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This question of whether fans should care about DH’s past and present gets to the heart of whether you support just the shirt, or whether you care about the club as a community asset; its people, values, local importance, reputation and so on.
If you only support the shirt, and clap whether it’s good, bad or ugly on or off the field, then fine.
But, those who see the club as a community asset which brings people together, develops youngsters’ attitudes, skills and careers, provides entertainment and jobs, and generally gives an identity, pride and occasionally hope to the place, are rightly concerned about the owner. This is particularly so while recovering from an abusive relationship with Swann, and the decline from Championship to NLN in some 12 years.
There’s history on here of slavish support for disastrous leaders. Not just in football but in politics too, despite many more sensible voices warning of the dangers. The clarity and proof offered by IB’s posts is a welcome voice of sanity, and a weapon against the collective denial of reality in favour of ‘belief’ which has been as fashionable as it has been foolish in recent years.3 users thanked author for this post.
Kippers to a man.
Cocker’s ‘Friends’? A great rendition with a sort of evangelical quality to it. An atheist hymn? The Woodstock version is good, too.
Two more: Hard to beat the original but Tena’s Molotov make it their own …..
No, because ‘he’ is man-made. He exists between people’s ears.
Like someone said above, it depends on the moment/mood, no? The uke(?) version is great if you’re tired n hungover. Which one for you?
Here’s another rip-roaring cover….. no need for the version we all know..
Where do we start? Some great stuff above.
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It’s over.
The cross has been replaced by the logo.Aye, like many cult members and deeply religious – unstable and frightened.
BPG, if you were a person 9 months before you were born, your real age would be 9 months more than you currently are, and your birthday would celebrate the day your parents ordered your arrival! Is this what happens in your house?
Live blanket news coverage.Name one child out of the hundreds that died fleeing poverty in the med last week without searching Google or such like .Sickening
True, the sub gets more coverage than migrants because it’s sensational – there’s a Titanic connection, there are very wealthy people on-board, it’s deep underwater and the world is rushing to help… it’s a big story with massive public interest for all those reasons.
But, the fact is that all those in dire circumstances deserve our sympathy. It doesn’t have to be one and not the other.
Hah, why did the UK leave the EU? They were afraid because they were told the country was run by Brussels, when really the country was run by the Tories. Amid a deep, badly managed recession, a lie was put about – that leaving the EU would get rid of foreigners/brown/black people, provide more money for hospitals, and somehow turn back the clock to the good old days of yore.
But, think for a moment. EU membership had never been seriously questioned before, except by a fringe group of political eccentrics, because everyone could see the benefits far outweighed the deficiencies. Corruption, waste, democracy? There’s lots of corruption, waste and a democratic deficit in the British parliament. But the Brexiters ignored all that, and suddenly made the EU a scapegoat for all the UK’s ills. It wasn’t just a political issue, it was moral one, the campaigners told us from the barricades, and something just had to be done.
The leave campaign was dominated by racism. It was given a seal of approval by so-called ‘respectable’ members of the community; men in power, men in suits, even men of the cloth. On Bru, there was Lesgeo, broadcasting about his experience in the school, court and even the church, building up moral credibility before putting about some of the most egregious and un-Christian lies ever seen on here, and even encouraging others to share them.
Those stories? Haha! Remember that one about frightening the public with “research” predicting that 12 million Turks were likely to come? Remember too, the connection with those loony, far-right, so-called Christian web sites in the US? Populist, weapons-grade lies and nonsense to terrorise the gullible, from someone clearly unsuitable for public office. Neither must we forget pugilist jonnie ‘Or-not’ who used Bru to threaten to punch Andy Burnham’s lights out… clearly a democratic deficit there!
Elsewhere in the country it got worse. The Tories had their ‘climate of hostility’ policies, the Kippers had their ‘breaking point’ posters, and together with the right-wing media they conjured an ugly national mood, one in which people were looking sideways at anyone who looked or spoke ‘foreign’ – in supermarkets, buses, pubs, clubs – while in homes around the country arguments were breaking out among families, friends, neighbours… arguments between those who could see through the bullshit, and those who just wanted to believe.
Nobody was immune, and through manipulation in politics, mass and social media, Facebook, Twitter, plus the use of algorithms to target those who don’t seek out reliable news, the country was pushed into a position of calamitous and epic stupidity, like arguing about the existence of gravity.
It was complete and utter madness. Every living PM, along with prize-winning scientists, people who understood things – experts – all said ‘remain’, and have since been proved correct. Yet, amid the emotion of cheap shoes, fish and blue passports, the believers still followed Leadsom and Farage into the abyss, winning by the narrowest of margins. But just what exactly did they win? Precisely nothing.
Lies have consequences, and now we are reaping what others have sown. The country is sicker, weaker, poorer, and there’s unfinished business. No wonder the Brexiters and their towering hubris want to move on and let it drop.
As for Lesgeo’s belated U-Turn above, dad and the jonnies should come on here to apologise for all the guff they posted in the past about an ‘evil empire’ etc; guff which misled, stirred up hatred, and contributed to the creation of a climate in which it was ok to hate Muslims and immigrants, as well as OK to leave the EU without any sort of plan whatsoever.
But, in the Christian spirit which has long since characterised many of our band of Bru-ers, let there be compassion for the conned, and utter contempt for the conmen. Let us pray for them all – you know who you are.
June 4, 2023 at 8:12 pm in reply to: Yet another…’what have you been listening today?’ Thread #263786Here’s something well over 40% which the algorithm pushed at me recently. I was indifferent about Blondie but this is loose, messy, dirty… pure unadulterated r&r.
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Thanks to Interested Bystander for the all the info.
Football rivals politics for shadiness, and tripplgangers are a red flag, a charlatan’s hallmark, from Michael Green, sorry Grant Shapps, to the jonnies on here. It’s been a lack of scepticism which has allowed the liars and cheats to prosper in both club and country in recent years. Those who dig the dirt and let in the daylight while others meekly put up, shut up or ‘can’t be bothered’ are to be praised, not buried. It’s the mark of a true fan / patriot.
“Current societal pressures” which the country is suffering? You mean economic, political and social crises, and more ‘red tape’, pretty much everywhere you look.
Correlation and causation? Every area of the economy and society has been made worse by Brexit. The inevitable consequences of leaving which the Brexiters denied would happen, is happening. Just what do they think they’ve won? Name one law you’re happy about losing which made it all worthwhile.
For the Tory party, campaigning for ‘leave’ and offering a referendum was only ever about in-fighting and stemming the loss of support by shifting the party further to the right. Even the leading Brexiters didn’t expect to win – Johnson had no plan of how to leave, until he was forced to produce the ‘oven ready’ version.
And there’s JL thinking it will be 30 years before we’ll know if there are any benefits! Is that any sensible basis on which to take major decisions – even when you know it could be a disaster you’ll move house, start a new job, or vote in a referendum…. and then if it turns out to be egregiously bad, still give it 30 years, just to see??
Oh, but I forgot… wasn’t there a friend you talked to, who said everything would be alright? Well, that’s fine for the rest of us, then.
The sooner the country disposes of this government the better. More rubbish than in those M180 lay-bys. Put it on Facebook and send it to your friends….
Getting down to zero population growth is no bad thing.
Yes, the best form of contraception is education. It’s a pattern repeated around the world.
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JL, you come on here with an aspiration to high-minded thinking yet your world appears to be one of strong religious belief married to truly dreadful and dangerous far-right attitudes.
You’ve taken a vow of silence on the unelected monarchy, despite your dislike of an (allegedly) unelected EU commission. You’ve also ‘pled the fifth’ about those disgusting websites which pervert the purity of the Christian message by yoking it to racism, presumably because you find them of interest. Is it possible to be racist and Christian? Is yours a pick ‘n’ mix Christianity, just choosing your favourite bits and ignoring the rest, like with a Christmas tin of Quality Street?
As for all this about the changing of the mind, the work in progress, the process of becoming, the grandiosity, patronage and prayers for others – I must confess it has had an effect on me – it made me change my mind! I used to think there was nobody else who could compete with Bucksiron’s self-absorption. But now I don’t.
Now, the monarchy is hereditary and little would be lost and much gained by ditching it. The EU is the opposite on all counts, as we have seen. And, everything has been made immeasurably worse, exactly as predicted by those influenced by facts, not beliefs.
And, let’s clear this up about voting. Heathy’s post says it all. ‘Diktats’ ‘remote bureaucracy’ – it’s your linguaprint giving you away again, Justles, it’s the right-winger’s vocabulary of choice when criticising the left or the EU… you’d no more vote remain than visit Pyongyang or Mecca!
As for your dossier idea, it seems if anyone remembers what you said they must have a file on you, and if they don’t they must be confused – so much for your ‘nuanced thinking’.
But this ‘process’ of thought of which you speak, is absolutely fascinating. How intellectually impressive, highly developed, and culturally renaissance. No doubt it went something like this….
Pre-referendum you might have read propaganda on Bru from erm… Lesgeo. Let’s revisit some of that. Our first exhibit is a post of June 11th 2014, 7.33 am, where he states that “I know the party (UKIP) inside out and am always truthful.” (!!!) A man of the church, an educator, and a former magistrate we are told… so absolutely no reason whatsoever to question his credentials, or indeed the content of our second exhibit, from Bru and dated Dec. 10th 2015….
“Please please take ten minutes of your time to read this – then send to everyone on your email list and place on Facebook – requesting others to do the same. Thanks, I spent a very long time researching all of this.
– Firms leaving the UK after Brexit – evidence not given.
– They don’t call the EU the evil empire for nothing.
– We have hitched our wagon to a dying horse.
– The EU is failing.
– Turkey will soon join the EU. One careful newspaper poll found that 12 million Turks are considering coming to the UK. Inside the EU, even if only 20% true this cannot be prevented.
– Have you noticed in the TV debates how it is only the Remainists (sic) who shout down opponents – ask yourself why this would be!”Strangely, these lies and others appeared ‘verbatim’ on far-right Christian websites, namely:
They even appeared on the extraordinarily racist ‘Truth Wars’ website (which now requires a user login),21.0.html
The chief contributor to Truth Wars is known as ‘the Leveller’. He even claims to be a good Catholic, while putting up pieces like ‘Farage Brilliant in Australia’, ‘an Evening with Enoch Powell’ and ‘Katie Hopkins at the For Britain Conference’, together with assorted pro-BNP pieces.
Now, I’m sure there’s no connection between Lesgeo, the jonnies, and the Leveller. Their dabbling with the far-right would be like not only dancing, but suppin’ wi’ the devil, and that really would be too dark, wouldn’t it?? Certainly not a recipe for the ‘personal growth’ of which you speak, more like personal atrophy!
But, it really is odd that all contributions to these sites are anonymous. Why do you think this might be? And how on earth did they end up on Bru, via Lesgeo?
So, pre-referendum and prior to allegedly voting ‘leave’, after digesting the above, and carefully reflecting on it, if you’d been asked why should anyone vote ‘remain’, you might well have said something like:
“I think we should remain because leaving the EU would be utterly foolish and harm the country economically, politically and socially. With these and other racist and un-Christian posts polluting Bru, I think Les and others are gaslighting and grooming board members and their friends and families simply to further their own agendas, not least of which is jonnies’ career.”
You might well have added “Moreover, the whole leave campaign is orchestrated by lying, shamelessly populist, self-promoting racists to take attention away from the government incompetence in a recession. Those Kippers lying about foreigners are just looking for a political or religious endorsement for their own bigotries. Stupid is as stupid does. And while we suffer at home, you’ve got that Arnott daring to moan about the shoddiness of the shoddy sofa-bed in his Brussels office!! I don’t know if there’s a place in hell for liars and cheats, but some contrition could mean a briefer stay in purgatory!”
And that would be it – a perfectly calm, rational, objective assessment.
But here we are, several years on, and despite all that has happened and all we now know, your contentment with ‘leave’ must presumably have come about following a conversion of truly biblical, Damascene proportions…. alas you don’t say above, but do prey tell Bru what that was!
Certainly, it was a funny old time. You can read all about it in my new Australian-style autobiography ‘A-Fumblin’ and A-Fakin’ it’!
JL you seem more concerned with being liked than addressing the point made about unelected representatives.
You’re also getting forgetful. Check back a few weeks back March 7th and Jan 18th and you were praying for Gurn! Now, I’ve always thought the real beneficiary of prayers is the supplicant, not the prayed for. But please yourself.
Another thing you forgot is that on Dec 13th 2018 at 4.28pm you posted the following on Bru as JI:
“The EU has become an expression of trends to globalisation and undemocratic centralisation of power and not so subtle erosion of democracy and the nation state. The EU is a busted flush as it stands… the far right are massing in Germany and even Sweden. … The implosion of the EU is already before our eyes….”
And despite this you claim you voted ‘remain’! Well, verily the height of confusion. Or the depths of dishonesty? Come on, let’s see if you can post on topic instead of meandering mournfully over who likes / loves / prays for who.
“Ambivalent” about the EU, voted ‘remain’ but happy with the outcome? Sounds like a hallmark of confusion!
Same with ‘doing a jonnie’ and doppelganging while digging yourself into ever deeper holes with fantasies about Brexit, the church, monarchy, etc.
But there’s a solution. The time has come for a moment of clarity and liberation. Cast off the veil of deceit, release yourself from those manacles of Brexit shame, stand up and and come out to the world as just Les. Then, actually address the point made – namely, how can you defend Brexit on the grounds that the EU is (allegedly) manned by unelected representatives, while defending an unelected aristocracy here?
Oh, and as for that insufferable patronage and guff about prayers and growth, how could anyone take it seriously coming from a previously self-confessed Afro-Caribbean lesbian?
Dismantle all those historic institutions that can’t be logically and rationally explained and whatever comes next HAS to be better. FACT!!
Haha, it reminds me of your anti-EU propaganda Les, especially the FACT capitals!! Yet, here you are, the biggest Brexiter still on the board – the same Brexiter who stood and fell so passionately on the mantra about unelected representatives – cheerleading for, erm… unelected representatives! Have you got a personal interest in this as well?
Harris is a perpetual guff talker. Always has been.
Agree when he’s on about politics. Better on music, mind.
Pray tell us the plan… please.
Try again.
Fail again.
Fail better.It seems that many of the doffers love the idea of royalty, rather than the practicalities of it.
They like the ceremony, the history, the pomp and symbolism, the fascination it inspires in foreigners, and the comforting role it has in their own sense of national identity and even their sense of self.
But it’s a romantic notion, it’s an illusion, a myth, and that makes it a bit like religion. Or Brexit. Remove the curtain, let in the daylight, and there’s nothing more than an empty box… just a trick played on one’s imagination.
It just doesn’t withstand scrutiny. A very extended family of ludicrously wealthy and privileged individuals – not just the immediate royal family but all the (en)titled hangers on – the dukes, duchesses, lords, ladies, barons, baronesses etc. and all their offspring … a landed gentry going back to 1066 who still own most of this country, almost all there by accident of birth.
Thanks to the taxpayer, most lead very sheltered, privileged and protected lives, yet remain unskilled. And what exactly do they do, that elected representatives could not do? Some have behaved appallingly but continue to get away with it. True, a few get involved with charities, but then what’s charity but a 19th century concept, created to cover a failure of government responsibility and absolve the consciences of the rich. It papers over the cracks and places responsibility on the backs of the little people.
But what’s worse is that they proudly sit atop the pile, at the head of a class system that silently tells people that some folk (them) are naturally better and more deserving than others – the rich man in his castle, the poor man at his gate – and even how their aristocratic estate and good fortune was ordained by God! (How else could it happen?)
And here’s another thing. Those who believe most fervently in the present state of affairs are the ones the royals most despise, because they know how ridiculous the whole thing is, and how stupid the doffers are to go along with it, with their cardboard crowns, tea towels, biscuit tins and of course, mugs…
Will the country ever awaken and be woke from its national psychosis? Just before posting this I see John Harris thinks it will, but people were predicting the same back in 1997 and probably 1967… the madness of crowds is a strange thing.
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Very true IA – nobody on the political right now talks about the ‘unacceptable face of capitalism’. That’s because the Tories and Republicans have repositioned themselves as far-right parties where the rules don’t matter and anything goes. There’s been a total collapse in controls for corruption, malfeasance, and truth-telling. Awfulness has become normalised on bothe sides of the Atlantic.
In fact, if it weren’t for its obscene wealth, you could almost classify the US as a 3rd world country, with its stupid guns, loathsome churches, unbridled capitalism in league with right-wing media, and the consequent extensive poverty, social division and violent crime.
Meanwhile, the right talks about too much political correctness! Too many rights for this, rights for that, and how it’s all wrong. They said the same when slavery was abolished and again with civil rights.
Fact is, that a society as violent, misogynist, racist and unequal as America clearly doesn’t have enough PC. And those who ignore or deny it, are complicit in it. They keep it going, and ensure it won’t change. Quite how the political right and their conscience manage this really does beggar belief – whether Christian, Atheist or Jedi!
Oh, and in sum, very dim Les.
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Trump is a charismatic authoritarian bully, an inveterate lying narcissist, with a man-child mentality. He’s totally unfit to lead, but he will and does appeal to those who like far-right politics, populism, and dislike the social changes posed by feminism, lgbtq rights, multiculturalism, etc.
Trump appeals to those who like strong, right-wing leaders who dislike experts, ignore facts, and who like to work on gut feelings backed up by an ability to work a (dim) crowd into a frenzy with tub-thumping preaching/speeches, populist rhetoric and slogans. He’s a sort of Francisco Franco for the 21st century, and his appeal to JL is guaranteed.
In the 20-teens there was a fashion for this kind of leader (see also Johnson and Farage), largely due to austerity and the ways in which people were persuaded to blame immigration and the EU, rather than the right-wing leaders and their lack of economic control.
Had Trump been a man of the left, he’d (rightly) have been crucified by the right-wing media long ago. It’s only down to press bias that Trump, Farage and Johnson have prospered.
Personally, I see a nightmarish orange person with a rat-clown face whose trousers end up around his ankles every time he speaks.
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It’s a familiar story.
Surprising how much the club have in common with Spain’s Malaga.Is it true jonnie needs the help of a bishop and a horse every time he prepares to mate, JL?
Whatever happened to his politics of envy arguments….?
These cliches are a way to protect the status quo. The ‘politics of envy’ implies that if you haven’t done well from our current state of inequality, any criticism of it is because you’re envious of those who have done well. The opposite is ‘champagne socialism’ which implies if you have done well, you shouldn’t be critical of it.
Lineker’s case is interesting because as being a well-off national hero, he’s the son of a market trader and is of immigrant stock. His criticism of the government and his defence of refugees thus make him particularly annoying to the Daily Mail reading classes, who think that he should behave like they would, ie be grateful, keep his head down and ignore social injustice, especially where immigration is concerned.
It’s the same feeling that drives tabloid vitriol towards Meghan Markle, except for a rich, foreign, black woman who’s married a prince, it’s even worse.
there is no such thing as an illegal asylum seeker
Aye, it’s the law that makes an act illegal, not a person, and when people are trying to escape danger, there’s no question of illegality.
Britain is often the country to which refugees gravitate when there’s war, poverty and other threats at home. Why? Because after so many British invasions and involvement in countries around the world, mainly due to imperial expansion, trade and the need for oil, English is the second language of millions, plus, compared to many political and religious dictatorships, the country has a reputation for being decent and humane, so it’s a natural choice.
Course, the main reason we know about the problems besetting refugees is because of the BBC. If public service broadcasting were abandoned to the profit motive, who on earth would bother to make a programme about problems in Syria, Afghanistan etc? There’s no money in it, and it only makes people empathise and question global inequality. Much cheaper and more profiable to make a cheap game show or similar.
And yes, there are abuses of our generosity, just as there are abuses of any system created to help those in dire straits. The Tories said the same when the welfare state was set up here. But it’s a right-wing trick to focus on the few abuses and argue they are widespread and typical, when they are neither. True, these arrangements will never function perfectly, but we shouldn’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good, as every Christian knows.
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