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  • in reply to: Boris #240910
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    Reminds me of a certain former poster on here.

    in reply to: Climate Change Rebooted #240850
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
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    Two planets meet up for a chat. Planet A says: “How are you?”
    Planet B says, “Not so well, I’ve got a bad case of Homo Sapiens”
    “Don’t worry,” says Planet A, “I had the same once. They won’t last long.”

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    in reply to: What have you been listening to today? Again…. #240591
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
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    Good stuff DM, white man’s blues. Sounds like a sedated John Cooper Clarke.

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    Registered On: April 2, 2014
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    Really, all these candidates sound off about how bad everything is, and how badly change is needed (sorry AWG – change is a-comin’) like they’ve just arrived from planet Pluto, when they’ve been at the heart of government for the last 10 years or more! It’s as bad as PS and the club.

    DM – the Truss piece could be in here – about pork to China. Note the primary school teacher faces for those who have trouble understanding words.

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    in reply to: Boris #240246
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
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    Here’s some philosophical questions Siderite – do you think attitudes like mine are not helping matters? If yes, and I changed my attitude to be more accommodating to folk with right wing views and swinging voters who go for personality, would that help matters?

    I tend to agree with your point about not giving a damn on here, DM, but those who are door-knocking and making speeches can’t afford to be so blunt, even if they’d like to be, if they want to win over those near brain-dead 8-year old readers who cheer on the Tories while they themselves become ever more dependent on the state, can’t afford a house, live off foodbanks, live less time than their parents, and whose lives become ever more precarious.

    It’s a bit like Stockholm syndrome.

    They need to ask themselves one question – what/who has made them like this?

    in reply to: Boris #240197
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    Meanwhile, what really happened in the Downing St bunker……

    in reply to: Boris #240188
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
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    True, the opposition does need to ensure it appeals to a broad enough swathe of the population to get the Tories out. Trouble is, many voters are quite barmy, to put it mildly. For example, here we are in north Lincs, one of the poorest areas of the country, and where so many folk depend on the state in one way or another; for benefits, credits, for health, for transport, for pensions, for social support and protection of all kinds. And wherever they look they can see what a calamitously underfunded state everything’s in. And what do they do? They vote for a clown-car of a party dedicated to shrinking the state and to privatisation, and instead worry about kids in dinghies and about the EU. Why? Because they’ve been told they are the problem, not the bunch of %$£*& in Westminster and Downing St.

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    in reply to: Boris #240170
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
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    When 20+ of your MPs, including several cabinet ministers think you’re unfit to lead the country, then they’re probably right.

    What irks me is that it’s taking two and a half years for them to realise it!

    Aye, like with Brexit and later with Johnson, when ‘everybody knew exactly what they were voting for’. And none more so than those with their flags, statues, and a reading age of 9.

    Ever had the feeling you were cheated? We told you so.

    in reply to: Boris #240139
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    Well, that’s how some of ’em like it, apparently….
    It’s the British attitude to sex – the more furtive/odd/bizarre it is, the more gratification they get from it!
    I blame public schools.

    in reply to: Boris #240128
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    Astonishing! But not surprising.
    It’s easy to manipulate people when they can’t understand a complex argument. Politics and religion feed on this.
    It’s even easier for politicians if you can use social media, fake accounts and advertising to bluff them into supporting for example Brexit, or Trump.

    Finding a new Tory leader? Like trying to find a clean toilet at Glastonbury.

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    in reply to: Roe v Wade #239552
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
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    Maybe imagined it, I swear I’ve read numerous times, posters on Bru of a certain persuasion having publicly met each other before? Could be evil forces playing with my mind tank of course

    Particularly the doppelgangers…

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    in reply to: Roe v Wade #239498
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
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    It’s near enough impossible to debate anything serious on social media, particularly with religious dogmatists and their pick n mix choices from the Old Testament. Really, many would be happier living in the middle ages.

    This link sets out the rational (i.e. non-religious) arguments about choice and lack of it….

    in reply to: Welcome back. #239403
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
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    Non football – is it a discussion forum about recent performances?

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    in reply to: Rooney – Derby #239402
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
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    At the High Court he was better in the box than Vardy.

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    in reply to: It’s done #235766
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
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    CBRP wrote: “Unfortunately he’s part of the rot now.”

    True, Hill might have been good in the past, but all involved in this season have been damaged by what’s happened. Confidence is at rock bottom and the spectre of failure hangs over them. It’s best for all involved to have a fresh start elsewhere, and get on with a root and branch rebuild at the club.

    in reply to: Job vacancies #235513
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
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    in reply to: Home or Away #235239
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
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    We fail again, but fail better.

    in reply to: Goalkeeper a Priority #235093
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    True, IA, it’s been hard for Rory but I’m still not convinced about him. For me, he’s let in a lot of goals he should have saved, he doesn’t seem to martial his defence well, and his carelessness over not bringing a cap to the match at Sutton showed inexperience, too.

    Like the rest of the team, the lad’s confidence is probably shot. The atmosphere here must be toxic after years of decline, and anyone staying on next season will carry that burden with them. Most are best away, for their own good – or it’ll feel like post-war Ukraine!

    A total clear-out of the first team, and a fresh start with new manager and players, is what’s needed.

    Starting with the keeper. Why? Because at nil-nil, you start the game with a point, so if you can avoid conceding, you’ll finish it with a point, too. OK, it’s stating the obvious, but the keeper is number one for a reason. A good keeper will also martial the back line, and give them confidence. Look at the keepers we’ve had here in recent years and the effect it’s had on the outfield.

    It’s always easier to stop goals than score them, so, after the keeper, build the defence, particularly with good centre-back(s). Why? Because it’s another key position covering a vulnerable area – in the middle.

    Just check the current league table. You don’t need to score lots of goals to be high up, but you DO need to be tight at the back. Northampton (4th) have only scored 7 more goals than Oldham. But, guess why Oldham are struggling… So, if you have the those positions well covered on a regular basis, plus a half-decent midfield and forwards, you should be on your way to 55 points a season. When was the last time we had that?

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    in reply to: Protest #234880
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
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    Lester lives near Mount Belzoni. It’s just off the M18.

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    in reply to: Goals #233039
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
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    “History never really says goodbye. History says ‘See you later'”
    Eduardo Galeano

    This season will never be forgotten. It will follow the club and all associated with it for a lifetime and more.

    Shutting up about it and pretending it didn’t happen or they weren’t associated with it, won’t make it go away. Not unlike Brexit, in fact.

    in reply to: Time for the Swann song? #232908
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    Good book, needs another chapter…

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    in reply to: Hill #232837
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
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    True, the players aren’t good enough, but a good manager can often raise the team to something more than the sum of its parts. We don’t seem to have even that.

    Prep seems poor too – look at Watson cadging a cap off a fan today for the low sun. Evidently neither keeper nor club had bothered to bring one! Incredible to think a pro player needs to borrow kit off fans during the game.

    in reply to: Can we just be relegated now? #232834
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
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    Oh death, where is thy sting?

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    in reply to: Swann statement – opinions. #230492
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
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    A personal friend of one of my sons is a top libel lawyer…
    I have seen a number of personal attacks on here which would surely be warranting a libel suit.
    I’m assuming that none has been issued.
    I am wondering why this is the case.

    Jonny will be familiar with any number of briefs, and we aren’t talking menswear here. Rather, that it wouldn’t be unusual after the deceit, disinformation and lies told by UKIP during the Brexit campaign.

    As for Ernest’s willingness to pursue legal action, there are two points. One – he knows it wouldn’t look good, given current relations between club and fans, and two – he’s probably been advised not to go after those he sees as men of straw.

    in reply to: Open letter to Bucksiron #230102
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    …. threads attacking individuals whose opinions the mods don’t like have been allowed to stay, even when these have made the ultimate highly offensive comparison to Hitler. I know because Gurnelista made such a comment about me, along with many other highly offensive comments including references to mental illness.

    … There’s also a widely held view around social media that anyone who makes the Hitler/Nazi comment has lost the argument, often referred to as Godwin’s law.

    Nah, you’re twisting things round in your usual manner BI.

    First, Godwin:

    That comment about somehow losing an argument when the comparison with Hitler comes up, was made in the Conservative fanzine the Daily Torygraph, 13 years ago. Unsuprisingly, it’s not so, and never has been, especially as Godwin himself has endorses the view that Trump is comparable to a Nazi. In fact I told you this ages ago….

    As for comparison with National Socialists, I don’t think that was Gurn, but you’d struggle to deny your posts contain a lot of characteristic narcissism. Is that a mental illness? If it causes you problems, then certainly. In fact your post here displays classic narcissistic victim syndrome, as it twists reality to manipulate / gaslight others into thinking ‘poor old BI’. We can almost hear the violins!

    So, case proven, I think.

    in reply to: Locked threads? #222014
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    Because we’re getting away from the crap that closed the non board,this is now a football/sufc site only.If you want other discussions look elsewhere .PS this will be deleted soon tooas explanations lead to the same crap and abuse,without fail

    Then cancel the 3-4 posters who post what they shouldn’t, not the whole board!

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    in reply to: Open letter to Bucksiron #222000
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
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    Which is in a worse state – country or club?

    Exhibit one – the country:

    in reply to: Winter break on its way? #219392
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    Both the Tories and Oz government need illegal immigration – it’s a chance to look tough and distract the public from their catastrophic failings in just about everything else.

    Honest Government Ad | A Message for People Smugglers

    in reply to: Stockport #218048
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
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    Stockport are mid-table in the league below, yet tonight they were magnificent – intensity, flair, team spirit and talent. Plus, a decent ground and fantastic fans. If if we drop out it’s hard to see how the club will get back anytime soon.

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    in reply to: Any Thoughts? #210965
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
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    Staffy seemed confident that the 50:50 would be here for Swindon game but wasn’t sure if he’d be given a card reader or accepting cash!

    Think he’s been given his cards, unfortunately.

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