The BBC Just Cancelled Itself

Iron Bru Forums Non Football The BBC Just Cancelled Itself

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  • #257464
    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 118

    He’s apologised for a lack of restraint. I’d like to think we move on, but Bucks may have something to say?

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    #257472 Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
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    An interesting thread. The only useful contribution I can make is ( with apologies for nitpicking) to let Sidey know that it ain’t spelled Linekar.

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    Registered On: December 24, 2013
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    Nor is it license, JI. As for Heath, takes one to know one I’d say.

    Siderite, the first problem I have with Lineker is that he’s paid a ridiculous amount of money out of a publicly funded organisation. He’s also built a fortune on the back of that organisation. It’s all very well for NI to claim that people “can choose not to have a TV licence”, but in the real world that isn’t the case. Even if I never watch the BBC I still need a TV licence if I want to watch another channel.

    The second problem I have with Lineker is a total and utter failure to accept that with the privileges gained from working for the BBC also come responsibilities. The guidelines around working for the BBC aren’t grey at all. In fact they couldn’t be clearer; and if Lineker or anyone else is in any doubt then the fact he’s the highest paid person at the BBC might provide some sort of clue as to his position relative to the organisation. As I’ve said before there’s a very easy way to test this, which is to ask what would have happened had Lineker supported the Government’s position. In that case you lot would have been all over it like a rash; and, frankly, you’d have had every right to have done so.

    The third problem I have with Lineker is how this affects his colleagues, all of whom are paid less and many of whom are paid a lot less than him. Despite Deerey’s snide little comments, designed to belittle me just as much as he claims I’m trying to belittle him, I can assure you that a lot of BBC employees are seriously fed-up with Lineker.

    The fourth problem I have with Lineker is the self-righteous, “I’m a better person than you are because I stand up for vulnerable people”, which I must say applies to you lot just as much as it does to him. It’s all very well to call the Tory policy ‘hideous’, but it’s not even close to being as hideous as people handing over their possessions to traffickers and dying a horrible death in the Channel.

    Good luck to Starmer who is apparently going “to stop the traffickers”. These people are like rats. Get rid of one lot and another lot just come in. On top of that it’s a 100% fact that a lot of healthy young men are exploiting the system and coming in from perfectly safe countries, while France has been useless at stopping what’s happening. It’s a pity Lineker doesn’t aim some of his ire in that direction, but being a remainer, of course, he’ll ignore France’s appalling treatment of migrants.

    Finally, Lineker loves to position himself as representing the ‘ordinary, working-class man’. In fact the only people he truly represents are the North London, left-wing elite who wouldn’t know one end of a shovel from another.

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    The amount of money Linker earns is irrelevant to his right to speak his mind as Sugar, Portillo and Meaden does. Yet before this no-one cared about it, and we’re supposed to see you and others as being offended by principle? Unfortunately this has just shot that in the foot for me. And before you start whining about personal attacks, you see fit to judge others like this, but moan when others do it to mr perrfect,

    Bucks, stop trying to speak for me. I couldn’t give a damn if Lineker spoke in favour of the government on twitter. I’d have disagreed, but not disagreed with his right to free speech. I brought up Sugar’s strike comments in part because I want to demonstrate I am not being hypocritical in my stance. Yet you continue to do so because you have pigeon holed anyone who disagrees as being disingenuous, and it makes it come across as if no-one else can have at least somewhat a principled position besides yourself.

    You have done it yet again with your fourth comment. I have not praised people traffickers, I agree they aren’t good, yet I am self-righteous for criticising Tories, while you seemingly aren’t for trying to guilt me and others with this comment. You’re only interested in attacking anyone to the left of Reagan, not actually discussing the topic at hand. You bemoan anyone else for pigeon holing Tories, yet will do so with others. To you we’re just some lefty hive mind, seemingly. Yet I don’t particularly like the further left, speaking as a generalism (I know some principled ones exist), and have expressed my ire on other threads. I am aware some of them are self-righteous, and have abhorrent opinions. I am aware many Tories aren’t abhorrent. Fat load of good that will do me. Having negative opinions of many other Tories makes me self-righteous and judgemental. While you deriding others as middle class left wing elitists is the height of balance, apparently. For some reason the majority of Brits disagreed with booting Lineker. They can be discounted though, because the only people who matter are the salt of the Earth common men who all think as you do. The rest of us are liberal elitists. Yawn. It’s ok for the right to demonise others, but the left doing it shows how nasty they are.

    Who’s said there aren’t people exploiting the system? However, last year 76% of people claiming asylum from boat arrivals were successful, meaning 24% are not. Many of these will be the people exploiting. However, the Tory system will be to deport everyone straight away, so the 76% of successful applicants would go regardless. I find this horrible, yet saying such makes me self-righteous because it hurts poor Tory feelings. Boo hoo. It’s no more self-righteous than me or you holding negative opinions of Corbyn for his disgusting views on Jews and Ukraine. Yet one is acceptable for you, and the other makes me a pious hypocrite. Yet, I would argue it’s not me being hypocritical here. I have said several times I am not judging all Tories, but still the same crud characterisations come. It only makes me think of you as highly biased and lacking in any kind of balance. Yet you frequently come on here to bash others for such.

    I do laugh at the Tories who think they represent the ordinary working man. Labour has cocked up with this, for sure, but the idea that the anti-woke and ranty Lee Anderson types are resonating at the moment is hilarious. Also

    Registered On: August 5, 2017
    Topics: 18

    Don’t you agree that the Tories have had 13 years in power and 6 years since Brexit to stop this, despite numerous policy launches? This is the 7th and the chances of it working also look remote.

    Immigration is higher than ever, and will continue to be high. Hunt kept it quiet yesterday, but they widened the work sectors where immigration will be allowed.

    Whilst we understand that you will never back Starmer, a fresh approach is required.

    All this guff about Lineker takes the focus away from the real issue.

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    Registered On: December 12, 2014
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    Also, I am really fed up of being made out to be disingenuous and some streotype all the time. I know I am not perfect and make many mistakes in personal judgement. I do not think of myself as above anyone in morality, yet I hold the right to think negatively of moral decisions I agree with. I realise they might be better elsewhere, ignorant or whatever. Everyone has people they dislike and see as immoral, you too. Yet me doing it for some makes me some self-righteous stereotype who cannot hold an opinion in earnest. While, you make self-righteous judgements against others’ character and that’s ok, seemingly. It’s ok for the right to look negatively on people, but not the centre or the left is the message I get from you. All it does is make me think you’re projecting your own character traits onto me. I am not superior to anyone, but you come across as if you think you are, and before you start making claims of you aren’t, unfortunately your own actions and how you have interacted with me and others makes me think otherwise. So, I don’t think that’s my fault; I can make as many civil arguments as I like, but I will still be disingenuous and judgemental. And, no, this doesn’t mean I think others have not crossed the line with you.

    Registered On: August 5, 2017
    Topics: 18

    Me and Bucks are both Ashby lads, so I know he will have been called a lot worse. Not everyone draws the line in the same place, however I should respect the forum rules!!

    I agree that he does seem to focus his responses at you Siderite, so I applaud your restraint and continued attempts to hold a reasonable debate.

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    ‘Despite Deerey’s snide little comments, designed to belittle me just as much as he claims I’m trying to belittle him, I can assure you that a lot of BBC employees are seriously fed-up with Lineker.’

    Just re-read my post. Nothing snidey there (I’ve certainly made them in the past mind), you just don’t like it up you Bucks. Get over it man. Still you persist with ‘I assure you…’. What school of argument winning did you attend? It’s a school boy error to think that in any way validates your claim. Must try harder.

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
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    Deerey, any disagreement with Bucks is inherently disingenuous and belittling, because it means you think he is wrong on some aspect. Which is just not on.

    #257493 Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
    Topics: 10

    Heath … if you’re an Ashby lad then all else is bordering on irrelevant for me. We may have considerable differences in perspective .. but some things can’t be minimised.

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    If we’re doing weird handshakes, suppose you better count me in 🤣 🤪 🤝

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    Registered On: December 12, 2014
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    I believe I am an Ashby kid too.

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    Registered On: April 2, 2014
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    Just to get back on track for a moment…

    The BBC is excellent and one of this country’s crown jewels. But that’s not to say it’s perfect. Last week we saw Fiona Bruce say that Johnson’s dad had only hit his wife once, which she dismissed as if unimportant, despite evidence he’d hit her on repeated occasions. Bruce subsequently resigned from her post as ‘ambassador’ for a domestic violence charity and quite right too, it was a stupid remark.

    Perhaps more serious was the way on which the BBC interviewed expert economists and others during the Brexit campaign, and for ‘balance’ they also interviewed Kippers and others, most of whom were thicker than a whale omelette. Now, if everyone can see it’s raining outside and someone says ‘no, the sun’s shining’, you don’t interview the ‘shiners’ in the name of balance! Yet, this is what happened on too many occasions. Complete idiots were treated with deference / reverence, as if they were experts.

    Same with Johnson – he’s a proven liar and deserves to be called out when he tells lies, yet auntie failed and fails still, to do this on numerous occasions.

    And then there’s this ‘ere chairman, a man with no experience in broadcasting, and one who has does big favours for Johnson, and compromises the ‘arm’s length’ principle of the BBC.

    Despite these weaknesses it has proved a reliable source of info during Covid and still is a leading source on international news, such as the reporting from Ukraine, which is why the rest of the world looks to it as a beacon of excellence, and totalitarian governments fear and ban it.

    Privatise the news, and what are you left with? Trump-supporting conspiracy stations like G-Beebies and Sky, with an avalanche of adverts in which the first casualty is truth. In fact the news itself would become like an advert… for the liars and charlatans on the far-right. Why? Because it suits the agenda of those funding them, and because it’s so easy for others to pay/sponsor a broadcaster to churn out sensational, exaggerated and plain untrue stories about foreigners, scroungers, teachers, doctors, lefties… all without a shred of evidence.

    Yep, the BBC has it’s problems, but the way in which it’s funded allows it to keep at arms length from government, and consistently be the best there is, not only at news but at bringing the country together. That’s because it can commission programmes which are not necessarily profitable, but are nevertheless important, e.g. documentaries about history, nature, science and so on, even religious programmes which I resent but accept. That’s in contrast to channels of wall to wall commercial ‘messages’ interspersed with game shows, etc. – as informative, educational and entertaining as an ocular migraine.

    All that said, the BBC has two of the most annoying people on TV – Winkleperson and Balding. Aye, shut it down now!

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    Very well argued Gurney.

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    FiftyPenceFifty Pence
    Registered On: January 26, 2016
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    In my opinion, the way to reduce the impact of traffikers over the channel is not to use policies that go against the UN refugee convention and to use divisive and racist rhetoric, rather provide a legal way for refugee applications, then we can have the debate about numbers. There is currently no legal way to travel to the UK for the specific purpose of seeking asylum – but they can only apply for asylum when they are here, yet everybody has the right to apply for asylum (there is no such thing as an illegal asylum seeker).

    The Conservative approach to refugees seems to correctly open the borders to white refugees (Ukraine) but to close them for non-white refugees. The argument that people should apply in the first “safe” country is fundamentally flawed, it goes against the refugee convention for good reason – if all refugees settled in the first safe country, it would massively increase the potential for similar problems in that country. Also, why shouldn’t an English speaking refugee apply for asylum in an English speaking country?

    The right-wing press give us the impression that UK is the most popular destination but in reality most refugees apply in neighbouring countries, Syrian refugees make up almost 20% of Lebanon’s population, Jordan houses 3 million. In Europe, we have less refugees than Italy, Sweden, France, etc despite being more populous. Germany house 1.15 million (0.31%), while we house 0.13 million (0.18%)

    Lineker’s tweet (on his personal twitter account, not on a BBC programme) gave his opinion on the current government rhetoric, an opinion I share (but people are welcome to disagree). The Conservative governments lead by Johnson, Truss and Sunak have been using divisive language and have been blaming foreigners for their own mistakes. The kind of rhetoric that precedes some of the worst moments in world history. I’m not a Tory (obviously), but I can respect (and disagree with) Cameron, Major and Hague’s conservative governments, but its very difficult to respect the recent incarnations.

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    Registered On: January 3, 2014
    Topics: 67

    Another well argued post.

    IronageIron Age
    Registered On: April 10, 2019
    Topics: 59

    The worldwide migration crisis now is only the tip of the iceberg.
    As places throughout the world become impossible to live in, for one reason or another, what choice do they have but to move? The majority towards the north.
    We need to get used to it and prepare.

    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    there is no such thing as an illegal asylum seeker

    Aye, it’s the law that makes an act illegal, not a person, and when people are trying to escape danger, there’s no question of illegality.

    Britain is often the country to which refugees gravitate when there’s war, poverty and other threats at home. Why? Because after so many British invasions and involvement in countries around the world, mainly due to imperial expansion, trade and the need for oil, English is the second language of millions, plus, compared to many political and religious dictatorships, the country has a reputation for being decent and humane, so it’s a natural choice.

    Course, the main reason we know about the problems besetting refugees is because of the BBC. If public service broadcasting were abandoned to the profit motive, who on earth would bother to make a programme about problems in Syria, Afghanistan etc? There’s no money in it, and it only makes people empathise and question global inequality. Much cheaper and more profiable to make a cheap game show or similar.

    And yes, there are abuses of our generosity, just as there are abuses of any system created to help those in dire straits. The Tories said the same when the welfare state was set up here. But it’s a right-wing trick to focus on the few abuses and argue they are widespread and typical, when they are neither. True, these arrangements will never function perfectly, but we shouldn’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good, as every Christian knows.

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    Registered On: August 5, 2017
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    Let’s hope that we get a break from this bunch of wannabe dictators.

    There are no boundaries to their cynicism. Who else could come up with a policy during a cost of living crisis to reward the top 1% of earners and sell it as a measure to stop doctors retiring.

    If that was the intention why doesn’t it just apply to doctors?

    And then they weigh in on Lineker completely ignoring the fact that ReesMogg and others were calling the EU out as Nazis during the Brexit campaign.

    And our old friend Bucks is happy to join the pack of hyenas. Whatever happened to his politics of envy arguments and free market economics?

    Clearly they don’t apply to anyone who criticises his Tory Government.

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    Braverman just cancelled the BBC and any media not of the supportive right: ‘Come on down GBNews, Telegraph and Mail. Join me on my historic trip of shithousery!!’

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    Registered On: December 12, 2014
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    And our old friend Bucks is happy to join the pack of hyenas. Whatever happened to his politics of envy arguments and free market economics?

    If the issue of mishandling of money, concerns over extortionate money from mates to do up Boris Johnson’s home, complaints about how a rich capitalist runs a football club and borrowing money to give tax breaks for the rich it has to be because of the politics of envy. If it’s a member of the ‘metropolitan North London* liberal elite’ attacks on wealth are ok. This is because the former come from libs, who are inherently duplicitous and nasty buggers who always try to attack right wingers, while the latter comes from right wingers, so is more acceptable.

    *An interesting phrase used by Bucks, which has some dodgy connotations. Now, before a Bucks tirade occurs, I am not accusing him of thinking this way. However, it’s code language used by some dodgy characters and I am wary in legitimising such.

    Registered On: August 5, 2017
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    Control the media, shut down opposition voices, control the media.

    Braverman’s intentions are very clear.

    Registered On: April 2, 2014
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    Whatever happened to his politics of envy arguments….?

    These cliches are a way to protect the status quo. The ‘politics of envy’ implies that if you haven’t done well from our current state of inequality, any criticism of it is because you’re envious of those who have done well. The opposite is ‘champagne socialism’ which implies if you have done well, you shouldn’t be critical of it.

    Lineker’s case is interesting because as being a well-off national hero, he’s the son of a market trader and is of immigrant stock. His criticism of the government and his defence of refugees thus make him particularly annoying to the Daily Mail reading classes, who think that he should behave like they would, ie be grateful, keep his head down and ignore social injustice, especially where immigration is concerned.

    It’s the same feeling that drives tabloid vitriol towards Meghan Markle, except for a rich, foreign, black woman who’s married a prince, it’s even worse.

    #257602 Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
    Topics: 10

    Wot … no mention of religion, Gurney?
    I had to double check it was your post.

    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    Is it true jonnie needs the help of a bishop and a horse every time he prepares to mate, JL?

    #257607 Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
    Topics: 10

    Now that has totally lost me … but a 4-1 win eases the pain!

    #257609 Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
    Topics: 10

    ….. ah. Chess.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 118

    ‘Ah, cheese Gromit!’ (Wallace).

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
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