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  • in reply to: Going, going… #273811
    Registered On: May 24, 2022
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    Somehow, some way all the focus has to be put on trying to ensure that there is still a base for football in Scunthorpe. Whether that’s through fundraising for all you’re worth, local businessmen involvement, the Trust or council, it’s vital GP isn’t lost to football. The biggest issue that hampered us at Darlo, and continues to do so, is not having a home of our own. You simply must try to get that ground if you can, any way you can. So sorry to see what’s happened and good luck with the fight that lies ahead.

    in reply to: Will it ever end #269292
    Registered On: May 24, 2022
    Topics: 0

    Don’t worry. Darlo can’t score goals and can’t defend. Can’t see you messing this one up even with managerial question marks.

    in reply to: No Ground – No Hope #265943
    Registered On: May 24, 2022
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    The fuse is all but burnt out.
    Imminent explosion?

    If we are evicted – we have no ground.
    The closer it gets to the first game of the season, the more difficult it becomes to rearrange fixtures and have them sanctioned by the NLN.
    If we were to ground share, I believe we can only nominate one ‘home’ ground?
    We would have to find alternative dates to play games that clash with our host club.
    Sunday afternoon football?
    I can’t see our opponents agreeing to that – they’ll play hard ball.
    Friday night football?
    Our hosts wouldn’t agree to that as they’d have no time to prepare their pitch for their fixture the next day.
    We could end up in a situation where we end up playing half of our ‘home’ fixtures on our opponents ground.
    Ground sharing with Trinity has been banded about for weeks.
    How many of our fixtures clash with Trinity’s?
    It could be that we are deemed unable to fulfil fixtures even before the season starts and are kicked out of the league.
    It could all implode very, very quickly now!

    The Northern Premier League fixtures aren’t even out yet!

    The window of opportunity decreases daily.

    If there is to be a groundshare your club may have already arranged (should it come to it) for you to have primacy of fixtures whereby the other club then fits in with your requirements. Would no doubt be reflected in the cost of renting the ground. The National League would also want to see proof that your stay there as tenants is secure… that would be the case whether it’s GP or someone else’s ground.

    in reply to: Statement 06/07/23 #265792
    Registered On: May 24, 2022
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    I would be very afraid reading that. Be interesting to see if there is a detailed, line by line rebuttal backed up with facts and evidence. If not, and if the money is really not in place and no agreement is reached you would have to fear an implosion. Good luck to all SUFC fans from a fellow supporter of a club that has been abused and kicked around in the past.

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    in reply to: Administration #244990
    Registered On: May 24, 2022
    Topics: 0

    Doesn’t bear thinking about if that’s his ultimate aim. But he does now seem to hold all the aces in his hand.

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    in reply to: Administration #244973
    Registered On: May 24, 2022
    Topics: 0

    Really feel for you in this terrible situation having been through something very similar with my club. It’s bad enough facing admin but it really is worst case scenario if that is coupled with no ground of your own when trying to pick up the pieces.

    When our owner pulled the plug we at Darlo had no players, no stadium and very few other assets but we’re now fan owned and looking at finally building our own ground although there’s still a long way to go.

    Hopefully you find a white knight from somewhere that pulls this back from the brink before you are hurled over a cliff. Sad to see yet another club facing these awful times and facing such an uncertain future.