Nightmare November

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace Nightmare November

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  • #295222
    Registered On: May 30, 2024
    Topics: 0

    I really don’t get the sheer arrogance of some posters thinking their theories, claims and notions are absolute and mustn’t be challenged or mocked.

    Isn’t that exactly your issue though? You don’t want anyone to question or challenge the manager or board? You use your role as moderator and the excessive amount of spare time you seemingly have, to patrol and immediately bat down anyone who criticises, with accusations of ‘abuse’ and nonsense of ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’s’, and ‘spirals of doom’. Your constant bickering with numerous posters, particularly after the few wins, is getting almost as bad as the cult page with their moderator arguing with every poster on every thread in the hope it drowns out the hundreds of comments from fans who’ve seen enough of Butler-ball and want him gone. Maybe you two could team up and if you both clap loud enough from behind your NLTV screens you’ll drown out the boos that have been echoing round GP!

    You could always scweem and scweem and scweem till the Board listens to you I suppose?

    I’ll not worry too much about that I share the views of Iron-Bru founder, that it’s only a matter of ‘when not if’. Had a listen to the iron hour podcast earlier too and didn’t realise just how much Butler has been reacting to fan backlash. Once managers starts biting back and asking fans ‘do you want to have a go? ’ it really is a matter of time…. Tick tock…

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    I am certainly not clapping, it’s been dreadful and I have said more than once that I can’t defend Butler anymore and I have been to every home game so far this season.

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    Registered On: May 30, 2024
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    Sorry Sidey that wasn’t aimed at you, I was referring to Deerey and a moderator on the Cult page who similarly relentlessly argues with every nay-sayer on the page.

    Registered On: May 30, 2024
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    ‘it was aimed at those that think they have all the answers and shouldn’t be challenged about them.

    I certainly don’t think there’s anyone on this forum who has all the answers, but I think given this squad and the resources we have at SUFC, there’s a manager out there who does. That manager isn’t Butler.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 118

    Sorry Sidey that wasn’t aimed at you, I was referring to Deerey and a moderator on the Cult page who similarly relentlessly argues with every nay-sayer on the page.

    I really don’t 414. And I suspect you know that’s an exaggeration to suit your narrative and purpose: To influence getting Butler out whatever it takes, from day one. You’re like a stuck record man. And a tedious one at that. Maybe the cut and thrust of debate isn’t for you? Echo chamber do you?

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 118

    It’s the personal attacks on Butler and anyone who doesn’t agree with you 414 that I find most galling. Your list of bitter Butler insults and nastiness increases by the post, like you’re going out your way to think up more new ones. Now you’re making comparisons to the Cult page regarding my input. Oh, the irony, given your rhetoric! I have no issue with constructive criticism.

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 115

    I personally don’t think there’s anyway back for him to win most fans over again.
    Time will tell.

    Butler needs to forget about the fans and concentrate on winning the players over. If he succeeds in that, possibly by playing his best players in their best positions in a system with which they’re comfortable, then he’ll get the fans back I’m sure.

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    #295235 Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
    Topics: 10

    Blimey Iron414 … he only challenged the view that the Directors are being inexplicably negligent in not sacking the Manager in this 2 week period. I agree with that 100% ..( though not sure why it was necessary to bring the next US President into the frame). You appear to have ‘gone off on one’ several times. Just because Deerey is a Mod doesn’t mean that he can’t have an opinion.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 118

    Tbh JI, I think 414 has taken umbrage with my frequent piss taking. My opinion is, some folk should lighten up a bit. I’m as frustrated as many are regarding the current pitch side problems but if people are calling for Butler’s head and I fundamentally don’t agree with it, I probably will say something. If they’re going to repeatedly bandy round insults and slurs, I probably will say something. Like any other poster might, regardless of being a moderator or not. I happen to agree with most the constructive criticism on here but disagree with a lot of the certainty of claims and theories about how to fix it and most definitely posts that degrade club staff. I thought we’d moved on from all that and I thought that’s what made Bru the decent platform it is?

    Registered On: October 10, 2021
    Topics: 27

    Blooming heck Lou says to Andy ..this is a right carfuffle.

    Opinions are what makes the forums tick and when it comes to football everyone has an opinion more so for your hometown club when its going through rough times, everyone is entitled to their opinion so if i wish to predict as i see things panning out i will do so regardless …

    HOWEVER I DO HOPE IM WRONG as no positives its all a bit depressing.

    Promotion is gone this season UNLESS CHANGE IS SWIFT.
    AB will be here all season
    7th to 10th if no change mid table at best finishing position as there appears to be several more consistent better performing clubs than us.
    Attendances plummeting to 2000 to 2500
    Fundraising will drop off
    Many of the Hilton era over paid signings wont stay YIPPEE most dont give a toss, shame we will miss Fitz.
    Moving forward another 2-3 years in NLN .. we arent good enough to go up to the NL hold are own or challenge just in a relegation battle ALA Boston this season.
    Possible mix of Pro n PT next season.

    Calm down ..its time for a cuppa Yorkshire Tea and a digestive bikky

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    Registered On: December 25, 2013
    Topics: 102

    I truly hope you are right Cass but I shan’t hold my breath.
    Marine – how many defenders shall we have on the pitch?
    Will ‘lumpit upfield as often as possible’ still be the order of the day?
    Players played in their proper positions?
    Our best 11 starting the game?
    Humility or arrogance?
    Flexibility or obstinacy?
    Actually playing for a win or targeting a draw and hoping we win?

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: May 30, 2024
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    It’s the personal attacks on Butler and anyone who doesn’t agree with you 414 that I find most galling.

    ‘Personal attack’ for making an assumption that our manager has a low IQ? Was it a personal attack on Jimmy when you referred to him as ‘unintelligent’ then? Is it a personal attack on players then when they are referred to as crap / passing sideways / can’t score for toffee? Thicker skin needed my old china!

    Your list of bitter Butler insults and nastiness increases by the post

    And you talk of hyperbole? Hehe!
    Did it occur to you that my posts increasing in criticism could be correlating with the increasingly poor performances we’ve seen, culminating in Saturdays disgrace to football being one of (if not the) worst games of football witnessed in most of our lifetimes at GP. Could that possibly be the case? Nahhh course it couldn’t, that would make a bit too much bloody sense for this forum. Back to agendas, conspiracy theories and new age bollocks. As you were!

    Registered On: May 30, 2024
    Topics: 0

    Blooming heck Lou says to Andy ..this is a right carfuffle.

    Opinions are what makes the forums tick and when it comes to football everyone has an opinion more so for your hometown club when its going through rough times, everyone is entitled to their opinion so if i wish to predict as i see things panning out i will do so regardless …

    Spot on IFA. Super-mod isn’t a fan of predictions unless it’s sunshine and rainbows. I was similarly batted down for my summer prediction of, 5 at the back, long direct football, and that if we weren’t winning playing an unattractive style, gates would a-tumble. Eeerily accurate even if I do say so myself. So much so I will probably be accused of ‘self-fulfilling the prophecy’!

    Agree with everything you’ve said but am reserving some hope that the board will react accordingly to low gate numbers and we will get the much needed new manager bounce before we drop too far down the table. Yes, Fitz has been huge for us again this season and I dread to think where we would be without him, equally Cal Roberts but can’t see any situation where we manage to hold onto him beyond this season, think we will be lucky to keep him beyond January if he stays fit.

    Enjoy your weekends fellas. First Saturday in as long as I can remember where not having an SUFC game to watch or tune into has felt like a welcome break. But guess a game like last week’s will do that to you!

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    I don’t think Marvel are onto a winner with their latest superhero film, Supermod. A superhero with a penchant for editing out libelous and racist posts, and calling for decorum, meets their match when a fearless maverick comes on to call the manager of their favourite sports team a simpleton and low IQ. It doesn’t sound enticing.

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    #295253 Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
    Topics: 10

    Spat central. When it gets so personal I414 that you have to write several paragraphs per post on how someone has upset you then maybe its time for a pause. A poor December and more of the same …5 or 6 games … and he’ll be gone I reckon. And I can’t see much dissent on here with that scenario. On the other hand .. a fit Roberts and Carlton.A bonus contribution from Williams. Maybe even an emerging option with Law. Beck and Harris bedding in and provoking Danny to up his game. Maybe even some variety in formation with what potentially look like decent attacking options. It could be that as Spring looms we’ll be on top of the pile and, whilst there will be no need for humble pie from the fans, the Donny Road will be applauding fist pumps again. If there’s no sign by early January then he’ll have to go I reckon. This ‘window’ isn’t the time and it appears that the Board are in agreement.

    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 91

    Law will at least offer the option of actually playing a genuine 4/4/2 with width, but question is does he stay fit for more than 5 minutes ?. I’d also leave Whitehall out and go with Beck and Harris up top. Beestin and Brogan in CM. If Butler plays the players in their natural positions we won’t have a bad team at all.

    Registered On: February 14, 2015
    Topics: 495

    Iron-Bru founder? Which one?
    As for the Iron hour I wouldn’t listen to anything those scum buckets say

    Registered On: October 10, 2021
    Topics: 27

    Spat central. When it gets so personal I414 that you have to write several paragraphs per post on how someone has upset you then maybe its time for a pause. A poor December and more of the same …5 or 6 games … and he’ll be gone I reckon. And I can’t see much dissent on here with that scenario. On the other hand .. a fit Roberts and Carlton.A bonus contribution from Williams. Maybe even an emerging option with Law. Beck and Harris bedding in and provoking Danny to up his game. Maybe even some variety in formation with what potentially look like decent attacking options. It could be that as Spring looms we’ll be on top of the pile and, whilst there will be no need for humble pie from the fans, the Donny Road will be applauding fist pumps again. If there’s no sign by early January then he’ll have to go I reckon. This ‘window’ isn’t the time and it appears that the Board are in agreement.

    santas sack is been empteied and i willdo my best cos im pissed
    You are as Monty Pythong said quote stating the beleding obvoous.. i do howver regress for 414 AWAYEGO N Myself being singl;eted out for having an opinon .. so much so so i rang the bell in soi eakmai bumbat 4 tonight.

    butler n Scoff out asap

    Law will at least offer the option of actually playing a genuine 4/4/2 with width, but question is does he stay fit for more than 5 minutes ?. I’d also leave Whitehall out and go with Beck and Harris up top. Beestin and Brogan in CM. If Butler plays the players in their natural positions we won’t have a bad team at all.

    5555 Law will be fit for a game or 2 hes aperma croc .. get rid of all the hiltonoids on studid money n start again .. most ov em are shit and dont give atoss its just awageto pay themorgar n feed the kids .,. like to see theback of all except roberts n Fitz

    #295279 Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
    Topics: 10

    Glad what I stated is ‘obvious.’ Now we can all unite, relax and see what January brings without making premature calls for sackings or calling each other out. Glad we’re approaching the season of peace and goodwill to all men:)

    Registered On: October 10, 2021
    Topics: 27

    Glad what I stated is ‘obvious.’ Now we can all unite, relax and see what January brings without making premature calls for sackings or calling each other out. Glad we’re approaching the season of peace and goodwill to all men:)

    Exactly .. peace n goodwill to all (except the Codheads (not all as i know at least 3 that are ok though they do limp, smell of fish and need a bar of soap for Xmas)

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