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I hope Cox lays into them after that shambolic performance.
I don’t, I hope he thinks rationally & clearly about what needs improving, I hope he looks at his own mistakes, I hope he reconsiders some of the players who haven’t featured for a while, I hope he looks at how to improve the players he needs to rely on.
I’ve never understood why people expect managers just to shout at players. If I were a footballer, it would never have a positive effect. I’ve heard plenty of ex-players say that it never works either, they just switch off.
I’m glad Wootton left, I think it was the best thing for his career. He wasn’t getting used the right way with us and he needed a club where he could start regularly and score some goals.
I’m very disappointed with Loft, mainly for his attitude. His body language is so poor – he pulls out of challenges, waves his arms around and gives defenders too easy a ride. His first touch can be good or terrible, which is very frustrating, but I’d love to see him put himself about a bit more.
As for the benefits of leaving the EU, if people can’t or refuse to see any of the benefits then they need to take the blinkers off and look a little harder. For instance, Ferrite, you’re hardly an example of a typical Brit given that you spend a great deal of time in Italy. In fact I believe you might even live there. To say you might therefore be biased would be something of an understatement.
I note that you can’t actually name a benefit, you just try to cast aspersions rather than backing up your argument.
My life has been made significantly worse by Brexit. Many people are in a much worse boat than me, of course. We are not “biased”. We are informed by our life experience.
A derby with no crowd is not really a derby. Maybe it will be for Cox but there can’t be many Scunthonians or Grimbrarians in the two squads.
Play like we did against Oldham, Harrogate or even Colchester and we should have no problems against a very poor Grimsby team.
Is that pen stat saying Howard has saved 1 out of 1? Because I’m pretty sure he conceded one on his debut or shortly afterwards.
I don’t think stats tell you much with goalkeepers anyway. Look at the Palace keeper at the weekend: made some brilliant saves and one howler. Numbers like these ones don’t really tell the story.
He tried it in the first half too and got absolutely flattened that time as well!
Johnstone made some amazing saves when he was with us but also made some enormous gaffes – I remember one game when he mishit a clearance and was lobbed from about 50 yards. He had clear potential but had a lot to learn. Remind you of anyone?
A lot of renoaners will never understand that we are net contributors to the EU
We pay a membership fee. There are benefits to that membership. Those benefits massively outweight the cost of membership. Clear?
I’m still confident that leaving will prove to have been a great move, and that others will follow. The only thing that does worry me is that as more nations exit the EU, who are already talking about creating their own military, another war in Europe could become a possibility. It’s not as if we have no history of it…
Huh, what was one of the founding principles of the EU? Also, you still haven’t told me what you think the upsides of Brexit will be. How will it be a “great move”? What will you get out of it, in tangible terms?
Bucks once again pretending to be one thing and saying another, at least AWG and others on here are honest about their opinions (and prejudices).
There are, of course, also downsides but given how the world was supposed to end if we voted for Brexit there can’t have been many who were unaware of them at the time of the referendum
This is one of the most bare-faced lies Bucks has ever stated and that’s a competitive field.
I’m sure you’ve got a few quid to insulate you from all the problems Bucks but many, many people haven’t and it’s going to be a VERY bumpy ride for them. Personally, my life has been turned upsidedown by Brexit and I’m worried for my future and that of many other people.We have a fundamentally dishonest government which is continuing to press ahead with a highly destructive Brexit at a time when the country is in the middle of the biggest crisis of our lifetimes. You may be happy with that. But once again, I ask what the benefit will be of this ludicrous decision?
I’ve been unimpressed by Howard, he’s not great on crosses & his kicking’s poor. For Watson, I think he has all the skills, he just needs to work out his decision-making which seems to be the biggest cause of problems in the past.
A bit of time out of the team will probably have done Watson good, as would the chance to play behind a more stable defence.
Not denying that he’s had bad games (his sending off against Forest Green (?) was ridiculous) but I thought he did most things right last night. One silly foul on the edge of the box, although to his credit he was the only defender who had seen the danger and was trying to do something about it. I didn’t notice his touch as being especially bad last night, certainly not after the first few minutes.
For what it’s worth I thought he was awful. First touch was worse than Loft.
Are you serious?
McAtee stand-out player, no idea why he was taken off and no idea why Loft was left on for 85 minutes.
Gilliead is wasted out wide, he creates very little out there. Would love to see his drive back in the centre of midfield with Beestin alongside him.
I’m genuinely curious to learn what Brexit-supporters think they’ll get from Brexit, in tangible terms. What will make up for everything we’ll lose?
The idea of membership of the EU “costing” money because we pay money in is a joke anyway. Do people really not think that there are some benefits of being in such a union? We’re about to find out, when we our on the outside, just how good value that membership was.
The Bosman ruling was nothing to do with players moving from the EU Gurnelista, pre Bosman players weren’t free to leave their club without a transfer fee (unless agreed) now they can just walk away and can even negotiate a deal with another club with a year left of there contract to go, hence why transfer fee tribunals were set up to protect clubs who developed young players,walking away with no fee at all.
It’s literally a piece of EU legislation. One which I presume will still apply come January, just that foreign players will be subject to much stricter immigration regulations. But it will still apply to domestic transfers, as far as I know.
We have to trust that Cox and the medical staff are in the best position to know who’s up to it and who isn’t the last thing we want is to loose another for 10 weeks like we have with Kev.
And McGahey.
Fair points on the rest of your post, plus the ones about the approach to the Southend game – perhaps Cox & Co aren’t as confident as you might have hoped?
Southend was disgusting I still can beleive it. We haven’t played a worse team than that for 5 years at least.
Are you sure you’re not judging that on the table rather than the pitch? I thought Southend looked limited but organised, I would expect them to beat Grimsby tonight.
I suspect that we feel a bit like Oldham felt when we turned up and beat them on their own patch.
As for BLM? I believe that ALL lives matter equally. I don’t care about the history of different races, we have all been slaves.
But I thought your sort liked to bark how “Britains never, never shall be slaves”? Make your mind up!
I voted for BREXIT every opportunity I got, and I’m so going to vote for Mr Farage’s Reform Party. I hate the EU
Why do you “hate” the EU? What has it done to make your life worse? It’s EU money which has propped up towns like Scunthorpe that Westminster has left to die. It’s EU laws which ensure you still have some employment rights. Why would anyone vote for Farage, someone who clearly doesn’t give a dman about the common man?
It’s not as bad as the start of the season, the last 2 games have been 1-0 defeats, so it’s not like we’re conceding loads of goals like we have been. Plus in both games we missed some glorious chances, whereas earlier on we weren’t even in a position to miss chances.
We’re still not very good but we’re not terrible and that will be enough this season.
Because of the new reality will Irish players have to qualify?
No, Ireland is still part of the common travel area, an arrangement which is separate to immigration rules for the rest of the world, including the EU.
Perhaps Brexit might be good for young English players in The Championship though?
Not sure, it’s possible but given the best young players are bought up by Premier League clubs and loaned out and given they’ll not be able to sign so many foreign players, I suspect it will lead to them hoarding even more talent. So you might get more opportunities to play in the Championship but the standard will most likely drop.
One upside for clubs like ours is it will probably mean there will be a premium on young British players, so we might make a few more quid in sales.
Guy Ipoua was from Cameroon – so not relevant to EU negotiations?
He was qualified for Cameroon but had a French passport otherwise he’d never have been able to come play her.
The Iron will be moving scouting operation to Commonwealth countries in 2021 no doubt.
Why? You do know that Commonwealth countries are still subject to pretty tough immigration regulations? Certainly when coming to work here. Do you remember that terrible story of the bloke from New Zealand who had been living in Scunny for 9 years but had to leave the country because he’d split up with his wife and the worms at the Home Office refused to issue him with a visa. 9 years of his life up in smoke.
Watching the goal again, it is bloody awful from our point of view. Two players getting in each other’s way on the left, Bedeau making a bad decision to then come across towards the ball, miles away from his centre back position, then Rowe slipping as he goes to close down the goalscorer. And Howard looking a bit slow to react to the shot.
You can understand why Bedeau would be annoyed about that!
He’s a defender, probably thinking about it from his point of view. His job is to keep them out, especially if nothing’s happening at the other end of the pitch.
Quite right NI. The whole point of Black Lives Matter is that All Live *Should* Matter. It really isn’t complicated.
I don’t know why some folk find this so hard to stomach.
And people slag swanny off,Bradford got him to sign 1 year extension on the 26th Nov then sack him 17 days later shite chairman or what.
That sounds like the sort of high standard we should be aiming for.
To many on here don’t say what they think, would be a lot better if posters let there guard down a bit,an opinion is just that, an opinion,doesn’t make it right or wrong but we all have them.
I disagree, I don’t think people should say what they think.
Oh, hang on, have I just written what I think?
Good luck to him, arguably the “low hanging fruit” of the many new contracts that need sorting but a good start nonetheless.
Christ, this is a depressing thread.
So many people claim to be in favour of equality between people of all colours, creeds, backgrounds, whatever. But given the opportunity to demonstrate that, they resort to point scoring, nit-picking and whataboutery.
And on top of all that, we have a government of bigots who refuse to condemn racist behaviour and embolden the most hate-filled people in our society. Without better and braver leadership, I have no idea how we get out of this depressing cycle.