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  • in reply to: ‘Growth growth growth!’ #246553
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 16

    I completely disagree, NI. The irony is that if the EU was about economic strength, which at one time it was, then it’s unlikely the vote would have been to leave. The problems really began after Maastricht and, more recently, Lisbon.

    Had the EU taken more notice of Cameron — and had Cameron been firmer with the EU, then, again, it’s unlikely the vote would have been to leave.

    You only have to look at what’s now happening in EU countries to understand how disunited it’s become.

    in reply to: Truss spewing crap for morons to repeat #246552
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 16

    I don’t agree. “It’s the economy, stupid” is famous for a reason and it very much depends on what happens over the next 12 to 18 months. Also worth remembering that higher interest rates are good for savers, a group of people everyone appears to have forgotten about.

    Remember what happened in 1992. Nobody gave John Major a cat-in-hell’s chance of winning, but he did.

    in reply to: Dirtiest Government in the modern era #246551
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 16

    It’s impossible to respond to this type of stuff, which is just abusive and nonsensical.

    in reply to: The shady world of the Tories #246410
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 16

    Yes they are, Heath, and it isn’t “lazy” but the reality.

    This idea that those on the left are more caring and somehow better than those on the right is total and utter rubbish. It’s not unusual for those on the left to say they “could never be friends with a Tory”. Just how absurd is that. This sort of stuff comes out all the time — look at the nurse a few days ago saying that Tory voters “…don’t deserve to be resuscitated”. She then claimed it was meant to be a joke.

    As for ‘whataboutery’, Siderite, this is exactly why these points have to be made. The left come out with this stuff as though they are all little angels and, as you say, they’re not. However, I’ve no idea why you or how this makes you a tribalist.

    in reply to: ‘Growth growth growth!’ #246408
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 16

    You clearly haven’t read my comment, Siderite. It says: “…obviously Brexit will have made an impact and I’ve no doubt whatever that might have been negative from an economic perspective”.

    Obviously I can’t comment on what your ‘friends and colleagues’ criticised you for, Deerey, but on this board there were plenty of comments claiming that those voting for Brexit were anti-immigration and racist. Even if people did vote because of immigration that did not and does not make them racist.

    I have no problem at all with immigration and believe it to be a good thing. The downside is that this inevitably puts a lot more pressure on public services, including the NHS, and that is a problem.

    in reply to: That there takeover? #246407
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 16

    “Was spending big bucks on architects fees before securing the land and planning permission sensible?”

    I don’t think there’s anything particularly unusual with that for any proposed development, Cass. Either way, this isn’t the reason we’re in the mess we are.

    in reply to: The shady world of the Tories #246379
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 16

    I don’t believe in “others do it, so let’s turn a blind eye” either, BRI/Siderite. I’m simply pointing out that in the real world of politics this is what goes on. It’s a very dirty business, I’m afraid; and that applies to all parties.

    The point is that those on the left love to make out they’re “fair, decent and honest” while claiming those on the right are the opposite. This is a total and utter fallacy. The left is just as bad, if not worse.

    in reply to: ‘Growth growth growth!’ #246377
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 16

    First, I’m an atheist but fully respect people’s faith, whatever that might be.

    Second, have you actually seen what’s happening in the EU, Gurny? Probably not because the entire enterprise could cave in and you’d still support it. All you’re doing, as usual, is blaming everything on Brexit. Well, obviously Brexit will have made an impact and I’ve no doubt whatever that might have been negative from an economic perspective. In reality, even it that is the case it will be a few years before the real impact will be known.

    However, I chose to leave because I wasn’t happy with the way the EU wanted to put more power into the hands of unelected bureaucrats. Economics didn’t come into it, though I never believed project fear despite being told the world would end. I fully understand that you and others can never accept the democratic right of those who disagree with you. After all, you know what’s best for everyone.

    in reply to: Truss spewing crap for morons to repeat #246374
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 16

    Let’s see what happens, Gurny. I recall you claiming the Tories were finished not long before the last election.

    As for “religiously” voting for them, I wouldn’t expect you to come out with anything remotely constructive because that word doesn’t appear in your vocabulary. It’s always the same from you, painting people in the way you see them, no doubt as a result of your ‘psychological profiling’. Then you come out with a comment such as “arguments that are bizarre, misleading and unsupported by evidence”. It’s all complete tosh.

    in reply to: That there takeover? #246372
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 16

    Sorry Pat, but the plans did make sense. The financial problems we’re now facing aren’t down to what happened off the field but what happened on it. Too much money spent on players who weren’t good enough and a merry-go-round of managers that created instability.

    in reply to: That there takeover? #246341
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 16

    The plans he stated all made sense, but the implementation has failed to the extent that nothing’s been implemented! Obviously covid didn’t help and it would have hit Swann hard given he’s in hospitality. However, I’d say the biggest mistake was interference on the field, especially with regard to transfers, along with the ‘hire and fire’ approach to managers.

    All of this meant that the impact of the pandemic was significantly greater than it might have been and we find ourselves in this very sorry state. I really can’t forgive Swann for what’s happened and feel very let down, especially having supported him for so long.

    in reply to: The shady world of the Tories #246311
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 16

    You’d have a point if it turned out to be a right-wing dictator, 64, but if that were the case I think it would have been unearthed by now. Plenty of organisations on the left have financial backers every bit as ‘shady’ as those on the right.

    in reply to: ‘Growth growth growth!’ #246310
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 16

    All the evidence suggests the parties haven’t been interested in growth for the last 20 years or so. The usual suspects on here all want higher spending without austerity but that’s impossible if you don’t generate the wealth required to fund it.

    This is why Truss is taking a big political risk, but she’s doing it for exactly the right reasons. If it comes off — and it could — you’re likely to see the opinion polls changing just as fast as they have in recent weeks, only in the other direction.

    in reply to: That there takeover? #246307
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 16

    I suspect the asking price is too high. In my opinion Swann has destroyed a lot of the intangible asset value of the club, which is only likely to come back if we can show signs of returning the the EFL. That looks a long way off at the moment.

    All very demoralising for supporters.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    in reply to: The shady world of the Tories #246256
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 16

    That’s rubbish, Deerey. These organisations have been in the media and known about for years.

    in reply to: The shady world of the Tories #246255
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 16

    I don’t know why you think anything’s aimed at you, Siderite.

    All sorts of funding of all sorts of organisations is “opaque” as you put it. You’ll find exactly the same behind numerous organisations across the whole political spectrum, including the left. Of course the media will spin this, which is fair enough but it’s hardly Watergate.

    in reply to: ‘Growth growth growth!’ #246251
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 16

    Heavens, Siderite, and you think I claim to be a victim? I was actually AGREEING with you.

    in reply to: The shady world of the Tories #246249
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 16

    Victim, Siderite, eh?

    in reply to: Inept Government #246247
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 16

    You’d have asked Matt to ban the account, 64?

    I read comment after comment on this board about Jews from one very prominent poster. I raised it plenty of times but, of course, nothing ever happened. The same poster was also very happy to ridicule mental health.

    What a lovely chap. Thanked on many occasions by the usual suspects. They’ll probably even claim that never happened now.

    All very conveniently lost, I’ve no doubt.

    in reply to: The shady world of the Tories #246245
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 16

    Secrecy? Are you seriously claiming you knew nothing about this before the supposedly world-shattering “exposure”. Heavens, they’re in the media enough.

    As for banning meat and dairy, NI, I’d say it’s typically left-wing.

    in reply to: ‘Growth growth growth!’ #246242
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 16

    ‘Race’, just how ridiculous can people get. Except I forgot, of course, that the Tories don’t have proper black people. Jeez.

    As for “offering nothing about how growth’s going to be achieved”, I mean, just as ridiculous.

    Here you see a great example of the constructive arguments put forward by the usual suspects.

    in reply to: Inept Government #246227
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 16

    Ah, right, Deerey, you do recall some posts around anti-Semitism in the Labour party. Well, I can recall rather more than that, including one post in particular that questioned whether my opinions might be down to having Jewish friends or relatives, all in the context that being Jewish or having Jewish friends was, according to this individual, unacceptable.

    However, unlike you, of course, I’m just a normal human who gets things wrong. Obviously you never do. So why would anyone believe me.

    in reply to: The shady world of the Tories #246224
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 16

    Why would I want to deflect attention away from it, Deerey? ‘Think tanks’ have always played an important role in politics, left and right. All you’ve done is buy-in to the narrative being spouted by the left wing media, which is entirely what I’d expect.

    Obviously they’re going to influence the Tory party, just as left-wing think tanks influence Labour. Trying to turn this into some sort of “shady Tories” story is a classic example of left-wing spin. I mean, how dreadful that ‘climate sceptics’ are trying to influence Government thinking. Whatever next.

    in reply to: The shady world of the Tories #246202
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 16

    I haven’t dismissed it at all, Siderite. All that I’ve done is point out the guy’s political position; and as for “not going that far”, he is absolutely serious about banning meat and dairy farming. His views are incredibly extreme and left-wing.

    in reply to: The shady world of the Tories #246200
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 16

    George Monbiot, heavens, what a source. Presumably you agree with his view that meat and dairy farming should be abolished? To say his views are left of Lenin would be understatement.

    in reply to: Inept Government #246196
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 16

    “Lack of awareness”?! Selective memory more like.

    As for ‘evidence’, what a joke. The old board was like the Stasi, with comments mysteriously disappearing according to the mods’ whim. With hindsight I should have copied the offending comments as soon as they appeared but, seriously, why should that have been necessary?

    People can make up their own minds about the facts behind this. If they choose not to believe me, that’s up to them. Ultimately, I just hope things have changed and that the anti-Semitic comments which used to be made on here are very much a thing of the past.

    Again, zero tolerance means zero tolerance.

    in reply to: Truss spewing crap for morons to repeat #246128
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 16

    Heavens, NI, talk about pot, kettle and black. Corbyn was a joke and Starmer supported him, along with most Labour MPs, you and the rest of the usual suspects on here.

    As for Truss, let’s wait to see what happens over the next 12 months. Who knows, you might be right but I wouldn’t bet your house on it. Polls can move either way and clearly very quickly in these febrile times.

    in reply to: Inept Government #246126
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 16

    It’s absolutely true, Deerey, but it doesn’t surprise me in the least that you claim otherwise. A number of posts moved and disappeared mysteriously in the past, which I raised at the time, obviously to be completely ignored.

    NI, what a crass comment. Some of the comments made on this board have been deeply anti semitic. The truth is that it had one rule for some and different rules for others. Hopefully that’s changed — I certainly hope so.

    Zero tolerance means zero tolerance.

    in reply to: The Problems with Renewable Energy #246123
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 16

    Your demeanour doesn’t bother me in the slightest, Siderite. You’re perfectly entitled to your views and I respect your right to have them, regardless of how negative or positive they might be towards me or anyone else. I would simply ask you to understand that as someone whose political views are different to the vast majority on this board I’ve taken a lot of abuse. Some might think I deserve it, which is up to them, but either way it explains why I take the position that I do.

    in reply to: The Problems with Renewable Energy #246122
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 16

    Oil is more difficult to estimate because there’s so much of the stuff that could be removed depending on the economics and technology used to extract it, which I think you referred to earlier, Siderite. However, even based on what we know now there’s at least 50 years, which would almost certainly increase massively if companies were encouraged to search for and recover it.

    Whatever King Charles, Joe Biden, David Attenborough or Greta Thunberg might like to believe this is going to have to happen unless nuclear is ramped up massively. I genuinely wish it were otherwise, but it isn’t.