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“our own BBC all spew government and right wing agendas”.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣! Good one fans.….the “elites” are the neo- Marxists. The “old school” communists ( give it another try,we will do it better this time) are missing the aims of the new ideology,that will lead to misery and chaos – starting with the working classes!!
Totally agree Fans everyone should be treated equal in terms of dignity and respect.
We can never have people equal in terms of financial wealth ,but in a Christian worldview everyone is of equal worth. This is why the “greats “ of the past have all had a Christian worldview. The Salvation Army,Willian Wilberforce …the list goes on and on. Without a Christian worldview the recipe is chaos and misery,the Communist and totalitarian regimes are without a Christian worldview.The Neo-Marxism being unleashed on the world right now also has an anti-Christian worldview and will lead to the same chaos and misery.“In many cases fans were treated like animals”. In your evolutionary worldview we are just animals. In your worldview why should animals be treated with respect?
The reason is your stealing from the Christian world view to make sense of your idea of respect and dignity etc!..”get those millions of levelling up funds that have served us so well so far.”
I didn’t realise the council had been oh so helpful in the past.1 user thanked author for this post.
“…new ground… with support from the council”!
Bucksiron ,at the top of the page “press” forums,it will be good to see you back!
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…evolution?… that’s only your theory,I guess.
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I lovingly give you the answer to eternal happiness.
“ They claimed to be wise but they became fools”,fits perfectly with the usual suspects.
The message I always give is repent and put your trust in Jesus Christ.
Some are not as bold to proclaim that and are shattered when their intelligence doesn’t win the day.The problem with JI is he needs a bunch of tulips.
JI wants to speak from a neutral starting point, but you can’t “win” by argument .
The Bible explains this in Ephesians 2:2 and Romans 1:22...that’s blown it.
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Barry Richards ,Alan Knott, Sunday afternoon 40 overs, happy memories.
Ahh! The humanist view of we start from a neutral position,the only difference is one believes in a transcendental view to life,the other doesn’t.
The Bible teaches the complete opposite.JI- “It’s the basic teaching of Christianity..though not taught so much in many Churches..and is the true meaning of being ‘born again’..”It begins more by a sense of need and a searching for meaning”.( but it’s got nothing to do with intelligence!
No wonder Deereyme66 and the crew can pick fault in your theology,JI.“I doubt if any pro abortion people will”.
We know why. The video would leave them with no defence for their position. They know in their heart this is the reason. They would rather close their eyes,unfortunately.Take a look at the video , but we know why you are afraid to look at it.
All pro- abortion on here are AFRAID to look at it.YouTube- “TESTIMONY OF FORMER ABORTION PROVIDER,DR,ANTHONY LEVATINO.”
Only 5 mins long – take a look ( i doubt if any pro- abortion people will) ,we know why, but hopefully they will. If they do ,please report back and give me your criticisms.Laughing about it is always the answer for some.
August 3, 2022 at 12:17 pm in reply to: Will Today be the day for the takeover to go through ? #241900…same as it ever was.
“..carvers may have closed down.”
New owners ,but it’s closed for two – three weeks due to a fire!Ohh! Sorry.I must have misunderstood his intent. Silly me.
….ad hom attack with no substance. What else would we expect from NI? long as we get the Cods in the FA Cup first round and give ‘em a good tonking at Blunder Park.
…”.yet,many countries and societies are losing freedoms from the right.”
The old school “left “and “right “rings loud in all the “Wolfie smiths”posts on this site.
Look again ,you are being swallowed up by the global elites,( I won’t call them neo- Marxists if it sounds better),but the truth is the ideology is frightening for the future. The “great reset” is not a conspiracy theory,they actually tell us,” you will own nothing and you will be happy!!” etc etc. Anyway I’ve tried .Your “Wolfie smith “ ideology,rigid that left is Marxism and right is fascism is old school . You have been swept away by a new worldview. Neo- Marxism ( you think this is left!!)is a new globalist ideology ( not a worldview of “ power to the people”).The global elite ( who believe there is no transcendental value to life)will not stop until you ask ,”where have all my freedoms gone?” Unfortunately it will be too late.
One things for certain the “ power to the people” Wolfie smith ideology of some on this site is completely different to the neo- Marxist ideology that wants the global elites in charge and the people as their slaves,with no freedom.
Our freedoms are being taken away from us for our own good! Anyone else see the pattern? Cashless society- it could never happen,digital ID(for your own good and safety-it could never happen.Lots understand the fight we are in,lots don’t.……you seem to be confusing Marxism (Karl Marx theology) with Neo -Marxism which is completely different. I wonder if others on this site understand the difference?