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  • #287631
    Registered On: July 14, 2022
    Topics: 32

    Kieth Alexander not happy with our club over the cancellation of the Bradford game,

    AWG Paranomal, speaking to people from the other side(not the facebook lot)

    Registered On: May 30, 2024
    Topics: 0

    after a few sherberts and a roll in the hay downtown i have woken uoto the fact that mu beloved SUFC is pretty much fooked n will be in NKL at least another 3 to 5 yrs ..
    IMO the squad will be way lighter on quality the last term , others teams a lot stronger than last term.. its mid table DEEREY at best ..sorry.. oh and these so called trialts WGs refers to do look like bin dippers

    not doomed but NO way promotion ..

    I share your sentiment IFA. Not pessimistic… just realistic.

    WonderGoals you’re right everyone has a choice and the gates will reflect that over the course of the season if we don’t recruit some quality. It’s a fine balance between cost saving on wages and loss of income if the football is poor. The die hards will turn up rain or shine but we need our ‘fair weather fans’ more than ever in our financial predicament.

    I personally brought 3 different friends to various games last season because we were playing good football that was, for the most part, enjoyable to watch. Even when we weren’t playing well there was always the possibility of Butterfield scoring a 30 yard screamer. Direct, physical and ugly football is fine IF we’re winning every game. But if we’re losing whilst playing unattractive football the gates will inevitably take a hit wiping out any benefit of cost cutting.

    As said previously I’ll count this season as a success if we manage to maintain the gate numbers and feel good factor throughout the season.

    Registered On: May 30, 2024
    Topics: 0

    The way I see it we lost an OK right back and have a replacement arguably more suited to the league we are in
    (stronger in the air in both boxes).

    OK we have lost the best footballing midfielder in the division but he did struggle when man marked and pretty much stopped us playing with a high intensity in midfield.

    Otherwise all other first choices are here.

    We were no fitter last season than the part time teams. Butler seems determined to change that which will help greatly.

    We also had a manager with little tactical nous. If Butler and Schofield have any idea then surely that will help. If a couple of our signings work out well my glass is half full.

    MK I think Ogle was a little bit more than an ‘OK’ right back at this level. He was fantastic for us in both seasons, an absolute workhorse and his bursting runs will be massively missed.

    Butterfield is irreplaceable at this level which is why we haven’t even attempted to recruit anyone to fill his role. Did you watch any of the few games he didn’t start last season? I don’t recall us looking high energy or intensity. How about those games where Dean subbed him off and we subsequently lost all control in midfield? Butterfield was the man that got us playing football.

    We’ve lost our two best players. Our ‘players of the seasons’ for the last two years. We’ve also lost two really excellent players in Elliot and DSF. Yes Barrows can do a job at right back but 2/3 outfield players we’ve brought in are squad players at best and the trialists we’ve got are from the bottom of bargain bin.

    It hurts seeing our team lose its star men and if your a glass half full man that’s fair enough, but let’s not rewrite history to make the loss of our best players seem like a positive.

    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 90

    But if we’re losing whilst playing unattractive football the gates will inevitably take a hit wiping out any benefit of cost cutting.

    Who said we’re going to play unattractive football whilst losing a lot of games?. Who’s to say we won’t win a lot of games and play good football whilst doing it ?

    Even when we weren’t playing well there was always the possibility of Butterfield scoring a 30 yard screamer

    Up until Christmas no doubt he was fantastic, but he started to slow down was countered by much worse players who were more physical and had more energy. At times he was a luxury player.

    You’re comparing us to last season but we were after too nice to play against and lacked fight and energy. The mentality/fitness levels and fight were lacking at times last season which culminated in us being out ran and out fought by part time players.

    How many times did we come back last season from a losing position, was it just on the two occasions ?

    I’d much rather take a less “pretty team” in a footballing sense and swop that for a more solid, hardworking one which is going to dig in more but who can also play a bit.

    Tamworth last season were dreadful, they were very well drilled, fit and apart from 2 maybe 3 standout players they were fairly poor and yet they romped the league.

    What does that tell you iron414 ?

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 101

    ‘the gates will reflect that over the course of the season if we don’t recruit some quality. It’s a fine balance between cost saving on wages and loss of income if the football is poor.’

    Results will have more effect than quality. If we’re playing well and losing and not challenging for auto promotion the gates might drop off. You seem obsessed about the loss of two players that don’t make a team. If it’s not quite as pretty but we’re digging in, players are putting shifts in and challenging for promotion; thats what people want, not hanging on for a Butterfield worldie.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 90

    If it’s not quite as pretty but we’re digging in, players are putting shifts in and challenging for promotion; thats what people want, not hanging on for a Butterfield worldie.

    Perfectly put.

    Registered On: May 30, 2024
    Topics: 0

    WG if you are trying to tell me that you think we’re a better football team without Ogle, Butterfield, Elliott and DSF you must have been hitting the hard stuff again.

    Butterfield didn’t slow down, we lost momentum after January, no coincidence that coincided with losing Butterfield to concussion protocols and Whitehall to match suspensions. We looked nervous as the gap with Tamworth started to widen and tactical mistakes from the manager along with a lack of plan B didn’t help either. As a previous poster pointed out he played 90 minutes in more games toward the end of the season than he did in the first half so I don’t see fitness being a factor as you’re alluding to. I was at every home game bar 2 last season and he was the best player on the pitch in most of those games.

    We went a goal down in 12 league games last season and came back to get something from 4 of them; Tamworth away, Chester at home, Hereford away and Gloucester away. I don’t think that’s too bad. But you are right, ultimately we weren’t good enough last season and we blew our best shot to go up.

    I’d still have rather built on last season as despite the bitter ending I found it enjoyable for the first time in a long while as a Scunthorpe fan. The ‘pretty football’ when it worked was great to watch. I think with a bit more fitness, tactical nous and plan B for a more physical approach when the pretty stuff wasn’t working we would have had a good chance.

    Finances have dictated where we are now at. Michelle said herself Butlers appointment was a financial decision. Affordable manager, bargain signings and in your own words swapping quality for ‘hard work’.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: May 30, 2024
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    Results will have more effect than quality. If we’re playing well and losing and not challenging for auto promotion the gates might drop off. You seem obsessed about the loss of two players that don’t make a team. If it’s not quite as pretty but we’re digging in, players are putting shifts in and challenging for promotion; thats what people want, not hanging on for a Butterfield worldie.

    You are correct Deerey results have the biggest impact. I’m just not feeling too optimistic about either results or how we are shaping up to play.

    It’s not just the loss of our two best players, it’s the loss of other good footballers and the lack of any quality coming in to replace those that have departed. There’s been no real excitement over any of our signings and a general feeling of underwhelm on the football side of things. It’s quite telling that the announcement of one players exit has had a vast amount more fan engagement than all four of our incomings combined.

    Whilst seasoned fans might be happy with ‘digging in’ the fair weathers and younger generation want a bit of excitement and they are here for the ‘worldies’. A lad I met last year told me he’d been bringing his 10 year old son to most home games as his son had become a real young die hard after the Brackley game. No guesses who his favourite player was.

    If we are challenging for promotion all will be well but removing the rose tinted spectacles for a second that is a very big IF. There is still hope that the club have a surprise rabbit to pull out of the hat in the next week or so as I’m struggling to believe we will sign more than 1 of the trialists we currently have training with us.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: December 25, 2013
    Topics: 96

    We are going to put out strong teams. These will probably be good enough to challenge in playoff territory; we must surely have a better manager than JD; we are gonna enjoy much better fitness.
    We have covered Elliott; I agree that Ogle had weaknesses; Butterfield’s absence is trickier, however. We’ll certainly need goals from midfield to progress.
    I see no real reason why we cannot make huge progress. Three wins, one draw and one defeat per five games is not too much to ask for in this division of very mixed quality.
    Admittedly, injuries and suspensions do worry me.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: October 10, 2021
    Topics: 19

    Agree with 414 no high profile signings as yet is worrying saying that the new fella Charlton long name looks to be a decent addition , hoping Fishy n Mad Max turn out to be special.. my crystal ball is still predicting mid table up to last play off place at best , as much as windalene n polish it no sign of any promotion.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: December 25, 2013
    Topics: 96

    Last season we had a squad which could have cruised this league if properly managed.
    Squad 15% weaker (?) – properly managed and fitter – I think we’ll be top four.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 160

    2 new backroom staff appointed yippee just what the Doctor ordered.
    Just need a kit man now.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 160

    Whoops evidently we’ve got a kitlady, hope she likes traditional songs.

    Registered On: October 10, 2021
    Topics: 19

    Whoops evidently we’ve got a kitlady, hope she likes traditional songs.

    Sharon Stevenson .. kit lady obviously more adept for the IRONing jobs ..ill get mi coat!!

    Muzzy survives AGAIN

    New fella Pack certainly doesnt have a six pack .. bit of a porker man boobs n all .. i hope he joins in with this new fitness regime we are getting bombarded with on the club website n SM.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: May 30, 2024
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    Whoops evidently we’ve got a kitlady, hope she likes traditional songs.

    Can she play on the wing?

    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 90

    WG if you are trying to tell me that you think we’re a better football team without Ogle, Butterfield, Elliott and DSF you must have been hitting the hard stuff again.

    Regarding the departing players.. Ogle was good, not great. Elliot didn’t feature all that often. Sembie Ferris only contributed towards the back end of the season when coming back from his loan and then you have your hero Butterfield, who was way less effective towards the 2nd half of last season.

    We failed to gain promotion last season, we at times lacked fight and energy. I think we only came back from a losing position twice all last season.

    If last seasons team was that good, why were we often out run and out fought by part time players with much less ability ?

    Ok being technically fantastic, but our team last season lacked energy and running power. The balance between technical ability and energy and athleticism needed to be addressed from last season.

    Will be fully addressed this coming season ?. We will have to see, but Butler’s going the right way about it during pre season training

    You confuse me iron414 because you keep harping on about last seasons players but as I said above, it wasn’t right last season. How can you keep banging on about last season’s team when we came back from a losing position twice and we kept being out worked by part time players ?

    Am I missing something here ?

    Registered On: February 14, 2015
    Topics: 444

    Butterfield irreplaceable,what a joke.We have had far better players at a higher level level and often replaced them ,so a guy who faded in NLN is more than replaceable

    Registered On: May 30, 2024
    Topics: 0

    WG yes you are missing something. Your marbles if you think we have a better squad without the aforementioned and with the addition of the nobody’s we’ve signed so far.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: May 30, 2024
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    Butterfield irreplaceable,what a joke.We have had far better players at a higher level level and often replaced them ,so a guy who faded in NLN is more than replaceable

    Back in the glory days maybe 64. At NLN we won’t get anyone anywhere near his quality. Have you seen the shower we’ve got on trial?

    Registered On: October 10, 2021
    Topics: 19

    Butterfield irreplaceable,what a joke.We have had far better players at a higher level level and often replaced them ,so a guy who faded in NLN is more than replaceable

    Back in the glory days maybe 64. At NLN we won’t get anyone anywhere near his quality. Have you seen the shower we’ve got on trial?

    Rumours circulating that Silva was joining the Iron on trial .. BRILLIANT i was buzzing until i saw it was Long John Silva, .. ill get mi coat again !!

    Hang on a mo ..even he might make the bench way the squads shaping up.

    Just a bit of fun gents was just watching ze Jermans get knocked out of Euro 24 ..

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 78

    It’s a wonder Tamworth and Boston were promoted given we had irreplaceable players and they had what others would call a ‘shower’.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 90

    WG yes you are missing something. Your marbles if you think we have a better squad without the aforementioned and with the addition of the nobody’s we’ve signed so far.

    The mere fact you keep choosing not to confront the fact last seasons team kept being out fought and out run by part time players is blinkered to say the least.

    How the hell can any sane person keep harping on about a team which lacked fight and only came from behind twice from losing positions all season ?

    You have to be a wind up merchant. No way in a million years that you’re being serious. Butterfield was the only mainstay out of those players you listed and he faded badly.

    Registered On: May 30, 2024
    Topics: 0

    Did you miss my post at 2.03pm as I’ve answered the points you keep labouring over in there WG. There’s no denying we were not good enough last year hence finishing 2nd and missing out on promotion. There’s also no denying we are on paper a worse football team this year, with little cover for injuries despite having a fair amount of injury prone players, playing in a division with tougher competition than last season with an unproven manager. The only ‘harping on’ is you about ‘coming back from losing positions’. I’d say our lack of a plan B when our plan A wasn’t working last season, was a weakness probably more attributable to the manager and his tactics rather than the players themselves that you seem to be blaming.

    You’ve completely got your head in the sand Wonder Goals. It’s a fact that we’ve lost our two best players. Not my opinion but the opinion of all the iron fans that voted Ogle and Butterfield as our best players the last 2 years. Facts don’t lie but the crack pipe does. Put it down and step away slowly.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 6

    Can we please stop encouraging WG. Responding to his posts only encourages more, and more, of the same.

    He will carry on until he is blue in the face repeating the same garbage.

    Please, stop responding now!!

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Give over IronIronIron, part of the fun on here is baiting WG and waiting for his hilarious responses, it’s what makes the close season bearable till the new season kicks off again, go on WG fill your boots son.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: July 14, 2022
    Topics: 32

    WG if you are trying to tell me that you think we’re a better football team without Ogle, Butterfield, Elliott and DSF you must have been hitting the hard stuff again.

    Regarding the departing players.. Ogle was good, not great. Elliot didn’t feature all that often. Sembie Ferris only contributed towards the back end of the season when coming back from his loan and then you have your hero Butterfield, who was way less effective towards the 2nd half of last season.

    We failed to gain promotion last season, we at times lacked fight and energy. I think we only came back from a losing position twice all last season.

    If last seasons team was that good, why were we often out run and out fought by part time players with much less ability ?

    Ok being technically fantastic, but our team last season lacked energy and running power. The balance between technical ability and energy and athleticism needed to be addressed from last season.

    Will be fully addressed this coming season ?. We will have to see, but Butler’s going the right way about it during pre season training

    You confuse me iron414 because you keep harping on about last seasons players but as I said above, it wasn’t right last season. How can you keep banging on about last season’s team when we came back from a losing position twice and we kept being out worked by part time players ?

    Am I missing something here ?

    Are you doing a Deerey here and quoting something i’ve not written.

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 78

    Like before, I suspect the wrong quote attribution is a bug.

    Registered On: October 10, 2021
    Topics: 19

    Bit ov a shock … Abo Eisa has joined the Thai PL team i follow n go watch Nong Bua Pitchya.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 160

    Well that was the week that was, 1 player in and 3 non players ‘really’ even then the player in will only be a bench warmer (hopefully). Imo they should have held back their marquee signings back.

    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 90

    This forum has always been full of old whining sods.

    Looks, let’s be serious…you can’t have it both ways. You can’t become sustainable and cost cut and yet sign marquee players like Butterfield. Expecting us to do that is plain stupid.

    I will however say it’s crazy to even say this team is poorer than last season when a ball hasn’t even been kicked. These players don’t look as good on paper, but let’s wait a while first until coming to the conclusion that we’re worse than last season.

    The very same people who were moaning we were spending too much money who kept droning on about us not being sustainably run are the same old miserable whining pillocks, who are now moaning that we’re cost cutting and the standard of players we’re signing aren’t comparable with last season.

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