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  • in reply to: Any Thoughts? #210947
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    was really impressed with Callum Wilson on the wing, this lad is little but he ran rings round there defence and he is ours.

    Aye, Cameron Wilson, a Goolie. I thought he was stand-out too, looks an exciting player. Pity he went off but Cox probably decided he could play a bit and wanted to see others in action.

    It was pretty encouraging all round, and suprisingly entertaining too. Can’t remember the last time that happened.

    Spare a thought for the guy who used to walk among the crowd home and away selling raffle tickets with the customary good cheer – Dave(?). He’s apparently been let go by the club after donkey’s years of service. Now about to launch a book ‘SUFC – Nutty Bits and Iron Filings’. Only sold privately, so I hear from a pal who saw him yesterday.

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    in reply to: England, Scotland and Wales. #210222
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    Stop playing politics Rashford, and concentrate on how to take a penalty.

    Those with diarrhoea should keep their wind to themselves.

    in reply to: England, Scotland and Wales. #210186
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    Mostly agree, MK.

    As Roy Keane said, it was a mistake to bring on Saka, a child of 19, to take the last pen in extra time of a cup final. Older, senior players should have stood up and stood in.

    The Germans know how to do it. They practise taking pens over and over in training, and know just where they’ll put the ball, no matter who’s in goal. Well before the game they decide who the takers are, and in what order they’ll do it. That way, they minimise nerves because they know exactly what they have to do. When will England learn this simple lesson?

    in reply to: Taking to the knee. #209906
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    Pride is being pushed on the masses to normalise degeneracy! It’s nothing but queers showing how debauched they are with kink and attempts to recruit children to the gay agenda! They want more gays! Society is being engineered to make our kids gay as part of the great replacement and population control!

    Sounds like the rattle of a feverishly repressed gay man.

    in reply to: Taking to the knee. #209718
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    I, me, my, I, ….And do I think it would be helpful to anyone for me to give my view on taking a knee? No. I think it would be pointless..

    With so much self-comment and appreciation I’m beginning to think Les is Bucksiron is Les!

    C’mon, Brexit never held you back. How does the idolatry of blood and race sit with your Christian faith?

    in reply to: Fines for moving bottles? #209013
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    Of course, sir. Will the 1970 Gran Reserva from Lopez Heredia be acceptable? And what would sir like with his Rioja? It does go well with an all day breakfast (seriously!).

    in reply to: Fines for moving bottles? #209009
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    Aye – young unaged Rioja – best drink it slightly chilled with something light like tortilla/chorizo/chicken/salmon, or by itself. Crianza/Reserva/Gran Reserva – the names can be confusing but basically just mean more aging. All go best with roast red meat. The wood (of the barrel in the aging) gives it body which cuts through the oil and grease, so you still get flavour. No need to chill, room temp is best. White and Rose are both good too. Aged white is ace if you can find it. Not many bodegas do it now. Pricey mind.

    And which Rioja would sir like to order?

    in reply to: Fines for moving bottles? #208983
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    Funny you should mention that, NI. A different sesh in the smoke took in the Rising Sun in EC1, an acclaimed Sam Smiths pub, but bitter (a SS one, I forget which) was chilled and tasted like something was wrong with it. V. disappointing, and central London prices inevitably provoke gasps and exclamations of disbelief. Timothy Spall was in the bar (as himself). Don’t know what he made of it.

    Oh well, staying at home with some decent Rioja reminds me of what I’m not missing!

    in reply to: England, Scotland and Wales. #208945
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    England 4th in the world? Or in Europe? How on earth is this calculated? I’d safely rank them behind Brazil, Argentina, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Belgium, France…. and maybe more. Maybe even behind Scotland after last night’s showing.

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    in reply to: Fines for moving bottles? #208944
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    Without local knowledge or the GBG or whatever I find it’s difficult to get a decent draught bitter or mild. Maybe I just need to get out more. And as mentioned above, beer brewed abroad is often lower quality (tasteless and weaker) for GB, so you can’t rely on getting the same thing you had on your holidays in the local supermarket or pub.

    Does anyone brew their own these days?

    Jack ‘the hat’? Aye eye, East End gangster legends…. Too right about forgetting the romance of good old fahhhmly men and working-class heroes that beat the system, the reality is they were all pretty nasty to the last.

    in reply to: Fines for moving bottles? #208923
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    Aye, ‘beer’ not ‘bean’ or ‘been’, and a Saint Michael, not Heineken…

    Had Heineken abroad and it was quite pleasant, hoppy and some body to it, but it usually tastes thin and metallic here. Bottled SM I think is ok, refreshing without the metal or the harshness of so many lagers.

    Now, what is this trend in pubs towards offering only cold, thin, fizzy ‘beer’? Bitter, especially from a cask is increasingly hard to find. Mild has pretty much disappeared. Anything that’s not lager seems to be like a chilled light ale, ​homogenised, pasteurised stuff.

    Once upon a time, beer was a living product and there was life in a glass, but now it’s just bubbles.

    I was recently in the Blind Beggar in London’s east end. Historic pub with its own wiki article, legendary for its gangland connections. But, useless staff that didn’t know what bitters they had, and one who even asked her colleague in all seriousness ‘what’s bitter?’ I think she was Spanish. Good job the Krays weren’t around.

    At £8.45 for a pint and a shandy, it was a personal best (or worst). I needed a drink to recover, and the chilled fizz kept me up all night. But, is this trend really customer led, or is it just a cheap way to get drinks to the pubs in a condition which needs no care, expertise or special conditions?

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    in reply to: Fines for moving bottles? #208859
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    Ah, missed it – had the been goggles on (San Miguel).

    in reply to: Scottish Mickey Mouse goalkeeper again. #208743
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    Here’s another one who fancied his chances and got lucky.

    Link not working?

    in reply to: Scottish Mickey Mouse goalkeeper again. #208733
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    Well, it was funny, although I felt sorry for Scotland. Was hoping for a rip-roaring display of Celtic passion, blood and thunder, but it ended with tragi-comedy.
    Ferrite, it’s true it was a great shot, but had Marshall been further back, I don’t think Schick would have tried his luck with a one-in-a-million shot.

    in reply to: Scottish Mickey Mouse goalkeeper again. #208664
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    Aye, I’d agree.

    It’s a pity about Scotland. Their passion is terrific and the fans create a great atmosphere. I was enjoying the commentary too, intelligent and balanced. But the sight of the hapless Marshall sprinting back to his goal – Forrest Gump style – as the ball flew over his shoulder and he threw himself into the back of the net, was up there with the best/worst of ‘em. Sunday league goal. I think the players and fans all knew it, and they just couldn’t respond.

    I forget who was interviewed after, but he was understandably close to tears.

    Never mind. If they beat England, all will be forgiven and forgotten.

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    in reply to: Taking to the knee. #208548
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    WG, many movements have a lot of different views within them. Presumably your wife/girlfriend/daughter/mother expects equal pay, and equality in law with men. But, that doesn’t make her an extreme feminist who wants to remove men from the face of the earth, for example (these types do exist!).

    Back in the 60s and 70s when women were marching for more equality in law and equal pay with men, there were many on both sides would have said they were extreme, mad, and bad.

    They said they were ‘burning their bras’, that they wanted to be fellas, and even that they were Marxists. Especially in the popular press, in the working men’s clubs, in tv sitcoms…. they were all ready to poke fun, talk about the danger to society as we know it, how it was all part of a slippery slope and so on.

    But who now would expect their wife/girlfriend/daughter/mother to do the same job for less money, or be discriminated against in law?

    WG, it’s the same with BLM. Seek out extremists and you’ll find some, which is exactly what the far right is doing in order to frighten people.

    But that doesn’t mean that those who support ‘the knee’ and want to see an end to discrimination and respect for black people are all raving Marxists, any more than your own wife/girlfriend/mother/daughter was an extreme feminist.

    They just want decency, respect and an end to discrimination. And so should we all.

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    in reply to: Eriksen #208505
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    Looks like he might.

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    in reply to: Taking to the knee. #208194
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
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    Or try this one – even better!

    in reply to: Taking to the knee. #208193
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
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    in reply to: England #208047
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
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    James O’Brien

    “Brexit’s over, Rupert. What do you think you can get them to do next?”

    “Boo their own team while claiming to be patriots?”

    “Let’s make it interesting. You have to get them booing before the game starts, and get a Tory MP to boycott the tournament.”

    “Piece of cake.”

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    in reply to: England #208028
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    That’s the point, WG, it’s not that BLM doesn’t care about other people, it’s just that they want to focus on issues affecting black people, which are undeniably worse.

    Think of it as a kind of trade union. The union represents people in an industry. It’s not that the members don’t care about other workers or their conditions, just that they primarily represent their own people. And, just as many other workers show support a particular trade union when it protests, many whites support BLM.

    The difference is that here we’re not just talking about pay and conditions but human rights – something we should all support.

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    in reply to: England #208017
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    The whole ‘take a knee’ thing is pretty straightforward.

    When players take a knee they are showing their support for anti-racism. By logical extension if you boo when players when they take a knee, you are showing support of racism.

    One thing I don’t get about this black lives matter is, if they we’re so concerned as a group about equality wouldn’t it make more sense to start a much bigger group which involves the vast majority of white people who aren’t racist ?

    I understand that point of view WG, but the problem with only saying ‘all lives matter’ is that it loses the focus on black lives, and the problems black people face re. police brutality, racial discrimination and marginalisation more generally – as BRI points out.

    Of course, plenty of white people face marginalisation too, in what has become a very unequal society. If you’re elderly in a depressed northern town, and depend a lot on the state, you’ve got a lot to complain about, as people like Alcy know too well.

    But as a white guy, you’re not marginalised in the labour market because of your colour. You’re not likely to be bullied at school because of it, and you’re much less likely to be stopped, searched, beaten or shot by the police.

    It’s because being black increases the liklihood of all these things that BLM came about.

    in reply to: England #207975
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    This forum is full of too many idiots and fools like the BJ parody who try their best to intimidate others into Nazi-sim!

    There are plenty among the silent majority who love this country and hate everything that the Nazis stand for!

    They daren’t speak out because of the intimidation created by the few racists on this thread who make out anyone who disagrees must be unpatriotic!

    The ignorant racists really hate this country and want to silence those who want to stand for the traditions which make it great – which include taking a knee on behalf of opressed people everywhere!

    And, it’s not difficult to imagine the same monsters roaring their approval in Hitler’s beer hall putch speeches. They’re just lacking another Farage. Had he written his own version of ‘Mein Kampf’, he might have gone even further. What do you reckon, Les?

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    in reply to: England #207955
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
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    Aye, how is it possible to love your country while hating 99% of those who live there?

    in reply to: Howard’s Going #206868
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    Y…really enjoyed the Docherty era, so much flair in the team and didn’t cost the earth either, then we ended up with Sexton and the football was dire, bit like the last 3 seasons at Scunny…

    Like all the big clubs, Man. United has become a global brand, and it feels too much like a corporate day out now, that’s if fans can get tickets. I haven’t seen them play live for years, nor particularly want to.

    But the Man U teams of the 70s were some of the best to watch from that era, probably along with Forest and Liverpool. Tommy D was a marmite manager even among the players, but the teams he built at United were electrifying.

    Sexton’s sides like those of SUFC now? Come on!

    in reply to: Howard’s Going #206833
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    utd would probably have won the league if Docherty hadn’t been so stubborn and played Paddy in them games, and as history shows man utd were relegated in 73/74 not 74/75.

    Aye, 73/74 when United were relegated – I might learn to type one of these days.

    But I don’t think it was Tommy Doc’s stubborness which got Roche into the team. Stepney was 34, and TD probably thought – quite resonably – that early in the season was the best time to give Roche match practice, when the pressure was less.

    In any case, one of the three games you mention was a League Cup game (v City when United lost 4-0). So, even if Stepney had played in the other two and United had won them both, they would have still been level on points with Liverpool at the end of the season, but United’s goal average would have remained inferior, barring a couple of 5-nils.

    But, enough of this anoraky stuff – it was a great team United had back then, probably as good as pre-Munich. Plenty of old videos on youtube. Like this one… Would Stepney have stopped Kevin Keegan’s header?

    in reply to: Howard’s Going #206805
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    Unforgiving position goalkeeper to many clangers and your toast, always remember Docherty bringing in Paddy Roche in for Stepney at man u and ruining his career, won the first game but then let in 10 against Liverpool , Man city and Arsenal and was dropped for the rest of the season.

    I don’t think it’s right to say those three games ruined Paddy’s career, AWG, he was at United for 9 years 73-82, first as understudy to Alex Stepney who retired in ’78, then Gary Bailey 78-87.

    Roche didn’t play in the season they got relegated (1974-75), when the defence was like a sieve. Then, he only played a couple in Div. 2, aged 24 when the team was at the top of their game, and only a handful the season after, in the 1st Division (the games you mention).

    But, in 1977/78 he played 23 games for United, and the jersey was his into the following season when Gary Bailey took over.

    So overall, his career wasn’t ruined at United, or by the games you mention, but he was a bit error-prone.

    United in the 70s – it’s my ‘special interest’ haha!

    But you’re right about bringing in a keeper too early. It’s a position which depends a lot on confidence, and in a struggling team with a crap back line it can disappear quickly and make a bad defence even worse, as well as ruin a young lad’s development. I think that’s the risk with Watson.

    in reply to: Hang your head in shame Swann #206712
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16


    Yet another who cannot understand what balance actually is.

    So in Alcy’s dictionary:

    ‘Balance’ (noun, verb) = criticizing a party out of power for 11 years.


    ‘Balance’ (noun, verb) = criticizing EP (in power for 8 years) because nobody else does.

    Come on mate, it’s getting dafter with every post!

    in reply to: Hang your head in shame Swann #206643
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    Let’s see Alcy, you criticize Swann, not Lord Quibell, because EP is in charge and deserves it, even though others on here and elsewhere are critical too.

    But, despite pensioner poverty, lamentable help for the disabled, and delays in treating the sick which you you and your wife have been directly affected by, you can’t criticize the Tories, apparently because others are critical too.

    Instead, you allegedly ‘bring balance’ by criticizing a party which hasn’t seen power for 11 years!

    That’s daft, isn’t it, old pal, you might as well blame Clement Atlee and Ernest Beverage for building up your expectations in the first place!

    I put it to you that, despite the amount of sympathy and understanding which posters on here and the left in general show towards the predicament of people like yourself, your ‘omerta’ is because you are a biased, card-carrying Tory, quite unable to see beyond the blue fog which clouds your vision, objectivity and common sense.

    Hence your sitting in silence where the party is concerned!

    And that detracts from everything you’ve said about EP, Alcy.

    But it’s not unusual – it’s a major problem in Britain today, that some folk are quite lacking in objectivity where politics is concerned, and commit electoral suicide by voting for a party which will cut, privatize or abolish all they need and rely on.

    in reply to: Hang your head in shame Swann #206621
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    Objective and impartial?

    I loathe all parties and all politicians equally.

    When I TRIED to add balance to the decidedly left-biased arguments on this site, the lefties all cried.

    Well I’ve never seen you slag off the Tories but you have complained about pensioner poverty, the NHS and disability – so why not chuck some dirt at those in charge of it?

    Lefties crying? Those were tears of laughter!