Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace PLAYER RATINGS V CARLISLE

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  • #195099
    Registered On: July 20, 2015
    Topics: 43

    Well guys, has anyone still got any finger nails left, talk about Robin Hood, Carlisle dominated after Scunny decided to place ten men in their own third of the pitch, and Watson making three world class saves.

    WATSON—9— Yes he certainly saved the day for us.
    oHornshaw–5–Too many stray passes.
    CORDON..7– Hada very good game and made many defensive clearances.
    BEDEAU–7–Strong in defence, a few poor clearances, but played ok.
    O’MALLEY–6–Played very well in his first start.
    GILLEAD–8–Apart from our keeper was MOM.
    VINCENT–7–Covered a lot of groiund and played well.
    SPENCE–7–Played well made lots of clearancws.
    HALLAM–6–Played well and took is goal well.
    LOFT–8–Had a good game, got through lots of work.

    ONARIASE–8–Came on as sub and was first class, winning everything.

    RED–4–He was always in the lime light, terrible with his interfering.

    MANAGER–5–We won, but christ playing in our third for far too long, poor subbs.

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    Topics: 4

    They look about right, though I thought Hornshaw defended better than he did previously.

    Onariase looks assured. Won’t be long until he starts games, I reckon. Harrison may find it hard to justify a place with Cordner, Bedeau and Onariase playing like that, unless Cox dreams up a formation with 4 centre backs and two wing backs to accommodate him (not likely, I know).

    Registered On: June 6, 2017
    Topics: 6

    Watson – 10 – not really sure what else would contribute a perfect performance from a ‘keeper so he’s getting full marks from me. 3 world class saves to win us the game.
    Hornshaw – 5 – still a bit shaky at the back and offers nothing going forwards.
    Cordner – 7 – strong performance.
    Bedeau – 7 – as above.
    O’Malley – 6 – a decent enough full debut.
    Gilliead – 7 – our best outfield player.
    Vincent – 6 – steady performance but didn’t really contribute much.
    Spence – 7 – always seems to be in the right position to try and win possession.
    Hippolyte – 4 – rubbish! How can he possibly keep one of the best wingers in the division out of the team!?
    Hallam – 7 – lovely finish and worked his socks off.
    Loft – 6 – worked hard but pretty much always made he wrong decision when on the ball.

    Onariase – 7 – made some really important headers.
    Beestin – 5 – got booked, did nothing else.
    Butroid – N/A

    Ref – 4 – so nit-picky with every decision!

    Manager – 5 – still yet to see any attacking football. Reverted to 3 at the back with 15 minutes left and just invited constant pressure. Hippolyte over Eisa?

    Registered On: December 31, 2013
    Topics: 44

    Watson 9 3 excellent saves 1 spill in the box
    Hornshaw 5 has struggled last two games needs to improve and we need Clarke back
    Cordner 7 Solid enough
    Bedeau 6 one slip should’ve led to their goal
    O Malley 7 I like the look of him needs to get forward more
    Hippolyte 4 offered nothing – what is more worrying is Cox kept him on the pitch
    Spence 6 tidy enough
    Vincent 6 as above
    Gillead 7 good runs and positions but needs strikers with more positional sense in front of him
    Hallam 7 good goal should have killed the game off
    Loft 7 some good footwork needs to work more on decision making with passing and attacking in the box

    Cox 5 Even though its a win I have seen nothing I like about him yet, aside from the fact he’s local and ‘knows the club’ the tactics to date leave a lot to be desired. Carlisle lost that game (and Watson won it). He has plenty of time left but we can’t keep playing like this.

    It looks like a really poor division with a lot of poor teams.

    Registered On: May 21, 2018
    Topics: 8

    Watson -9- best performance I’ve seen him have. 2 good saves and one great save. Only one dodgy moment which dropped it from a 10 but more of this please.

    Hornshaw -5- he isn’t a full back but he’s young and learning and he’s not being preferred over a proper FB we don’t have another option atm. He’s doing his best.

    Cordner -7.5-quality again. Dominant but looked to be struggling at the end hopefully not hurt.

    Bedeau -6.5- defended well enough but sloppy again a couple of times including a slip which could have been very costly.

    O’Malley -7- looks a real decent prospect. Defends well and bravely and not afraid to get forward.

    Spence -7.5- oh how we’ve missed a player like this. Just gets in the way and doesn’t let people play.

    Vincent -6- decent but unspectacular.

    Gillead -8.5- see what happens when you play him in his position Mr Cox. Lesson learned hopefully. Superb pass for the goal.

    Hippolyte -5.5- works hard and certainly defends better than Eisa which is presumably why he’s being preferred atm. Not a good performance but mostly decent set piece delivery.

    Hallam -8- great to see him back looked like he might link up well with Loft. Actually looked to move past him. Should have finished the game off when Beestin put him through

    Loft -7- 6 in the first half 8 in the second. Couple of poor final decisions/balls which is apparently what Lillis is working on so hopefully will improve. Up against 2 big strong cbs on his own and they will certainly know they’ve been in a game.

    Onarise -7.5- looks good. Powerful and won everything thrown his way which was a lot more than we should have allowed.

    Beestin -6- not sure why he went behind Spence but put himself about and sent a very good ball in for Hallam.

    Thought the ref was ok, picky but nothing really incorrect but Beestin unlucky to get booked.

    Tactics wise 442/4411 was nice to see first half but quickly reverted to 3 at the back and sitting deep in the 2nd half. Needs to change.

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 107

    Watson 9
    Hornshaw 5
    Cordner 8
    Bedeau 8
    O’Malley 7
    Hippolyte 5
    Spence 7
    Vincent 7
    Gilliead 7
    Hallam 7
    Loft 7

    Ref 6 at least he didn’t give any important decisions against us but gave some free kicks that didn’t look free kicks.

    Cox 5 I know he is learning and we have a number of players out but it was a strange lineup and he picked a team to play against Carlisle rather than a team to win a game comfortably, I hope we are not going to watch Russ style performances every week and going to be entertained because though the result was great the entertainment wasn’t, where is Colclough, Turin and McAtee, and surely Clarke must be near fit now also.

    Registered On: June 6, 2017
    Topics: 6

    Forgot about Watson’s spill in the first half, maybe I should downgrade him to a 9.5.

    Couple of posters commenting above that a Bedeau slip should have lead to a goal…it was Cordner.

    Registered On: July 20, 2015
    Topics: 43

    Very good reviews by above reports, all seem to contain the same views of each player, it was a win for our team, but it was made very difficult by Coxes tactics of filling the defence with players, thats why the ball came straight back into our box, Carlisle must be kicking themselves for going away with nothing.

    Registered On: July 20, 2015
    Topics: 43

    We will be a lot stronger when Clarke, McGayhey, McAte, Eisa and Kevin are fit again, and should have a strong enough team forleaguetwo, but Cox must stop this defensive tactic and let the team play football.

    Registered On: December 31, 2013
    Topics: 44

    It was vital to get the three points so we move on….but we can’t repeat those tactics that we had for the last 25 minutes reverting to 8-1-1 formation no outlet. Let’s face it Carlisle were very unlikely, came across an inspired performance by our keeper, it won’t happen too many times and a goal by them would’ve put a huge dampener on it. Interesting comments he had about Eisa – he had planned for a defensive game. I don’t think he knows how to use his wingers

    I fear we have a younger version of Wilcox. I want him to go back to the promises about attacking football getting it on the deck and quick passing. He’s got the full season to get it right so he needs to think about attacking and entertaining – his words.

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 107

    Few points from post-match with
    boss Neil Cox.

    On Eisa not featuring: “it’s one of those games I’m not sure he was gonna get much of the ball. He needs to go out wide & run at people. We was one nil up & had to stick by it at home & not sure it would suit him.”

    On McAtee (who had to self-isolate): “he’s missed 3 weeks of training. I can’t afford to play somebody & bring them off after 35 minutes with a hamstring. Macca’s been doing extra. Again, people keep telling me he’ll be leaving but we haven’t heard anything.”

    On Dünnwald-Turan’s absence: “Kenan felt his groin, little bit tightened up on Thursday. Could’ve played but we’ve got long season ahead of us and a big enough squad that I didn’t have to play him. Hopefully should be back in training by Wednesday or Thursday”

    On Colclough: “Ryan’s had a bit of a thigh problem & playing in a 3-5-2 (previously) didn’t suit him. If we do change it to a 4-3-3 or 4-4-2 he’ll be back in there. At the moment I’ve probably got more wingers than anyone in the country and it’s hard.”

    so make of that what you like about playing attacking football, I think Russ has given him advice how to play in this division, why since Alexander suddenly switched formations 3 months before he was sacked have we had managers who want to grind out results, if this style of football stays it will be my last season, I don’t like losing but don’t like having nervious breakdown in the last half hour either, especially when we have players to worry opponents.

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    Topics: 4

    Embarrassing that we’re planning defensive games against a team like Carlisle, who were a decent enough side but nothing special. It worked yesterday, but like you say, Watson isn’t going to save every shot no matter how well he plays.

    I fear we have another reactive manager, playing to suit the opposition rather than to our own strengths, which includes playing Eisa in a role which suits him, not some forced formation to counteract a team which is of a similar quality. If we were playing Man City or Liverpool I would understand, but we were playing a team which finished two places above us last year and at home.

    If Cox isn’t going to focus on attacking football then don’t promise it and raise expectations, and before anyone starts this isn’t met getting on his back, but offering honest assessment of what appears to be the case. It’s far too early to call for his head.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Cox only said he wanted to play attacking football after he signed for us,before that most wanted him to get the job, he did say it might take time and maybe he’s changed his mind that’s up to him, I thought most of us expect it to be a long term effort not short term success, Hurst started the same and was starting to play the attacking game most of us want so let’s give Cox a fair crack of the whip. And Mick you will be there again next year stop talking bollocks.

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 115

    Agree with BRI 100%.
    Regarding the post match detail provided by MM this is welcome information and what we should be told. The only issue I have is Eisa, if he’s not going to start in a home game against an average side we should be looking to beat then when will he play? As for Cox’s opinion –
    “I’m not sure he was gonna get much of the ball. He needs to go out wide & run at people.”
    Has he told our players not to pass to him in case he scores? Bizarre!!

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 107

    the interview was with Mike White by the way.

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 115

    Almost forgot to credit Watson as I’ve been highly critical in the past. Three great saves, he’s made similar before but been punished as he’s parried the ball into the middle of the penalty area. Good to see he’s learning – a massive “WELL DONE” Rory.

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    Topics: 4

    Cox only said he wanted to play attacking football after he signed for us,before that most wanted him to get the job, he did say it might take time and maybe he’s changed his mind that’s up to him, I thought most of us expect it to be a long term effort not short term success, Hurst started the same and was starting to play the attacking game most of us want so let’s give Cox a fair crack of the whip. And Mick you will be there again next year stop talking bollocks.

    Which is what most, if not all are saying. I am not calling for him not to be given a fair chance, but I would prefer better than this.

    It’s League Two football, I don’t expect anything too special, but more entertainment and positivity shouldn’t be remiss. Most other League Two team seems more exciting to watch when they play us, whether they’re winning, drawing or losing. Sitting back and hoofing with nothing up front to spur a push forward doesn’t do much other than bore and just hope that a shot doesn’t go in. We have a decent defence, seemingly (barring right back), but they can’t keep everything out; we’re not going to win 1-0 every game or most games.

    Registered On: December 31, 2013
    Topics: 44

    I want Cox to be given plenty of time. However the main stream of revenue is ifollow at the minute and you can’t serve up that crap week in week out.

    He has lots of wingers, use your best two for every match. O’Malley and Clarke when fit will be more than capable cover (assuming 4-4-2/4-5-1)

    Registered On: August 5, 2017
    Topics: 18

    Our first 7 results last year 0v2, 1v4, 2v2, 2v3, 0v1, 0v1, 0v2 and that with a much more experienced team.

    In my opinion it’s too early to judge. We don’t know and I’m sure Cox doesn’t know yet which of these players are good enough for a regular spot in the team. Hippolyte was praised in the first game and poor in the third. Loft – good and bad games. Spence and Vincent – first 3 matches together.

    His priority surely is to get off to a decent start and then see where we are when our more experienced players return.

    The defence has 2 young full backs, one making his debut and the other playing out of position. It’s surely not surprising that Cox is being cautious and the team played to hang on to their lead. If he had done otherwise people would have complained about giving away a late goal.

    See where we are after 10 games. Hopefully the team will be more confident and Cox will have more trust to send them out with attacking intent when he thinks the defence and keeper are reliable.

    Registered On: July 20, 2015
    Topics: 43

    Supporters are all saying the same thing, but probably what is sticking in the gut, is that Hippolyte had such a poor match but was kept on for the full game. We all know how Eisa can play, so why keep hin sitting on the bench??????????, I just hope that Cox reads real supporters views on the situation, we have had half a dozen managers in the past four years, and they all turn to this defnsive rubbish, possibly Robins was an exception, but they all ended getting the brunt end of Mr Swanns stick. This season appears to have many poor teams in it, so what have we to lose????

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 115

    If he had done otherwise people would have complained about giving away a late goal.

    Not if we’d already scored 3 they wouldn’t!!

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 74

    No change here. Same people who give no latitude.

    Watson 10
    everyone else 9 – why, they never quit. Never stopped helping each other, worked their socks of for the shirt. Last season we had seasoned pro’s who didn’t give a sod ! With them we would have lost yesterday.

    Perhaps it wasn’t pretty, it was 3 pts. Issues I have is selections are made to deal with opponents. That is a worry for me.

    Registered On: January 3, 2014
    Topics: 67

    he’s parried the ball into the middle of the penalty area.

    Judging by Chelsea’s equaliser yesterday that’s something Sam Johnstone learned at GP.

    Agree with Sanfran about effort. That’s one area that has improved from last year.

    Registered On: December 25, 2013
    Topics: 102


    A team that worked hard for each other, grafted, were not pretty and won a lot of ball to which they were not entitled. There is more desire across the entire team than there has been in years.
    Brilliant defending in 6 yard box. Bedeau growing with every game.

    Watson – 9
    O’ Malley – 7
    Hornshaw – 6
    Bedeau – 7
    Cordner – 8
    Spence -7
    Vincent – 6
    Hippolyte -6
    Gilliead – 8
    Hallam – 7
    Loft – 7

    Ref – same as guy last week – giving fouls for very little but no catastrophes 5 maybe even a 4. It’s a man’s game! This is not basketball! (No offence to those who play a super sport.)

    BTW – am no longer recording refs.


    The usual 11 men behind the ball when leading. Got away with it but Cox is upsetting a lot of people with this despised tactic. I told him about this on Day One via this very site.

    Vincent and Spence are both decent but maybe a bit too similar.

    Hippo or Eisa? – The former defends better – the latter attacks better. What do we make of that?

    Hornshaw finding it hard out of position but both he and O Malley looking better than Butroid.

    Lotsa better players to come back pretty soon.

    Loft was appalling at Crawley but looked like a real forward, yesterday.

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 115

    Posted this on 10th Sept:-
    “Don’t underestimate the benefits of 10 outfield players giving 100% rather than 6 or 7.”

    No reason to change my view.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    BS. real supporters views? Do we have fake supporters?. A real supporter wouldnt spit his dummy out and threaten not to attend if Novak was in the team.

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 115

    Do you mean the goal machine they have at Bradford?

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Couldn’t do it here though unfortunately, always have 100% effort, probably not his fault more the team set up.

    cliffbyrnesrightpegCliff Byrne’s Right Peg
    Registered On: October 17, 2015
    Topics: 58

    BS. real supporters views? Do we have fake supporters?. A real supporter wouldnt spit his dummy out and threaten not to attend if Novak was in the team.

    The same Novak who banged 2 in for Bradford yesterday aswell.

    Registered On: July 20, 2015
    Topics: 43

    Yes 2 for bradford yesterday, he is a real goal machine, pity we let him go!!, what I mean by real supporters, is fans that attend matches, be it for one season or twenty seasons, people like yourself Iron-awe, Mick, Cass, Sanfran and about 3,000 others, people that have their own opinions of players and effort put in by them, also about playing tactics etc, its nice to hear their views, those that I consider as not real fans are people that are Man City or other twams that claim to be supporters but never attend any games, these are fake supporters.

    Sanfran, I never thought I would ever hear you say that playing defensive with one up front football is ok with you!!!!, in fact I would think that no one has stated on here more times than yourself about Scunny must not play one up front!!!

    You must have been in the Prediction League points yesterday Sanfran with Scunny winning, I had a terrible start to the season, but with 53 points from the last two sets of nine fixtures are heading to my correct place once more ha ha!

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