Neil‘S After Match Interview

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace Neil‘S After Match Interview

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  • #196042
    Registered On: July 24, 2017
    Topics: 4

    It was late into the evening before his after match was on the OWS. Sadly to me he looked broken. A poison chalice that leaves him currently out of his depth?

    Registered On: January 3, 2014
    Topics: 67

    I blame the person who designed the swimming pool.

    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 91

    Signing the players up before a manager comes through the door, all being kids with no real track record, no experience and then signing a rookie manager to manage them was always asking for trouble.

    What chairman in their right mind pre appoints a captain before a manager is even here ?

    Swann and his meddling again. If by a stroke of luck we stay up this season, he needs to go before he completely sinks the club.

    Cox isn’t entirely blameless either. Gillead isn’t a Wing Back and Hippolyte shouldn’t even be on the bench, nevermind on the pitch at LWB.

    Rowe’s fit, he should have played him and Butroid…both questionable but you don’t keep playing square pegs in round holes in an already struggling team and expect it to turn around.

    Cox is clueless, we need an experienced manager through the door to sort this mess out and even he’ll probably be tearing his hair out “providing he has any to begin with”

    Not really sure what Lillis is doing here, he can’t be having any input, surely ?

    Registered On: October 21, 2017
    Topics: 6

    It wouldn’t suprise if Cox doesn’t just walk, it probably depends on whether he can afford to!
    He’s probably just sitting it out to get his pay off anyway, but the longer he is here the more credibility as a manager he will lose.
    He was given a basket case to manage.

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 115

    That’s a big disappointment to me also WG. He’s done the lot as a player with years of experience but seems to be ineffective as an assistant. Does he fear for his job if he dares to interfere, can he not offer help and advice or is he just being ignored? Is he another with strings attached or a hand up his back?

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Has anyone thought of going having a word with Cox and Lillis, they train most days you know, I am sure they will engage with you, Hurst would always go out his way to have a word when we used to go down, so long as you don’t go in all guns blazing.

    Registered On: May 30, 2017
    Topics: 1

    Hurst went because he upset the apple cart and said what he felt was right…it was a case of dont like it then lump it. We know who has control of everything and we will only sink further while these are still running the club. The fans dont deserve it then they had the nerve to sell season tickets. Its all take take take and im glad others are seeing it now. The managers we have had have all had success elsewhere but they come here and they hit a dead end then end up getting the boot…i wonder why!

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Well Scunnymatt over egging previous managers success some what, out of the last 5 we have brought in only 2 have had success at other clubs, Havnt all clubs had the nerve to sell season tickets?

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 119

    Has anyone thought of going having a word with Cox and Lillis, they train most days you know, I am sure they will engage with you, Hurst would always go out his way to have a word when we used to go down, so long as you don’t go in all guns blazing.

    What do you think that would achieve?

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Funny really a suggestion of dialogue dismissed just like that, have you thought you might learn something if you ask. Posters would like Swanny to have more dialogue with us, but like i say Cox and Lillis are there most days to talk to.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 119

    I still really don’t know what you think that will achieve apart from needlessly distracting them from doing their jobs? I’m not particularly interested what they would have to say anyway, I’d rather see results of their work on the pitch, but much better. Given that I don’t actually think our current plight is just down to them it seems even more pointless.

    Registered On: January 3, 2014
    Topics: 67

    You could always take your boots along Deerey. You might get a game!

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