SWANNS Announcement

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace SWANNS Announcement

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  • #234977
    Registered On: January 13, 2014
    Topics: 1

    I actually think his latest press release is one of his greatest hits. In terms of his top 10 clangers, it’s right up there.

    He’s somehow managed to really annoy a dwindling fanbase and sow the seeds for even lower gates in one fell swoop. Man’s an effin’ genius! How does he do it? What’s his secret?
    Long term planning?

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    BottesfordIrons5North Lincolnshire Irons
    Registered On: September 30, 2017
    Topics: 58

    A very good post Sharpshooter24. It sums up our feelings towards SWANN and what he has done to our football club and also I am sure the feelings of the majority of our supporters. Until the SWANNS leave our football club for good nothing at all will change for the better, in my opinion whilst they are still here things may deteriorate even further. What a ridiculous statement from him. SWANNS OUT!!!!!!

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    Registered On: January 3, 2014
    Topics: 66

    Composed several replies last night, but decided against hitting the send button in respect for SST and the site.

    Have come round to Deerey’s thinking and have just had a jolly good laugh at the statement.

    Hilarious that Covid is still blamed, and that the plea to “come and spend your money at GP” is still put forward. And that “I’ve done all I could” bit had me in stitches.

    Sitcom gold. Particularly UTI99 asking if there’s anyone who’s not offended.

    Belly laughs all round!

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    My question about being offended was about people who libel facing consequences and violent people being handcuffed. Trouble reading?

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    ‘As you were’ Corporal!

    Registered On: December 24, 2013
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    I haven’t seen any libellous comments on this post so it’s a non point as far as I can see no matter how much UTI would like otherwise.

    There’s lots of anger and frustration but everything I’ve seen falls within the realms of fair comment and defence of the truth in my opinion.

    I honestly think things have been remarkably restrained given the ongoing shambles.

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    SST had to edit the OP.

    Registered On: December 24, 2013
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    Then my ramblings on the subject are still correct – I didn’t see it, have no idea what it said, and thus no clue as to whether it unfairly impugned the majesty of our glorious leader.

    Everytime refereePat O’Cake
    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 17

    It’s pointless trying to make him see sense APB, this is a person that see’s nothing wrong with security/stewards shoving fans and verbally abusing them, and nothing wrong with fans being lied to and nothing wrong with Scunthorpe United losing football league status, and nothing wrong with the ground and surrounding land being taken from the club. He is so far up Swanns arse that he cant see whats happening.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 101

    Nothing wrong with the catering….oh sorry Bucks has done a bunk!

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 70

    Nothing wrong with the catering….oh sorry Bucks has done a bunk!

    Having withdrawn my attendance this season and the sole responsibility of the EGO I don’t know what the standard of catering is these days.

    Serious question – what is the fayre on offer these days at Glanford Park ? eg: are fried onions available with burgers ?

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 101

    Someone else might be able to answer that. I never buy the food. Occasional tea or coffee

    Registered On: January 3, 2014
    Topics: 66

    My question about being offended was about people who libel facing consequences and violent people being handcuffed. Trouble reading?

    My amusement was at the thought of the guy who finds offence in any criticism of the club and it’s chairman calling out others.

    Trouble understanding irony?

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    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Someone else might be able to answer that. I never buy the food. Occasional tea or coffee

    I never buy anything another than a match ticket. I go armed with chewing gum and tic tacs which does me till I can get out of that farcical football hell hole till the next home game. Up the Iron and Swanny please do one.

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 101

    Serious question – what is the fayre on offer these days at Glanford Park ? eg: are fried onions available with burgers ?

    No idea but I notice the catering point at one end of the terrace doesn’t tend to be opened these days, so you have to go to the other end (where the toilets are). Not sure why that’s the case.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 101

    Cost cutting?

    mkironMK Iron
    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 46

    Less customers?

    Registered On: May 29, 2017
    Topics: 56

    Think we should just get on and support lee, the manager his support team and the players in the last 6 games, I know the players are partly to blame but we are stuck with them until the season ends so let’s at least try and support them and hopefully get a couple of wins.
    I know this is unlikely but if can stay unbeaten at home until the end of the season at least we would have something to cheer from a throughly miserable season.

    Mr Swann has stepped away and is trying to find a buyer for the club which is what we all wanted in the end so we should at least support the playing and coaching staff for the final games before a full rebuild is needed in the summer break.

    At least we have a tiny shaft of light after the complete darkness of the last three seasons, hopefully with a new owner and new players that shaft will develope into full sunshine next season and we can start to climb back up the leagues.

    Registered On: July 8, 2014
    Topics: 22

    Let me break his statement down:

    “I have decided to stand down as Chairman of Scunthorpe United. This wasn’t an easy decision for me to make, but having weighed up the options, it will hopefully ease the tensions at the club and enable the manager, staff and players to focus on their jobs, rather than there be distractions at what is a very important time in its history.” – I read this as “I am hiding from the club and passing the buck onto the manager, staff and players”.

    “It is vitally important for you, the fans, to continue to support the club and that means buying match tickets and season tickets, using the club shop and catering facilities, sponsoring matches and players, etc as much as possible. This is because while we are budgeting to run at break-even, any extra income to that position can be reflected in the playing budget. I can assure you that all the income received by the club is used to meet the running costs of the club. Whatever you may hear or see I haven’t taken one penny out of the club and all the money generated is kept by the club. It is therefore important that fans support the club as much as they can in order to ensure there isn’t a shortfall against budget.” – I read this as “I ain’t putting any money into the club so you need to bankroll the club for me.”.

    “I have done all I can financially to support the club over the last few seasons and we have had a concerted effort to take the club to a sustainability model and that would have happened earlier if it wasn’t for the pandemic. The turnover the club generates isn’t enough to maintain a large playing budget and that was and has been evident over the last few seasons. Sadly, the lack of cash flow and having to borrow monies from the EFL have combined with the club being restricted on its player recruitment and this has been detrimental to our performances, and we find ourselves staring relegation in the face.” – I read this as “Covid has enabled me to hide the mismanagement of the club finances during my tenure, and I took out a loan from the EFL without understanding the T&Cs.

    “Last season we had no cash as such and if we had not taken the EFL loan we would have been in administration and relegated through points deduction then, or this season. So I had to decide, and try to give us a chance this season. However, the embargo attached to the loan put us at a huge disadvantage – one we have been unable to overcome.” – I read this as “I took out a loan without understanding the T&Cs.”.

    “Although I have not actively been looking for a new owner, I have been talking to several groups who have an interest in the club and having stepped down I can spend more time now working toward finding a new owner for the club and securing its future.” – I read this as “I’m not actually in any active negotiations with any party as I cannot tell you an accurate number of people who I am ‘in conversations with’.

    “I am delighted that Lee Turnbull has agreed to come in and oversee the operational side of the football club as we focus fully on planning for next season. Lee will be welcomed onto the board in the coming weeks and join Neil Wright in what will be representatives both for fans and the community, I wish them all the best going forward.” – I read that as “I am a master of misdirection and I’m giving you the illusion that something has changed.”.

    “Nothing changes regarding the manager or our work to integrate young players into the squad, moving towards a footballing model where we can utilise our academy and not only see them flourish in the first team but also move on and create a future career at the highest level. I am delighted that Keith wants to stay and help the club achieve this and we are fully focused on a positive and robust pre-season, to give us the best chance of bouncing back at the first time of asking. We can’t however do that if we don’t raise enough income from all of our income streams, so again I can only emphasise how important it is for the fans to return and support your club.” – I read that as “I hope Keith doesn’t leave otherwise I wil have to appoint Will as the manager. Oh and don’t forget, if you don’t bankroll the club all failures to sign quality players will be YOUR fault.”.

    “It’s a real shame that all the good work done in the first five years (the financial investment, and the hard work behind the scenes to get us to a point where we could have challenged the top end of League One and even return to the Championship), will be overshadowed by what is a few poor seasons of football.” – I read that as “It is a shame that i gambled the future of the club on my ‘Championship Chairman vanity project’, and now the club is reaping what I sowed.”.

    “I have given everything, I know I have come up short, but I will not risk the financial future of the club by borrowing monies and although we may well find ourselves out of the league, we will be financially sustainable. That, in itself, means we offer something substantial to a new owner and I’m convinced we can find the right person for the club. By stepping down I can concentrate on doing just that.” – I read this as “I am not putting any of my personal fortune into the club to rectify the mess I created. And whatever you do, do not mention the fact that I asset stripped the club, and will be set to make a tidy profit from property development if the club was no longer trading.”.

    To sum it up in one sentence “It is COVID’s fault we’re in this mess, and YOUR fault we can’t sign quality players.”

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    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    That seems a good analysis Daz, maybe you should have put at the start or the end, ” all this post is just my considered opinion “. You know how touchy some people get when others see things differently E.G. Putin.

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