Situations vacant.

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  • #269906
    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 115

    Money in < money out?

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    I here Mick Hucknall might be applying because he heard money’s too tight to mention.

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 29

    What happened to the previous accountant? I thought the club were using Dave’s Ilkeston Town accountant a while back? Seems like a high turnover of staff going on.

    You’re right, Dave’s mate came to deal with the clubs finances.
    He’s gone, he wasn’t here very long.
    Extremely concerning as wages are due in a week, also could it be sheer coincidence that the club were advertising his position the day before the CCJ was registered?

    Everytime refereePat O’Cake
    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 17

    What happened to the previous accountant? I thought the club were using Dave’s Ilkeston Town accountant a while back? Seems like a high turnover of staff going on.

    You’re right, Dave’s mate came to deal with the clubs finances.
    He’s gone, he wasn’t here very long.
    Extremely concerning as wages are due in a week, also could it be sheer coincidence that the club were advertising his position the day before the CCJ was registered?

    Talking shit again I see, just like your crap about a capacity cap at GP??? Don’t know why that would bother you though seen as you don’t even go to games?

    The club doing so well must be killing you and your ilk.

    Everytime refereePat O’Cake
    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 17

    I wouldn’t go anywhere near a business involving White,Dave,Hilton etc

    You wouldn’t need to unless he needs someone to put cones out.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    What happened to the previous accountant? I thought the club were using Dave’s Ilkeston Town accountant a while back? Seems like a high turnover of staff going on.

    You’re right, Dave’s mate came to deal with the clubs finances.
    He’s gone, he wasn’t here very long.
    Extremely concerning as wages are due in a week, also could it be sheer coincidence that the club were advertising his position the day before the CCJ was registered?

    Talking shit again I see, just like your crap about a capacity cap at GP??? Don’t know why that would bother you though seen as you don’t even go to games?

    The club doing so well must be killing you and your ilk.

    You mean the cap that was confirmed by Hilton?

    As for everything else, I think most are happy with the results and Dean showing signs that he is proving doubters wrong.

    Registered On: July 14, 2022
    Topics: 37

    What happened to the previous accountant? I thought the club were using Dave’s Ilkeston Town accountant a while back? Seems like a high turnover of staff going on.

    You’re right, Dave’s mate came to deal with the clubs finances.
    He’s gone, he wasn’t here very long.
    Extremely concerning as wages are due in a week, also could it be sheer coincidence that the club were advertising his position the day before the CCJ was registered?

    Talking shit again I see, just like your crap about a capacity cap at GP??? Don’t know why that would bother you though seen as you don’t even go to games?

    The club doing so well must be killing you and your ilk.

    Got out of bed the wrong side?

    Registered On: December 19, 2013
    Topics: 82

    The capacity cap was absolutely true. They relaxed it prior to the Peterborough Sports game, but it is still capped at 4500 and we are only allowed 50% of the stand’s capacity in each stand

    Everytime refereePat O’Cake
    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 17

    Got out of bed the wrong side?

    Nope just sick of people who don’t support the club spouting crap.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 118

    But the capacity cap wasn’t crap.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    I remember when Pat was pilloried by Bucks and UTI for his views on Swann. It’s disheartening to see him act like them with those who disagree about Hilton, making stupid comments about who is a true supporter.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 118

    It’s not fair to be labelling anyone who’s critical or questioning of some things going as not supporting the club or not going to games. All feels a bit cheap.

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 29

    I don’t need to but I’m going to quash some of the absolute crap that Prat O Fake is spouting.
    Yes I am a supporter, I have been for near on 60 years, I’m also a shareholder and have been for many years.
    Do I attend games, last season I did, prior to that I didn’t because of a dislike of the way Swann was running the club I’ve supported since I was a child.
    This season, there’s only been 2 home games (pre season I never attend), I haven’t attended because of a mistrust of Hilton and refuse to line his pockets.
    Once the outcome of next weeks court case become clear or Hilton pays Swann I will start attending again.
    As for Pat O Fake stating on another thread that I don’t know who the creditor for the CCJ is, yes I do know, what annoys him is that he doesn’t know and he can’t handle the fact that someone knows something he doesn’t.

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Only A Few Good Men left, if you can’t handle the truth you might win an Oscar instead.

    #269940 Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
    Topics: 10

    I feel like a bit of an observer of all of this wrangling … though someone did accuse me of ‘popping in’ a few weeks ago when I ventured a comment. Obviously made the mistake of thinking that a forum was for sharing opinions.
    My opinion on the sort of exchange I see above is that there is a lack of generosity towards Hilton which manifests from some posters in zero appreciation of any achievements and total recognition of any failings. He may be battling to come to terms with the step up he has made financial and other terms… he may even have bitten off more than he can chew … but I think Pat and others are sick of the absence of ‘slack’ being given. Some of the posters repeatedly take it past the kind of respectful reservation that Deerey and Sidey defend. My view is that there are several posters with a grudge against either Hilton or the club and I’m not surprised that folks are exasperated with them. All the constant hints at financial collapse, eviction and defamation of Hilton will have cost the club at least some amount of support ..maybe 10 or 20 or 50 season tickets. I don’t expect it to stop anytime soon but hope that we get through choppy waters and people’s worst fears can be left behind.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    I can understand why posts like ironeye/ironinsider’s get people’s backs up. He never makes any comment on us other than to just deride Hilton and it does come across gleeful when something happens. The problem is that some actual problems do exist and have been unearthed through the last few months.

    I want the club to succeed, hope such concerns are ill founded. However, so far they haven’t eleviated. I am equally tired of Pat, and others, just lumping anyone not as gleeful about Hilton as not being true fans and just stoking division because some have a different opinion. That won’t convince sceptics that such concerns are wrong. Some may never be, but others might. Things like the CCJ, wage issue and SAG supporter cap can be worked around and explained. However they hint at a bigger problem to me (all of which seems to involve money, and they don’t give the impression that Hilton can afford to run the club as it should), and I don’t think it can definitely be written off as Swann’s legacy entirely. I will try to be fair to Hilton and say that he’s done a good job in backing a good squad for this level, but off the pitch matters count for our existence. Next week’s court case could be terrible for the club and we may need to accept that Hilton shares part of the blame (Swann already does and won’t get away with it without blame). Unfortunately I feel some will just attack anyone who thinks Hilton has partial responsibility no matter what. The converse may be true too, but that doesn’t make my point any less valid, I think.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 118

    Appreciate your post JI though surely you’d agree, this doesn’t just apply to the criitics and sceptics?

    ‘Some of the posters repeatedly take it past the kind of respectful reservation that Deerey and Sidey defend.’

    Just trying to be fair and balanced, but none of us are perfect. Unfortunately, I’d be surprised if tensions don’t continue to rise before the hearing. I just hope we can keep it pretty civil and posters don’t revert to being disrespectful of each other, insulting and abusing. There’s always going to be a bit of winding up, but it easily boils over at times like these when we’re all anxious about the near future

    Registered On: July 24, 2017
    Topics: 4

    As I recollect DH brought in his accountant to check the accounts, no more than that but, maybe my memory is failing me.

    Registered On: February 14, 2015
    Topics: 495

    ” I just hope we can keep it pretty civil and posters don’t revert to being disrespectful of each other, insulting and abusing.”

    It couldn’t get any worse, we’ve had people’s homes pin pointed on google earth with sinister messages like ” how’s (wife’s name)” ,we’re watching you
    We’ve had people threatened with having their throats slit ‘
    We’ve had one case of a person ,proporting to be Hilton on twitter finding out what he wrongly thought was a twitter users real name and suggesting he was a convicted paedophile by searching his wrong name and promoting stories about a genuine paedo and intimating it’s this particular Twitter user.
    Personally I don’t care what this chairman does at SUFC anymore, I just know he attracts the sort of persons above and hasn’t ever distanced himself from such behaviour and for that I find him distasteful .
    I also don’t like that little verifiable business record, by verifiable I mean at companies house .
    As for his own online behaviour and shoot from the hip pronouncements, good grief!

    2 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: July 14, 2022
    Topics: 37

    Doesn’t take long for individuals to reveal themself, one way or another..

    #269960 Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
    Topics: 10

    OK Some measured responses ..and some made their minds up and no way back. As always … I’m not sure what those who think Dave Hilton is a villain with bad intentions are posting for. To be proved right in the end? To damage the man? To taint any glimmers of light for ordinary Joes? To make any turnaround and progress more difficult? Or, as they maintain, all for the sake of truth and integrity. Place your bets.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 118

    Yeah, aware of all that 64. I meant trying to be civil and respectful of each other on Bru.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 118

    I don’t know what the intentions of those posters are either JI. But I thought you were a big advocate of free speech? So I find your posts on this a bit confusing. Personally, I’m glad this is a space where they can raise these issues and discuss them (as long as it’s not lies and libellous) without, in the main, getting jumped on by a mob and banned. Not sure how much you are aware of what goes on on Twitter and the fans Facebook group, but IMO it’s got to the stage where nothing but praise for Hilton is tolerated. To the extent that one of the groups moderators was taken to task by some on there for being slightly critical about the first half against Darlo, then yesterday is celebrating ànother poster asking where all the ‘Dean haters’ have gone, by saying, ‘probably on Twitter or message boards’, (I.e. Bru). So if you think it’s bad on here, at least people are free to air their views without the risk of persecution or worse, the stuff that 64 has cited, which has all happened.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: February 14, 2015
    Topics: 495

    OK Some measured responses ..and some made their minds up and no way back. As always … I’m not sure what those who think Dave Hilton is a villain with bad intentions are posting for. To be proved right in the end? To damage the man? To taint any glimmers of light for ordinary Joes? To make any turnaround and progress more difficult? Or, as they maintain, all for the sake of truth and integrity. Place your bets.

    I don’t want to damage anyone but cannot accept what is happening in his name and in support of him. That’s really damaging, anything damaging we try to remove from here if not true or unable to prove,hence some Saturday night melt downs we get

    2 users thanked author for this post.
    Interested BystanderInterested Bystander
    Registered On: April 9, 2023
    Topics: 15

    ” I just hope we can keep it pretty civil and posters don’t revert to being disrespectful of each other, insulting and abusing.”

    It couldn’t get any worse, we’ve had people’s homes pin pointed on google earth with sinister messages like ” how’s (wife’s name)” ,we’re watching you
    We’ve had people threatened with having their throats slit ‘
    We’ve had one case of a person ,proporting to be Hilton on twitter finding out what he wrongly thought was a twitter users real name and suggesting he was a convicted paedophile by searching his wrong name and promoting stories about a genuine paedo and intimating it’s this particular Twitter user.
    Personally I don’t care what this chairman does at SUFC anymore, I just know he attracts the sort of persons above and hasn’t ever distanced himself from such behaviour and for that I find him distasteful .
    I also don’t like that little verifiable business record, by verifiable I mean at companies house .
    As for his own online behaviour and shoot from the hip pronouncements, good grief!

    With a post like that, there is little wonder you failed to acknowledge or even accept that bet I offered you a few weeks ago which would have resulted in a childrens’ charity in Scunthorpe being £5K better off.

    Everytime refereePat O’Cake
    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 17

    I don’t need to but I’m going to quash some of the absolute crap that Prat O Fake is spouting.
    Yes I am a supporter, I have been for near on 60 years, I’m also a shareholder and have been for many years.
    Do I attend games, last season I did, prior to that I didn’t because of a dislike of the way Swann was running the club I’ve supported since I was a child.
    This season, there’s only been 2 home games (pre season I never attend), I haven’t attended because of a mistrust of Hilton and refuse to line his pockets.
    Once the outcome of next weeks court case become clear or Hilton pays Swann I will start attending again.
    As for Pat O Fake stating on another thread that I don’t know who the creditor for the CCJ is, yes I do know, what annoys him is that he doesn’t know and he can’t handle the fact that someone knows something he doesn’t.

    Well, well where do I start?

    Firstly, as I said before, point pout where I have been fake or stop being a child.

    Secondly, you attended ONE game last season FACT!

    Thirdly, by attending games you are not lining anyone’s pockets.

    Forthly, you don’t know who the creditor is or you would have said, you been outed as a bullshitter on another thread and this is just another example. It doesn’t annoy me not knowing it annoys me when people lie about being in the know when they know nothing.

    Everytime refereePat O’Cake
    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 17

    I remember when Pat was pilloried by Bucks and UTI for his views on Swann. It’s disheartening to see him act like them with those who disagree about Hilton, making stupid comments about who is a true supporter.

    As I have pointed out several times now, my views on Swann were based on facts and the opinions of Trinity fans who had first hand experience of him owning their football club.

    When and if I have hard evidence that Mr Hilton doesn’t have anything other than Scunthorpe United’s best interests at heart I will change my opinion, I won’t base my opinion on rumours.

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    CCJs, ground issues, supporter caps, dissolved businesses, involvement in a dodgy telemarketing company and regular late wage payments are facts, not rumours. Besides, my point was more about how experience as being someone who was slammed for questioning the owner would give you some understanding as to how it feels and a need to win over sceptics. Instead you just slam fans like Bucks and UTI did with Swann.

    #270007 Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
    Topics: 10

    Deerey .. all I did was give an opinion and question the motives of some of the most persistent and strident posters. I didn’t say they shouldn’t be allowed to post. Why would you be confused about my views on free speech?
    As for Facebook and Twitter. I don’t do them. I simply responded ..on Bru what I’ve read …on Bru. Seems fair enough to me. To be honest ..I’ll be glad for all our sakes when this phase of uncertainty and speculation is past .. for all our sakes. Unless, of course, there are a select few who are enjoying it.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 118

    Fair enough JI – apologies if I’ve got the wrong end of the stick. I didn’t think you viewed Twitter and Facebook, that’s why I raised awareness of some of the more crazy and vitriolic stuff in those spheres. My point was more to do with criticism and scepticism of the club owner being shouted down / hounded out. In a similar fashion as ‘cancel culture’. We don’t have that on Bru, and for that reason I’m wary of those posters being targeted to the extent they stop posting. The Iron Insider meltdown episode is an isolated and different matter mind.

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