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I certainly won’t be voting for the party that gave us Boris, Truss, May et al for 14 years, or Farage/Musk’s demagoguery that fuelled the worst decisions in those 14 years by blaming foreigners while deliberately growing the distance between the top 1% and the rest of us.
I wonder how effective bpg’s evangelising style. It doesn’t seem particularly effective on a football forum, but would be interested to know if any of the iron flock have been swayed towards Christianity, or to bpg’s version of it.
It’s not bpg’s fault for the endless boring videos. He had no control, the posts were predetermined by a supernatural being who cares more about semantics than the starving millions
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I always find that if I find people are losing their way and becoming immoral, drowning them and hiding the evidence in geological records is not a bad first attempt. But if that doesn’t work, I tend to choose somebody who has failed to book a room at the premier inn for the forthcoming illogical census (where the Romans are more interested on where you were born rather than where you live, despite the logistical nightmare of changing empire bounds and large scale movements), send Gabes to impregnate them to give birth to me (not the wholly goat version). I will then get them to kill me to make them more moral, and increase the number of egg shaped chocolate items available.
The bible itself can’t make its mind up about how many days the flood lasted, or how many pairs of animals of each species were included. Then there’s practical issues of providing food, micro-climates and getting rid of excrement. Science shows rainbows are a product of light refraction and reflection, without such properties there would be no life before the flood.
The bible claims, two of each species could fit into a space 300x50x30 cubits. Science shows there are between 3,000,000 (known) and 100,000,000 (potentially) species, including around 6,700 species of mammals. Science shows the ark claim is ludicrous. Science (geology) also shows there was no global flood, but does show there was a large flood over river basins around mount Ararat, the likely source of the story.
Eggs were around well before chickens, even hard shelled eggs pre date chickens by a few hundred million years.
The question of which was first, the chicken egg or the chicken, then its a matter of definition. Is the egg defined by the animal that laid the egg (in which case the chicken was first), or by the animal it became (in which case the chicken egg was first).
But I’m sure this question was just a stage to plant yet another badly thought out sermon from bpg’s online pastor
First game I’ve been to for a while. Been watching a few on the telly, and listening on the radio, but it’s not the same.
Wasn’t a great game, and a bit lucky to grab all 3 points. Quite a nice little ground, but hopefully the last time we’ll have to visit it.
The main thing from the game was not the football, there’s definitely some optimism around the club from the new owners, lots of people wearing the new tops (after the very professional launches) and good cheer around. A world away from the atmosphere (angry and depressed) in my more recent games.
Actually looking forward to my next game, and I haven’t felt that way for a while.
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Its wacky because the guy is a paranoid guy, who thinks protecting people from thuggery is a means to convert him to another religion. His, and GB News, argument started based on the idea that Muslim is not a race. Race is an artificial construct, forget about the skin tones the attacks had all of the hallmarks of racist thuggery. He (or GB News, I can’t be bothered to watch again) then changed to say it wasn’t an attack on Islam, it was an attack on the people – pretty much negating his first argument. There was no coherent argument, instead it was the rantings of a paranoid man, who thinks showing clips of GB News is some kind of proof. Wacky
If you disagree with the change to stance of the government, or to the law, then the people to blame are the idiotic thugs (Farage’s followers) trying to kill people based on misinformation posted online.
Not sure about the ” perfect life ” bit either, wasn’t he meant to be shagging Mary Magdalene on the quiet?
It that was true rest assured they’d be an excuse for it.
The excuse is probably related to his lack of a father figure. I’m sure Joe tried his best, but jeez’s true dad was either Gabes (who seemed to disappear before the birth) or he was his own dad (who only wanted him, so he could forgive other people’s sins, and make very little sense)
Do you have any proof of these claims, other than a book written by man? Something more demonstrable than the other gods and their stories written by man ? By proof, I don’t mean posting random video URLs …
If it was demonstrably true, then yes I probably wouldn’t have left the church, so yes.
Heath,I’m a sinner just like you,but I have a Saviour who is Lord of lords and King of kings. On judgement day my only hope is complete faith in Christ Alone.
Faith is great, but “complete faith” is dangerous. We must all acknowledge that we might be wrong. Maybe there is a god, maybe there are many gods, maybe there are none. Maybe the one we were taught to believe in is not correct. Maybe there has been a Roman census requiring people to travel to their birthplace, maybe there wasn’t. Maybe light refraction didn’t exist until after a 40 day flood, or maybe it did.
I searched for the “California goes full communist” “news report”. It is a blog post from Robert B Spencer, an American anti-Muslim blogger, director of Jihad Watch and co-founder of Stop Islamization of America. He was banned from entering the UK when he was due to speak to the EDL. It’s good Bill gets his facts from such an unbiased source. you realise the disastrous communist ideology is a long march – do people ever look back at the misery it has inflicted on the world in the past?
Communism has inflicted misery, Capitalism has inflicted misery, religion has inflicted misery, etc etc. Gavin Newsom may have inflicted misery, but he is far from being “communistic”. Those who are still scared of reds under the bed, will sling that title at anybody left of Trump, but it doesn’t make it true
Gavin Newsom, based on his voting record, is one of the least left-leaning voters among the democrats. And the democrats in America are one of the least left-leaning liberal parties globally. He is very far from being a communist.
The reasons why bpg doesn’t like Newsom is nothing to do with communism, but his Catholicism, his views on abortion and his views on same sex marriage. He may have even worn wool and linen fabrics in one garment at some point, going against the rules of Leviticus and Deuteronomy.
Not surprising. Both Tories and Labour have been playing who’s anti-immigration rhetoric is closest to the farage, they will be stealing the demagogue’s two minutes hate policy.
Ignoring the facts that our economy is struggling because of bad governance, global economics and the electorate following the pied piper of Clacton in the referendum, it’s much easier to blame it on foreigners . Telling us the NHS is on its knees because of the number of immigrants in the beds and in the waiting lists, only surviving because of the plucky white English aging population of doctors, nurses and carers…. Oh wait…..
False alarm, it was just trapped wind.
I used to think bpg’s evangelising would have the opposite effect, and put people off his religion. But having watched his latest video, I think I’m being converted…
.As mentioned in my previous post, disliking the actions of Likud does not mean support for Hamas. This is not dislike of a country, a religious group nor a cultural group. Recent polls suggest that support for Likud has fallen massively in Israel, if polls are to be trusted, for the same reason. Even the USA, Israel’s staunchest uncritical supporter, seems to be losing patience.
I’m certainly not calling for the “termination” of any country, anybody wanting to return to pre1948 borders is not a “decent person” in my humble opinion.
There are many widespread issues with creating arbitrary national borders by distant countries (usually western European nations) who don’t understand the local human geography and culture, as we see in the middle east, Pakistan, Africa etc. I’m not convinced the recognition of a Palestinian state by the UN general assembly is going to do much, other than create another contentious border to fight over, while the two governments are so extreme. But that doesn’t mean I agree with the Israeli-imposed blockades and actions (against international law) over recent years against the Palestinian people.
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Any left leaning person will be against Israel’s right-wing politics, and that’s before the atrocities that any decent person (left or right) would be against. But right wing media have managed to convince reformed meat voters that anybody against Netanyahu’s policies is anti-Semitic, and Labour seem too scared to argue. Being against Netanyahu’s policies is NOT anti-Semitic, NOT anti-Israel, NOT pro-Hamas. Labour does have issues with anti-Semitism, and is rightly trying to deal with it, but they need to remember being ideological against right wing policies itself is not anti-Semitism. Reform and the Tories have much bigger problems with bigotry.
As much as I didn’t want to leave the EU, I’m not sure I’m prepared for another toxic Farage-laden election based on the hatred of people born in different countries. Let’s keep this forthcoming election based on the damage the Tories have made (to everybody outside of the top 1%), and on what other parties are going to do to fix it.
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If bpg is theologically correct, and only people with his views are in the promised land, suddenly brimstone and hellfire are starting to sound like a better option.
A work of limited importance for a Christian seeking John Owen’s interpretation of truth based on an old book
Regeneration precedes Faith. This is vital to understand in the Christian faith.Some have a more Pelagian view of salvation ,unfortunately.
You may prefer the idea of original sin and no free will, others will disagree. Regardless of whatever belief you’ve been taught to believe in, there’s always doubt. None of us know for sure if we are correct.
I personally don’t believe in any good, I don’t believe there has been a Roman census requiring people to return to their place of birth. I don’t believe there was a global flood (I will happily believe there was a large flood in the river basins around mount Ararat). But I might be wrong, just as bpg might be wrong and
Pelagius might be wrongThe only people who would see the ability to defend morality as proof of god, are the already unwavering believers, not going sway anybody one way or the other. The kind of argument that would work in a bible study group, or YouTube video from an online preacher, not in a group of football fans with very different religious views.
Drowning all the people on the planet (except for one family), and then hiding the evidence doesn’t sound that kind to me
A certain amount of kindness ( towards others in the same species (or subgroup)) is required for a species/subgroup to continue. Morality is not limited to the Christian worldview, there are some questionable morals in the bible, most other morals that are shared among pretty much all worldviews.
Morality doesn’t prove or disprove the existence of any gods.
Brown is the most common surname in London, followed by Smith. Khan way down in 10th.
Blinkin’ do-gooders letting facts get in the way of baseless rant
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“It is high time that either Nigel or Miss Braverman took the countries leadership”. Nigel Farage is unlikely to take the country’s leadership – he has stood for election to the house of commons in 7 elections, and failed 7 times. He appeals to the Bartonscorpions of the UK, but doesn’t appeal to middle England or any voters who’s politics are left of the Daily Mail. I see you like Suella Braverman, but don’t like her American forename or her married status. I think her time in politics is reaching an end. No leader would have her in their cabinet, and I’m sure she’s lost support in Fareham and Waterlooville. I imagine she’ll hang around on some fringe TV station and appear on some I’m a celebrity type nonsense”.
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