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  • in reply to: This saga is unending but I hope it resolves like this #274480
    Registered On: January 29, 2015
    Topics: 1

    Here’s me thinking we all wanted unity and to move forward with no division

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    in reply to: Ouch #265689
    Registered On: January 29, 2015
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    Yeh he’s bang on I didn’t come on here for many years for this reason until recently I’ve got in the habit of having a nosey.

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    in reply to: Ouch #265678
    Registered On: January 29, 2015
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    I would just like to post and say how delighted I am to have Lee and Roj as directors of the club. I had taken Lee off originally along with all others whilst I learnt about the business and the people involved. I have full trust in Lee and his love for the club is undeniable.
    Roj Rahman is somebody again with the club imbedded deep in his heart and he is a wonderful human being and businessman. He will bring so much to the club moving forward.

    I sincerely thank them both.

    I would also like to confirm that creating a board of local people to support me was always something I had planned to do. Like I have said, I just needed to understand the business and people in and around it.
    I will openly admit that I underestimated the work involved and the club has had a massive impact on the life I was accustomed to. I’m hopeful that having the board in place will encourage the doubters to back the club in the knowledge that the decisions made will be by numerous local people with a genuine affinity to the club and not just by some stranger from Nottingham.

    The new board members (more to follow) will also help me push the club forward with their commitment and expertise, filling voids left by departing paid staff and therefore allowing a bigger sustainable commitment to the playing budget as you have all seen this summer.

    The board has not been set up for financial reasons as reported by the negative few on another site. Of course I would hope that all board members will be a financial benefit to the club, but anything they generate will only be used to help the club sustain and compete at higher levels.
    I would like to mention my disappointment at the supposed fans page Iron Bru. I have noticed during my time here that their posts are predominantly of the negative variety. I do not think I have seen many if any positive posts. I noticed this in April and reached out for them to meet me face to face and ask their questions. An invitation they declined. It seems this site are far happier pushing their own negativity than finding out the facts. I am also fully aware that they still liaise with Mr Swann. This was confirmed when a question was directed my way containing information that only myself and Mr Swann were privy to.

    Whilst peoples opinions will differ which I’m all for, I really do not have time for the minority of cowards that push their own interpretation of events when the truth is only a question away. Especially those hiding behind fake names.

    Because of this, one of the first things I will be asking the new board to consider will be an official supporters club to be formed with direct access to the board. Possibly even represented on the board.

    Whatever your thoughts about me are please remember this. I saved the club you all love from extinction as I promised at a significant financial cost, I am handing over the running of it to local people and supporters, I have reset the club and together we have built a fantastic squad preparing for a hopefully successful period. I have created a business model that is now sustainable and I have asked for nothing in return. I am obviously very proud to be the Chairman of your Football Club and I promise my commitment will continue moving forward.

    One last point, the June 22 accounts were filed a few days late and my apologies for this. It was a slightly embarrassing oversight on my part. It is not the big deal that the minority are using to push negativity again and certainly no reason for concern.
    I’m assured they will appear on companies house imminently.

    Finally, football is back Saturday and the season is nearly here, it’s now time to unite 💪 and get behind Jimmy and the boys, what is any of this for if it isn’t about getting back to winning football matches


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    in reply to: kieren Maguire podcast #265633
    Registered On: January 29, 2015
    Topics: 1

    No real information.the Takeaways were the accounts are overdue will there be NL Sanctions and they find it strange that we are openly “advertising” for new directors.

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    Registered On: January 29, 2015
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    Take no pleasure I’m sure you wouldn’t.

    in reply to: Surely Not! #264241
    Registered On: January 29, 2015
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    It’s not helpful nor does it achieve anything other than causing unrest and negativity is that really what we want as fans.

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    in reply to: Surely Not! #264230
    Registered On: January 29, 2015
    Topics: 1

    Give it a rest christ.