…my name IS Patrick and I have always made it very clear I am associated with Ilkeston…. so let’s see?… how many on here only post anonymously… well I can tell you… the ones that cricise everything, slag off moderate people or comments… and thrive on negativity, they must be devastated today that Scunny won, played well and kept a clean sheet, not so much to moan about today, probably sitting at home and stamping their feet in frustration at a little bit of success and positivity.
    Yes I did know Hilton was buying the club…is that a problem?…
    Had anyone been at the game yesterday they could have had a word with Dave at anytime, he was not hiding and spoke to several people from all quarters… like myself.
    So anyone wanting to ask me anything…feel free I am here all the time at Ilkeston, I don’t and never have hidden behind a keyboard like the swanny fans..
    I am a football and respect other fans as well.

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    in reply to: Ilkeston #266821
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    That canal is quite handy actually, we throw our unused bread rolls from yesterday to the ducks when our fresh rolls are delivered at about 10am…. we are certain they can tell the time as they are always there about then but not the rest of the day??

    in reply to: Closing academy #266806
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Hi Richgy
    I agree with all you say about the academy….but not at the level Scunny are at the moment, get back in the league and go for it.
    But not when the club is just crawling off the floor financially…plus it will have some funding when back in the league.
    Also why don’t the people who rant and rave about no academy pay for it if they want it that much…. deafening silence coming I think?

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    in reply to: Closing academy #266800
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Yes your right, but why would you let an unknown person/persons spout out pages and pages of abuse day after day, sometimes hour after hour on this Scunthorpe forum?…
    And then some established members on here were sucked in by him easier than a clapped out Dyson, then they started singing from the same hymn sheet and joining the witch hunt against Dave hilton?… and not have the Brains to see that if they allowed it to bring hHilton down it would also bring Scunthorpe down…or to put it more simply..
    If they did the donkey work to drive hilton over a cliff for some anonymous poster, whilst they may have Hilton in the back seat as the car goes over the cliff…. SCUNTHORPE WOULD BE IN THE BOOT… and the dopey idiot driving would have the mentality of a Kamikaze pilot, a suicide bomber, or a turkey voting for Christmas… unless of course they could not give two hosts about scunny utd?

    in reply to: Closing academy #266796
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Hi Ironfromafar
    I am not certain but did hear 1200 and people say they expected more Scunny fans..will check today and come back to you later…

    in reply to: Closing academy #266793
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Without wanting to sound rude, of you have not seen the abuse and insults on a daily basis to hilton and Dean you must be living on Mars…. or need an appointment at Specsavers.
    He has been called a drug dealer, money launderer in Spain, fraudster, and the usual suspects would have in jailed if his library books were a day late…. sorry it has not been criticism or debate but pure hatred especially on this forum.

    in reply to: Closing academy #266789
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Hi Siderite
    Which translates to me that the penny has dropped eventually where running a pointless academy at our level is potty… as my Grandmother used to say.
    As for the way he handled it …. well he always seemed by be deluged with abuse before he got the first sentence out…. BY THE USUAL SUSPECTS!

    in reply to: Ilkeston #266788
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Thank you for your kind words, really nice to meet you.
    I was impressed with your grandsons enthusiasm, so much so that I am going to send him the latest Ilkeston Town shirt and get it signed by all our players, making him an honourly Ilkeston fan
    The look on his face sitting in the players dugout seat was great to see, only eclipsed by the wider grin when he saw the Scunny players approaching him in the restricted area he wouldn’t normally be allowed in…
    I love kids enthusiasm!
    Send your details to Patrick
    Ilkeston football club
    Awsworth Rd
    De7 8jf
    As I said yesterday, when I next come to Scunthorpe we will meet up and I will have a word with Dave Hilton and see if I can get him in the players lounge after the game ?
    With you of course.

    in reply to: Closing academy #266784
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Hi awaywego
    Very nice to meet you yesterday, and intend to meet up again at a Scunny game in the near future.
    To be honest I have not slept all night, been waiting patiently for the backlash to your brilliant post, especially the last sentence, I think you may have stunned the doom mongers in to complete silence while they actually check what you say is true?…
    Yes, we ditched the ridiculous pocket emptying academy we had, and instead invested in building kids football teams of all ages… boys and girls, more than half our teams won their respective leagues this year and the women’s team climbed up to the top league from nowhere….this was something Dave Hilton had in mind to do at Scunthorpe I think?… but before he even had chance to explain why it would be so much better than a show piece academy producing sod all he was shouted down by the usual suspects… who don’t realise it is fine for big clubs like Man Utd, Chelsea, etc to have one, because the yearly cost would be about half a weeks wages to one of the players who warms the bench on match day!… but a big drain on clubs at our level,
    It’s called business acumen!
    30+ teams of kids with parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters tagging along for the match and a training session helps us have those facilities described in another post on here yesterday…

    in reply to: Ilkeston #266667
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Hi Ironfromafar
    Oddly enough my burger van WONT be open today!
    We will however have three catering outlets open in the ground, offering a large variety of food and drink, anyone can purchase from either of the outlets.
    The menu is not the same in all of them although they All do hot and cold drinks.
    If you want our well liked burgers you will only get them at the main kitchen adjacent to the club house.
    If you want our speciality roast pork and stuffing roll, with apple sauce and gravy you will need the outlet adjacent to the members lounge those two outlets along with a third outlet near to the players tunnel will all have hot dogs, pies ,pasties, sausage rolls, crisps, chocolate, etc
    The main kitchen also does a breakfast menu early all day.
    Hope this helps.