Our Manager.

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace Our Manager.

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  • #241880
    Registered On: December 25, 2013
    Topics: 96

    Everyone on this board knows that I shall support KH until it becomes impossible to do so.
    Frankly, I believe that he’s done as well as any manager could have done given the financial constraints upon him in the close season.
    He has intelligently got a shedload of youngsters prepared and ready to pitch into the team if required as backup.
    The multiple claims of doom-mongers predicting the likes of eight juniors constituting the first team this season have been blown out of the water.
    His tactics in the friendlies have been very positive.
    The whole atmosphere is better and, along with LT, Keith has contributed to this improvement.
    May I please urge all supporters to support our manager and not to demand his head on a plate every time there is a couple of defeats. And in this league – there are gonna be defeats.
    What is acceptable? – Consolidation.
    What is worthy of praise? – A top ten finish.

    6 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 101

    Frankly, I believe that he’s done as well as any manager could have done given the financial constraints upon him in the close season.
    He has intelligently got a shedload of youngsters prepared and ready to pitch into the team if required as backup.

    I don’t entirely agree with your assessment of last season but what I would like to see, or rather hear, is some more positivity from him off the pitch – rather than his endless downbeat interviews, telling us to adjust our expectations and so on. Give us something to get excited about!

    That said, I do think he needs a good start, rightly or wrongly, especially if there is a change of ownership: with such a terrible record from last season, I’m not sure he can survive say 4 or 5 defeats from the first 7 or 8 games.

    Registered On: December 25, 2013
    Topics: 96

    You may well be right.
    His biggest problem has been the late arrivals of players. Creating a cohesive unit is difficult when new players don’t arrive in time for the start of training and haven’t had much time on the pitch in friendlies.
    Have to admit that the quality – as best as you can tell at this point – looks better than I’d been expecting.

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    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 101

    Good point about late arrivals – could end up being a slow start.

    I don’t think for a moment that Swann will sack him but a new owner may want a change of direction and the slow start would be the perfect excuse. A bit like when Laws was sacked not long after Swann arrived. Time will tell!

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Thing about radio interviews is do you what a factual one based on what he genuinely feels about the team on the day given the situation the club was in last season or do you want a load of bull poop based on fantasy just to make you all feel a bit better as a supporter. Don’t think Hill has gone out of his way to be downbeat for the sake of it, he always comes across as a genuine football guy to me and those aren’t always easy to find these days. I’m sure next season will be better then recent ones based on lots of reasons since last May that have changed so we should all give him and his staff a chance to prove themselves this season and remember he can’t change the situation created by the current owner but hopefully if a new owner arrives he can.

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 101

    Thing about radio interviews is do you what a factual one based on what he genuinely feels about the team on the day given the situation the club was in last season or do you want a load of bull poop based on fantasy just to make you all feel a bit better as a supporter

    The latter – after yet another defeat, something to cling to would be nice! Adkins-stylee.

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Ah yes but Adkins had a half decent team and a decent owner to help him with his positivity, I would suggest Hill is not in such an envious position.

    Registered On: March 31, 2022
    Topics: 5

    Hillbuilds team now
    Hopefully he has removed the toxic culture that had developed during coxes reign and the one he could not also manage.Seems like a decent blend of seventy minute men who can be replaced by youth adding a bit of zip for the final twenty.He has been quiet recently and I believe he will be hoping his team do the talking for him on the pitch. A lot of points are up for grabs in the first two months and I believe we are capable of a good haul given the fixtures. Failure to do so will obviously put him under pressure.
    Hopefully come the end of September he and the team will have put a smile back on our faces. Let’s hit the ground running,fear no one,and get a winning mentality back. Up the iron.

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    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 90

    If he get’s a good striker in and a few more additional players I think he’ll do alright. Least he’s getting his own players in now and baby Swann’s not pushing forward complete and utter shite.

    If you look at the spine of the team with Boyce & Taft centrally at the back with Butterfield, Beestin and Whitehouse in central midfield…it’s not half bad. Dewhurst looks more than capable in goal. I just hope Nuttall performs well. Then we have Feeney behind him…plenty of experience on show.

    I like what Hill’s done personally, with what he’s had to work with he’s done really well.

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    Registered On: May 27, 2017
    Topics: 17

    To be honest I’ve got big respect for Hill I think he took on probably the worst management job in football last season and he’s stuck with it when many would have walked with all the complications of that loan and the ownership issues. I hope he really shows us what he is made of this season. UTI

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    Registered On: October 16, 2021
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    Every club in the league are looking for strikers, clubs with more clout than us, we’ll only get the dregs

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    Registered On: October 10, 2021
    Topics: 19

    i am felling a tad more optimistic re the Irons up coming NL campaign then i was a few weeks ago .. this is due to the club signing the likes of Butterfield , Whitehouse Daniel etc plus also the high probability of new owners in the very near future… all this in mind ive been watching all the YT NL prediction vids who ALL bar one so far(who has us 5th) have Scunny down for back to back relegation and oblivion along with Dorking Gateshead and Aldershot..

    So my question .. surely we are better than that now ???? .. yes desperately need a striker or two but dont look like it will happen until after the season has kicked off now.


    Registered On: December 25, 2013
    Topics: 96

    Two big guys up front with CBs added for set pieces – if they don’t score – then surely there are going to be lots of bits and pieces for CMs.
    No. That’s not as good as having a goal poacher but it gives some hope.
    Just one question post pre-season games – Beestin seems to have been getting no end of chances followed by loadsa near misses.
    Anyone think that he might start to get a few on target when the rubber hits the road?

    Registered On: January 3, 2014
    Topics: 66

    Gateshead won’t be relegated.

    Registered On: May 26, 2017
    Topics: 10

    I think the main things KH brought in were the two needed most after Cox – experience and authority.

    It was a perfect storm for Cox in his first role and I still feel sorry for him as I think it was the wrong first job. No-one would have kept us up last year, but I genuinely believe we have one of the best managers at this level who is putting a decent squad together on a shoestring.

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 101

    Ultimately, I will find it very hard to forgive Hill for the way we just seemed to give up last season after the Oldham win. I presume it wasn’t his fault that Hipolyte, Onarise & others were sold but there was no obvious reason why the likes of Jarvis & Bunn were frozen out for very inexperienced kids. It was just such a limp approach to the second half of the season.

    I’m prepared to see how he can turn it around but he’s starting with a lot of ground to make up for my money.

    Registered On: December 25, 2013
    Topics: 96

    Supporters do not know what happens behind the scenes nor on the training pitch. It’s impossible to judge when we are outside not able to see in.
    There have been a number of players in recent seasons who have not helped the esprit de corps in the club.
    Hopefully, the negativist little sweethearts will have all departed taking their toxicity with them.

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    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 101

    This is true and whilst I am not saying this was the case for us last season, it is not unknown for clubs to spin stories about “problem” or “troublemaking” players because they want shot of them for other reasons. Look at the Real Madrid press and their stories about Gareth Bale for a high profile example. We must always remember that in football loyalty is a two-way street.

    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 6

    I’m with Ferrite.

    Hill did not instil any confidence at all in the squad last season. Whilst I understand the need to introduce mew players and experiment, the approach did not look structured and there were very few positives from it.

    He will need to show a lot more endeavour and consistency before I start singing his praises. Let’s hope he does.

    Huckleberry HoundHuckleberry Hound
    Registered On: June 3, 2022
    Topics: 0

    At least we have a few experienced players at the start of this season. We clearly have some talented young lads but last season showed that they need support. Hopefully this seasons recruitment will be better than last seasons debacle.

    mkironMK Iron
    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 46

    I think we can assume both Hill and Cox significantly played down just how much of a sh1t show they walked into.

    Hill is still getting paid by the astute one and Cox subject to an NDA. It may take a while but I am sure we will hear some horror stories if the great man ever does leave.

    Personally I don’t blame Hill. He spent some buttons in January having been forced to let Loft and Onariase go. When it became obvious that sticking plaster was not going to hold he gave the kids a chance to get some experience ready for this season.

    His reputation says he can produce competitive team on very low budgets. Well they don’t come much lower than ours in full time professional football so this season is when we see what he can do.

    If we spend the season not unduly worried about relegation that will be success. Halfwayish and the man is very good. If we even threaten the playoff positions he is a fecking genius.

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    Registered On: October 10, 2021
    Topics: 19

    agree MK .. for me Hill didnt do himself any favours endearing him to fans by allowing the club to fall apart so tamely innlast seasons debacle.. a lack of fight , crazy selections and it still riles that quote ..” some players didnt want to play to avoid injury” .. hills loan signings were not great only Delaney stood out the rest were bang average with Hackney a total liability.

    all that said giving the guy a go forming his own team on a crappy budget .. good luck to him i truly hope he succeeds , what ever that means .. avoiding another relegation has to be the low bar setting

    Registered On: October 16, 2021
    Topics: 2

    Let’s hope he hasn’t wasted the parachute payments

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