Statement 06/07/23

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace Statement 06/07/23

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  • #265868
    Lord KitchenerLord Kitchener
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 37

    In the interest of fairness, I have posted (copy pasted) Mr Hilton’s response to Swann’s accusations.

    I would just like to post and say how delighted I am to have Lee and Roj as directors of the club. I had taken Lee off originally along with all others whilst I learnt about the business and the people involved. I have full trust in Lee and his love for the club is undeniable.

    Roj Rahman is somebody again with the club imbedded deep in his heart and he is a wonderful human being and businessman. He will bring so much to the club moving forward.

    I sincerely thank them both.

    I would also like to confirm that creating a board of local people to support me was always something I had planned to do. Like I have said, I just needed to understand the business and people in and around it.

    I will openly admit that I underestimated the work involved and the club has had a massive impact on the life I was accustomed to. I’m hopeful that having the board in place will encourage the doubters to back the club in the knowledge that the decisions made will be by numerous local people with a genuine affinity to the club and not just by some stranger from Nottingham.

    The new board members (more to follow) will also help me push the club forward with their commitment and expertise, filling voids left by departing paid staff and therefore allowing a bigger sustainable commitment to the playing budget as you have all seen this summer.

    The board has not been set up for financial reasons as reported by the negative few on another site. Of course I would hope that all board members will be a financial benefit to the club, but anything they generate will only be used to help the club sustain and compete at higher levels.
    I would like to mention my disappointment at the supposed fans page Iron Bru. I have noticed during my time here that their posts are predominantly of the negative variety. I do not think I have seen many if any positive posts. I noticed this in April and reached out for them to meet me face to face and ask their questions. An invitation they declined. It seems this site are far happier pushing their own negativity than finding out the facts. I am also fully aware that they still liaise with Mr Swann. This was confirmed when a question was directed my way containing information that only myself and Mr Swann were privy to.

    Whilst peoples opinions will differ which I’m all for, I really do not have time for the minority of cowards that push their own interpretation of events when the truth is only a question away. Especially those hiding behind fake names.

    Because of this, one of the first things I will be asking the new board to consider will be an official supporters club to be formed with direct access to the board. Possibly even represented on the board.

    Whatever your thoughts about me are please remember this. I saved the club you all love from extinction as I promised at a significant financial cost, I am handing over the running of it to local people and supporters, I have reset the club and together we have built a fantastic squad preparing for a hopefully successful period. I have created a business model that is now sustainable and I have asked for nothing in return. I am obviously very proud to be the Chairman of your Football Club and I promise my commitment will continue moving forward.

    One last point, the June 22 accounts were filed a few days late and my apologies for this. It was a slightly embarrassing oversight on my part. It is not the big deal that the minority are using to push negativity again and certainly no reason for concern.
    I’m assured they will appear on companies house imminently.

    Finally, football is back Saturday and the season is nearly here, it’s now time to unite 💪 and get behind Jimmy and the boys, what is any of this for if it isn’t about getting back to winning football matches


    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 118

    ‘In the interest of fairness, I have posted (copy pasted) Mr Hilton’s response to Swann’s accusations.’

    Lol, my god, you can’t even get that right. You’ve copied and pasted Hilton’s earlier statement on the Facebook group BEFORE Swann published his statement on Bru.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
    CMC CMC,
    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 118

    It’s important to clarify this. If nothing else, it demonstrates a pre-emptive strike to the brown stuff hitting the fan. It was pretty obvious something was afoot.

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    Registered On: December 31, 2013
    Topics: 44

    Swann, the man who didn’t pay his staff’s wages, blamed a nasty bookies for losing his money, the beacon of truth. Everything he has said in his statement has been brought about by himself in the horrific management of the club, finds an outlet for his nonsense. What a hideous position the club is in having to survive in between all this nonsense. The demise of the club
    cannot be that far away and you can pick whoever you want to blame dependant on your agenda. But lets not forget this position is due to Swann and it may be finished off by another but that wouldn’t take
    much considering the state of the club.

    3 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: October 10, 2021
    Topics: 27

    wow .. waking up to this , WTF has happened to our club.

    a few comments and im gonna have a black coffee laced with Jamesons and lay down in a darkened room for a while.

    Great post from Captcod re the club being a community asset..thankyou

    IB .. prize for best tongue up arse post.

    Swan should never have been allowed to rob the land n GP in the first place he done us like a kipper

    DH no doubt is slippery , he has chucked in a lump of his money and effectively did save the club ..or did he ?

    Part of Swans post that makes me double take is where he comments on all involved with the 1899 scheme , numerous sponsorship deals , car parking charges, season tickets and new signings being given the impression all is well re actually playing at GP when clearly it isnt… so many different ppl all seemingly happy to jump on board and part with their money lends me to think what have they been told ..and who actually knows the truth.
    follow this on with the newly appointed directors .. nobodys fools but experienced successful business ppl who have also been seemingly keen to climb aboard the Hilton express.

    Legal action to repo GP .. is it too late , can a deal still be struck i truly hope Hilton n Swan can find a way out of this clusterfook or else i fear SUFC will be no more

    I really fear for our club.

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    If we are evicted – we have no ground.
    The closer it gets to the first game of the season, the more difficult it becomes to rearrange fixtures and have them sanctioned by the NLN.
    If we were to ground share, I believe we can only nominate one ‘home’ ground?
    We would have to find alternative dates to play games that clash with our host club.
    Sunday afternoon football?
    I can’t see our opponents agreeing to that – they’ll play hard ball.
    Friday night football?
    Our hosts wouldn’t agree to that as they’d have no time to prepare their pitch for their fixture the next day.
    We could end up in a situation where we end up playing half of our ‘home’ fixtures on our opponents ground.
    Ground sharing with Trinity has been banded about for weeks.
    How many of our fixtures clash with Trinity’s?
    It could be that we deemed unable to fulfil fixtures even before the season starts and are kicked out of the league.
    It could all implode very, very quickly now!

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 118

    If Hilton has the funds, which he claims he has, pay him off and secure our club’s future.

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    To exacerbate the situation – the Northern Premier fixtures aren’t even out yet!

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 118

    ‘I really fear for our club.’ We all do IFA. I fear there’s a lot more about where the club stands financially that we don’t know about yet.

    Registered On: April 1, 2023
    Topics: 11

    SUFC, with its new board of directors, needs to make contact with Coolsilk and agree a sensible, adult way forward to complete the purchase of GP.

    6 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 118

    Presumably the only thing scuppering that if is Hilton refuses to let them or doesn’t have the funds?

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    How is a sale going to go through if he hasn’t got the cash to buy it?

    A DFS style no deposit repayment plan over four years? 😂

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 118

    ‘Mr Hilton could have owned the site, secured possession and the future of the club by paying just 50% of the asking price and working on the remaining monies needed.’

    If that offer is still on the table, why not take it?

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    ‘Mr Hilton could have owned the site, secured possession and the future of the club by paying just 50% of the asking price and working on the remaining monies needed.’

    If that offer is still on the table, why not take it?

    Maybe he’s short of the 50% ?

    Registered On: March 23, 2022
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    Swann seems to have carried on his ineptness in how he sold the club. Astute businessmen, and he palms a business venture off like he’s selling a chair on ebay.

    More like Facebook Marketplace.

    Registered On: February 8, 2016
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    I am not sure who to believe at the moment however, one thing I will mention is that everyone keeps thinking buying the stadium and land is just about money.

    The reality of the situation is, no one in the right mind would buy the stadium and land when, there is an unregistered strip in the middle between the ground and training pitch which, could be used in future to hold the club to ransom.

    Registered On: October 10, 2021
    Topics: 27

    posted this earlier ..can anyone give an explanation why it appears so many may have been and still are being hooked ???

    Part of Swans post that makes me double take is where he comments on all involved with the 1899 scheme , numerous sponsorship deals , car parking charges, season tickets and new signings being given the impression all is well re actually playing at GP when clearly it isnt… so many different ppl all seemingly of sound mind and happy to jump on board and part with their money lends me to think what have they been told ..and who actually knows the truth.
    follow this on with the newly appointed directors .. nobodys fools but experienced successful business ppl who have also been seemingly keen to climb aboard the Hilton express are we to assume they been belt fed a load of tosh.

    I can only suggest DH and his new board start dialogue with Swan ASAP to get some sort of deal over the line or we are toast.

    Registered On: October 10, 2021
    Topics: 27

    more so IF an amicable agreement cannot be made and Swan does get us evicted what will happen re all the monies paid for the stuff i mentioned in my previous post, season tickets , Parking , 1899 etc etc ???

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 102

    I am not sure who to believe at the moment however, one thing I will mention is that everyone keeps thinking buying the stadium and land is just about money.

    The reality of the situation is, no one in the right mind would buy the stadium and land when, there is an unregistered strip in the middle between the ground and training pitch which, could be used in future to hold the club to ransom.

    I’ve seen this mentioned a few times but have we seen any evidence to support these claims?

    irondoctorIron Doctor
    Registered On: May 14, 2014
    Topics: 6

    Mr Swan. You have a long list of abject failure with SUFC on your CV. You took us to the verge of bankruptcy and we lost the ownership of our ground. You took us from League 1 to the National League North. You fell out with the fans, you fell out with the council, you fell out with the shirt manufacturer and now you’ve fallen out with the new “owner”. All in the background of a serious gambling habit, where, quelle surprise, you fell out with your bookie too. Please therefore can you explain why you’re playing the victim? Again.

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    Registered On: February 8, 2016
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    I am not sure who to believe at the moment however, one thing I will mention is that everyone keeps thinking buying the stadium and land is just about money.

    The reality of the situation is, no one in the right mind would buy the stadium and land when, there is an unregistered strip in the middle between the ground and training pitch which, could be used in future to hold the club to ransom.

    I’ve seen this mentioned a few times but have we seen any evidence to support these claims?

    I’ve heard from a reliable source that it it is correct, but I have not seen it for myself.

    I assume a simple Land registry plan would be enough to prove it but, I haven’t seen that anyone has done one.

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    I think the unregistered strip of land is a thing, but I have seen lawyers say that it shouldn’t be a big deal to solve. Though, I am not a legal bod.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Wouldn’t it be better if Swanny came back even Deerey is believing his statements now. I always said better the devil you know.

    Registered On: February 8, 2016
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    I think the unregistered strip of land is a thing, but I have seen lawyers say that it shouldn’t be a big deal to solve. Though, I am not a legal bod.

    Yeah, I have been told the same. Although, it needs to be registered by the current landowner which, I believe is where the problem lies.

    mkironMK Iron
    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 46

    Wouldn’t it be better if Swanny came back even Deerey is believing his statements now. I always said better the devil you know.

    There have been a number of ridiculous posts in the last 24 hours but as usual Awaywego zooms in and takes top spot comfortably.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: January 3, 2014
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    Wouldn’t it be better if Swanny came back even Deerey is believing his statements now. I always said better the devil you know.

    Hence my previous post.

    If the guy who wants to buy can’t pay then the goods remain yours.

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    Registered On: December 31, 2013
    Topics: 44

    So Swann has a ransom strip? Let’s face it he didn’t know whether the lease was 99 or 999 year lease! Remember the lease which gauranteed SUFC a home no matter what. The guy is using Bru just like he used the goodwill of the town. I’m not defending Hilton here but giving this individual any kind of platform is wrong, I bet even GB news wouldn’t go near him.

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    Bit hard for Iron Bru to justify a user to be prevented from posting here. Posting here is not an endorsement by the admin. At least him posting has alerted people to the reality of what we face, instead of dismissing ground issues as social media rumours.

    Registered On: October 10, 2021
    Topics: 27

    As with so many other aspects combined to make this mess one actually has proof any such ransom strip exists ..its DH word against PS and that seems to be the case for just about everything associated with all this debacle

    Registered On: February 8, 2016
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    As with so many other aspects combined to make this mess one actually has proof any such ransom strip exists ..its DH word against PS and that seems to be the case for just about everything associated with all this debacle

    It’s quite easy to prove if you willing to part with a few quid, just get yourself on Land Registry and pay for a plan. I am assuming it will show up as unregistered on there.

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