Iron Bru › Forums › Non Football › Thanks anti-vaxxers
- This topic has 67 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 7 months ago by
Iron Age.
July 15, 2023 at 8:54 am #266669
We had measles under control, but thanks to the work of disinformation and conspiracies we now have rising rates and the potential for an epidemic. It’s all well and good talking about individual choices, but our choices impact others. Refusing to vaccinate for these diseases puts children (especially) at risk. I don’t want to be unsympathetic, but many people will end up learning the hard way why their armchair expertise and arrogance to dismiss decades to centuries of work on preventing horrible diseases leads to needless pain. Our ancestors would have loved to have had the privilege to live as we do now, with diseases like mumps, measles, rubella, smallpox and polio controllable, yet many today turn their noses up because of ignorance and beliefs that they know better, based on little.
All because one idiotic, fraudulent ‘doctor’ made a rubbish study which ran riot in the media, with the aid of some credulous journalists. Now we have the reality where these diseases are making a comeback and more will suffer, needlessly. Even if that study was true, surely autism is preferbale to agonising death at a young age?
This was the reality for many parents, as described here by Roald Dahl.
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July 15, 2023 at 1:00 pm #266693Social media has created a nation of “experts” who know absolutely everything about everything and are happy to spread their “knowledge” across the world. AI will make this even worse.
July 15, 2023 at 5:36 pm #266715“…died suddenly” the new buzz words. I wonder why?
July 15, 2023 at 5:42 pm #266716…no-one against tried and tested vaccines.There’s your problem.
The reliable evidence ( which the main stream media won’t report on) is out there,if you just look for it.July 15, 2023 at 6:03 pm #266717‘The reliable evidence ( which the main stream media won’t report on) is out there,if you just look for it.’
Hard to know of you’re now referring to vaccines, God or Marxists being responsible for people using less cash. Or the pointlessness of your latest garbage – 90% of Iron fans you speak to have never heard of this forum.
July 15, 2023 at 6:16 pm #266722Yeah right, people never “…died suddenly” before covid.
July 15, 2023 at 6:57 pm #266724The evidence is out there ,reported by official papers,that there is an alarming increase in deaths,compared to pre- Covid levels. The statistics are also clearly being seen all over the world, and it isn’t covid that was the cause. Look into it,the main stream media will not report on these official reports.
July 15, 2023 at 7:25 pm #266729…no-one against tried and tested vaccines.There’s your problem.
The reliable evidence ( which the main stream media won’t report on) is out there,if you just look for it.People oppose the measles, mumps, rubella, polio and other vaccines. If no-one opposes ‘tested vaccines’, does that mean these aren’t tested?
Some people have been against them since Andrew Wakefield’s fraudulent study. This was back in the 90s, so has sod all to do with covid. It made big news at the time and many, who should be ashamed, peddled the nonsense. I was talking about the woo about autism, because this was the charge at the time. Not the covid vaccine conspiracies.
I disagree with you on covid vaccines, but this is irrelevant to this. People are not taking measles vaccines, and take up has been on the decline since before covid. So your statement about covid links to vaccine distrust are just not true. Anti-vaxxers have existed for decades.
July 15, 2023 at 7:26 pm #266730The evidence is out there ,reported by official papers,that there is an alarming increase in deaths,compared to pre- Covid levels. The statistics are also clearly being seen all over the world, and it isn’t covid that was the cause. Look into it,the main stream media will not report on these official reports.
I am sure is a reliable substitute for actual reporting.
July 15, 2023 at 7:44 pm #266732Careful now, you might inspire Alcy to make a return with his tin hatter vids. He doesn’t seem to get much traction over on the SFFG. If he could get over his aversion to Fansy, he probably would. For that, I am grateful
July 15, 2023 at 8:20 pm #266734July 15, 2023 at 8:23 pm #266735Sounds like a reliable source. /sarcasm
I know threads can morph, but it does seem a bit hijacked to go on about your covid woo when you were making nonsense about how no-one opposes measles jabs, when they do.
July 15, 2023 at 8:29 pm #266737In a sense you’reright about “ no-one”opposes measles vaccinations.
The accusation was the “unvaccinated Covid” people were to blame. Far from the truth.July 15, 2023 at 8:31 pm #266738Sounds like a reliable source/sarcasm.
Can you explain your sarcasm from an official paper?July 15, 2023 at 8:32 pm #266739In a sense, I am right? How am I not in any way? There were tonnes of anti-vaxxer content from before 2020 and from Wakefield’s study.
Also, I am not talking about covid vaccines in the original, so the accusation has sod all to do with your covid conspiracies.
July 15, 2023 at 8:34 pm #266740Sounds like a reliable source/sarcasm.
Can you explain your sarcasm from an official paper?I didn’t realise a youtube channel is an official peper. I am not commenting on such, because your covid nonsense is a thread hijack. This is about anti-vaxxers undermining measles, which has caused needless rises in the disease.
July 15, 2023 at 8:44 pm #266741“ I didn’t realise a YouTube channel is an official paper”?
He was reporting on an official paper!!
“ I am not commenting on such”.
Of course you’re not because your presuppositions would be destroyed.July 15, 2023 at 8:45 pm #266742I was aware that the video comes from official sources. The channel is what’s dubious, and how they might distort such.
“Of course you’re not because your presuppositions would be destroyed.”
Sure it would. Meanwhile, outside of la la land, such nonsense are frenzied conspiracies. At least you have your echo chamber to keep your confirmation bias going.
July 15, 2023 at 8:49 pm #266743“Claims that COVID-19 vaccines will make people who receive them magnetic”
lol – Claimed by the so reliable youtuber.
July 15, 2023 at 9:01 pm #266744Please give your evidence of this claim!
Like I say ,official papers have been released that the main stream media will not report on.
You seem to be blind to your presuppositions,so I will leave you with the video,so you can ponder on it.July 15, 2023 at 9:04 pm #266745It says so in the video description, as made by the youtuber.
In reality, excess deaths have decreased but are still relatively high compared with pre-pandemic levels. This is not evidence of vaccine deaths. If we dive into it, it’s a mix of the still existing virus, along with strain caused to the healthcare systems.
Not much to ponder outside of conspiracyland, where things mean them what you want them to mean, not what devious ‘MSM’ require for accurate and evidence based reporting. I will leave you to your channels reporting on how covid vaccines make humans into bar magnets and other such rubbish.
July 15, 2023 at 10:00 pm #266751Your “get out “ conspiracy theory is just showing your blinkered presuppositional position. All the evidence in official documentation is clearly seen in these videos,they would be banned if there was any false information! The media is adamant this information will not be made known to the general public, for obvious reasons.
July 15, 2023 at 10:01 pm #266752Once again, it’s the massaging by mr bar magnet which is the issue.
The media is adament they won’t make it, because the story of excess deaths decrease does not show what you think it does.
July 15, 2023 at 10:11 pm #266758Moving on from the tedious thread hijacking, measles rates have doubled when compared with the same time last year. Worrying.
July 16, 2023 at 6:38 am #266770Do give your reference point for “mr. bar magnet” Dr.John Campbell – thanks,if not you will be accused by me of making it up as you go along.
My facts are official facts open to public scrutiny,which the main stream media will not report on.July 16, 2023 at 6:44 am #266771By the way when you lump anti vaxxers with people unwilling to take the Covid vaccine,you are muddying the true story. Most people who refuse the Covid vaccine are not anti vaxxers,They refuse to take a vaccine that is now showing,through study,an alarming risk of serious side-effects.Most willingly take tried and tested vaccines. There’s the problem will the opening post.
July 16, 2023 at 6:50 am #266773I have already told you where the magnetisation claim is. If you can’t understand where to look for a video description on YouTube, it is not my problem.
Your ‘facts’ are being massaged here. The video demonstrates nothing about how we have excess deaths because of vaccines.
I have not muddied the waters regarding covid and other vaccines. I have repeatedly said this thread was about measles, but you were the one who brought up covid to make it about your obsession.
July 16, 2023 at 6:56 am #266774Some crackpot on YouTube- not Dr John Campbell?
The problem is ,you are muddying the waters.
The official reports around the world ,reported with integrity,are clearly showing significant concerns regarding the Covid vaccine,but your blinkered presuppositions will not investigate these claims,unfortunately.July 16, 2023 at 7:00 am #266776..did you read my post at 6.44am-I response to your accusation I didn’t say anything about the opening post.
July 16, 2023 at 7:05 am #266777This thread is not about covid. My OP did not mention it. Peope have opposed measles vaccines and the OP is directed at that. If you can’t understand this, it is not my problem. I disagree with covid vaccine conspiracies, but that is separate to the damage done to measles vaccine conspiracies (though there is overlap in claims).
Well done on your tedious thread hijack to make it about your loony conspiracies promoted by Mr bar magnet.
You presume too much. I have come across such claims before, think they’re nonsense and don’t see the point in wasting my time with them over and over when I don’t think it would make any difference to your opinion. Getting into how the outcomes have been massaged is not going to change your mind, no matter what, is it? Let’s be honest. You keep talking about covid when I have said my thread is not about that, so my trust in you changing your mind on anything is very low.
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