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I want one!!!
1. For the zillionth time Heath..I’m not a Tory. 2.I didn’t ‘advocate for it above. Neither do I want to ‘stop oil’ or ‘impeach Donald.’ They were examples to get the ball rolling. I DO think you’ve taken some kind of dislike to me. Looking at parallel posts .
maybe it’s a gift I have.:) Anyhow stop people ‘banging on’ surely must entail taking away their freedom to speak.Good advice,Sidey. Thank you. Will do.
Don’t know what happened above. I was responding to the question as to whether Beck had a shot …on or off target.He did.
Registered On: December 26Yes he did. A reasonable turn in the box and a block which deflected, I think, for a corner..
That’s where we definitely differ,Bill. For you it seems that ‘life in the Spirit’ is about theories and doctrines. For me they are just to explain what’s going on and what’s happened. A child with hardly any understanding but knows Jesus has life in the Spirit. A Theologian can have massive intellectual capacity and analytic skills but nothing of the Spirit of God. To illustrate … a person could claim deeper knowledge of Truth yet hold grudges and manifest no forgiveness for real or perceived wrongs. In so doing they would miss the essence of what they are supposedly advocating in a ‘superior’ way.
Could be. Personally I know what I know. I’d stake everything on the truth I’ve experienced in the person of Christ. I know the change he’s brought to my emotions, my perception of the world and the way I relate to others. There’s many different ways to describe reality. That’s reality for me. The one who said ‘I am the way, the truth and the life.’ Not about theories or doctrines .. that’s not life in the Spirit of Jesus. I’d want you, NI … and everyone.. to encounter what I’ve been granted. And you can .. if this messed up bloke can ..then anyone can. Happy New Year.
NI .. no mention of Hinduism, Buddhism, Shinto, Animism, Zoroastrians etc The religious impulse seems pretty deep-seated in humankind and far more widespread than just the Abrahamic religions you mentioned. It’s as if there is some kind of hunger within vast swathes of humanity throughout the generations for connection with a transcendent realm. Even an historic atheistic state like the USSR or a current one like China cannot persuade or coerce its population into completely abandoning religious belief.
“End the TV Licence fee?”
Stop people banging on about this!
So … an end to freedom of speech then. (I’m guessing that you’re a fan of the Beeb.)
Unfortunately you would have to eliminate a huge % of humanity to achieve the first choice, NI. And then declassify atheism and humanism as belief systems. Starts to get complicated. Iron as champs seems more realistic.
He did what he was put on to do a target and keep their big centre back occupied. There were glimpses of lay off skills but by the time he came on we were managing the game. Our subs did OK but the game, despite a real effort to get a goal back from Kings Lynn, was just kept under control by us. I was hoping for a second half goal ..maybe from Beck, Carlton or Williams … but no complaints around me as we headed for the exit.
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Thank you. May you and your family have a blessed New Year.
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Yep. It was the pitch wot done for Ross.
Loved that performance. Lots of energy and feistiness in midfield. Danny and Roberts looked class and Carlton getting better each game. My biggest encouragement was Rowley. Now where’s he been?1 user thanked author for this post.
A sad day for the Iron when the likes of Jerry are cast as villains. The season of goodwill didn’t last long. Anybody for turning t’other cheek, letting bygones be bygones, cutting some slack etc etc Maybe a few wins will be a welcome distraction.
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Ah well, Bill. We see things differently. I’m sorry I can’t satisfy you over this. I did say that I’m sorry that I e mailed you. I can’t go further than that. I genuinely wish you all the best.
I am sorry for e mailing you. It clearly didn’t help anyone. I didn’t ‘attack your character.’ I genuinely thought I could help but it seems I was wrong. You are right that I didn’t know you very well and so have been surprised by the strength of your response. I never expected this to go on for so long. Its certainly been a learning curve for me. We definitely disagree on several issues so it would be great if we can move on.
I wasn’t wrong. For a couple of months, at least, you had been relentless in trying to show me the supposed ‘failings of my doctrine’ and were sending me endless videos of teachers ‘proving me wrong’ … sometimes 2 per day. When I hinted that I didn’t appreciate the direction of travel you ignored me. When I asked you to stop you simply continued.I started to feel like a person would if they were being stalked. I decided to try to offer you help. I didn’t do it maliciously and still believe it to be correct. If you disagree then ..forgive me my perceived arrogance and malice ..and move on. At the very least don’t keep dredging it up in public.
Still not over it, Bill? None of those things were applicable to our interactions. None of my observations were intended to label, denigrate or provoke you… only to help. The fact that they have touched such a deep nerve is a great sadness to me. Your analysis is that I was malicious and arrogant as you have repeatedly said. If that were true then the best thing for you to do …according to our shared creed .. is to forgive and move on. Yet you don’t. Every now and again you raise it again ..and in public for all to see. Tell me again how there’s not a mismatch between stated belief and behaviour and, therefore, some healing work to be done? That’s all I was offering and I wish you all the best.
Yup. A collectors item IA. Never been wrong before :)
ps the ‘framing’ of Trump was a given.
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Not by deliberately divisive generalisations and identity politics. Respect should be afforded to everyone and shouldn’t really have to be earned … not until it is forfeited by provocative statements, labelling and denigrating others simply because they don’t fit your worldview.
Haven’t seen you as doing that :) That was why I re checked immediately after posting and saw I was wrong. The suspension of the statute of limitations is of concern. As is the fact that this was pursued over 25 years after the event and at the start of an election campaign. We’ll see where the appeals go.
It is a fact. He wasn’t convicted ..but was found liable..My mistake.
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Not a fact. When was this ‘liability’ found and what damages were payed to who?
What sort of crowd do you expect? (A few regulars missing through work commitments I expect ..but probably very few in reality). A decent number from Kings Lynn … in this League terms.. I should think, though its quite a trek. I reckon around 4200 … though maybe slightly optimistic.
He wasn’t convicted of sexual abuse. Facts matter. Otherwise we might find ourselves manifesting the sort of nonsense Gurney exhibits in his poem … calling Trump a liar and then, in the next word, lying about him. Despise his character ..or his politics ..or his mannerisms all you want. Your prerogative. But don’t change facts.
`fNever convicted of sexual assault IA. (And certainly not of rape!) It’s not about playing with words. Its about what’s actually true. Check your facts before making such serious allegations.
From me to you 64 …earn some!!
Just to Gurney and IA. It’s a serious allegation to claim someone is a rapist and a convicted sex offender. Care to check your facts?
I think you need to do a bit of “sorting out’ with your thinking ol pal. Way too much generalisation is what I’m alluding to. You may be white ..but are you a Christian? You’ve never seemed to present yourself as one before. Are you sure that you’ve got your ethnic mix right for the C of E in England. Huge numbers of African and Caribbean background .. Sentanyu and all that .. so equating Christianity with being white, especially the C of E, doesn’t stand up.
I do think that accusations of ‘cover up’ may apply ‘in some cases’ .. but equally my own assessment of lacking leadership skills .. discernment and courage .. are not just ‘waffle’ if you look at the specifics re the Archbishops. And finally .. moving from Christian ‘pervs’ to Christian ‘racists’ smacks of a desperation to denigrate Christians. Those who commit violent and racist acts may claim to be English or British Christians ..and may even have been ‘christened at birth ..but I would suggest that they are probably no more Christian than you are. So have another go and sort it out. -