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Someone was bored last night.
Instead of Bremner, Bird and Fortune, we have Barley, Smithson and Williamson.
Should I understand this?
Another one who pops up on here when someone suggests everything isn’t awesome.
Apologies for not being with it, CMC. No agendas here. Just didn’t understand it and was curious. I didn’t know that coming on once in a while was some kind of sinister ‘popping up.’ I knew the Rory Bremner et al reference but for some reason don’t know who the other 3 are. Leave it if I’m just being dim.
Someone was bored last night.
Instead of Bremner, Bird and Fortune, we have Barley, Smithson and Williamson.
Should I understand this?
I am totally lost as to where the future of the club stands and have no confidence in taking a position on David Hilton … less reservation regarding Peter Swann. Things have never been worse in my 60 years of supporting the Iron. But there’s also something else going on. Huge support at the friendlies, healthy season ticket sales, Tamworth tickets going like hot cakes. Some will call it the ‘cult of Dave.’Others just blind faith. For me it’s compelling evidence that our club is rooted in the community, that we don’t have much but treasure those memories of what we so recently did have. It’s the sense that it may possibly all be gone soon … who actually knows? But the fans are just rallying to what they CAN do … and letting the rest work through. I think the word is ‘defiance’ and it may just be enough to guarantee some sort of future. I hope so.
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Sunday roast for 4 adults and 2 kids portions. A few drinks and 2 desserts ..£130. I know it was Bath prices but not too different in Leeds. I know I’m an old gimmer but I never thought I’d ever sign off on £100 plus for a pub meal and think it anywhere near reasonable. I’ve still got a few half crowns and ten bob notes in my jacket pocket.
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Was down in Bath visiting son and family. Sunday lunch in the pub … Grandad paying!! Cricket on the big screen and England needing around 80 runs. Perfect! Then the discussion as to whether eating outside would be better. Outvoted 4 to 1 with one cowardly abstention. Had 3 lengthy visits to the bar and another 4 to the loo.
Fair but not accurate IMO. This site isn’t toxic.
You are obviously entitled to your opinion AA …. but no one could ever accuse you, over a lengthy series of posts, of having your cup half full. I thought Cassidy’s post above actually epitomises how a ‘professional’ should have approached yesterday’s game.
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…notice this won’t be liked by JI.
Absolutely right, Bill. And for several good reasons.
The first is that I am at no one’s beck and call … your apparent obsession with my approving your posts is not healthy. The second is that I will only thank when I am thankful and like when I like something. In general I am neither thankful for nor approving of your posts because, although in many cases .. though not all … I might sit on your side of the discussion, I find your posts lacking in humility and designed to somehow prove your superiority. The Biblical injunction to ‘speak the Truth in love’ seems to have passed you by.
I have posted many times and sometimes at length about my faith and have had mixed responses. Many times I have been roundly mocked and occasionally vilified. On the other hand there have occasionally been some respectful exchanges, genuine questions and amicable conclusions. It’s been a cause of sadness to me in recent months not only that your resentment and bitterness against me has been so publicly displayed but also that your general approach has caused me to steer clear of any discussions surrounding Christianity and faith because our approaches are so different.
I had hoped that I would not have to respond in this way to your repeated jibes … that the sense of offense you have against me would eventually die down. Sidey had it right earlier when he reflected that it did not put you in a good light to keep up this vendetta and also that he did not want to be cruel. That has been my own position but there has to come a time for you put behind you the offense you are holding, recognise that we may have the same ‘label’ but are actually poles apart so that you don’t expect something from me that I can’t give … and to forgive and move on.
Again to anyone looking on .. I didn’t want this spat so publicly displayed but have not been given much choice because it keeps being aired so publicly. What must you think of these ‘Christians?’…also from me, Deerey. Hope your week improves and pressures ease.
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Outside influences have a lot to answer for including Iran etc. Also American right wing Christian fundamentalists whose aim is to facilitate the second coming. (Ah, what would God do without Americans).
Now that has potential to widen the discussion. Any takers?
Blimey, Deerey. I thought my ‘intel’ comment was a reasonable challenge given the strength of your post. I referenced Israeli ‘restraint’ or lack of because surely that is central to the current dispute wasn’t personal to you. I don’t see the world in terms of ‘sides’. If you want an eg of someone who does …look at the title of the thread. You know how much ‘skin’ I have in this game so I feel obliged to urge people not to rush to judgment. The first job of any Governmemt is to protect its own citizens .. the Israeli Govt had better protect those I love. This ongoing tragedy shouldn’t be simplified.
Agree I-A, the children shouldn’t be suffering, shouldn’t be getting killed and injured. I don’t see how the latest actions of the far right Israeli pro settlement government can be justified from the numerous articles I’ve read across various British media, including The Times, FT, Guardian and Telegraph.
… and you have the ‘intel’ to know what was being planned, what weaponry had accumulated and the likely price that Israeli citizens would pay if no action was taken.
As I write Jeremy Bowen is interviewing on the Beeb and the angry young interviewee is reiterating the mantra that only the destruction of Israel is an acceptable outcome. I want a peaceful solution .. failing that I want loved ones protected from those who would go to any lengths to achieve their goals. If anyone thins that Israel showed no restraint, as I’m hearing, then they have no idea of the resources at their disposal.Good job so far, Sidey. Firm and balanced.
There certainly are some unsavoury characters at the table in the Knesset. The price to be paid for proportional rep in a society with such diverse interest groups.
When it boils down the driving issue is the perpetuation of the victim hood narrative amongst the folks in the W Bank, Gaza and elsewhere for over 70 years. It’s everywhere..especially in the schools .. and inevitably leads to violence. Then comes the Israeli response and the perpetuation of the problem. Someone doesn’t want this problem peacefully concluded and so it continues. With Israeli grandchildren and wider family I can only lament every death but be extremely grateful that the balance of power rests where it does.1 user thanked author for this post.
Looking forward to us lifting the Trophy after the last game of the season ‘just up the road’ at Gloucester City :)
UTI.Son and grandkids live in Bath. 7 Yr old grandson at his first Iron match on last day I think.
Oh, Doris! Was just about to go for Farsley away.. just 20 mins from me. Haven’t read the rules so I’ll stick with that ..and two charities can benefit when we win. A tenner from me to MacMillans …just got back from visiting my friend who is in the terminal stages. Those nurses are solid gold.
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That’s right. It should be left a bit longer so typos etc can be amended or omissions added as an afterthought. Say ten minutes? I do think the option to edit should disappear once debate progresses .. the temptation to amend posts to ‘win the argument’ would be too strong for some posters.
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In case you missed it BPG …. ‘Irrespective of how we think of someone they should still be afforded the basic rights common to humanity. In Biblical terms its founded on the sanctity of life, man made in the image of God and bearing the vestiges of his character. A Christian subscribing to this worldview would, hopefully, be characterised by demonstrating a measure of grace and forgiveness when feeling wronged, not being easily offended, looking for the good in others and minimising their faults, not retaliating etc Not an easy gig to live up to by any means.’
Wasn’t lecturing, Deerey… at least not intentionally.
Show me one thing that demonstrate Farage’s existence is worth defending.
He’s a rotten individual, but rotten individuals deserve to exist, surely?
Yep. Irrespective of how we think of someone they should still be afforded the basic rights common to humanity. In Biblical terms its founded on the sanctity of life, man made in the image of God and bearing the vestiges of his character. A Christian subscribing to this worldview would, hopefully, be characterised by demonstrating a measure of grace and forgiveness when feeling wronged, not being easily offended, looking for the good in others and minimising their faults, not retaliating etc Not an easy gig to live up to by any means.
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Consideration and sense,TW. Both yourself and Sidey have shown principle over partisanship and I for one appreciate that.
Principles? On that matter, what are Mr Farage’s principles? In it for the money and notoriety, causing division and hate along the way. Utter scum.
You missed the point here,Deerey. Principles are not abandoned just because someone else is perceived to have none. They are rooted in someone’s character, not fluctuating according to circumstance.
Captain Cod … through gritted teeth I have to say that your post is fair enough. I suspect that your trajectory is more up than down in the next few seasons. As for us ..we live in hope. Just glad to have been born 30 miles west of Grimsby.
Consideration and sense,TW. Both yourself and Sidey have shown principle over partisanship and I for one appreciate that.
‘We can’t have banks close accounts unless there’s sufficient reason given.’
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‘Whipping up hatred’ …you should apply for a Consultancy, 64.
Is the cloth, silk? It would appear so.
Not too ‘Cool’ I hope.
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Not funny.. not clever! … as my old Mum used to say.
Respect,Sidey. You must have known that to express this perspective would possibly have brought about the sort of low level response that we see above. Both you and Deerey have the capacity to approach things in a respectful and collaborative manner and it should be commended. The folks who just suck everything in to ‘left’ or ‘right’ and then dole out the labels and insults just kill debate and also defy reality.
Scunthorpe Disunited !! ( Sorry … I’ll get me coat.)
You’ve got me on ‘the bees nest’ thingy, Deerey. Did I miss something?