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  • in reply to: emergency fund #268299
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Save any replies till at least Sunday now.
    Going to log off as racing from Goodwood on the telly, Sheffield Wed to watch tonight, hosting Notts County tomorrow whilst trying to listen to the Scunny game, forced to take the Missus out Saturday nights, busy Sunday with a tournament… so will check in with you Sunday afternoon (gives you a bit of time to create a good reply as well)… have a nice weekend Deeryme.

    in reply to: emergency fund #268296
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    May I suggest you scroll up a bit to see Deeryme have a little dig at me?… for no reason whatsoever.
    Now the boot is on the other foot, he has gone to sit under his stairs with his dummy firmly in.
    He loves having little pops at people, not just me, but he can not take it when in bounces back at him!..
    Come on Deeryme, get back to your keyboard…its getting cold.

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    in reply to: emergency fund #268293
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Hi Awaywego
    Rattled him there didn’t I ?
    He don’t like being called an armchair fan does he?…
    I was going to go to Tamworth tomorrow but we have arranged a last minute friendly with Notts County… so scuppered that, but I might have arranged to meet Deeryme there so he could put to bed the myth that he does actually attend games?… maybe he will catch up with others on here who can vouch for his attendance?… wont hold my breath on that one though!!

    3 users thanked author for this post.
    in reply to: emergency fund #268286
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Pretty sure everyone else on here understood what I said…. just you did not get the drift… a bit like you never seeing your garden gate (for you only) … because it would mean leaving your keyboard if ever you thought about attending a game.

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    in reply to: emergency fund #268279
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Mk iron did not say Armaggen was being announced every 5 mins… he clearly said he was checking if it had arrived as predicted today several times in the last day or two…
    You really must read things correctly before you comment.
    As for your comment concerning me probably knowing more than anyone else on here?…. reminds me of the guy who goes in the pub and says he is in the S.A.S… of course if he really was he wouldn’t mention it would he… but seeing as he does it let’s everyone in the pub know he is a bullshitter!…. so anyone with INSIDE INFORMATION would not be given that information if they couldn’t be trusted to keep it INSIDE…. Get my drift Deeryme?…. so me not blabbing stuff to anyone who will listen or suck it in… is privy to things, and can be trusted to let things take there course.
    I only post on here by the way, and some of my recent comments have been repeated on other forums?… including Grimsby towns Forum, meaning we have one of those guys in this forum who is probably one of those down the pub claiming to be in the S.A.S…. very rude to put my comments on other forums.. if I wanted that I would do it myself…wasn’t you was it Deeryme?

    in reply to: Monday #267999
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Best ever post on this site!
    No other words possible to improve it.

    in reply to: Monday #267963
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Whilst I understand it is nessacary to have a user name on this site, I also realise that most people who do post, do not intentionally post anonymously, they are almost certainly known to other members of this group, for example myself!
    I don’t hide behind a keyboard anonymously, I can be visited in person if someone wished to do so, and I have actually met people from this site who operate exactly the same way… upfront, not hiding, no back door tactics, no under the table dealings, no spouting rumour, while safely anonamous should anything back fire, to be afraid to reveal who you are, or why your doing it, while causing unrest, is a great example of cowardice and spineless behavior.
    It is blindingly obvious that anyone trying thier utmost to bring down Hilton, is in doing so, will bring down Scunthorpe United!!
    Any such person is only interested in their own personal agenda, and could not give two hoots about the club or its fans… obviously!
    I do not reply directly reply to these type of cowards, and in my opinion it is the people foolish enough to engage with them that fans the flames and unrest.
    If anyone finds my posts offensive (as suggested earlier) , I have some advice for them…. don’t read them when you see my name at the top… problem solved.
    And if you don’t, please feel free to discuss anything you like,
    I try to deal in fact, not fiction, so anything I post I firmly believe, although I am not infallible and dont mind being corrected should I make a mistake.

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    in reply to: Monday #267939
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Hi Cassidy
    Think you have just about summed it up perfectly.
    It’s the 4% who wet themselves with excitement at the mention of anything negative about the club, Hilton, Dean, the team not playing well, the Catering, the academy, Car parking, etc , they would get off on the club folding , how they must be feeling the pain with a decent looking team being built, the manager not being slagged off, but praised, the team itself looking like they are really going to enjoy the challenge ahead, the fans buzzing about the first game at Tamworth… the positivity must be making them ill.. me thinks!
    The other 96% (some of who I met personally at Ilkeston) are top quality fans, and the dozens I spoke to briefly at my food outlet were full of good banter, it’s that 4% that are loudest and could well damage your great club.
    Hope you don’t let them.

    in reply to: Ilkeston #267792
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    We are a small club in a small town, so we are realistic about things.
    We have had 3 promotions in 5 years so have come a long way.
    National league North would be as good as we could get I think?..
    So to have hosted Scunthorpe the other week was notable to say the least, and of course we hosted Derby County last night.
    We are a strong community with everyone pulling in the same direction, and have created a junior set up second to none in football circles…
    Thats about the short and tall of it.

    in reply to: Ilkeston #267785
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Maybe I did notmake things clear?, I don’t think we are going to try and stick 11 yoing players together, we have some good experienced players who we will keep, but maybe introduce some young players instead of older experienced players joining… which will in some way explain Leroy Lita leaving.
    Leroy has been brilliant here, and stated that it has been great to play at our club, and he’s a nice guy as well.
    We are trying a different approach to see how it goes?
    You seen a decent guy, and your posts are reasonable and good to read.

    in reply to: Ilkeston #267783
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Yes ban over, driving his own top of the range …Range Rover, but still looking for a couple of people to thump…
    Thanks for the laugh… you have made my day

    in reply to: Ilkeston #267779
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Very interesting attachment you have put on here .
    Our club is a sustainable model for any football club to take note and follow, we have very recently spent several thousands of pounds installing new toilets and and a dance floor, in order to enhance our hospitality options, we have in the past paid big wages to ex pro’s with limited success and possibly not concentrating so much on the non football side of running a club, which of course it is very important to not rely on turnover takings, many chairman of clubs at our level are voicing opinions of low than average attendances this year in pre -season friendlies, this of course is almost certainly due to the current financial crisis, so in my opinion my son, the chairman here, is concentrating on expanding our hospitality income, pitch rental, tournaments, weddings, wakes, presentations. etc, in order to make the club not reliant on turnstile takings, and it seems to be working.
    As I have stated previously, I was very impressed at the set up and standard at Rushall when we played there last year, all young lads, played us off the park, and few, if any, on big money, they surprised a few (but not me) when they won the play offs, I personally think it is worth trying their system of neutering a young team for a season or two, and hopefully do a “Rushall” and spend more constantly uprating our already superb facilities, as witnessed by Scunny fans when they visited here recently.
    My son runs our club to the best of his ability, and makes the decisions with very little or any criticism from our fans, they know that since Himself and Dave Hilton took over the club it has prospered beyond their expectations, so they don’t take much notice of other people’s opinion, but more of what they see with their own eyes…. and certainly not what People put on social media.
    Our fans are brilliant, and create a great atmosphere for such a small club…. win ,lose, or draw.

    in reply to: Ilkeston #267755
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Bang right there Deereyme, behind him 100%, things change, decisions have to be made, and we are not a revolving door with people who do have interaction with our club.
    Pleased to say people who do leave are respected by the fans and tomorrow’s another day.

    in reply to: Ilkeston #267750
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    All concerned fans meet once a year in a telephone box up the road near the ground, anyone wishing to join them just pop along, there will be plenty of space….

    in reply to: Ilkeston #267746
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Jamie ward left the club with mutual consent, nothing sinister, left on good terms, great atmosphere in the clubhouse tonight after the game, even though we lost, no fans showing any concern about how the club is being run, every one here happy about everything, we are not a club at war with each other, we are like one big family.
    And I predict there will be a queue of people wanting the managers job, sorry to disappoint anyone who would have liked to hear negativity concerning our club…sorry but it doesn’t exist here.

    in reply to: Jordan Henderson #267683
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Sadly this happens in all walks of life, especially with footballers.
    Do you really think Ronaldo wants to be stuck in Arab land, or Messi In Miami?…. I do wonder if they think the amount they are earning reflects their ability on the pitch?
    At least they are openly chasing the money but Henderson has displayed hypocrasy at its height, maybe someone should tell him there are no shops in heaven to spend all the money?… and Gerrards on the same bus as well.

    in reply to: Catering Point a Joke #267478
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Hi awaywe go
    Not received anything through the post yet?…..

    in reply to: Rushall Olympic #267457
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Yes, will be astounded if any of your away games are not segregated, you are a big fish in a small pond and should be a pocket filler for other clubs…

    in reply to: Catering Point a Joke #267456
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Hi Deereyme
    Not really much call for A La carte here although we do have the facility’s for it, I did run a top end eaterie on the Costa Del Sol, so if Scunny win the league and want to have a posh knees up here I can accommodate, maybe Dave Hilton will foot the bill. Ha ha

    in reply to: Catering Point a Joke #267431
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    If you have been to all that many non league grounds you should know full well all your games will involve segregation…. and bit have to wonder about it?

    in reply to: Catering Point a Joke #267427
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Very few games in our league are ticket matches, and think you will find the same now you have dropped down another league, you may find Scunthorpe are the exception because of your large away fan base, last season the only one I remember was ticket, your first game this year at Tamworth.
    Plus of course a lot of the smaller clubs you will be facing this year don’t charge for under 16s….our club does not do pre paid tickets on line, or any of our local clubs on the same level.
    Without wanting sound rude, and I certainly mean that, I think you and many other Scunthorpe fans may not have grasped to what level of grounds, amenities, etc, you are about to experience?… having said that, you will meet some great people along the way, Rushall for example, great little club, nice chairman, played us off the park there last season, but you probably won’t get more than 150 – 200 tickets at their ground…which for a big club like yourselves it will be a bit of reality to you.

    in reply to: Catering Point a Joke #267422
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    (Reply to ironfromafar)
    Reasonable question you ask, but the outside caterers would charge far more to the supporters for the food, I have witnessed that at many grounds where this happens, the club usually charge them an agreed fee for the pitch so the caterers over charges to cover it.
    For example at our last away game at Hitchin it was looked to me to be outside catering (I could be wrong but doubt it)… they were charging £6 for a burger half the size of mine(mine £3.50)
    needless to say I didn’t see many Ilkeston fans queuing up!… so the moral of my story is… while it may well solve the catering problem for Mr Hilton, it will be fans who get their trousers taken down…
    Then no doubt there will be fans on the forums raging at Hilton because they can not afford a burger at the new prices….
    Better sort it in house with a bit of good training and better value for the good old Scunny fans… me thinks.
    PS… I certainly don’t mind any comments from anyone on my catering, but not from some clown that would not know a hot dog from a burger.
    No names mentioned!

    in reply to: Catering Point a Joke #267417
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Yes your bang on mate…when a back street burger flipper is doing better than a ex championship club… it means he must be brilliant… or your dreadful…make your own mind up on that one folks. .!!

    in reply to: Catering Point a Joke #267416
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Catered for
    Over 2000 before, same high standard as when Scunny came…

    in reply to: Catering Point a Joke #267402
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    (In reply to Pat’O, cake)
    You are right in what you say, and knowing Dave Hilton he will try his very best to rectify the catering problem you have at your stadium.
    Unfortunately catering for a football match can be very difficult, there is a balance between producing too much food and having a lot of waste and therefore making little or no profit, or producing too little and have the fans upset.
    The weather, and the attendance, being major factors. when I first started catering for large crowds I got it wrong more times than right, but the mistakes are what give you the experience to get the balance right by being very much on the ball watching the supporters carefully before kick off, if you see damn well it’s going to be packed you have up till half time (the rush hour) to quickly prep as much as possible, meaning if you do have some waste it is not so bad because you have taken a good few quid.
    So what Scunthorpe really needs is someone with that ability, Dave will try and solve the problem with over stocking and producing too much waste(that’s not a criticism, just a fact) ,but give him respect for addressing the problem and having a go, it won’t be too long before the balance will be right, and you have a good catering system there.

    in reply to: Catering Point a Joke #267375
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Yes we do, strangely we have an official Ilkeston suppoerters forum , and an unofficial Ilkeston supporters forum (don’t ask me)..
    We have a twitter account as well and another Facebook account that I don’t know how to access, I don’t think we are as lively on forums as yourselves, but having said that I am not so tech savvy to access everything (never managed to post on the Scunny face book site, otherwise known as the ..Happy clappers site… to some, always said “post declined… for some reason?…so hence me on here sometimes.
    I tend to prefer talking to people face to face if possible…old school I suppose

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    in reply to: Catering Point a Joke #267372
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    I did accept your response, and clearly said that your post had been pleasant for a change and not critical of something.. which every other one has been for a long time.
    Pre Bystander I invited you to Ilkeston if you remember?… I was a little miffed reading some idiot on here describing Ilkeston as a shithole awash with drugs… I thought why not invite someone prominent on here to come and see if that’s true? And there is no one on here more prominent than you.
    And thats not a criticism.. just true.
    Fortunately we played Scunthorpe and NOT ONE SCUNNY FAN had anything negative to say about our club, just compliments about everything.
    And you had an invite to see that months ago and dispel the crap on here about our club… which in my eyes did not qualify you to say anything negative about us when you declined the chance to see for yourself, plus of course regardless of some people’s opinion, it quite often benefits clubs to be connected in someway… players on loan springs to mind.
    We at Ilkeston accept you are a big club and we are not, and welcomed you , accepting you beat us on the pitch fair and square, and pleased it seems to have kick started your season.
    Tomorrow is another day and we will put this behind us now, I hope for the best for both our clubs.

    in reply to: Catering Point a Joke #267366
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Deereyme can write what he likes no problem… but when he tries to put me down he needs to accept the response, don’t shout it out and not take it back… before today I have not used one person’s name on here, unlike others, who have used mine….

    in reply to: Catering Point a Joke #267364
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    Yes, and I have a touch of Eskimo, Chinese, Pakistan, and Alien in me as well, it helps when I go on holiday, I also speak Spanish (true actually)… and have travelled extensively, but yet to meet anyone as strange as some on this site!

    in reply to: Catering Point a Joke #267361
    Registered On: March 30, 2023
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    WOW Deereyme!!!!! Your first reasonable response since your Messiha Bystander came on the scene.
    Your posts Pre Bystander were all quite reasonable… your post, Post Bystander were all toxic…
    ANYONE… and I mean ANYONE..please take the time to read Deereymes posts before and after… you will instantly see he was well and truly sucked in…
    If the Scunthorpe town idiot read them he would no doubt see within minutes I am right…and probably say..
    “I fink dairy me bin sucked in wiv this geezer big time”…
    And he wouldn’t be far wrong would he?…
    Let’s hope we have the old Deereyme back now?… his last post showed a glimpse of it… I hope!