Roe v Wade

Iron Bru Forums Non Football Roe v Wade

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  • #239633
    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Because the poverty surrounding the masses world wide means they need to cling desperately to something and therefore are an easy target for religion. Biblical snake oil salesman that sold a story and the poor today still fall for it. Loaves and fishes anyone?

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    Registered On: December 12, 2014
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    Those women should accept that an embryo is more of a person than they are. :-(

    The Republicans don’t give a damn about women, and these doctors are behaving like this through grounded fear of criminal investigations.

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    Registered On: January 3, 2014
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    My daughter was telling me about a woman in the US who was pulled over on the highway and charged for being a solitary driver using a multi-occupancy car lane.

    As she is pregnant she is claiming there were two in the car as the state classifies a foetus as a person.

    Interesting case to follow!

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    America eh, once the land of the free now the land of the stupid.

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
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    Interesting to see that a confirmed nailed on Republican state like Kansas has voted to allow abortions up to 22 weeks thereby letting the six right wing conservative judges on the Supreme Court who changed the law on abortion in no doubt how they really feel. Just goes to show that even with a ton of right wing propaganda thrown at overturning a fifty year old law on abortion rights, even confirmed Republican voters won’t stand for such a retrograde step. Won the vote 60/40 which in a Republican state is unheard of. Well done sensible American Republicans in Kansas for not letting right wing conservatism cloud your judgement on what is right for women in the 21st century. 👏👏👏

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 81

    Only 5 mins long – take a look ( i doubt if any pro- abortion people will) ,we know why, but hopefully they will. If they do ,please report back and give me your criticisms.

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
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    We all know you wouldn’t change any aspect of your opinion, no matter what, so why bother?

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
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    The people have spoken bill, I guess that must annoy you , the USA is gradually distancing itself from old fashioned church values and starting to open its eyes about what is really wrong and right about their insular inward thinking nation. That must annoy you even more seeing people actually opening their eyes and doing the right thing.

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 81

    Take a look at the video , but we know why you are afraid to look at it.
    All pro- abortion on here are AFRAID to look at it.

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    That really convinces me it’s worth bothering with and generating a discussion, and that you will be receptive to comments, and not condescending at all. :-)

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    ‘Afraid’ in capitals doesn’t make anyone more afraid bpg, particularly if they’re not afraid at all. Are you afraid of nothing at all? I surmise some of the most fearful are Christians and those with right wing views, like on Bru; a number of posters have admitted to fearing change. They rage about diversity and inclusion and often admit, eventually, their fear of change is at the nub of it, and you end up thinking if that’s really the heart of the matter why have we bothered arguing the toss?

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    Registered On: January 3, 2014
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    Could use the term “dinosaur”.

    Only in creationist’s minds dinosaurs never existed.

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
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    “I doubt if any pro abortion people will”.
    We know why. The video would leave them with no defence for their position. They know in their heart this is the reason. They would rather close their eyes,unfortunately.

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
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    You presume too much and are overly confident in your own position. You think such, because you agree with it. Others may have valid critique, but it’s not like you’d listen.

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
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    I’m sure a lot of the Kansas voters have seen it or similar videos but unlike you bill they have not been conditioned in a certain way all their lives and yes just to remind you they voted to reject yours and the Supreme Courts version of how women should live their lives. I presume you will come on and say the ballot was rigged and dead people voted next 🙄

    #242079 Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
    Topics: 10

    Just to keep it straight IA … the reason they voted in Kansas is because the Supreme Court gave them back the right which Roe V Wade had removed. Thats all the Supreme Court did. Hope that helps.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    Never did reply to my response to you pointing out which States had made abortion illegal immediately after the ruling did you JI? You may have missed it but I suspect you chose not to acknowledge you’d got it wrong.

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Just to keep it straight IA … the reason they voted in Kansas is because the Supreme Court gave them back the right which Roe V Wade had removed. Thats all the Supreme Court did. Hope that helps.

    ….and to keep it right JI, other states have just brought the ruling in without asking their electorate to vote on a law that has been in place 50 years, or did you miss that bit

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
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    Never did reply to my response to you pointing out which States had made abortion illegal immediately after the ruling did you JI? You may have missed it but I suspect you chose not to acknowledge you’d got it wrong.

    On the face of it, it was about giving state rights. However, I cannot help but feel it was with the knowledge that many would do outright bans as to why they were so desperate to repeal, not concerns over state rights. The same people refuse states to have say on gun laws, despite their apparent principles on state rights.

    #242096 Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
    Topics: 10

    Wasn’t avoiding, Deerey. Just had all family here ..some for a fortnight .. so time pressure. Equally .. as I repeat ad nauseam .. I tend to bail out when nasty gibes, mockery and wilful misrepresentations etc start. ( Not pointing fingers at immediately above .. some healthy exchanges recently) Also do the same when I feel that I’m not making a useful contribution.
    The key for me in stating that Roe v Wade was an erosion of the constitutional rights of the individual States is the recognition that the US is a mosaic of different cultures and moral expressions and the recent developments have restored the recognition of this on that most emotive topic of abortion. And .. to address IAs challenge … I missed nothing but actually noticed that those locally and democratically elected officals who ran on tickets of pushing back on abortion fulfilled their pledges once Roe v Wade was reversed. Additionally .. it seems to me that our debate also misses another nuance….
    If the Kansas electorate has indeed voted to allow abortion up to 22 weeks then this is not in harmony with some of the Blue States of New England where abortion up to birth is accepted.This is not a one size fits all scenario .. as it wouldnt be in the UK. Some people advocate for unconditional abortion up to birth, others see 30 weeks, 22 weeks, 16 weeks, 8 weeks or never as the cut off point. That’s why I make the point about a mosaic of cultures/moralities and the restoration of democracy to individual States. If you believe that its totally a womans right to abort at any stage and/or that any advocate for the unborn is a redneck or Christian bigot then obviously Roe v Wade is more attractive.
    I welcome the developments. I believe that Gods heart breaks at the pain that abortion causes in our society and particularly the denial of life opportunity to the conceived but unborn. I recognise the counter arguments on this subject ..but dont accept them. I think you know that. Roe v Wade was an imposition of a particular worldview on a population which has wide ranging views on the subject and the new developments help that to be reflected more locally. Clearly I am hoping and praying, for the good of all, that more and more States will elect officals that take an increasingly restrictive approach on this terrible practice and will also place any such legislation within a context of care and compassion for all affected.

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    You are in effect going down the old road of saying there should be no abortion though JI and that is not the recognised logic these days when the medical profession can make choices of what is deemed a living functioning human being or just a blob of cells. That might seem a crude description but I mean no offence, times have changed, women have the right to choose within the timeframe legally allowed and we can’t keep referring to a 2000 year old book for the way we conduct our life’s in the 21st century.

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    If God’s heart breaks on abortion, it could get its arse into gear about miscarriages.

    What’s often not said, is that abortion rates were actually higher pre-Roe v Wade. While much of the decline could be attributed to greater birth control, it does mean that illegality is not a restriction to abortion. The difference being the unsafe nature of it. Women get raped, pregnancy is a risk where the mother’s life may be in danger. People can sit and judge and say they may not make the bulk of cases, but the fact is women’s lives are either put at risk or through misery for grand moralising from the religious.

    Moreover, as has been said, it’s the woman’s body and they are the ones who have to live with the consequences. The men can scuttle off and moralise about the woman, as they so often do. I wonder how many men would be willing to have forced vasectomies (a reversible process), until willing to try for a family, to prevent unwanted births. I am willing to bet many would then complain about their freedom.

    Contraception doesn’t always work, pregnancy affects them for their entire life, putting their own careers and lives in a different way. At a stage where the zygote/embryo/foetus is of decreased sapience I am struggling to justify why it should be placed equal or above to the woman. We can disagree with the motives for some for abortion, but frankly, it’s the lesser of all evils, given the alternatives. The consequences of such we saw before, as anyone who is familiar with works like Motherhood with Bondage could attest.

    JI complains about Roe v Wade being an imposition of a particular worldview on others, but wants to impose his worldview on women going for this, based off Christian beliefs. People have a right to be pro-life, but they shouldn’t have the right to impose their beliefs on others. Restrictions on people’s freedoms can be justified, where deemed necessary or moral. It’s people’s beliefs which drive the objection to abortion. I don’t think we should restrict people’s rights over their own bodies based on beliefs. It should be evidence driven. If Christians, or whoever, don’t like it, then tough. People shouldn’t be forced to be controlled by dogma, no matter its stripe. Christian, Islamic, communist or fascist.

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    ‘I believe that Gods heart breaks at the pain that abortion causes in our society’

    You’re clearly an intelligent chap JI, so it really does astound me how you can assume what a thing you can’t prove exists thinks and feels. Though I recognise you’re far from alone in this way of thought.

    #242129 Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
    Topics: 10

    Just quick responses and and a general comment.
    First .. the idea of ‘imposing’ Christian values isnt something that is attractive to me or that you will find in my post,Siderite. Calvin’s Geneva or other mergings of Church and State did not, in my opinion, reflect Gods order. This could potentially open up a deeper discussion on what ‘imposing’ means but ..for now .. I will just point out that I advocated in the above posts for democratically driven decisions and these as locally representational as the constitution makes possible. This would not ,however, stop me from standing up and speaking out on issues where I thought the consensus was wrong. If I lived in Alabama I would be happy that State legislation more reflected my views on the sanctity of life. If I lived in New York I would advocate for changes in the law. Its called by such names as ‘Integrity’ or ‘the courage of your convictions.’ Its also why I believe in freedom of speech and dislike the current move towards ‘cancelling’ dissenting views. (Hence my constant bleating on Bru about not driving dissenters away by mockery, insults and misrepresentation … an unofficial form of cancelling.)
    Second .. answering IA and Deerey together .. I do believe that human logic is flawed and broken .. Medics and Scientists would not be my first port of call for Morality( though, happily, many Medics are not advocates of full and free acces to abortion on demand and at any stage of pregnancy) and also that its possible for a human being to be changed and become recalibrated to ‘manufacturers settings’ and so to become ‘in touch’ with the Creator in a way that was impossible before. Its the basic teaching of Christianity … though not taught so much in many Churches … and is the true meaning of being ‘born again.’ It is the only the door to the transcendent realm and enables God to communicate to that individual by what is termed ‘revelation.’ Its actually not anything to do with intelligence. It begins more by a sense of need and searching for meaning.
    General comment … I appreciate the tone of your responses above. It has felt worthwhile putting in my sixpennorth.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 119

    ‘It begins more by a sense of need and searching for meaning’

    Appreciate that sentiment JI. Personally I think the meaning is all here, in this world, not some hoped for transcendental realm reached by a leap of faith. And if more people accepted this is all there is, the world might be a better, more peaceful place.

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    Registered On: December 12, 2014
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    I appreciate that you stand for putting it to a vote, but I am still uneasy about laws restricting freedoms of others based on belief. I wouldn’t be happy with a move to ban mixed race marriage if the majority voted for it, for example, just because it was voted for by a majority. It would still be infringing upon people’s freedoms. I am uneasy about things like human rights and bodily autonomy being put to the court of public opinion. There are instances today and in history where one group of people would be voted to be oppressed if put to a majority.

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 81

    JI- “It’s the basic teaching of Christianity..though not taught so much in many Churches..and is the true meaning of being ‘born again’..”It begins more by a sense of need and a searching for meaning”.( but it’s got nothing to do with intelligence!
    No wonder Deereyme66 and the crew can pick fault in your theology,JI.

    #242140 Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
    Topics: 10

    I wrote: ‘It begins more by a sense of need and searching for meaning’

    Deerey replied:’Appreciate that sentiment JI. Personally I think the meaning is all here, in this world, not some hoped for transcendental realm reached by a leap of faith. And if more people accepted this is all there is, the world might be a better, more peaceful place.’

    You nailed it,Deerey. We are at base level at polar opposites on how we see what will make the world a better place. Everything stems from that.

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    Usually boils down to that I find JI

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 81

    Ahh! The humanist view of we start from a neutral position,the only difference is one believes in a transcendental view to life,the other doesn’t.
    The Bible teaches the complete opposite.

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