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The idea that migrants are lazy is just complete nonsense. The people who have been forced out of their country if origin, or left of their own accord, and travelled vast distances with faint hopes of a better life here are not the definition of lazy. Many refugees would be an asset to this country, if they were given the chance to work. There is an issue with immigration, but it’s not the people, it’s the lack of an efficient and fair system of immigration. I can move and work in pretty much any country I want, it’s my choice (partly due to have the requisite to pass point systems, but mainly because of the nationality on my passport). Why shouldn’t others at least be able to have a legal path available to do the same ?
Boris was always a clown there was no turning out. Appearances on HIGNFY and other programmes showed exactly who he is was well before his likeable buffoon act got him into power.
More Palestinian deaths increases the anti-Israeli sentiment in Palestine and in turn increases the likelihood of Hamas winning the next election. More Israeli deaths/kidnaps increases the anti-Palestinian sentiment in Israel and in turn increases the likelihood of Likud winning the next election. Whilst increasing tension between moderate voters and extremists in each region. A very vicious circle.
too many people are simply revealing their political bias when it comes to taking sides.
Including yourself. For those of us who are geographically, culturally and religiously detached from the middle east, a lot of this “siding” is political – Likud is very right wing, supported by America’s right wing. – so it’s not surprising that left leaning people are against the Israeli government (not against Israel, Israelis or Jews). People, on both sides of the political divide , are against Hamas (not Palestinians or Muslims) – so the inevitable arguments tend to be based on thoughts on Israel (and their actions) because the thoughts on Hamas aren’t so different.
After the detritus that followed his tenure, I’m almost happy with the appointment. A move to a slightly more moderate Tory party has got to be a good thing – hopefully not enough for them to stay in power
There have been many fiscal studies about the effect of migration. Many would suggest migration has a positive effect, some would suggest a short term positive effect with a negligible long term effect, and there will be some who come to a small negative effect. I don’t think any would come to the conclusion that migration is the major factor behind the negative changes to our economy over the last 70 years, but Mr Scorpion doesn’t give credence to data or facts. Blaming immigrants is always an easy target, rather the ever increasing discrepancy between the top 1% and the bottom 50% – because changing the latter would require the politicians to make some unpopular decisions amongst their peers. Better to blame it on foreigners.
Recent general election results and Brexit, show there are more Bartonscorpions around than we like to admit, but nowhere near a majority. Braverman pandering to that demographic may keep the Bartonscorpions voting blue to show their hatred of people who are different to them. But the party are haemorrhaging elsewhere, I don’t think the party will need to sack her, because she won’t be in the cabinet after the next election.
The commentary on the live feed from Banbury is quite funny. Scunny are a top class side at the top of their game and are poetry in motion according to them. We are playing well, but from the commentator it sounds like Brazil ’82
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Nazareth were terrible, but Jeezy came on, brought them back from the dead, he was obviously not great on crosses, but boy could he save. Etc etc
If the stable was decorated festively (tinsel, a wooden nativity set and antlers on the animals) could have made the whole birth much nicer. Wise men buying their gold in the pre-christmas sales, less wise men buying their myrrh at the overpriced Christmas market nearby. Bethlehem’s Nordic pine and sprout salesmen spotting a gap in the market.
There was no full Roman empire census. The Roman’s liked a census, but they used them to know who is where (and paying taxes), not who’s ancestors have come from where. The Roman Empire would have been chaotic if everybody in it had to travel back to their ancestral home (huge distances, huge numbers, people who’s ancestral home is no longer part of the empire, people who are no longer in the empire, but their ancestral home is). The census as described by “Luke” does not match historical documents, so maybe the 4th century bishops who chose the gospels made a mistake including it?
Most biblical scholars would say the gospel according to Matthew was written by an anonymous author around 70 years after the supposed event and later attributed to the apostle.
Who were the eyewitnesses for the creation story? Where were the eyewitness documents stored during the great flood? Why did the great flood leave geologic records in the river basins around Mount Ararat, but not in the rest of the world ? How did Noah deal with different habitats ? How did he deal with so many animals in 300x50x30 cubits? What were the toilet systems on board for that many animals for 40 days? How did Noah manage recognise the different species (some of which are so small and almost identical) and correctly work out the genders? I wish the eyewitnesses had given a bit more information. Can we trust the eyewitnesses? Particularly the authors of the gospels, who were not alive at the time. Matthew coming to the conclusion that Jesus was born under Herod (between 5bce and 1ce), Luke that it was during the Judea census (6 ce) (a census that would not include Galilee)
Bpg, I started watching you video, but it’s 43 minutes long with eine kleine liftmusik in the background leading me to sleep. Could you instead please provide a precis with the major arguments from the video, so we could debate them? Also without videos, could you please explain how all of the creatures were collected and kept on Noah’s ark, and how the world looked before refraction and zippy were created by the covenant? And how any roman census would work where people had to travel to their ancestral hometowns, given the large area and moving boundaries? Thanks
Siderite – “I don’t think we need God to explain it”.
If there is no God, who cares what you think?
You can’t function without stealing from a Christian worldview.YOU cannot function without stealing from a Christian YouTube
Don’t you hate when you go to a comedy gig, the first act (who you’d never heard of) has you rolling in the aisles, and the headliner (the reason you bought tickets) is on in 45 minutes, so you wait for the next act in the gap (hoping they will be just as good) and out steps comedian Brad Stine….
I will have to believe the universe came from nothing,then!😂
Religions love the gaps in our scientific knowledge, and replace the gaps with stories about their deity. As the gaps close thanks to scientific advancement, the power of their deity diminishes (the stories about Adam and Eve, and Noah are no longer required – given the knowledge about evolution and geological records). The gap around the universe coming into being remains a gap, and doubt we will ever know for sure -we have a good idea of how things work after the first few moments. But not knowing how it started (part of a multiverse, and other hypotheses) doesn’t prove the existence of any wholly goats.
Bpg style debating:
Bpg: <post video of self-professed expert “debating” with random actor saying that 2+2=3>
Dierdre: <considered response suggesting that maybe 2+2 could possibly equal 4>
Bpg: That’s ridiculous. <Asks the same question as the video>
Dierdre: <similar response, but less considered>
<Time passes>
Bpg: <repeats same question>
Dierdre: <same response>
Bpg: <repeats same question>
<Time passes>Bpg takes lack of response to last question as proof that 2+2=3 and anybody who disagrees is just dumb
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Regardless of whether you are wanting to be more welcoming or you are wanting to reduce numbers, I think we can agree the current immigration system needs an overhaul. Once you’ve got a system that works efficiently, fairly and transparent ly, you can then start working on your immigration policies (stricter or less strict).
Currently everything takes too long, new laws are brought in and applied retrospectively (unlike every other part of UK law) and for a vast proportion of the world’s population there is no system to even try and get in.To blame immigration for everything is such an easy tool used by the right wing, but it doesn’t make it true.
Rather than comparing the UK with the middle east, why not look at the ever increasing gap between the top 1% and the rest of us. Unlike the video, I’m in favour of higher taxes, to be spent on the NHS and other services.
I don’t see Saudi Arabia (or America or Russia) as a model we should follow, I’d rather we looked at the Scandanavian model.
“If he were allowed contact with foreigners he would discover that they are creatures similar to himself and that most of what he has been told about them is lies” – 1984
Because you have been brought up with nobody attacking your faith in atheism,using the well trusted lines atheists use about non- belief in a God etc having silent Christians not challenging your position or giving solid argumentation ,you feel threatened when someone challenges your presuppositions.
Your religion has been successful partly because it has required people to be continually taught to believe your book. Expecting people to turn up at least once a week, and have the supposed truth forced onto them, and feed them scare tactics to ensure they stay (the vast majority of people believe in the same religion they were taught to believe in, by their parents, their culture, etc – virtually none change their religion due to revelations). Christianity spread through the world using violence and not allowing challenges or arguments. The same can be said of most other religions.
Atheism is not the belief that requires groupthink, the one that shuts down arguments, etc. Atheism isn’t a single belief system, people disagree.
I’m not (and my beliefs are not) in the slightest threatened by you or your videos. Rather than threatened, they leave me bored, because they don’t provide anything new or revelatory. They neither provide proof of the existence of your god, or anything to make me question my stance. There are people of faith who do provide intriguing debates on religion/atheism who I enjoy listening to and they do challenge my views, the same cannot be said of any of the videos you’ve posted that I’ve watched.
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As one of the “usual crew”, I haven’t the time to even watch any more of your tedious videos, never mind dissect them.
People losing interest in debating with your endless videos is probably proof of the videos being right in your mind. Yet you’ve failed to convince anybody else, making the whole debacle pointless.
At the end of the day, there is no definite proof that a god exists, and no definite proof that there is no god(s).You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday [Psalm 91:5–6]
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I’m not going to watch yet another video. I’ve wasted enough time already, none of the ones before have changed my opinions or my beliefs, and have no reason to believe this one will be any different.
People can’t physically live together without morality.
There are many potential sources for morality, or humanity. Being nice because of heaven and heck’s carrot and stick approach isn’t necessarily the best guide to moral behaviour. But most of all it’s just a ridiculous assertion to claim morality proves the existence of supernatural being. The argument is not going to sway anybody towards (or away from) believing in the wholly goat, it’s internet preachers method of getting pats on the back from their congregation who already fully believe.Have you conveniently forgotten the atrocities done in the name of Christianity. The crusades, the Spanish inquisition, etc. Genocide done by the Christian Right governments. There are atrocities and immorality in many governments and institutions, religious and secular, left and right. Immorality is not the preserve of atheism.
Hitler was wrong according to secular morality and according to religious morality. A species without a certain amount of morality (within its own species, the morality of treating other species is a very different topic) is not going to get very far (if all humans were murderers, humans would die out in a single generation). Our morality does not require a god, it starts as a means for survival of the species, leading to sympathy. Later with education and social etiquette, these morals have been written down and enforced. If the only thing stopping you from rape and murder is your belief in a god, then please keep believing
I want separation from endless religious videos posted on a football forum. I watched the video, it provided nothing that would convince anybody who doesn’t believe in the Christian God to change their mind. I’m not scared of Hell, because I don’t believe it exists and I believe it was constructed by the church to scare the congregation into staying at church. I’m not worried about separation from the Christian God, because I don’t believe such a being exists.
Videos can provoke thought, and can be a welcome addition to a forum, but sending endless and pointless videos can be the opposite.No issues with taking a stab at Islam with humour.
My issues with the video are less to do with Islam, and more with the lack of humour
I actually started watching the video, which prompted me to write what I wrote, but I didn’t carry on. Having posted so many videos, none of which have changed my beliefs, you cannot expect us to watch all of them. Just as I wouldn’t expect you to watch endless Richard Dawkins videos.