U turn on a U turn.

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace U turn on a U turn.

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  • #266623
    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 30

    Emails sent to the young lads of the academy from our owner.
    Thanks but no thanks off you go.
    Heartless, no other word to describe him.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 30

    Just in case any of you need it explaining.
    Today, Hilton (or one of his lackies) sent an email with an attachment to all the young lads in the academy informing them that he was closing the academy and they were no longer part of Scunthorpe United.
    He didn’t even have the bollocks to do it to their faces the spineless, horrible excuse for a man.

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    Registered On: December 23, 2013
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    A decision approved by the new board of directors? Or perhaps not

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 30

    A post unashamedly copied from a Scunthorpe United fan on the fans Facebook page, I await Hilton’s reply.

    “David White whilst rationale makes perfect sense, how about you review the situation properly before make statements (or rather non official social media posts).
    Firstly you scrap the youth, then a week later the kids are relieved that you have listened, now, so far down the line they will likely struggle to find a club now you have U-turned again.
    How can you expect fans to be fully behind you when you don’t do your homework first and stick to a decision. We as fans are clearly going to have trust issues after the previous regime, and you are hardly endearing yourself to a large proportion of fans with the amount of on the face of it back tracking and changes in circumstances.
    Oh and by the way, if you would rather invest to try and get us back to the league asap, why would you employ a manager with half a year experience at the level we find ourselves with no proven record, it’s almost our very own Ted Lasso when you think of it…”

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    Absolutely unbelievable!
    So it’s an “S” turn.
    He was fine with the business plan – so, what’s changed?
    Has he explained?

    Absolute laughing stock of the football world at the moment.

    He’s dashed the hopes and dreams of 150 children.

    A sad day!

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    Registered On: June 21, 2017
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    Been downgraded to level 4 with the 9 to 16 year olds becoming a self sufficient junior set up like other non league teams with no funding. That’s Hilton’s version as a mate just posted me a section of his reply to a fan online. Daws quoted 70k to fund the academy where the reality when numbers got crunched was 220k, Hilton says we can’t afford that.

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 74

    The only person responsible for this gradual destruction of a football club with a 100yrs of history is PETER SWANN !

    “TRUST ME” then the classic “WHEN WE LEAVE WE WILL LEAVE THE CLUB BETTER OFF FINANCIALLY THAN WHEN WE ARRIVED” – Remember PETER ? You certainly are a man of YOUR word aren’t you.

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    Absolute 💩 fest!

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 115

    Don’t forget “I will give the ground back”

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Will Hilton’s lawyers bring all this history up in court plus the gambling addiction 🤔

    Interested BystanderInterested Bystander
    Registered On: April 9, 2023
    Topics: 15

    Will Hilton’s lawyers bring all this history up in court plus the gambling addiction 🤔

    That would work both ways…

    Anyhow the purpose of the hearing will be to establish, in the absence of a valid lease issued by the freeholder, if Hilton and Scunthorpe United Football Club Ltd have any legal right to remain at GP.

    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 7

    Will Hilton’s lawyers bring all this history up in court plus the gambling addiction 🤔

    They shouldn’t do. It has no relevance to the court case.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
    Interested BystanderInterested Bystander
    Registered On: April 9, 2023
    Topics: 15

    A post unashamedly copied from a Scunthorpe United fan on the fans Facebook page, I await Hilton’s reply.

    “David White whilst rationale makes perfect sense, how about you review the situation properly before make statements (or rather non official social media posts).
    Firstly you scrap the youth, then a week later the kids are relieved that you have listened, now, so far down the line they will likely struggle to find a club now you have U-turned again.
    How can you expect fans to be fully behind you when you don’t do your homework first and stick to a decision. We as fans are clearly going to have trust issues after the previous regime, and you are hardly endearing yourself to a large proportion of fans with the amount of on the face of it back tracking and changes in circumstances.
    Oh and by the way, if you would rather invest to try and get us back to the league asap, why would you employ a manager with half a year experience at the level we find ourselves with no proven record, it’s almost our very own Ted Lasso when you think of it…”

    As you mention Facebook, is someone on the Columbian marching powder? Vetting members, step aside Kim Jong Un!

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Will Hilton’s lawyers bring all this history up in court plus the gambling addiction 🤔

    That would work both ways…

    Anyhow the purpose of the hearing will be to establish, in the absence of a valid lease issued by the freeholder, if Hilton and Scunthorpe United Football Club Ltd have any legal right to remain at GP.

    Who knows what evidence may be submitted or accepted to show the reason for the validity of the seven day lease is due to the uncooperative nature of the land owner to not wanting the sale to proceed because he changes the goal posts when it suits.

    That Crazy New YorkerThat Crazy New Yorker
    Registered On: November 1, 2022
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    Hilton is the one that blew up the sale. And regardless, you can’t just squat past the end of your lease and issue yourself new leases. That would be utterly insane — nobody would ever vacate a premises or pay rent again. (Politically, that sounds good to me, but there’s no law that currently supports it.)

    Hilton has essentially made up this ridiculous clause so that Swann would have to sue to evict him, which would cost Swann money and time. The bluff was called; I don’t think he realized how eager Swann is to file lawsuits.

    Nobody who has the money to buy the ground would be doing this. Hilton doesn’t want to show income, and I know for a fact that he spent much of April and May trying desperately to find investors. His reputation now precedes him.

    Will Hilton’s lawyers bring all this history up in court plus the gambling addiction 🤔

    That would work both ways…

    Anyhow the purpose of the hearing will be to establish, in the absence of a valid lease issued by the freeholder, if Hilton and Scunthorpe United Football Club Ltd have any legal right to remain at GP.

    Who knows what evidence may be submitted or accepted to show the reason for the validity of the seven day lease is due to the uncooperative nature of the land owner to not wanting the sale to proceed because he changes the goal posts when it suits.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 3

    As the song goes ‘It’s not what you do it’s the way that you do it’..That seems to be the motto for Hilton!..For a man who seems to crave respect and adulation couldn’t he himself have sat down with the academy kids and parents and explained the situation instead of them hearing via text??..Surely that would have earned him a lot more respect..Or am I missing something 🤷

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Wasn’t it an e-mail with an attachment to open explaining the clubs position? There are 150 of them I believe in the system, seems a perfectly reasonable way to contact them, it’s 2023 not 1963.

    Rene ArtoisRene Artois
    Registered On: September 18, 2023
    Topics: 236

    WHAM wanted to leave a legacy.
    Something for his children and their children to be proud of.
    He’s left us in symphora.

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