Will Hilton be there tomorrow

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace Will Hilton be there tomorrow

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  • #260928
    Registered On: July 14, 2022
    Topics: 37

    CMC you havnt answered the question you criticse everything about the club from chairman downwards from reading your posts on this forum so are you really a fan of the club or do you have a grudge with someone l only ask

    Critical of the First team manager, i warned he was out of his depth and its true.
    Happy to give Dave Hilton benefit of the doubt.
    Iron fan of 33 years home and away not so much recently because of well, life.
    I’ve never had anything free out of the club or any backscratchers, unlike yourself.

    Which is why so many fear starting from the bottom and rebuilding.

    So do you and your band want the club to fail just asking because it really looks that way
    Ps watched this team longer than you

    In the words of AWG “you haven’t got a clue have you”

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    Of course you’d question whether is heart was in it from the start S otherwise it would mean fans drove him out no surprise there. 500.000 at least spent to date definitely is heart isn’t in it, people supported him buying the club and that’s about it really, people say they wanted change but at every step they’ve shown they don’t, training ground, academy, season tickets cash only, the manager, the 1899 scheme, please do tell me what he’s done that you actually like.

    Can you please read my post properly? I said if he was driven out by one moron shouting a stupid comment. I wasn’t questioning whether he was really interested from the start, but saying so if he went along with what was suggested by you and some others.

    Just because you have some agenda (against the fans) doesn’t mean everyone else does when making their comments.

    As for the rest, you neglect to mention why such schemes were criticised. What it has shown is that people don’t want change that is poorly explained and not obviously a good option.

    If hundreds of fans were hurling abuse then I’d think the fans were driving him out. Instead we have a rumour, with many many different stories behind it, of one fan losing control of himself. And what he might have said is not necessarily the horrendous personal abuse some made out. It may have been, but we don’t really know. However, it’s enough for you to decide fans who aren’t in some cultish admiration for Hilton are at fault. You prove my point. Those who swirl in the rumours about Hilton are derided, but we must take heed of rumours that suit your own agenda and it’s this kind of nonsense which is causing division in the fanbase.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: May 27, 2017
    Topics: 3

    CMC you havnt answered the question you criticse everything about the club from chairman downwards from reading your posts on this forum so are you really a fan of the club or do you have a grudge with someone l only ask

    Critical of the First team manager, i warned he was out of his depth and its true.
    Happy to give Dave Hilton benefit of the doubt.
    Iron fan of 33 years home and away not so much recently because of well, life.
    I’ve never had anything free out of the club or any backscratchers, unlike yourself.

    Which is why so many fear starting from the bottom and rebuilding.

    So do you and your band want the club to fail just asking because it really looks that way
    Ps watched this team longer than you

    In the words of AWG “you haven’t got a clue have you”

    Hmm if it goes wrong you will be happy sad if you ask me

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    One idiotic fan has probably yelled something at Hilton, and this has supposedly made him get cold feet and want out? And we’re expected to believe this would be the actions of an owner who has a lot of interest in the club? Give me a break.

    This is not my actual opinion of him, because this hasn’t happened. However, if it did happen I would think his interest was never that strong.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: May 27, 2017
    Topics: 3

    One idiotic fan has probably yelled something at Hilton, and this has supposedly made him get cold feet and want out? And we’re expected to believe this would be the actions of an owner who has a lot of interest in the club? Give me a break.

    This is not my actual opinion of him, because this hasn’t happened. However, it would be my opinion if this did happen.

    So do you want him to fail just asking

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    No. Thinking one fan being an abusive berk isn’t a good reason to quit and leave us in the lurch doesn’t mean I want him to fail. If I did, I’d be calling him to quit because of one idiotic fan, like Awaywego. ;-)

    Registered On: May 27, 2017
    Topics: 3

    Only one person you must be blind to many slagging him off like it or not

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    Some were speaking he should leave because of this one incident, which was just one idiot. Of course people slag him off online. This is the same for every club in the country. Often more so for clubs with bigger fanbases. Is it right? No, but it’s a free country and, as long as it doesn’t get too personal, it cannot be silenced. Such is freedom of speech.

    And none of this shows anything close to me wanting him to fail.

    Registered On: May 27, 2017
    Topics: 3

    Some were speaking he should leave because of this one incident, which was just one idiot. Of course people slag him off online. This is the same for every club in the country. Often more so for clubs with bigger fanbases. Is it right? No, but it’s a free country and, as long as it doesn’t get too personal, it cannot be silenced. Such is freedom of speech.

    So you want him out then

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    No. Saying people are allowed to criticise or slag off Hilton online doesn’t mean “I want him out.” It doesn’t mean I agree with the slagging off either. I am just saying that critical and negative comments are a part of a free society, so long as it’s not racist, sexist, homophobic or personal abuse. I don’t think that is what has happened online.

    Oh, and slagging him off online is different to doing so in the car. Hilton can happily ignore the former; no-one is compelling him to read such stuff.

    Registered On: July 14, 2022
    Topics: 37

    Siderite: gives a detailed view of the situation and their own opinion
    XXX: Types about 5 words
    Yeah, I’m convinced.

    3 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: May 27, 2017
    Topics: 3

    Oh dear

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    You failed to say what Hilton as done or tried to do that you support S. If it had only being one idiot I would agree but it’s not just the one fan surely you can see how much derision he’s getting from lots of people on all platforms, which changes he wanted weren’t clearly explained he gave the reasons for the training being more centralized and a better facility till we got an improved one, the academy he didn’t want to fund it and reasons why, season ticket cash only explained that, same as the manager and the 1899 scheme nor was any of it an obviously poor option for the club which is the important bit.

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    Why does it sodding matter whether I agree or disagree with his decisions? He is a football club owner, not the messiah. I disagree with a lot, but that doesn’t mean I think things can’t improve. Nor does fans disagreeing with him mean forcing or wanting him out.

    Except it was apparently one fan in that incident. More do slag him off online, but that’s what we have to accept in a free country, so long as it doesn’t cross a line. Every club has that, so this doesn’t mean fans are at fault and you referred to this incident as a reason to cut losses. As did some others, and I was disagreeing with it.

    He gave reasons for his decisions. Others disagreed, as is our right. We aren’t obliged to agree with him. This is a football club, not the Hilton cult. If we disagree with his ideas, it’s not our fault.

    Given the 1899 scheme is such a great idea, I trust you have forked out for it? Looking at the numbers who have, it’s a poor return so far. Unsurprising, given the worries of current ground ownership, but I am sure it’s the fault of 3000 fans for not paying, not Hilton for a poorly planned idea (as it stands).

    Registered On: May 27, 2017
    Topics: 3

    Why does it sodding matter whether I agree or disagree with his decisions? He is a football club owner, not the messiah. I disagree with a lot, but that doesn’t mean I think things can’t improve. Nor does fans disagreeing with him mean forcing or wanting him out.

    Except it was apparently one fan in that incident. More do slag him off online, but that’s what we have to accept in a free country, so long as it doesn’t cross a line. Every club has that, so this doesn’t mean fans are at fault and you referred to this incident as a reason to cut losses. As did some others, and I was disagreeing with it.

    He gave reasons. Others disagreed, as is our right. We aren’t obliged to agree with him. This is a football club, not the Hilton cult. If we disagree with his ideas, it’s not our fault.

    Given the 1899 scheme is such a great idea, I trust you have forked out for it? Looking at the numbers who have, it’s poor. Unsurprising, given the worries of current ground ownership, but I am sure it’s the fault of 3000 fans for not paying, not Hilton for a poorly planned idea (as it stands).

    So who are you then

    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 91

    Awaywego, a lot of the crap he received on twitter was from newly created accounts and I don’t even think they were actually Scunny fans. Now whether they were trouble causing arse hole from Grimsby or disgruntled Bury fans I’m not sure but don’t think they were scunny fans.

    I noticed as soon as Hilton went off twitter a lot of the accounts which were newly created all magically disappeared, never to be seen again.

    All seemed a bit suspect. I smelt a rat or shall I say many rats but whoever they were completed their goal and caused unrest due to Hilton not frequenting twitter anymore so I hope they’re happy with themselves.

    Registered On: July 14, 2022
    Topics: 37

    Why does it sodding matter whether I agree or disagree with his decisions? He is a football club owner, not the messiah. I disagree with a lot, but that doesn’t mean I think things can’t improve. Nor does fans disagreeing with him mean forcing or wanting him out.

    Except it was apparently one fan in that incident. More do slag him off online, but that’s what we have to accept in a free country, so long as it doesn’t cross a line. Every club has that, so this doesn’t mean fans are at fault and you referred to this incident as a reason to cut losses. As did some others, and I was disagreeing with it.

    He gave reasons. Others disagreed, as is our right. We aren’t obliged to agree with him. This is a football club, not the Hilton cult. If we disagree with his ideas, it’s not our fault.

    Given the 1899 scheme is such a great idea, I trust you have forked out for it? Looking at the numbers who have, it’s poor. Unsurprising, given the worries of current ground ownership, but I am sure it’s the fault of 3000 fans for not paying, not Hilton for a poorly planned idea (as it stands).

    So who are you then

    A fan who pays into games?

    Registered On: May 27, 2017
    Topics: 3

    Ha ha so do l but you wish i didnt that will make you feel better

    Registered On: July 14, 2022
    Topics: 37

    Ha ha so do l but you wish i didnt that will make you feel better

    Funniest thing I’ve heard all week, and it’s only Monday.

    Registered On: May 27, 2017
    Topics: 3

    Hmm l like it

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    Awaywego, a lot of the crap he received on twitter was from newly created accounts and I don’t even think they were actually Scunny fans. Now whether they were trouble causing arse hole from Grimsby or disgruntled Bury fans I’m not sure but don’t think they were scunny fans.

    I noticed as soon as Hilton went off twitter a lot of the accounts which were newly created all magically disappeared, never to be seen again.

    All seemed a bit suspect. I smelt a rat or shall I say many rats but whoever they were completed their goal and caused unrest due to Hilton not frequenting twitter anymore so I hope they’re happy with themselves.

    Many who forced him off were definitely Bury fans, but that didn’t stop some from claiming it was Scunny fans. The same fans who bemoan negativity, yet love to sow division in the fanbase.

    Registered On: May 27, 2017
    Topics: 3

    Awaywego, a lot of the crap he received on twitter was from newly created accounts and I don’t even think they were actually Scunny fans. Now whether they were trouble causing arse hole from Grimsby or disgruntled Bury fans I’m not sure but don’t think they were scunny fans.

    I noticed as soon as Hilton went off twitter a lot of the accounts which were newly created all magically disappeared, never to be seen again.

    All seemed a bit suspect. I smelt a rat or shall I say many rats but whoever they were completed their goal and caused unrest due to Hilton not frequenting twitter anymore so I hope they’re happy with themselves.

    Many who forced him off were Bury fans, but that didn’t stop some from claiming it was Scunny fans. The same fans who bemoan negativity, yet love to sow division in the fanbase.

    I suggest you look at your previous posts

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    Why does it sodding matter whether I agree or disagree with his decisions? He is a football club owner, not the messiah. I disagree with a lot, but that doesn’t mean I think things can’t improve. Nor does fans disagreeing with him mean forcing or wanting him out.

    Except it was apparently one fan in that incident. More do slag him off online, but that’s what we have to accept in a free country, so long as it doesn’t cross a line. Every club has that, so this doesn’t mean fans are at fault and you referred to this incident as a reason to cut losses. As did some others, and I was disagreeing with it.

    He gave reasons. Others disagreed, as is our right. We aren’t obliged to agree with him. This is a football club, not the Hilton cult. If we disagree with his ideas, it’s not our fault.

    Given the 1899 scheme is such a great idea, I trust you have forked out for it? Looking at the numbers who have, it’s poor. Unsurprising, given the worries of current ground ownership, but I am sure it’s the fault of 3000 fans for not paying, not Hilton for a poorly planned idea (as it stands).

    So who are you then

    A person. ;-)

    Registered On: May 27, 2017
    Topics: 3

    I wonder

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    Awaywego, a lot of the crap he received on twitter was from newly created accounts and I don’t even think they were actually Scunny fans. Now whether they were trouble causing arse hole from Grimsby or disgruntled Bury fans I’m not sure but don’t think they were scunny fans.

    I noticed as soon as Hilton went off twitter a lot of the accounts which were newly created all magically disappeared, never to be seen again.

    All seemed a bit suspect. I smelt a rat or shall I say many rats but whoever they were completed their goal and caused unrest due to Hilton not frequenting twitter anymore so I hope they’re happy with themselves.

    Many who forced him off were Bury fans, but that didn’t stop some from claiming it was Scunny fans. The same fans who bemoan negativity, yet love to sow division in the fanbase.

    I suggest you look at your previous posts

    Yes. Being critical of fans who deride other fans for not being pro-Hilton enough is the cause of division. I should call for unity by slamming fans for not being pro Hilton enough, like you. ;-)

    Registered On: May 27, 2017
    Topics: 3

    Awaywego, a lot of the crap he received on twitter was from newly created accounts and I don’t even think they were actually Scunny fans. Now whether they were trouble causing arse hole from Grimsby or disgruntled Bury fans I’m not sure but don’t think they were scunny fans.

    I noticed as soon as Hilton went off twitter a lot of the accounts which were newly created all magically disappeared, never to be seen again.

    All seemed a bit suspect. I smelt a rat or shall I say many rats but whoever they were completed their goal and caused unrest due to Hilton not frequenting twitter anymore so I hope they’re happy with themselves.

    Many who forced him off were Bury fans, but that didn’t stop some from claiming it was Scunny fans. The same fans who bemoan negativity, yet love to sow division in the fanbase.

    I suggest you look at your previous posts

    Yes. Being critical of fans who deride other fans for not being pro-Hilton enough is the cause of division. I should call for unity by slamming fans for not being pro Hilton enough, like you. ;-)

    Im not but negative people dont help but l think you really dont want help the cause

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    You’re not, but then explain you are.

    I want Hilton to succeed, I hope he does, I am not buying into some of the doom that he’s already proven himself a wrong un. It’s too early for that and all this talk of him not having the money by the end of May is speculation as it stands. I hope we can bounce back, think we can if Hilton gets decisions right. Yet because I have some concerns and poor judgements on his decisions I am causing division. Not you for slamming people for daring not to treat Hilton like he is untouchable? And this me wanting him to fail? Thinking like this is driving Hilton out, apparently. I would say it’s that causing division, because you’re the one attacking fans. I am happy for people to have hope in Hilton. All I expect is to be able to air my own opinions without being lambasted for having questions.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: May 27, 2017
    Topics: 3

    Pot and kettle my friend you cant have it always

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    I have not lambasted people for being pro Hilton, while you have slammed me for not being sufficiently pro Hilton, so I don’t agree.

    Registered On: May 27, 2017
    Topics: 3

    Have read of your posts but you wont

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