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  • in reply to: Conspiracy Theory #280596
    Registered On: January 23, 2022
    Topics: 3

    Just a thought. In terms of crowd attendances does it matter if we go up or not ?

    in reply to: The Spartans of Blyth #280546
    Registered On: January 23, 2022
    Topics: 3

    Scunny Tim. Youre having a laugh. If you think that we were just unlucky why didnt we take a grip of the game. Yes Blyth sat deep and were looking for a 0-0. But we didnt do nothing to break them down. For gods sake we were playing Blyth Spartans. Dont you expect more from your team, because I do. As for the substitutions. Once again Jimmy got it wrong. We can whinge about the disallowed goal but if we have hopes of promotion you gotta ask yourself. Was this promotion form ? We were piss poor at best.

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    in reply to: The Spartans of Blyth #280540
    Registered On: January 23, 2022
    Topics: 3

    Just watched a bang average game and yet again very few shots on goal. We are a shambles. To lose that game is pooor tactically and unforgivable. Tamworth must be laughing their socks off. Jimmy needs to get a grip before another season in National League North because on tonights showing we ainr going nowhere soon.

    in reply to: FANS DIRECTOR #243635
    Registered On: January 23, 2022
    Topics: 3

    So what are you saying Iron=awe. Are you suggesting Fans should just accept the football on show until Swan is gone and the club sold. We all know that we are not world beaters but every game we play I expect the players we have to be organised which they are clearly not. Even with the behind the scenes disaster I still want us to compete in every game. Oh ! and maybe win once in a while. As for Keith Hill the fans do not want him. I think you may be of the opinion, they do. Either way. If he had anything about him, he would walk

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    in reply to: Goodbye Keith 2 #243603
    Registered On: January 23, 2022
    Topics: 3

    How much longer can we stomach this. Whoever thought we would lose to Maidenhead, Woking , Solihull Moors and Bromleyall within the space of 2 weeks. How long before Keith walks or does he really have the skin of a Rhino.

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    in reply to: The end is nigh #243597
    Registered On: January 23, 2022
    Topics: 3

    Another Hill Masterclass. It gets worse week on week.

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    in reply to: Next Manager #242763
    Registered On: January 23, 2022
    Topics: 3

    Lets be honest. The Manager at my local Asda could do better than Keef. How long do you let the cancer get hold before you cut it out.

    in reply to: Worrying times. #242761
    Registered On: January 23, 2022
    Topics: 3

    If Hill is not replaced we are doomed. You dont have to be brains of Britain to know that the football we are playing is shite.If you are a Hill fan just ask yourself how many shots on goal did we have tonight. How long can you go on paying decent money to watch shite performances

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    in reply to: How long do you have to put up with Hill #242760
    Registered On: January 23, 2022
    Topics: 3

    Yet another Hill masterclass. Keith Hill and Benny Hill have one thing in common. They are both jokers. Keith Hill being the biggest joke. Having put up with the crap served up at Maidenhead and at Woking tonight he has got to go. At least Hill got a day out at the clubs expense. He is living on his reputation as Rochdale manager 10yrs ago.Time moves on and so should he.

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    in reply to: Maidenhead #242620
    Registered On: January 23, 2022
    Topics: 3

    What a disaster the first half was. Schoolboy degending. Allowing the ball to come across. Players swinging and missing. The last Maidenhead goal in the last minute of the first half was a shocker. For me, we should have been pumping high balls into Nuttall who had the beating of their defenders in the air. But, oh no. Instead we played tippy tappy football and got nowhere. O Malley seemed to be playing too deep and could have overlapped more, but he seemed reluctant to get forward. Taft worries me and got caught out several times. Ogle was a class above the rest. With us only having a 10 minute spell in a 90 minute game is a worry. Yet another Hill master class. I cant figure out how the managet wants the team to play.

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    in reply to: Winterton Iron – Brian Laws #241404
    Registered On: January 23, 2022
    Topics: 3

    Iron – awe my comment regarding Brian Laws was said ‘ tongue in cheek’ I’m all for new owners and new young managers. I can’t see where Mr Hill fits in.

    in reply to: Rabid Anticipation of the Big Kick Off? #241337
    Registered On: January 23, 2022
    Topics: 3

    Every game I try to be optimistic but nearly all the time I am left bewildered at how little progress is being made. I can picture it now. Keith Hill stood on the side lines. His fingers rubbing his chin. a coffee in his other hand. McMahon shouting instructions to a player. Mussy shouting instructions at another player & none of the team having a clue as to what is going on. Will the current squad prove me wrong. I hope so.

    in reply to: Winterton Iron – Brian Laws #241336
    Registered On: January 23, 2022
    Topics: 3

    If Brian was looking for a managers job, he hasn’t far to look.

    in reply to: Taft #241335
    Registered On: January 23, 2022
    Topics: 3

    I have yet to see Taft have a dominant display. I still have nightmares over his performance at Harrogate when we got thrashed. His lack of pace is clear to see. The latest disaster being the Rochdale game. His positional sense is poor and he gets caught in possession. He is a good header of the ball. To be of any use this campaign he needs to sharpen up, but IMO he is just a liability.

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    in reply to: Rochdale – Peterborough #240959
    Registered On: January 23, 2022
    Topics: 3

    I didnt expect much from the Rochdale game and wasn’t disappointed. Just looked like a group of lads thrown together.In comparison with Rochdale we were slow and devoid of ideas. Yes we scored a good goal but it was too little to late. We seem to want to pass the ball in our own half for ages until someone loses the ball. Taft is well past his sell by date. Rochdale were more physical, faster and played with more purpose. Our defence is poor and once again we were cut open time and time again. Typical of Sinclair to rub salt into the wounds showing what a good finisher he is when he gets service. Trouble is last season we never gave him any service. He has clearly gained confidence in his play more then can be said for the Scunthorpe Team. Mr Hill worries me.

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    in reply to: Is No News Good News ? #238398
    Registered On: January 23, 2022
    Topics: 3

    Wow. 4 posts on the website. Cant control my excitement. Dont really give a toss about Donny or Lincoln. Its clear we are crap at communicating both on and off the field.

    in reply to: NATIONAL LEAGUE CHAMPIONS 2022/23…. #237411
    Registered On: January 23, 2022
    Topics: 3

    Its at times like this that the fans need to be told what is happening with recruitment. Is KH, LT & WS looking at half decent players in non league or are we waiting to see what dross other clubs are letting go. If the club want fans to support the club then at least the club should be keeping the fans up to date. Our club webpage tells you nothing. The club have little or nowt to say. Now that is worrying.

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    in reply to: BUNN turns down new deal. #237409
    Registered On: January 23, 2022
    Topics: 3

    What were we doing offering him a deal in the first place. 1 goal in 20 games. He’s a joke.

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    in reply to: RETAINED LIST #237124
    Registered On: January 23, 2022
    Topics: 3

    Keith will no doubt have some young talent & some jouneymen lined up. Most probably similar quality to the ones he has brought in & has been unable to control. But there again he might have half a dozen decent players lined up. What can go wrong with Nutty leading the front line. Bring on the new lads. The clock is ticking. Only 81 days to the start of the new campaign which starts 30th July.

    in reply to: Goodbye Keith #237014
    Registered On: January 23, 2022
    Topics: 3

    For those who think Hill is our saviour, consider this. Hills best win percentage was at Tranmere 50%. If we got a 50% win rate in the National League that would mean we would get 66pts plus a few draws. This will be short of the 88+ points needed to bounce straight back to L2. If he was to maintain his 6.06% win rate we will be playing Sunday League Football. Cox was sacked with a 21.74% win petcentage. Paul Hutst with 31.6%. Even Alan Knill managed 20% win petcentage. The stats are there to see. Dont swallow the BS.He talks sbout the culture at the club but has done little or nothing to address it. He is as bad as the wasters he has been in charge of & some of those wasters he signed to stem the rot. We cannot keep this management team of Hill & McMahon if we want to be competitive.However, im sure they will be happy to take another years wage for failure.

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    in reply to: Goodbye Keith #237004
    Registered On: January 23, 2022
    Topics: 3

    Mr Hill is now saying that the players were ill disciplined and that this is one of the main reasons for the clubs failure. No mention of why this was allowed to happen. Mr Hill may have been a success in the past decade but he has not motivated the players one iota. He has shown us NOTHING. He now goes on record as saying Bolton and Tranmere threw him under the bus. You gotta ask yourself why. Bye bye Keith its time to be thrown under the Scunny bus. We cannot suffer any worse than we are now. As many have said we need a total clear out.its time to start again.

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    in reply to: How has Our Relegation Affected You? #236233
    Registered On: January 23, 2022
    Topics: 3

    There is nothing happening on or off the field to make me optimistic for next season. The young guns alone will not be able to stem the tide of the SUFC landslide. Lets not beat about the bush, There needs to be a clear out. If our young players are as good as some fans think then the cream of the crop will get snapped up by other clubs. That leaves us with the young players that need time to better themselves. This does not bode well. Just look at the players brought in by KH to supposedly keep us in League 2. In a word DISASTEROUS. The positivity of trying to get back into League 2 at the first time of asking is already being dampened and all I am hearing from KH is that we need to look towards the younger players to get the club back to where it belongs. The time frame for this is now the subject of debate. I appreciate that the club will most probably be waiting until players contracts have come to an end before formulating new personnel. My concern is that by the end of this season and the start of next season we will not have time to assemble a squad capable of competing at the higher end of he National League. KH has taken half a season to get us to where we are now. Do I really believe he will lead us to some modicum of success. “No”. Will the youth alone be enough to be competitive in the NL. !No”. Where will our new players come from ? or are there no new would be good to know what the masterplan is or are we doing what we have done for the past 3 to 4 seasons and making it up as we go along. Next year I would take your boots along to every game because there is a fair chance you will get a game.

    in reply to: Turnbull’s statement #235871
    Registered On: January 23, 2022
    Topics: 3

    I do not go into the bar to talk to Lee Turnbull so some of you may be privy to what might be going on.
    If anyone knows. Can they tell me please. I do not want apologies I just want to know from the club and management what the plan is for next year. Are we looking at new players ? Are we looking at old players. Will we have any players ? How are we going to spend the money we get from the Football League. Simply WTF is going on to get us back into the league. I can then make a decision as to whether I buy a season ticket. The new season will be here before we know it & at this rate we will still be none the wiser.

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    in reply to: Best Memories of Scunthorpe as a league club #235716
    Registered On: January 23, 2022
    Topics: 3

    Terry Heath weaving his magic at the OSG.
    Nigel Cassidy scoring at the Donny Road End.
    Rod Fletcher putting a shift in.
    Steve Deere scoring a thunderbolt v Milwall.
    Neil Pointon being that good before moving to Everton.
    Seeing Jason White hit the ball after running full tilt.
    Paul Longden running his bits off.
    Tony Dawes and Andy Flounders partnership.
    Matt Elliot and Graham Alexander.
    Peter Beagries magic down the left.
    The players who brought us some cash in. Cox, Hall, Sharp, Hooper, Keogh, Maclean, Winnall.
    Being at the promotion party with the cup after Alex Calvo Garcia’s winner against Orient.
    There are too many to list. My memories of Scunny over the past 2 years is not something I care to recall.

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    in reply to: Goodbye Keith #235707
    Registered On: January 23, 2022
    Topics: 3

    Today was just another part of Keiths masterplan. Just the sort of performance that will fill the ground next year.NOT. Come back Alan Knill. Only joking ! Next year we will struggle to assemble a fire drill. How much more bollocks can we take.

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    in reply to: Outnumbered by away fans #235412
    Registered On: January 23, 2022
    Topics: 3

    Next year unless we start winning games there will be no atmosphere so its maybe as well that the away end gets as full as it can. On second thoughts maybe the master plan is to play infront of no fans. A throw back to the covid days.

    in reply to: Crucifixion – Good Friday #235410
    Registered On: January 23, 2022
    Topics: 3

    When the final nail goes in. I cant see anyone forgiving Swann or Hill

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    in reply to: Goodbye Keith #235368
    Registered On: January 23, 2022
    Topics: 3

    To all of the ‘ Give Hill a chance ‘ daydreamers. In the words of Burnsey ” Give your head a wobble”
    2 wins in 28 games. If you were crap at your job you would be asked to leave or be sacked. The new football season starts in 16 weeks time 30th July 2022. Our last game is 7th May. That means after the last last game there is 12 weeks to sort out the ownership of the club & ground. The assembly of a new team capable of getting us straight back into League 2 at the first time of asking. All under the watchful eye of Keith Hill. I can predict that early next season we will be hearing the words ” “Recruitment was difficult” ” The players haven’t had time to gel” ” Some of the lads are trying hard but are not up to speed” ” The team are trying hard but individual errors are costing us” I know they are an honest bunch” We are trying as best as we can to get this football team back to where it belongs” I’m confident we will get there. I’ve never been a quitter” Blah Blah Blah !
    Do all you ‘Hillocks’ realise how bad the situation is.

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    in reply to: Goodbye Keith #235303
    Registered On: January 23, 2022
    Topics: 3

    ITS ALL DOWN HILL. All football managers know that football is a results business. Keith Hill took the job knowing full well what he was getting himself into. Now that he has failed to deliver why do some people jump to his defence saying that he has had no decent players to manage. Hill is the one who sold us the merits of the players he brought in to supposedly save the day As always we gave these players the benefit of doubt. Never did we think they were going to be world beaters but we lived in hope they were going to make us better than Barrow ,Carlisle ,Stevenage ,Oldham & Colchester. Now that the lads have not performed Hill has changed his tune & is now saying individually & collectively we are not good enough. The fact is I cannot stand seeing his laid back managerial attitude on the sidelines. He doesnt want to give the players a bollocking because it might destroy the confidence of the players. Clearly the arm around the shoulder approach is not having an effect. I have seen Sunday League teams better organised. Keith, football is supposed to be an entertainment ” Wake up & smell the roses ” What you are giving the paying fans is plain shite” A 7% win rate tells you so. Its clear to see that Hill, Peter Swan & Will Swann have made a right horlicks of recruitment. Do I really believe SUFC will be a force to be reckoned with next year. Not a cat in hells chance. Even LT didnt inspire confidence by saying that Will Swann & Hill will sort next years recruitment out with input from him if he is asked. Hill has shown us 2 wins in 28 games. Once upon a time watching Scunthorpe was a joy now the only excitement is when we get over the half way line.
    I am sick of Keith Hills pre match & post match psycho babble always tinged with positive spin. I am also sick of individual players coming out with the cliche ” We need to look long & hard at ourselves” yet there is no change. I hope that when & IF new owners are found they have a complete clear out & start from scratch. Something is seriously wrong with the club but nobody will speak out. Everyone wants to be pals. Look where that has led. Lets have some honesty. The players who are not good enough need to be told & moved out. The manager needs to be told he is not good enough & shipped out. But I suppose if that happens we wont get to see Keiths secret plan. It must be Top Secret because nobody knows what it is. Just like our football style ” Make it up as you go along”
    Here we are dropping out of the football league & what is being done on & off the pitch to encourage fans to return next year. NOTHING !! Its sad to think that I will be one of the Scunny 1000 faithful next year. But on a positive note I might be able to get a pie before the game starts.

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    in reply to: Keith Hill #234712
    Registered On: January 23, 2022
    Topics: 3

    The Manager talks a good job. That is as positive as it gets. I thought that the players he brought in were bought to stem the losses. His 7% win rate is woeful. We are no further on than we were under the management of Cox. Lets hope Turnbull has some influence to get us to a better place.

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