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When did you two become such good friends ?
When i outed the onanist as a club stooge.Nasty piece of work isn’t he?
Swann’s answer wasn’t pathetic at all.
It was EXACTLY what anyone who has watched him since he came, should have expected.If it doesn’t directly impact on him, he’s not bothered one jot.
Witness his comment to the older supporter on the phone in, when the supporter told him he’d not be renewing his season ticket.
Astute businessman? My firm but pliant, as my dad used to quip.
If Swindon had five players two weeks ago, how did they manage to sign better players than we did in six weeks?Come on alcy get your head out your arse, the new guy at Swindon will have bunged a lot of money into the squad really quickly whereas we have the lowest budget in the division. Do you spend all day sleeping in that bloody shed, waking up occasionally to post crap for the sake of it? Wake up man.
Bit harsh.
Unlike some on here i dont have the time (or inclination) to follow the fortunes of every club.
So much so that when England play, I have very little idea as to who the players are, or who their parent clubs are…unless I watch with my youngest.But don’t let any of that deny you a chance at a rant, or an insult or two.
Don’t worry I wont, you know the position of the club budget wise and you basically rehash the same old tripe to come on here and say the same thing. We get it you want Swann gone along with a few more of us but just do a bit of research before posting the same old bilge and as for the current squad, yes they lack quality but the effort of the team yesterday was commendable compared to last season and over the season they will be better to watch at least from that point of view. To compare a relegated club, however a dire position they were in up until recently, with our threadbare squad backed with the smallest budget in the Football league is just plain stupid, so deal with it because sometimes you get what your stupidity deserves.Do my research?
You really are a thick wnaker aren’t you?
Which part of I HAVEN’T TIME are you not understanding?
I’m a 24/7 carer for my paraplegic wife, you tosser.
I have little time and zero inclination to read about the fortunes of any club except the Iron.
Deal with that.So….
If Swindon had five players two weeks ago, how did they manage to sign better players than we did in six weeks?Come on alcy get your head out your arse, the new guy at Swindon will have bunged a lot of money into the squad really quickly whereas we have the lowest budget in the division. Do you spend all day sleeping in that bloody shed, waking up occasionally to post crap for the sake of it? Wake up man.
Bit harsh.
Unlike some on here i dont have the time (or inclination) to follow the fortunes of every club.
So much so that when England play, I have very little idea as to who the players are, or who their parent clubs are…unless I watch with my youngest.But don’t let any of that deny you a chance at a rant, or an insult or two.
If Swindon had five players two weeks ago, how did they manage to sign better players than we did in six weeks?1 user thanked author for this post.
38% possession…at home, to a side some were saying might not even be able to field a team🙁
Says it all for me.
Fortress Glanny? Home record gone in the very first game🙄🙄Goodness know what will happen when decent teams come.
Down by Christmas?
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I rest my case.
This is going to be one very very long season.1v0 up at half time. Perry on for oNeill during second half for a 451 and we see out the match 1v0.
Small number of fans happy with the win but most revert back to complaining!Correction: we try to sit on a 1-0 lead at home AGAIN, (because this is what Cox does, either because he’s been told to, or it’s all he knows), and end up losing 1-2 to two goals given away in the last ten minutes.
In other words, same as it ever was.
And not one of which will be used by the club.
How do I know this?
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Definition of an oxymoron:
“any sentence referring to communication from the Iron to their supporters”.
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Now you lot know I’m not usually a pessimist, but on this occasion I’m going to say, I’ll believe in no relegation if we are holding our own come Christmas.
If not, let’s say I’ll be unsurprised.Such a happy soul love to read your positive input
Why’s that then?
Are you denying it’s happened?As for lick suck Heath “liking” your comment, lol at the sycophant.
So…we have one or two prospects?
Which part of the site needs funds for building work, tarmac, or do we need some new seats?
Six months?
Sold in the next window?Pre-season injuries.
Same as it ever was….1 user thanked author for this post.
Footballers seem to follow different rules to the rest of us, just like their managers, they can be fired and just simply move on to another club.
Ron Atkinson is a case in point. He did and said whatever he wanted as a player and manager. But when he forgot to turn the mic off as a television pundit, that was it, bang gone never to be heard from again. I doubt he could get a job as the back end of a horse of donkey in a panto.
And yet…the odious ex-Tottenham bore who said that people born disabled were born like that because of something bad they had done in a previous life, still works for ITV.
Yes, you, Glenda Hoddoo1 user thanked author for this post.
Am I remembering wrongly? Didn’t our groundsman regularly used to get an award for our pitch?
That’s does hint mick at a counter attacking style which results in said team having to soak up pressure and cough up the lions share of possession.
I’d much rather we stayed resolute and actually tried to score. If Cox opts for last seasons bullshit, I expect him to be sacked pretty sharpish.
I’d beg to differ.Had to read that twice Les to get the meaning. I’m getting older.🙂
So no stewards, then? 😄😄😄😄
If I were a cynic I could suggest that the above observations are indicative of someone who has lost interest in the club.
But I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and say it would appear that lessons have been learned from previous years.
Well I AM a cynic, and I’d agree with your first supposition.
Are we sure he’s not already on that well-known table and the sinking sands?“Have they been paid up and released? Or going to be? They need to be!”
That would assume the club being run properly, wouldn’t it?
£5 to park???
Another greedy nail tapped smartly home into the coffin of OUR club.2 users thanked author for this post.
And we are surprised by this because?
Rearrange the following into a well known phrase or saying: “run a couldn’t brewery p*ss-up a in”.
Or alternatively, “Say what you see….”
Cases are rising.
check.Deaths have flatlined.
also check.Vituses mutate…thry aften become more transmissable but les lethal.
It’s not in a virus’ interest to kill it’s host, it can’t live outside the host.But hey, keep being scared.
Alcy if we had scored and Fleetwood had scored we would have been champions,why is that so hard for you to accept, look at the final table and do the maths I know it’s not one of your strong points but give it ago, you asked for one lie and I gave you it you stupid cnut. I will give you another lie you also said the vaccine was an untried untested substance.
And you think its not?
Vaccines take YEARS to test and get acceptance. This had weeks.
What a naive wanker you’re turning out to be😄As for Fleetwood scoring…pfffht.
If if if.
There was nowt to play for.
Just accept you are an idiot and ask nursey to tuck you in again.😄😅😄😅The ONE were you said we had nothing to play for against York. PS don’t think your supposed to use language like that, but I suppose you don’t like someone getting one over you. He no.
You are an idiot as well as a liar.
You know as well as I do that neither team had owt to play for at 2-2, but York wanted it and we didn’t.
You really are a club stooge aren’t you?What would you know about the truth Alcy? You spread lots of lies, don’t you?.
Such as?
Tell me ONE lie I’ve told, or fuck off
Obvious innit?
Last year or so Swann blamed Covid.
This next year he’ll blame Cox.
Because surely we all know by now that it’s never Swann’s fault?