Torquay United

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  • #258516
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    Topics: 59


    What is this?

    (Jimbob interview)


    He’s the man in the street, the geezer down the pub, he’s a layman lacking the skills set and knowledge to operate at a former EFL club.
    He’s never played or managed professionally.
    Players at professional clubs all come through academies and have years and years of experience to draw upon – they learn from ex professionals, are nurtured and tutored and know how to conduct and express themselves.
    The academies are holistic development centres.
    When a player signs his first pro contract at 18, he may well have been at the club a decade already!
    They continue to grow and develop alongside the senior pros and are well educated (football clever) articulate individuals.
    I don’t believe that Jimbob has that pedigree to draw upon?
    He’s a fish out of water – the invite stated ‘fancy dress is optional’. Unfortunately, he’s the only one who attended in fancy dress – which fancy dress suit did he turn up in?

    We needed a manager with experience of this league – not an upstart hoping to climb the ladder.

    He complains we haven’t scored in 3 games. Doh! Who selects the starting eleven and formation?
    It’s your fault we ain’t scoring!
    Play without a keeper and you’ll concede plenty. Play without a positive attacking formation and without a couple of prolific goal scorers and you’ll struggle to score and therefore win matches.

    It ain’t rocket science or brain surgery.

    In the last 15 seconds or so he admits that there’s no quick fix and that it hasn’t worked.

    You are the leader, the manager… you are to blame.

    Time to go.
    If not, next season will be a disaster too!

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