Totally aghast at this overt racism this morning

Iron Bru Forums Non Football Totally aghast at this overt racism this morning

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  • #248625
    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 81

    …” how morality is meaningless without Christianity.”
    No,you’ve got it wrong!
    Objective Morality proves that there is a Creator (God),not that it’s meaningless without Christianity.
    You have to “steal “ from a Creator(God) worldview to make sense of your life.
    If there is no God all morality is subjective ,murder might be “wrong” in your eyes but “right” in another persons , who decides in an atheistic worldview?
    Objective morality proves there is a Creator ( God) and Christianity is true because of Christ proving He was God in human form .
    YOU can’t live a truly atheistic lifestyle,you have to “steal” from the Christian worldview to make sense of your life. Think about it.

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    You really are confused bill aren’t you?, your mind must be in constant turmoil.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 119

    Bpg’s derrier in overdrive.

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    …” how morality is meaningless without Christianity.”
    No,you’ve got it wrong!
    Objective Morality proves that there is a Creator (God),not that it’s meaningless without Christianity.
    You have to “steal “ from a Creator(God) worldview to make sense of your life.
    If there is no God all morality is subjective ,murder might be “wrong” in your eyes but “right” in another persons , who decides in an atheistic worldview?
    Objective morality proves there is a Creator ( God) and Christianity is true because of Christ proving He was God in human form .
    YOU can’t live a truly atheistic lifestyle,you have to “steal” from the Christian worldview to make sense of your life. Think about it.

    More lectures, which is my point really when your superior Christian morality fails to identify a moral problem, in my opinion.

    It’s easy to identify why murder is wrong without Christianity. We don’t need a God to tell us how our actions impact others and base a moral system around that. These moral systems predate Christianity. I am not borrowing from it and my point was really that you’re forever telling us about morality requiring your god, yet the subject here has seen me take a different moral standpoint to Christianity’s finest representative on this forum.

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    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    I think there is a similarity between the people who follow Christ and the people who follow Trump, they see to come across as cultish and will not discuss other people’s points of view in a reasoned way, very bizarre as if there minds are controlled in some way. Just an opinion of course.

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    For the fundamentalists, sure. I am reluctant to say all Christians are like that. The comfort religion gives cannot be underestimated.

    My issue is when thy say stuff like above, as in it’s a necessity to have a Christian founding for morality. Can Christianity apply a moral code for some? Sure, but it’s not a necessity. An atheist or anyone can easily form an argument for why murder is wrong without God. It would be worrying if you can’t, because it displays a lack of empathy and understanding of how actions impact others. This is the basis of most moral systems, dating back longer than 2000 years. I have nothing against people basing their life around the Bible; I do when they claim it’s a necessity for others and make out that it’s the only thing needed, and without it we’d be murderers.

    The point in this is that bpg often makes out Christian belief is a necessity for morality, yet can’t see how referring to people as invaders or undertaking an invasion could be considered a harmful take, which violates another’s moral system. It’s a bit rich to say that atheists cannot comprehend how murder could be wrong without Christianity while refusing to understand why an atheist might consider it wrong to refer to people in such a manner. Obviously the former is of a worse magnitude, but that’s not the point.

    Registered On: January 3, 2014
    Topics: 67

    “YOU can’t live a truly atheistic lifestyle,you have to “steal” from the Christian worldview to make sense of your life. Think about it.”

    Hate to tell you this, but Christianity is itself stolen from earlier religions.

    It’s the same story as Nimrod, Horus, Dionysius and Mithras to name but four.

    Just an updated makeover by the Church of Rome.

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    So would you class bill as a fundamentalist then Siderite?

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    Yes, I would. He’s a self-admitted Calvinist, which can be a very fundamentalist sect.

    Registered On: February 14, 2015
    Topics: 496

    I personaly don’t care about these semantics, it’s purely a distraction from right wing excesses coming to fruition.Cruella De Devilled is not being ironic, Nige Farage wasn’t being Ironic with his posters of brown people crossing hills during the brexit debate, David Cameron didn’t use the phrse “hordes” to be cuddly, It was part of shaping a mindset that poor desperate people coming to gut us. The profiling of Albaniains as gansters,just another tier to their disgusting hill of hate.
    As for illegal ,don’t make me laugh,not ione of these people cares about the illegality or otherwise of crossing as ea and handing yourself into authorites,or their saftey. Every right winger on this site was moaning about immigration for years ,then they cottoned on to adding illegal” tpo their sentence to appear not racist.Now it’s oretending it’s about safety. I’d respect them more if they were truthful.
    The reason these peole have to use the channel is every safe channel has been blocked,we also take in considerably fewer than our neighbour in Europe,not even in the top ten.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 119

    Pretending about safety? Like people pretending taking the knee wasn’t effective when really they objected to the gesture and what it signifies.

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    fans64 64
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    Aye, I remember some saying they’d turn their backs if it happened at GP. Christians too, allegedly.

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