The supporters club

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  • #296413
    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    Meanwhile, Max Bell is complaining to the police because someone pointed out his court appearance for taking photos of the Hilton-Swann ground hearing.

    cliffbyrnesrightpegCliff Byrne’s Right Peg
    Registered On: October 17, 2015
    Topics: 57

    Too many ego’s and not enough limelight.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    <iframe title=”#scunthorpe United Buxton replay How can we support Dave Hilton?” src=”; frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share” referrerpolicy=”strict-origin-when-cross-origin” allowfullscreen=”” id=”fitvid0″></iframe>

    1 minute in,never an apology.Publc or otherwise

    Jesus. Even worse than I remember. Egomaniac.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 119

    Too many ego’s and not enough limelight.

    Indeed. Didn’t see your comment before I
    posted. Fact of the matter is Matt Ellis called him a grifter online, which was out of order IMO, but he apologised to him personally and deleted the post. That should be the end of the matter but this guy seems to be dragging it out to curry more favour and attention.

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    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    It appears Stuart’s ego is getting the better of him which is a pity because he has done a lot of good fund raising for the club and if he’s not careful that could start unraveling if the public grow weary of his high handed attitude. I’m a Trust member and I want to see all supporter groups united in a common cause, factions breaking away and then gobbing off publicly about other supporter groups needs nipping in the bud. Stuart give it a rest, we have all heard your grievance, you have made your point,Matt has apologised and you don’t need a public apology,now shut up for everybody’s sake.

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    Registered On: October 8, 2014
    Topics: 83

    I have been wholly supportive of Mr Maw and his efforts of fundraising for the Iron, as per other posts in this thread.

    This whole episode is very unpleasant for all concerned.

    But the video supporting WHAM is damning really, after seeing this I think Mr Maw would have been better to accept an apology from Mr Ellis and keep quiet, so very quiet, so very very quiet that this 9 mins of utter diatribe would never surface and be made available to the wider Iron community.

    I think Mr Maw has milked the last drop of sympathy he rightly deserved, to now needing to explain himself.

    Registered On: September 21, 2023
    Topics: 55

    Matt and Maw. Small beans in a hill of beans. Looks to me like the only person who really needs to explain himself is Maximum Bell.

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
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    Registered On: February 14, 2015
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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    Bloody demands and grandstanding. In perspective, I’m grateful we have this online space to chat, mostly amicably, about all things Iron. These opportunities to denigrate the Trust and Bru are unnecessary and unwarranted. Get a grip and have some humility. Not much to ask is it. No need to name them. Bloody infuriating IMO. All this over one Twitter post and questions rightfully asked about fundraising.

    Registered On: July 14, 2022
    Topics: 37
    <iframe title=”#scunthorpe United Buxton replay How can we support Dave Hilton?” src=”; frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share” referrerpolicy=”strict-origin-when-cross-origin” allowfullscreen=”” id=”fitvid0″></iframe>

    1 minute in,never an apology.Publc or otherwise

    Easy to remove Videos but not screenshots.. the Internet never forgets lol

    Rene ArtoisRene Artois
    Registered On: September 18, 2023
    Topics: 235
    Registered On: October 10, 2021
    Topics: 27

    Oh dear this is turning nasty .. alas only as predicted a few posts back that Maw Mafia was and still is digging a deeper hole for himself and is filling up with more sh8t as the clock ticks.
    For what its worth IMO Stuart would be wise to take his foot off his unity fundraising crusade gas pedal for a while after all the New Years honours list is gone for this calendar year.. Gareth and Sadiq (shocking choices) beat him and Becks to the round table gravy bowl.

    The ” fantastic” Maw YT videos dont help his cause and smack of chest puffing especially those during the brief but painful Hilton era.

    I am a member of the SOFCOSC but wont be joining the unity group or donating as i just dont agree with not knowing where the funds will be allocated and kids parties and subsidizing away travel arent on my happy to help list.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    All of it could have been avoided if Stuart just let it go after Matt Ellis’s tweet was deleted and he got a private apology. Now it’s dragged on, making him look bad and caused other issues to come to the forefront as people got fed up about his self-righteousness and grandstanding after he has previous for insulting others.

    I see he has taken his video calling others parasites down, but it’s a bit cowardly now. If I was Stuart I would say that he said some silly and insulting things previously, which he is sorry for, and accepts that Matt Ellis made a mistake and that he shouldn’t do it again. Less of this “me, me, me” attitude where he seems to act as if he is the centre of it all.

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    Registered On: January 20, 2014
    Topics: 8

    All his posts seem to have disappeared of Scunny Fans Site ?

    Rene ArtoisRene Artois
    Registered On: September 18, 2023
    Topics: 235

    Lads need to shake hands, apologise to each other and move on.
    Stop the fundraising, SUFC aren’t a charity. It looks / sounds as if we’re out of the fiscal quicksand?

    Registered On: February 14, 2015
    Topics: 496

    His parasites comments sum up what annoyed,his insistence that he apologised for “supporting” Hilton holds no water.Its gone now so I’ll leave it there.
    I’m still intrigued about the supporters club, it’s charter ,it’s assets and this ties in with Unity.As Unity/Stu was being named as part of what was going on .

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 5

    Maw’s paw is now red raw.

    open hearth ironopen hearth iron
    Registered On: December 25, 2013
    Topics: 7

    All getting very tedious. Wish the team where trying to score as many points as the two sides in this tiff

    Rene ArtoisRene Artois
    Registered On: September 18, 2023
    Topics: 235

    All his posts seem to have disappeared of Scunny Fans Site ?

    Mrs Maw may encourage him to review whom he follows on ‘X’ ?

    Registered On: August 9, 2015
    Topics: 13

    Any fundraising the club needs should be set up and managed solely by them, with an explanation as to what it’s going towards.

    ie, the pitch is a mess. If they need to fundraise to help sort it, then I’m happy to donate.

    Similarly if they needed some extra funds to continue the renovation of GP (looks great but it would be nice if the outside of the Mortz stand was done up).

    The rumours of all this fundraising going towards other things is very suspicious.

    Finally, personal observation but posting on FB under the wife’s account is very bizarre. As is sharing the same post multiple times. Please stop.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: June 21, 2017
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    Don’t think a lot can be done about the pitch now till the close season TBH, maybe a bit of patching when the weather improves around March time, it was laid incorrectly and the firm responsible should be called out for a shoddy job but I guess they won’t be in this politically correct world.

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    They probably don’t want to get into public slanging matches with those involved.

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Yeah I get that Siderite it’s just when you employ a professional firm to do a job for you, they should produce professional results, not what we have been left with this season.

    drgonzounity iron
    Registered On: November 2, 2016
    Topics: 1

    Looks like mr maw has gone into hiding, can we not expect another video?

    Rene ArtoisRene Artois
    Registered On: September 18, 2023
    Topics: 235

    Own goal?
    Fundraised money used to ‘sponsor’ kit.


    Rene ArtoisRene Artois
    Registered On: September 18, 2023
    Topics: 235

    Boxing fundraiser.

    We’ve had:
    Tyson v Paul
    Mayweather v Numerous

    What about Maw v Ellis at GP?
    4 x 2 minute rounds at half time in the ‘restaurant’ … £20 a ticket. LOL.

    Kiss and make up boys; life’s too short!

    Registered On: October 10, 2021
    Topics: 27

    All this nonsense must be being carried out on Twitter / X as ive not seem owt on other SM platforms (i dont do X), i notice Stu Maw ( trading as Susan Maw ) has removed all posts on FB etc so i wonder if the auctions n footy cards have ceased full stop or just for the period the Maw Mafia previously mentioned, i am still expecting to see some old grannies false teeth being sold off to the highest bidder.
    Quite possibly the screen shots of nipples and nudies have sent Stu into the dense undergrowth of Winterton.
    Must admit ive had my fill of all the unity fundraising begging bowl marlarky time to call it a day IMO AND LET IT BE DONE OFFICIALLY BY THE CLUB… all a bit sad really and reflects poorly not on those involved but the club and its fan base in general.

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    Registered On: January 20, 2014
    Topics: 8

    That Sponsorship should read Scunthorpe United Fans. That’s where I presume the money has come from
    It seems to me all this is about one man’s ego !
    I thought the money raised was just given to Scunthorpe ?
    By doing this he has actually stopped a third party possibly coming in and sponsoring which would have brought even more money into the Club.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: October 10, 2021
    Topics: 27

    That Sponsorship should read Scunthorpe United Fans. That’s where I presume the money has come from
    It seems to me all this is about one man’s ego !
    I thought the money raised was just given to Scunthorpe ?
    By doing this he has actually stopped a third party possibly coming in and sponsoring which would have brought even more money into the Club.

    Yes add this player sponsorship to the kids party and away travel perks for pals and its starting to wiff a bit.

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