The supporters club

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace The supporters club

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  • #296263
    Registered On: February 14, 2015
    Topics: 496

    Anyone here know why it closed?

    Registered On: July 14, 2022
    Topics: 37

    Don’t know but “Unity Group” sounds like a Logistics firm on Skippingdale Trading Estate.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 119

    Founding Directors are a Mr Maw and Mr Ellis, apparently. Est. 22 December 2024. According to Bad Companies House.

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    Susan to do the raffle. Stu the only participant.

    Registered On: July 14, 2022
    Topics: 37

    If they organised a Kids Party, are Mr and Mrs Maw and Mahony CRB checked?

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    Registered On: October 8, 2014
    Topics: 83

    Firstly good luck to Mr Maw and his new project, keep up the good work Stuart.

    64 asks a pertinent question in opening this thread. Nobody has informed official supporters club members what has happened to the old set up.

    Surely if the former committee did not wish to continue they should have called an AGM or an EGM and said as much to the members.

    At that point there may have been other members prepared to put themselves forward. If that was not the case then publicly that could have been announced and the club properly wound up, with members fully aware of the situation.

    I note that some of the former SUOSC committee are involved with Unity, maybe they can answer some of the outstanding matters. Transferable membership or closed altogether, presented accounts income/expenditure, final accounts and any outstanding funds or even debts.

    Again ood luck with Unity, but can we have some answers please on the old supporters club from those involved?

    Registered On: October 10, 2021
    Topics: 27

    Agree with ironking be nice to have some clarity re the supporters club current situation in relation to the new unity group

    i find myself drifting away from the SUFC FFBP nowadays ,there are some really nice people on there as well as the obligatory odd balls and i contribute to chat about and express views on football and my goings on at my beloved SUFC alas its more like an online car boot sale with a bit of footy thrown in.
    That said i applaud Stu n Sue Maw for all they have done and continue to do for the club surely there will come a time when enough is enough as its all a tad OTT at times.

    IMO fans have shown a huge amount of goodwill over the past 12 months and if the begging bowl mentality carries on it smacks of piss taking rather than charity.

    Registered On: October 8, 2014
    Topics: 83

    Surely time for Stu to tell all about his chequered past and what it involved being c

    One of the main criticisms, along with accounting and licences is that’s it’s becoming about individuals rather than fund raising.

    Other questions are about funding/subsidising away travel.

    Another relevant question is will the Unity group be buying shares in the club or continue to simply giveaway raised funds.

    Registered On: February 14, 2015
    Topics: 496

    I am sure when it was up there was a charter that they had to abide by.Its a bit odd really, it’s like a rumour they closed as there’s been no announcements that I’ve seen.Also did they have assets? What happened to them?

    bishopsfingerBishops Finger
    Registered On: September 7, 2014
    Topics: 16

    £550 out the fund for the kids party.
    I have had a few goes on the football cards thinking the money was going to the club, not to fund a Christmas bash?
    Im sorry but that stinks

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: January 20, 2014
    Topics: 8

    Did the Supporters Club hold any shares bought over the years ?
    If so what has happened to these ?
    I have not got involved in any of their fund raising activities but I thought all the money raised went to the Club.
    But now it seems it goes to organising kids parties and subsidising bus travel as well.
    If there is this new group I presume they will be electing people to run it or are they self appointed ?

    Registered On: October 10, 2021
    Topics: 27

    £550 out the fund for the kids party.
    I have had a few goes on the football cards thinking the money was going to the club, not to fund a Christmas bash?
    Im sorry but that stinks

    Yes tend to agree .. call me a grumpy old man but IMO an Xmas kids party should not be high on the list of things to spend any money raised on and more so lower down the list being used for away travel purposes.
    Going on the latest Stu Maw vid the new unity group are planning more events which may effect not only the fundraising giving mindset but some fans goodwill in general.

    Are the Maw Mafia (joke – by no means meant in slander or defamation) digging a hole for not only themselves but others involved ???

    Rene ArtoisRene Artois
    Registered On: September 18, 2023
    Topics: 235

    “A third-party fundraiser which asks for money or other property for charitable, benevolent or philanthropic purposes. ‘Third-party fundraiser’ means an organisation or person or a charitable institution has authorised to ask for donations on its behalf. This may be a volunteer, professional fundraiser or commercial partner if they are fundraising.” – The Fundraising Regulator

    “Legal: All fundraising must meet the requirements of the law.

    Open: Fundraisers must be open with the public about their processes and must be willing to explain (where appropriate) if they are asked for more information.

    Honest: Fundraisers must act with integrity and must not mislead the public about the cause they are fundraising for or the way a donation will be used.

    Respectful: Fundraisers must demonstrate respect whenever they have contact with any member of the public.” – Code of Fundraising Practice

    Thin ice?
    Time for the Club & Maw to wrap it up?

    Subsidised away travel and kids parties aren’t what people ‘signed up’ to donate to.

    Registered On: February 14, 2015
    Topics: 496

    This is all a bit confusing.
    The supporters club usually did the party and everyone knew what they did and were comfortable with that ,I certainly was.
    Disbanding the supporters club was done with haste,no announcements I saw and I hope they followed all proper channels with regards to funds and anything else owned by the organisation.
    I know little to nothing about Unity but I’m sure Stuart maw has always stated that the fundraising is for Scunthorpe United, I’d forgive the party if it’s left over supp club funds but travel? Not sure I can square that one.I’d also like to know what mechanism if any waxing place to use supp club funds in this way if that was the case .
    It could become a mess if any shortcuts were made,no matter how honest intentions are.Pricedures need following

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    This confusing situation shows why protocols and rules are needed for such fundraising groups. The Maws have argued that Stuart’s character is honest and good, which I am not disputing. However, it doesn’t mean he’s beyond errors of judgment and protocols exist to provide transparency to all and the honest would have no trouble following them. I hope there is something in place, even if it does seem to be unclear at present.

    Registered On: January 20, 2014
    Topics: 8

    I m not sure UNITY is the right name for this new group as yet again Mr Maw had to have another go at the Iron Trust on his latest video last night !
    The Trust is a great democratic organisation with over a 1000 members who have raised thousands of pounds which have gone into shares in the Club.
    Also the Trust played a big role in securing the Irons future at Glanny Park.
    I m pleased to see the Trust Organisation has not got involved into a slanging match on this as what started it was one persons opinions who also just happens to be a member of the Trust. Mind you I would expect nothing else from a very well run elected group of people who run the Trust .

    2 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Agreed ironlion82 , I haven’t a problem with Stuart but he’s banging on a bit too long now and surely unity is all about all groups interested in the clubs future getting along together for the betterment of the club. He should concentrate on seeing the Unity Group is run correctly with everything fund raising wise documented accurately and all funds raised going to the club. All this talk, however true and I don’t know if it is or isn’t, about supporter away travel being subsidised and kids parties funded should be explained. Those two points to me are not what fund raising for the club are about and people should pay their own way for away travel and their kids Xmas parties.

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    Registered On: April 1, 2023
    Topics: 11

    I’ve just seen Mr Maws video on YouTube.
    Not being on X or Facebook this whole Ellis/Maw debacle has thankfully largely passed me by but I am a member of the trust and am very concerned that the good work they do and have done could be undermined by what has happened.
    If I understand correctly, Matt Ellis posted something on X which was offensive to Stuart Maw. A public apology was demanded by Maw and he subsequently put on youtube that he had received a personal email apology but that wasn’t good enough.
    Since then Maws Unity group has come into existence and he appears to be using it to turn his personal feelings about an X post into something that the Trust should be responsible for. I’m sure the Trust will deal properly with any issues to do with their board members and are rightly not getting dragged into doing anything hasty just because Maw wants it.

    I don’t doubt Maw has raised a lot of money for SUFC and Michelle Harness has personally praised this on a number of occasions. However he would do well to remember his own comments about supporters during the Hilton period when I recall a number of horrible comments on YouTube including referring to those raising concerns about Hilton as parasites, on one occasion that I was shown. I can’t recall him publicly apologising for that so I would suggest he calms down and at the very least looks up the word Unity in a dictionary.

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    Registered On: July 14, 2022
    Topics: 37

    The signs are there’s going be a bit more turbulence behind the scenes.

    Despite Michelle putting out that statement I doubt it’s a United front on the board with some of the people getting involved.

    The past isn’t going to be buried that easily.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: February 14, 2015
    Topics: 496

    It seems to be the way with iron fans and groups,When the Facebook group started many on there saw themselves as some kind of Anti Iron Bru faction and we know how that descended over the Hilton Era.Samexwithbthecawful Ironhour crowd,they basically launched on being anti Iron Bru to promote a Hilton roadshow.All of which led to awful abuse being thrown this way.Maws videos get their legs by slating iron fans too.
    Neither main protagonists have ever apologised yet both have contacted the Trust about Matt,ironic an abusive councillor claiming a trust members comments should mean the trust have to get rid of Matt,when you consider his bitterness and comments over the years.
    Now once again another organisation seems to be wanting a to create problems for an existing one ,or at least it’s elected? leader does.
    Certain individuals whom I believe to be in the unity have always been somewhat lukewarm to the trust.

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    I understand the club wanting to thank Maw for his efforts because Maw has fundraised and I am sure he means well. However, I am not keen on him getting involved with the club with this attitude.

    Matt’s tweet was wrong, but it was deleted after a day and the only person talking about that now is Stuart himself. No real damage was done, since no-one had their opinions swayed by Matt, and no-one else cares now. He should draw a line in the sand and get over it. Focus on what matters, not his personal gripes.

    If he is to be involved with a supporter’s group, the club need to lay down some ground rules for him to stop trouble being caused. His attitude towards the Trust is divisive and creates an image where he sees himself as the representative of all fans and is thin skinned to any criticism, which is not a good trait for someone leading a group. That’s how it can lead to people not speaking out to wrong decisions. Frankly, I don’t see why his efforts couldn’t have been done in coordination with the Trust, which is more transparent and democratic in my opinion. Though, that wouldn’t mean Maw having his name in lights.

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    Registered On: February 14, 2015
    Topics: 496

    Making personal correspondence public is not a good trait

    Registered On: October 8, 2014
    Topics: 83

    A lovely old gentleman who was an ardent Iron used to subsidise away travel.

    Sadly that gentleman passed away, when his funding ceased certain people stopped going away

    Now that half of Stuart’s raised funds are subsidising away travel, those people are suddenly back on the scene, which is an amazing coincidence.

    Furthermore with their favourite Premiership team struggling after a few glorious years, they are now part of the un-elected Unity set up!

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    Registered On: January 20, 2014
    Topics: 8

    After reading all these comments no doubt there will another Video coming blaming the Trust for them all !

    Registered On: September 21, 2023
    Topics: 55

    I believe Matt’s Twitter post (X) was, at the least, extremely unwise. But, increasingly, as things unfold in what seem to be very slightly weird or eyebrow-raising ways (the away travel subsidy, the Unity group etc), thoughts begin to nag… I wonder, is this one of those situations where the surface has been scratched a little bit, leaving just enough space for the shit to seep out?

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    Registered On: September 21, 2023
    Topics: 55

    I’ll clarify: I don’t have an opinion either way until hard facts appear (or not).

    Registered On: July 14, 2022
    Topics: 37

    Would a FOI request to Just Giving get anywhere?

    Registered On: February 14, 2015
    Topics: 496

    1 minute in,never an apology.Publc or otherwise

    Registered On: January 20, 2014
    Topics: 8

    Never seen this video before.
    How the hell can he go on like he has about comments someone made when he puts on things like this.
    Backing and praising Hilton and calling fans who could see what was happening parasites.
    He was 100% a Hilton man ! No wonder he always has a go about the Trust !

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    It was distasteful, and I understood the need to move on afterwards, especially as he was one who did say he got it wrong on Hilton. However, it’s a bit rich for him to bemoan how others have spoken about him when he has abused fans for querying past owners. He expects people to move on there.

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