“The knee”

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace “The knee”

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  • #198892
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 50

    You literally just told me that racism affects white people as much as black people.

    Course it doesn’t.
    White disrespect of black is racism.
    The reverse is not. Ask any schoolkid…

    And let’s not go down the road of a slap on the wrist for a black BLM protester who tried to burn the union flag ON the cenotaph, and an 11 month PRISON sentence, not suspended, for a white youth who swung on it.

    FiftyPenceFifty Pence
    Registered On: January 26, 2016
    Topics: 1

    Alcazar, There can be examples of black prejudice, but you’ll find far more examples of white prejudice. But racism is far more than individual prejudice, racism is a historically rooted system of power hierarchies based on race — upheld by institutions, society, and culture.

    Black prejudice does not affect the rights of white people

    Registered On: August 5, 2017
    Topics: 18

    Alcy – you have studied both cases in detail and you were present in the court room for the full duration of the trials of course. And you are 100% certain for both cases that the ONLY deciding factor that the judges used to determine sentence was the colour of the defendant’s skin.

    Written to highlight the stupidity and irrelevance of your post.

    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 15

    Alcy, the Gilmour case is almost 10 years old. Also, he may have had previous convictions which accounted for his apparently harsh sentencing (tho’ he only served 4 months). We just don’t know, as Heathys says.

    Nor does this example illustrate any general trend – as 50p says. If I look out the window and see it’s freezing cold, this does not refute global warming. You have to look at the overall trend in temperatures over time. Or, say my old man smoked all his life and it never did him any harm – this doesn’t mean smoking isn’t bad for you – again you have to look at the evidence and look at the overall trend. Or say SUFC win a match and put in a good performance – it doesn’t mean we are promotion material.

    So Alcy, it’s a silly comparison, the sort of thing typically found in racist forums everywhere, which gets repeated and only serves to confuse. I think you know this and it’s unbecoming of you when others express their sympathy for your own misfortune in recent times.

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 80

    Gurnelista- on page 3 of these posts j.charles put a comment about the George Floyd case (#198745) ,I’m not sure what he was saying. Can you comment and agree with him or give a reason why he was wrong with his assessment .

    Registered On: January 1, 2014
    Topics: 6

    I have been reading all these diatribes without putting finger to keyboard. We all have views on this, all I suspect formed over the (many )years of our lives. I will not be giving my views, I have of course discussed it with friends and family. The chances of anyone’s post on here changing the view of someone with the opposite view is nil.
    I shall await a subject specifically about the Iron before I post again. I thank you.

    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 15

    That’s fine Alfred. But reading and writing about current issues can help you to see how others see things, and sometimes make you think again about a topic, particularly if the view you have isn’t really based on evidence at all.

    That may be why some don’t want to comment.

    Bill, BRI already addressed the point. But look, why don’t you comment on it? You’re good at the questions but rarely offer your own views. Come on, as a veteran of these columns, what do yout think?

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 170

    To many on here don’t say what they think, would be a lot better if posters let there guard down a bit,an opinion is just that, an opinion,doesn’t make it right or wrong but we all have them.

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 102

    To many on here don’t say what they think, would be a lot better if posters let there guard down a bit,an opinion is just that, an opinion,doesn’t make it right or wrong but we all have them.

    I disagree, I don’t think people should say what they think.

    Oh, hang on, have I just written what I think?

    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 15

    To many on here don’t say what they think,

    I think you’re right AWG.

    But, most are not to blame for thinking what they think about the EU, immigration and BLM. The people they were brought up to trust and doff their caps at – magistrates, local politicians, people who are apparently friendly and decent on social media, people who talk posh in pin stripe suits… have repeatedly manipulated and lied to them.

    There’s also been a very sophisticated campaign on both social and mass media, to make people believe all kinds of nonsense, nonsense which is damaging to the majority of people in Britain. If the Mail is their only source of info, it’s no wonder some care so much about bendy bananas or scotch eggs, while a vile disease rips almost unchecked through the UK.

    Truth is that with the EU, no deal existed which was better than the one we already had, while with ‘the knee’ we see the proles squabbling about it amongst themselves, alleging Marxism and anti-capitalism on the part of BLM.

    “We’re creating the perfect conditions for conspiracy theories to breed. When people don’t understand complicated explanations, something superficial, simple – and downright wrong – becomes appealing to many. And there’s no way to fight it.”

    Now, can anyone guess who said that?

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 170

    Xxx on a good day?.

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 4

    Every day is a good day.
    Oh and I think Awaywego is a cu…

    Registered On: May 27, 2017
    Topics: 3

    Xxx on a good day?.

    Richard thanks for listening to me you know it makes sense

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 170

    I know I am TW, goes without saying.

    Registered On: May 27, 2017
    Topics: 3

    This is funny must try harder Richard

    Lord KitchenerLord Kitchener
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 37

    I wouldn’t kneel or ‘take the knee’ for anyone. I don’t believe in God so I don’t kneel before the image of any deity.

    I wouldn’t boo the team for doing it, although I might discretely close my eyes. Irrelevant of race, colour, religion, gender or sexuality, really I just don’t care.

    Something happened thousands of miles away, and the police were to blame, regardless of their motive.

    It was nothing to do with Scunthorpe or any other part of the UK…

    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 15

    But if you were suffering an injustice and people around the footballing world were taking the knee to draw attention to it, how would you feel?

    The Colchester chairman explains it very well.


    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 170

    Colchester chairman didn’t show much solidarity and support for oppressed ethnic groups when he had gypsy travellers removed from club car park in march 2019. If your going to talk the talk at least walk the walk. The Colchesters chairman is not to be trusted. You couldn’t have come up with a worst person to refer to.

    Registered On: January 3, 2014
    Topics: 67

    really I just don’t care.

    Aye! And there’s the rub!

    Too many people “just don’t care”, because they have never suffered the same injustice.

    It’s still happening, and it’s happening closer to Scunthorpe than you think.

    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 15

    Oh, I could think of people a lot more hostile to oppressed groups, AWG, and so can you.

    But in this case you’re wrong, they weren’t gypsies, they were removed by police, and they were on private land.

    Where do you get your information? Social media stories I guess. It’s typical of fictional stories being put about by racist groups.

    It’s this lack of empathy, this kind of ‘I don’t care about it/them’, this kind of ‘I’ll turn my back on it’which is typical of the populist politics of the far right.

    ‘We look after our own’ they say, before voting to deny free school meals to ‘our own’. The sheer hypocrisy of it.

    Those who don’t care should care, because one day someone will do them harm or injustice, and nobody will give a monkey’s.

    Maybe they already have, and nobody cared, and that’s what’s made them bitter. Ever heard of Scrooge in Dicken’s ‘A Christmas Carol’?

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 170

    Travelers is the pc word for gypsies Gurnelista, I am not on social media either, We had to get rid of “travellers” off private land twice in the last 18 months it costs nearly 1000 pounds in court fees bailiffs and the like each time, so am sure the Colchester chairman will have had to do the same, I think when it comes to gypsies ( travellers )you will not find much empathy from most,if only they would take their shit (excrement)with them,also their rubbish.

    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 15

    Travelers is the pc word for gypsies

    Not so – the politically correct term for gypsies is Roma. Where is your evidence these were Roma, can you provide a link?

    Answer – there is no evidence, because they weren’t.

    Back to BLM. The point is that people have been lied to over and over – on social and mass media about all kinds of issues.

    You’ve got people like Farage and Trump and their people just telling folk what they want to hear, confirming suspicions and prejudices, rather than telling the truth.


    Because it gives them political support which they can get rich on, while the majority carry on struggling.

    You see it with BLM, and it’s the same with Brexit – remember when Jacob Rees Mogg said it could take half a century to see the benefits of leaving the EU? Hah, he was caught telling the truth for once!


    Well, what if you’re in Sht Street now and can’t wait 50 years? Ditch the EU and wait just to see if he’s right? Who in their right mind would support that?

    You deserve better AWG, we all do.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 170

    Gurnelista,I am sorry the Colchester chairman made a fool of you but just get over it. You should know not to listen to what chairman have to say not exactly the most trust worthy amongst us.

    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 15

    Come on AWG, you say you’re not on social media, but you’re on IB – how does that work?

    And where did you get your info about Gypsies, or rather Roma, in Colchester’s car park? You don’t say because you can’t.

    And why do you say that because you twice evicted ‘travellers’ from private land, Cowling will too? Do you live next door to each other? It all seems very odd!

    Re. Cowling – for the far-right it’s important to counter his statement in support of BLM. Why?
    Because Cowling is a wealthy and white member of the football community, a community which among other things, can be homophobic and often racist, which make it a citadel for the far-right.
    So, in the culture wars, Cowling is seen as a traitor, because he openly defends BLM. And that can’t be tolerated.

    Cue the trolls and multiganging jonathans-on-the-web to begin spreading rumours and lies to discredit him, so that within football he’s seen a hypocrite.

    It’s the latest example of how political influence works these days. Weird and sick it may seem, it’s nevertheless so.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 170

    They (the travellers) have their own organization and even they call it The London gypsy and traveler’s organisation.Have you not heard of Irish travellers?. No Roma mentioned.

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 4

    Colchester chairman didn’t show much solidarity and support for oppressed ethnic groups when he had gypsy travellers removed from club car park in march 2019. If your going to talk the talk at least walk the walk. The Colchesters chairman is not to be trusted. You couldn’t have come up with a worst person to refer to.

    He should of course have let them stay, and any others that followed them no matter how many. God alone knows what he was thinking of when he had them removed, how uncaring of him having to use perfectly lawful methods to protect CUFC’s property against unlawful interlopers.

    When I have less time I’ll give you the abridged version!

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 170

    I thought social media was Facebook Twitter and the like, but have looked up on tinternet and see forums are classed as social media so I was wrong, there I can admit to been wrong I will let you follow suit. I am not the far right but I can counter Collins statement of support for BLM because of what he did to the travellers the two faced bastard.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 170

    “Unlawful interlopers”, I thought they were French travellers, bit of underlying racism there TW.

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 4

    “Unlawful interlopers”, I thought they were French travellers, bit of underlying racism there TW.

    noun, a person who becomes involved with a place or situation where they are not wanted or are considered not to belong.
    No underlying racism whatsoever, idiot.

    Registered On: January 7, 2014
    Topics: 9

    I wouldn’t take the knee for anybody,it’s pathetic and degrading and totally over the top.As for racism in this country it works one way and one way only,it always has done.ALL LIVES MATTER !!

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