Show me the not-Hilton alternative

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace Show me the not-Hilton alternative

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  • #272352
    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    We don’t know if there’s anyone interested yet. It’s been put to sale for less than a week and the saviour is already giving up, allegedly, and we don’t know how hard he’s trying. I won’t be impressed if he just quits without trying.

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    “The darkest hour is just before dawn.”

    Everyday presents a new opportunity.
    We may not know what the future holds for us – but there will be a future!
    2,000 (worst times) to 8,000 (best times) supporters mean that there is a need for a club.
    SUFC will survive in one form or another!

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    De Bruyne is on £400k a week at City.

    Henderson is on £700k a week in the sandcastle league.

    The have’s v have nots of football.

    We may go bust over ‘pennies’ – they are making millions.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Siderite won’t be impressed if he quits without trying. As if Hilton would give a shit and why should he you’ve gone up far and beyond to slag him off at every twist and turn, What does he owe you or me for that matter for trying to save the club.

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    Registered On: December 12, 2014
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    Where have I said he owes me, personally? If he gives a damn about the club, he should try. He’s an adult and is in a position of responsibility. With that comes responsibilities, including ensuring the club’s survival. Swann failed, maybe he can succeed with finding a buyer if he tries.

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    Registered On: June 20, 2017
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    He just bought the club he’s not a fan, wanted to leave a legacy for his family his own ego if you like, it now appears that’s unlikely to happen so why not get out at least cost to himself and his family’s finances owes us absolutely nothing and if that means walking away with all the season ticket money that’s a small price we can pay for him at least trying.

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    He says he wanted to leave a legacy, I have no ideaif that is the case given his dishonesty.

    If the boss of company quits, putting other’s jobs and financial stability at risk,because of depression I’d say that the boss is behaving poorly. With football clubs you have the added effect of supporters losing their club. Poor mental health isn’t a get our card to prevent him from thinking or caring about others.

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    Registered On: June 20, 2017
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    One should learn from history “I don’t care about Swanny Swanny don’t care about me”

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    #272371 Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
    Topics: 10

    Sidey… I’m not challenging the points you make and the reservations you have… nor you absolute right to state them. A friendly observation .. you are starting to come across as a bit ‘over committed’ and ‘reactive.’ I think Deerey, as one example of someone who has similar views, has taken a more philosophical course. I think any regulars on here know your views on DH, the state of the club etc etc I’m more on the middle ground ..if there is any … than you are but generally find your postings careful and well expressed. It just feels like you need to take a bit of a breather to me.

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    Registered On: October 10, 2021
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    Lord knows how much or how many debts came with the club and also how many DH has or has not paid, also the new squad and management team needed paying for … to counter there is and continues to be numerous lines of income has been/are coming in.

    Gate receipts with good attendance numbers
    season tickets
    Many sponsorships of everything players match balls mascots signage around GP etc etc
    Club shop Merchandise
    New directors “fees”
    1899 / 100 club scheme
    FnB sub contract contract
    anything else ive missed ??

    Theres no way any fan can know how the finances work out and personally i dont give a fig about DH past all i care about is the survival and future of SUFC … unless a scunny mad fan wins the lotto or a buyer can be found i reckon without DH we are fooked.

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    Sidey… I’m not challenging the points you make and the reservations you have… nor you absolute right to state them. A friendly observation .. you are starting to come across as a bit ‘over committed’ and ‘reactive.’ I think Deerey, as one example of someone who has similar views, has taken a more philosophical course. I think any regulars on here know your views on DH, the state of the club etc etc I’m more on the middle ground ..if there is any … than you are but generally find your postings careful and well expressed. It just feels like you need to take a bit of a breather to me.

    It has been an emotional week and I think the outpouring is a response to it and being told, by some quarters that any suspicions on Hilton was because we wanted the club dead, including by him who said they were lies spread by trouble makers. Except it wasn’t and we still get the victim complex from him. There is probably a frustration that after months of derision, from some for having concerns that there still is when concerns are becoming more solidified.

    You are probably right in that taking a breather from debating every point is wise, and I am self-aware that I am opinionated.;-) However, if he just ups and leaves without a care in the world I’d say that’s his responsibility for not caring about others.

    I will continue in understanding that everyone is a fan of this club, and I am not a fan of ironeye gloating or the guy who said Stuart Maw is a blind t**t, and just wish we could accept that we want there to be a club, instead of that and the ‘you want the club dead’ rubbish.

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    Registered On: April 1, 2023
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    He’s done very well to get the noisiest supporters on his side. I think more of an issue for him is what did he tell the other directors and JD to get them onboard ?

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 115

    Add players and sponsors to that.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    The biggest thing he’s brought in is the feel good factor, and yet people want to crucify him, Simon and Ian who lied to us when they told us they had bought the club when in reality they hadn’t photo included, are held in such high regard wtf comes to mind.

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    Interested BystanderInterested Bystander
    Registered On: April 9, 2023
    Topics: 15

    The biggest thing he’s brought in is the feel good factor, and yet people want to crucify him, Simon and Ian who lied to us when they told us they had bought the club when in reality they hadn’t photo included, are held in such high regard wtf comes to mind.

    The feel good factor comes with a cost attached and as things stand it is clearly unsustainable as the club is unable to settle its liabilities as and when they become due. That’s not open for debate, it’s a fact.

    Essentially you’re applauding a fantasist who has built a house on sand. You keep clapping but keep a safe distance.

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    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    Hilton lied to us more than Sharp and Simon did (bought the ground, that the rumours were false). I think Sharp, in particular, should get plaudits for stepping in and funding the wages when needed. Shame it didn’t work out for that group, as I feel we would have been more united under them.

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    cliffbyrnesrightpegCliff Byrne’s Right Peg
    Registered On: October 17, 2015
    Topics: 57

    Awayswego silence was bought with a double cheeseburger and chips at Patrick’s burger van.

    He’s done very well to get the noisiest supporters on his side. I think more of an issue for him is what did he tell the other directors and JD to get them onboard ?

    Interestingly There’s been a momentum shift in supporters opinion over the last few days. I’ve noticed many on social media – even in the cult group- are asking questions they previously wouldn’t have.

    * please don’t confuse ‘asking questions’ with hounding him out

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    The biggest thing he’s brought in is the feel good factor, and yet people want to crucify him, Simon and Ian who lied to us when they told us they had bought the club when in reality they hadn’t photo included, are held in such high regard wtf comes to mind.

    Did WHAM not say that he’d bought the lot at one point? 🤔

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    Awayswego silence was bought with a double cheeseburger and chips at Patrick’s burger van.

    FAF 😂

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Nah a goat burger and a lamb and mint pie and that’ll buy my silence.

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    Will it? I’ll send a postal order. Only joking!

    Registered On: February 14, 2015
    Topics: 496

    Nah a goat burger and a lamb and mint pie and that’ll buy my silence.

    it must have cost a fortune to silence the 99% today

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Anybody at today’s match notice if Hilton was in attendance, he’s been there quite a few times this season including the last two home league games 🤔

    Interested BystanderInterested Bystander
    Registered On: April 9, 2023
    Topics: 15

    The biggest thing he’s brought in is the feel good factor, and yet people want to crucify him, Simon and Ian who lied to us when they told us they had bought the club when in reality they hadn’t photo included, are held in such high regard wtf comes to mind.

    The feel good factor comes with a cost attached and as things stand it is clearly unsustainable as the club is unable to settle its liabilities as and when they become due. That’s not open for debate, it’s a fact.

    Essentially you’re applauding a fantasist who has built a house on sand. You keep clapping but keep a safe distance.

    So much for Hilton’s sustainable financial model!

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    Too large a squad. It’s level six not Championship.

    Rene ArtoisRene Artois
    Registered On: September 18, 2023
    Topics: 236

    “Show me the not-Hilton alternative“


    Well, we’re still here!

    Registered On: July 14, 2022
    Topics: 37

    There is no alternative. Regardless of Dave Hilton’s past, he is all we have got, and he is not doing bad.

    The usual suspects will piss and moan no matter what happens. Best to ignore…

    Did his time and paid the debt. If anyone has committed theft are they forever branded a thief?

    There isn’t one.

    We need to hope he has the funds and the will to keep us going.

    We need to hope there are no repercussions from the FA and the national league.

    We need to hope the latest rumours about ex players not being paid and tax being owed is fabrication.

    We need to hope that Peter Swann doesn’t make us homeless.

    Clutching at straws aren’t we?

    in direct reply to the op … if DH walks i cant see anything other than the club folding… this is the only reason regardless of his past i hope he stays at least until a buyer comes along.

    Grabs popcorn

    Rene ArtoisRene Artois
    Registered On: September 18, 2023
    Topics: 236

    Did his time and paid the debt.
    If anyone has committed theft are they forever branded a thief?


    When is a murderer not a murderer – when he/she’s served his/her time?

    The victim/s remain murdered. Dead.

    Registered On: October 10, 2021
    Topics: 27

    There is no alternative. Regardless of Dave Hilton’s past, he is all we have got, and he is not doing bad.

    The usual suspects will piss and moan no matter what happens. Best to ignore…

    Did his time and paid the debt. If anyone has committed theft are they forever branded a thief?

    There isn’t one.

    We need to hope he has the funds and the will to keep us going.

    We need to hope there are no repercussions from the FA and the national league.

    We need to hope the latest rumours about ex players not being paid and tax being owed is fabrication.

    We need to hope that Peter Swann doesn’t make us homeless.

    Clutching at straws aren’t we?

    in direct reply to the op … if DH walks i cant see anything other than the club folding… this is the only reason regardless of his past i hope he stays at least until a buyer comes along.

    Grabs popcorn

    Popcorn finished … i stand by my last statement above , as so it was to be DH left and a new owner Michelle emerged … IMO if she hadnt the club would have lost GP and in time folded..

    Rene ArtoisRene Artois
    Registered On: September 18, 2023
    Topics: 236

    if that means walking away with all the season ticket money that’s a small price we can pay for him at least trying.

    Would that be illegal?

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