Trialist’s Gone Back ?

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    Lord KitchenerLord Kitchener
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 37

    So for those of us that rely on this website for all our closed season information. No proper announcements, no rumours from Forest Pines, nothing.

    Is everyone terrified about saying something that might see El Duce take em to court?

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 81

    I think you’ll find the official line is that it’s an “emergency” vaccine,alcazar.

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    Alcy if we had scored and Fleetwood had scored we would have been champions,why is that so hard for you to accept, look at the final table and do the maths I know it’s not one of your strong points but give it ago, you asked for one lie and I gave you it you stupid cnut. I will give you another lie you also said the vaccine was an untried untested substance.

    And you think its not?
    Vaccines take YEARS to test and get acceptance. This had weeks.
    What a naive wanker you’re turning out to be”

    As for Fleetwood scoring…pfffht.
    If if if.
    There was nowt to play for.
    Just accept you are an idiot and ask nursey to tuck you in again.<img alt=”😄”

    Normally they do, but this was a pandemic so the waiting times were reduced quite significantly. They went through the exact same testing programme any other virus does. But, hey, I am not going to stand in the way of hysterical paranoia.

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 81

    Can you give us the two and three year trial results BRI?
    As you seem to have your finger on the pulse your expert knowledge would be much appreciated.

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    alcy is suffering from muddled thinking on this one, vaccines were in trials longer years ago due to poorer technology and lack of funding, this has been a world wide pandemic where modern technology, cooperation between nations and massive financial resources have been thrown at this problem from day one. Plus there are loads of different corona viruses knocking about and scientists have been studying them for years with plenty of progress made in this field which gave them a massive head start on this pandemic when it arrived. alcy probably knows all this but he has his own agenda no doubt so we shouldn’t be surprised by his position on this.

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    As does BPG, but he will ignore that and still give sarcasm and ask that same question than deal with the answer, which you have supplied.

    And there is no requirement for 2 year testing prior to vaccines being administered to the public.

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 81

    So there are two and three year old human trial results on these vaccines?
    Why then is it an “emergency” vaccine,when other fully tested vaccines aren’t called “emergency” vaccines?
    The answer is in the word “emergency”.
    Fingers crossed it doesn’t reveal other unseen problems already “discovered”in this small time period,eh!

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Ooh bill your such a cynic, you’ll be telling us all next that God sent the virus to punish us all from turning away from him. Golden calf anyone?

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    So there are two and three year old human trial results on these vaccines?
    Why then is it an “emergency” vaccine,when other fully tested vaccines aren’t called “emergency” vaccines?
    The answer is in the word “emergency”.
    Fingers crossed it doesn’t reveal other unseen problems already “discovered”in this small time period,eh!

    There’s no requirement for there to be three year results before trialling. I have answered this, but you keep on rabbiting.

    The other vaccines weren’t for pandemics, were they? Measles, mumps, rubella etc are not pandemics.

    Oh, yes, the really rare cases of blood clotting and heart inflammation. Such a more drastic problem than the thousands dying of covid when these deaths are in the handful. Every medication has risks and side effects. All vaccines have some small degree of risk. The risk of the disease outweights this though and there is no reason to suspect anything when the same damn trials have been performed for these vaccines than for any other infectious disease. All we have is pantswetting of the cocksure over minor risks when they dismiss more deaths from covid. And they expect us not to view them as selfish.

    Lord KitchenerLord Kitchener
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 37

    The way it was explained to me is that COVID-19 is just another strain of the same SARS virus they have been working on for years before the outbreak of this pandemic. That is why they were so quick to get the vaccines ready. Let’s just be thankful they did. Because the death rates were off the scales…

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    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 81

    Thanks for putting me right. I thought it was an “emergency”vaccine that the public had no come-back with the pharmaceutical firms if problems developed.
    After the years of testing,are pregnant women to take the vaccine,are under 18 safe to take the vaccine ,surely the answers are known after the years of research you claim?

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    Insurance claims will be able to be made if there are some unforeseen issues. However, given the long history of vaccine rollouts for disease and minimal issues (of which covid vaccines have nothing spectacularly different about them in the trial process) and lack of major problems versus a disease which has caused much more misery I know which is the bigger risk.

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 81

    So when I read last year the UK government has granted pharmaceutical giant Pfizer legal indemnity protection was that just in case as you put it there are some unforeseen issues.
    Hopefully there won’t be after the years of human trials you claim? Or are we the guinea pigs ?

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 107

    I can’t believe this thread, it’s supposed to be about trialist’s going back but half of it is about the Covid and vaccines, to make it funnier the next thread is about the Covid.

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    Indemnity is to stop any suing for adverse reactions to known side effects. Reactions to manufacturing issues with the vaccine or effects not conveyed to the person vaccinated can still end up with lawsuits which may be successful, depending on their legal case.

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 81

    How can you have known side effects without years of human trials?

    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 91

    I chipped in with the kneeling thread but usually I don’t tend to get involved in non football chats.

    The usual suspects need to seriously piss off and go the other section of this forum. Absolutely sick to death of people grandstanding and hoping on their rather large soap boxes.


    I hope there was a 3 strike rule where if you brake it your device blows up. It’s the same people all the effing time.

    Another thread that’s been well the truly hijacked.

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