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Gurny certainly thinks he’s smarter than everyone, IA. I’d say the vast majority of people are smarter than me, so what?
If you or anyone else thinks it’s smart to compare people with Hitler and belittle mental illness– the proof is on this board, though at the moment you won’t be able to find it for obvious reasons — then I’d say neither you nor Gurny are very smart. I’d also say he’s anti-semitic from a number of comments he’s made, but of course that form of racism is acceptable to the left.
The fact that you and the usual suspects support Gurnelista reveals everything.
I couldn’t help but laugh when I saw that response from Gurnelista. Just comes out with the same old stuff. It never changes. Just soooooo predictable. What a total and utter loser.
A number of comments and threads have been deleted from this site in the past because they didn’t suit the agenda of those who run it. This was despite the content being entirely lawful and inoffensive. Yet threads attacking individuals whose opinions the mods don’t like have been allowed to stay, even when these have made the ultimate highly offensive comparison to Hitler. I know because Gurnelista made such a comment about me, along with many other highly offensive comments including references to mental illness.
I’ve always held the view that truly offensive comments reveal far more about the author than the person at whom the comment is directed. There’s also a widely held view around social media that anyone who makes the Hitler/Nazi comment has lost the argument, often referred to as Godwin’s law.
Of course extreme right-wing comments should be removed if they’re offensive. It’s just a pity that the same hasn’t been applied to those on the extreme left.
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All fair points, IA, and I completely agree it’s looking very bad indeed. To say that I’m totally and utterly deflated by what’s happened under Swann would be an understatement.
At the same time we must never give up hope. Hill’s a good manager and if anyone can keep us up then I believe it’s him. Yes, we need more players in key positions but let’s just see what transpires.
Unless and until the fat lady sings I’m going to keep believing.
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Whether people agree or disagree with UTI he has every right to offer his view without others slanging him off. Like UTI, I rarely post on here because of the abuse that comes whenever anyone holds a view that doesn’t meet with general approval. Is there any wonder, therefore, that UTI himself fights back.
It’s also worth saying that UTI is making a very valid point. As he points out, it’s highly unlikely that the land is worth anything like the amount that Swann has put into the club.
I’m bitterly disappointed by how Swann’s let things slide and feel very let down as a result of this. However, it’s absurd to suggest he’s somehow happy about what’s happened or the outcome. What’s more, we haven’t been relegated yet. Plenty of clubs have been through incredibly tough times and fought back. There’s no reason we can’t do the same.
While far from optimistic I’m not giving up on the club and still hope that Swann can turn things round. I can’t help feeling that while there are some on here who might say the same thing, in reality they wouldn’t be too upset if we were to go down because it would “prove them right”.
I’ve always defended the club owner but feel incredibly let down by Swann.
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Fond memories of Burrows, the team and OSG in those days.
Phew, yes, lines of communication were down. Who cares — just glad they’ve gone!
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Given how things are turning out Peter Swann has, I’m afraid, even lost support from those fans who have always backed the chairman and owner of the club, including me.
It is very clear that Cox and Lillis cannot get the team out of trouble and if Swann really does have the club’s interests at heart then they MUST go. If this doesn’t happen within the next couple of weeks — and that’s being generous — then even the likes of myself will have to concede that Swann really doesn’t care.
A very, very sad situation.
I wonder if Swann is attempting to show potential managers that he HAS changed his approach, i.e. away from hire and fire in order to help him recruit someone new. Let’s face it, nobody — including a potential applicant for the job — could accuse Swann of not giving Cox every possible chance to turn things round. The squad isn’t great but good enough for a decent manager to get us out of this mess.
For all Swann’s faults I simply cannot believe he’d be happy for us to be relegated from the EFL. Unless a miracle takes place and Cox somehow manages to put a decent run together I think Cox will be sacked in the next few weeks.
Swann might also be lining someone up in the background. Again, I don’t think anyone could really blame him for doing so given the current circumstances. If Cox does go, which he surely must, a new manager needs to be installed and up and running very quickly.
Hey, I’m not forgiving Swann one bit. He’s made a complete mess of things and I’ve no intention of defending him.
My point very simply is that the financial position of the club has gone from not very good, but manageable, before covid to complete disaster following it. Nobody can be blamed for that, even Swann.
“Some of us tried to say from the beginning that his reckless spending was unsustainable but we were told by Bucks and the like that we didnt know what we were talking about and that the debt being created was manageable because of Swanns vast wealth”
Pat, nobody saw covid coming along. That’s what’s hit Swann’s wealth, not the club. His business is based on leisure, which has been hit far harder than any other sector for very obvious reasons. He’ll have lost tens of millions over the past 18 months, which given even his wealth will have created massive financial problems. Thousands of perfectly sound businesses have been hit in exactly the same way.
The biggest mistakes that Swann’s made are down to his handling of managers and transfers, which he should have left to management. I suspect the main reason he’s being so loyal to Cox, apart from money, is to demonstrate he’s no longer a “hire and fire” merchant.
I’m massively disappointed by how Swann’s handled things at the club but without covid the financial problems would be a fraction of what they now are. We can blame Swann for a lot of things but we cannot blame him for that.
Entirely predictable responses from the usual suspects. I’m not going to apologise for calling out the moaners and groaners. If all you ever do is moan and groan about anything and everything, as a number on this board have done since the days of Wharton then why should anyone take you seriously.
As for this being about “me, me, me”, what a ridiculous comment. It has nothing whatever to do with me and everything to do with MY club, just as it has to do with YOUR club. SUFC “belongs” to all of us who support it.
I always have and always will support the chairman and owner of my club for as long as I feel able to do so. I no longer feel able to support Peter Swann, which I find extremely sad, though I will happily do so again if he is willing to turn things around.
Unless and until Cox goes, however, that seems unlikely.
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You’re as pathetic now as you always were, Fans, which is one reason I rarely post on here these days.
The language in your last comment sums you up. Disgraceful.
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I’m not so sure. I can’t believe Swann would want another season like this one if he can avoid it.
Exactly, MK, an on-field “general” to marshal and rally the troops. For me this should be a priority signing for the club — the type of player we’re talking about will typically have a lot of experience and therefore be likely to be approaching the end of his career.
For us at the moment that wouldn’t be an issue. We desperately need a couple of good seasons to get hope back into the club and at least some fans back on board, so if that’s all the player could give so be it.
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Not only that, Mick, but also the type of player that nearly every successful team has in its squad. We’ve missed the likes of Bish and Dawson badly, I’m afraid.
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I think Bill’s comment might just have been a little tongue-in-cheek…
I loved it — cup finals are rarely classics but this had loads of drama, fantastic goals, fantastic saves and great managers showing respect to each other.
Also, yes, Swann could learn a great deal from how Leicester are run.
Heavens Deerey, it’s a football message board. No doubt you get a nice warm feeling with you and your mates thanking and congratulating each other all the time but I can think of rather more important places for all of that.
Life would incredibly dull and boring if we all agreed with each other all the time. That’s never going to happen with football fans.
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Deerey, I couldn’t care less about my ‘credibility’ and ‘respect’. I don’t come on here for either.
AWG, I wasn’t referring to your post and I’m certainly not trying to “shut anyone down”. If people want to talk about politics on here, fine, but that doesn’t mean someone else, including me, can’t suggest such topics would be better under the non-football site.
You’re wasting your time, WG. When the ‘usual suspects’ gang-up, which is most of the time, they just stream-roller anyone else’s opinions. Doesn’t take long for the insults and accusations to come along — in fact they’ve already started as can be seen above. These can range anywhere from mocking mental health to comparisons with Hitler.
But as Labour-luvvies they’re obviously shining examples of the human species and know better than you, me or anyone else what is actually best for you, me and everyone else. If they were running the country, which of course they would be but for a right-wing press and lies, lies, lies then poverty and homelessness would disappear.
I know things are desperate for the left at the moment but could you leave the politics for the non-football site.
Unless the rules have changed it’s very difficult for small clubs to develop real talent given that the best are now taken by the bigger ones at a very early age.
In the current financial climate this was always likely to happen.
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Pat, I did not accuse you or anyone else of making anything up! I’m sure you and others have had problems but tell me of any restaurant or catering outlet that is perfect. The point I made at the time was that I hadn’t experienced any problems at all, couldn’t see anyone who had and that I felt the whole issue had been blown completely out of proportion.
None of that means people shouldn’t complain or criticise Swann — in fact the complete opposite. My point was and remains that constructive criticism is far more likely to engender change and improvements than continuous moaning and groaning.
As for Wharton, the criticism he received on this board was unbelievable and appalling. Anyone who thinks otherwise is just kidding themselves. I remember at the time being amazed that Wharton did nothing to stop the comments being made and one thing nobody should criticise Swann for doing is ensuring that he and his family don’t go through what Wharton did.
I can’t see what’s remotely unfair about it.
Then stop calling me a liar, Pat, for simply offering an opinion! But, surprise, surprise, you just can’t stop yourself, can you.
You seem to think it’s fine to hurl false accusations in my direction but when I refer to pies, which btw was a generic reference to anything and everything to do with catering, which as I recall turned into ‘piegate’, you go mad. Of course the usual suspects back you up, but no surprises there.
As for your points about catering and merchandising I think you’ll find that I agreed the club needed to improve. My point was and remains, however, that the moaning and groaning about these things was way over the top.
As for growing a pair of conkers, I wish you would. All of this just because I didn’t — and still don’t — agree that this was the major issue you claim. I’m very happy to criticise Swann but right now I think there are far bigger things to criticise him about than catering and merchandise. Talk about petulance. I’m sure you’ll find some conkers in the playground if you look hard enough.
Pat, don’t be ridiculous:
1. Someone is perfectly entitled to say they believe (insert name) has an agenda. I believe you have an agenda against the catering at GP. You can’t just say “no I don’t” and then claim that I’m lying. Based on your definition everyone on this board would be serial liars.
2. You’ve criticised the catering at GP on numerous occasions. If I inadvertently said the word “pie” to then accuse me of lying is taking pettiness to the extreme.
The real irony is that accusing someone of lying when they haven’t done so can be grounds for defamation. Not that it would ever be worth it on a board such as this, of course, but the principle remains.
Again, this is more like the playground, so why don’t you take your little mates and run off to get an ice-cream. Obviously not at GP, of course, because according to you there’d undoubtedly be something wrong with it.
Pat, whenever I’ve offered an opinion about something your inevitable response has been “I said no such thing”, or “so and so said no such thing”. You do this regardless of the fact that I haven’t claimed you or anyone else “said” anything. You’ve then gone on to accuse me of lying. If anyone should be in any doubt just look at your comments above. Exactly the same as always.
In fact your de facto response to any and every opinion I’ve offered is to accuse me of being a liar. All because I referred to pies. Jeez, it’s like a junior school playground. In fact you could do to go back to junior school to understand that when someone offers an opinion about something it does not mean they’re claiming anyone “said” anything.
Why oh why do we put ourselves through this.
Pat, that is a joke. I apologise to people who deserve an apology. The number of times you’ve accused me of being a liar would make a libel lawyer blush, even when all that I’ve done is offer an opinion. Yet here you are again hurling false accusations in my direction.