Solidarity with Bru

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace Solidarity with Bru

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  • #265902
    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 102

    We stand with those behind the site, the abuse and unfounded criticism they’ve been getting in the last couple of days, in particular, is completely unfounded and unnecessary.

    And for the club’s owner to instigate a pile-on is an absolute disgrace. He should apologise immediately and start acting in a manner that is more befitting of someone in his position.

    Up with Iron Bru, down with division, schism & legal disputes.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 119

    Absolutely Ferrite.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 29

    Couldn’t have put it better myself.
    I’m no lover of Swann and despise him for what he has done to what was once described as “the best run small club in the country” but Hilton is on a whole new level.
    He’s completely lacking in class, he showed it at the fans forum where he spent most of the evening bad mouthing Swann who wasn’t there to defend the accusations, wether any of them were true is debatable as we only heard one side of the story.
    But to use a social media platform to describe the supporters who dare to question him as “Vermin” is beyond contempt.
    My opinion.
    He has now found the perfect opportunity I suspect he was looking for to disappear into the sunset before once again changing his name.
    I do hope all he takes with him is what belongs to him.

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    What’s in a name?:

    David White, David Wright, David Mellors, David Anderson, David Hilton.

    What next?

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: April 24, 2014
    Topics: 84

    100% behind the Bru boys!!!

    They’ve been here years trying to do the best they can for the fans by providing us with a message board and loads of brilliant content through podcasts.

    I don’t trust Swann at all and I’m fearful of Hilton as his replacement.
    For Hilton to publicly go after the Bru team in the way he did was poor.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 119

    Is there a situation where he walks off with a fair bit of cash and unpaid bills?

    Registered On: April 1, 2023
    Topics: 11

    Unfortunately for Hilton/White all of his actions just underline any doubts that are there about him. If he was Dave the normal businessman he’d just be getting on with running his businesses including sufc. Instead there’s a pantomime of shite on firstly twitter, then Facebook and now he’s trying to infect this site which has proven to be the last and only place where some sort of sane discussion about events takes place.

    Registered On: April 1, 2023
    Topics: 11

    Is there a situation where he walks off with a fair bit of cash and unpaid bills?

    I actually hope there is, and soon.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 119

    It’s the way operates. There’s a history of it. It’s been there all along but many still don’t want to believe it and continue lashing out at the wrong people.

    4 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 119

    Post above, a reply to your previous post

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 4

    As an ex mod on here, I have full sympathy and solidarity with current Bru folk. I was initially willing to give DH the benefit of the doubt, but his latest spew of bile puts him on a par with Swann for biggest scumbag to own the club. Just wish neither had ever darkened our doors. It’s dark times for us, the footballing gods must’ve been mighty pissed we ever dared be a Tier 2 team all those years ago

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    cliffbyrnesrightpegCliff Byrne’s Right Peg
    Registered On: October 17, 2015
    Topics: 57

    Absolutely crucial we have a place to independently debate all things SUFC, especially in the absence of a competent Trust or supporters group.

    I hope the last 24 hours Do not deter Matt to continue running the site, I know I’d have packed my bags a long time ago rather than take the unnecessary flak.

    6 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: May 29, 2022
    Topics: 6

    The site is very good , always had good football conversation with you lot even if I am a ‘rival’ fan and do feel for the lads who run it as they are fans of your club and must be hurting with their loyalty being questioned – they no doubt do the pod and run this in their own free time, presumably for nothing snd deserve better (respect if not agreement). Being described as ‘vermin’ shows a lack of class on Hilton’s part but he does even in his brief tenure seem to have a way with words .

    Hilton & Swann are people that don’t even support your club yet are causing division and distraction when what is really needed is a clear plan & unity (are Eliott & Sharp still on the radar?)

    I hope things get sorted I really do , I will always be an iron bru even if I am a cod .

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 119

    Couldn’t have put it better myself.
    I’m no lover of Swann and despise him for what he has done to what was once described as “the best run small club in the country” but Hilton is on a whole new level.
    He’s completely lacking in class, he showed it at the fans forum where he spent most of the evening bad mouthing Swann who wasn’t there to defend the accusations, wether any of them were true is debatable as we only heard one side of the story.
    But to use a social media platform to describe the supporters who dare to question him as “Vermin” is beyond contempt.
    My opinion.
    He has now found the perfect opportunity I suspect he was looking for to disappear into the sunset before once again changing his name.
    I do hope all he takes with him is what belongs to him.

    I see this post went down well on the Facebook group. ‘Go suck a fart’ was probably one of the more constructive replies, if a tad unsavoury! Lower that group average mental age to 12 (to be reviewed periodically).

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 119

    Been a rocky 24 hours. However, if you want a bit of light relief of a Friday afternoon, check this out! This one’s got it all worked out. No sweat guys!….

    ‘That’s incorrect, under FA & EFL rules, we can play at GP for the next 2 seasons regardless of what Swann says or does. I don’t know the full legalities or technicalities, but as long as the bills & rent gets paid, Swann can’t do anything apart from give the club 2 years notice to vacate. If Hilton & Swann can’t agree an amount for rent, I believe the relevant football authority intervenes.

    Also, even if it was possible for us to be evected, I’m sure either Brigg town, Gainsborough trinity or Goole Town would allow us to play home games at one of there grounds, & Hilton would soon find office space in Scunthorpe to house the ticket office & club shop.

    We really need to stop worrying & been negative all the time, there’s always an answer & solution to any problem.

    Put it this way, let’s say in 4 years time, when were in the new stadium & let’s say in league 2, what do you think would happen if an electrical fault caused the stadium to burn down? The answers very simple, Hull City, Doncaster Rovers, or another league club nearby would allow us to ground share with them till everything was sorted.’

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    It’s a crying shame that free thought cannot happen without such vitriol. I know I can be forthright in my own opinions, but I accept that others may not be so concerned about Hilton. I find it baffling, but I get that after so much turmoil with Swann people just want hope and will be prone to blaming Swann for everything (and he deserves a lot of the blame). However, the reaction from some towards others for thinking otherwise is poor, and the owners of this site seem to be a lightning rod for them. It’s an absolute disgrace that Hilton launched a pile on against those who dedicate their time to running this website in an attempt to sow division.

    Hilton claims to want unity, but his actions yesterday have betrayed that. Criticism, even unfair, is part and parcel of being a football club owner. I don’t think there’s an owner in the country who doesn’t deal with it to some extent. However, good owners tend to let their actions speak louder than their words. They don’t turn to social media to whip up a storm against those who aren’t patting their backs.

    I would say that if his intention was to create a unified fanbase, it failed spectacularly, but I don’t think that was his motive. As with Bury before, he has a habit of trying to sow discontent against anyone who is remotely sceptical. I know I have been suspicious and sceptical; some might think too much. However, Hilton’s actions yesterday show him up for the man he is and have only made me more so. I have hoped that my worries were false, but the guy is unlikeable and I worry about having him in charge of the club while he acts like he does. It’s unprofessional and does nothing other than divide.

    Those who want unity should reflect on how we can have a unified fanbase when the owner engages in abuse and baseless claims against other fans.

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 119

    There was a period a month or so ago when a number of us suggested that whoever was behind the burner account and doxxing stuff, perhaps packed it in if they were remotely interested in unity. Following that it all but stopped and there was some calm and less criticism. Yesterday, Hilton issues a divisive statement and hey presto, all hell breaks loose again. Go figure.

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    It’s the way operates. There’s a history of it. It’s been there all along but many still don’t want to believe it and continue lashing out at the wrong people.

    The link on the Fishy Forum that led to the dossier was very revealing.
    The problem with a lot of people these days is that they ‘can’t be arsed’ to do a bit of reading / research.
    A lot of people want instant results / gratification these days – the world don’t spin like that.

    Registered On: October 10, 2021
    Topics: 27

    solidarity will mean jack shit if the club goes under and ceases to exist as Bru would not have owt to talk about.

    where did this Swan got to give the club 2 years notice period to leave GP appear from ..first ive heard of that.

    Registered On: January 27, 2014
    Topics: 19

    See Daves just gave someone a club ban on the Facebook page

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Perhaps Hilton has seen what a poor fan base we have on here and can afford to diss the forum that’s fine we’ll still continue enjoy Bru.

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 72

    This really is a FANS forum. It is independent, it allows people to raise points, question why the club leadership seem to want fans involvement but at a distance.

    The Forum has always asked people to check what they are saying prior to posting, that if an accusation is being made they have documentation to prove it.

    I don’t trust Mr Swann and haven’t for many years. Mr Hilton – the use of the word ‘Vermin’ is not promising.

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 102

    See Daves just gave someone a club ban on the Facebook page

    Where have you seen that? Not spotted it myself.

    Registered On: October 10, 2021
    Topics: 27

    Attached to the FB post banning a fan DH is now saying the term vermin was aimed at Swan not Bru members … btw i read daves fb post on fishy thats how fooked up this all is

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 4

    What’s the name of the sycophantic FB group? Might go have a look

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    Attached to the FB post banning a fan DH is now saying the term vermin was aimed at Swan not Bru members … btw i read daves fb post on fishy thats how fooked up this all is

    If that’s the case, it shows the importance of not launching accusations like that on social media in the first place. It doesn’t excuse his baseless mud slinging, and I am sceptical given his use of ‘some’, which signifies more than one person. Not just Swann.

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 115

    Is vermin better than morons or worse?

    mkironMK Iron
    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 46

    About the same Cass. At least he (allegedly) claims he meant Swann and not fans.

    Never got a disclaimer or apology from Cygnet or Swann.

    Registered On: January 27, 2014
    Topics: 19

    There was a burner Facebook account who posted a copy and paste of a post from this site questioning Hilton.

    He responded by saying he knew who the person was behind the account and that they was a violent drug dealer etc and banned them from the ground.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 119

    Attached to the FB post banning a fan DH is now saying the term vermin was aimed at Swan not Bru members … btw i read daves fb post on fishy thats how fooked up this all is

    Have I got this right? He’s just banned someone for criticising him on social media but recently lifted bans on all but a few hooligans? Makes a load of sense that.

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