Maxwell Cohen Estates Limited

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace Maxwell Cohen Estates Limited

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  • #258712
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    There were a few red flags (late submissions) against the company.

    “Compulsory strike-off was suspended 10 months ago”

    “Confirmation Overdue

    Confirmation statement overdue by 243 days
    Last submitted on 20 July 2021 (1 year 8 months ago)
    Next confirmation dated 20 July 2022
    Was due on 3 August 2022 (8 months ago)
    No changes occurred since incorporation”

    “ Accounts Overdue

    Accounts overdue by 427 days
    Last accounts submitted for period 30 April 2020 (2 years ago)
    Accounts type was Total Exemption Full
    Next accounts dated 30 April 2021
    Was due on 31 January 2022 (1 year 2 months ago)”

    “ Incorporation
    18 June 2019
    Incorporated 3 years ago

    Less than 10 employees or under £2 million turnover

    Real estate agencies”



    07 May 2022 – Compulsory strike-off action has been suspended.

    05 Apr 2022 – First Gazette notice for compulsory strike-off.

    20 Jul 2021 – Confirmation statement made on 20 July 2021 with no updates.

    16 Jul 2021 – Confirmation statement made on 17 June 2021 with no updates.

    Registered On: May 26, 2017
    Topics: 10

    Quite normal – looks like a non-trading vehicle so has probably been set up for something and then maybe not used (no assets/liabilities and a nominal net worth).

    Not sure what the worry here is?

    Registered On: June 10, 2016
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    Also similar ‘Maxwell Cohen Limited’ with 6 outstanding charges against it

    ironinsideriron insider
    Registered On: August 19, 2019
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    Ask roderick langham what he thinks of him

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    This is like a Sherlock Holmes mystery.


    Roderick David LANGHAM ?

    I don’t know the chap?

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Come off it Rene course you know him.

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Ask roderick langham what he thinks of him

    Why don’t you ask him, write it all down then come on here to keep us informed, after all you always provide plenty of evidence to back up your posts and insinuations don’t you?

    2 users thanked author for this post.
    Interested BystanderInterested Bystander
    Registered On: April 9, 2023
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    Ask roderick langham what he thinks of him

    Another name not without some controversy.

    Interested BystanderInterested Bystander
    Registered On: April 9, 2023
    Topics: 15

    Also similar ‘Maxwell Cohen Limited’ with 6 outstanding charges against it

    Never mind the charges and the deficit on the balance sheet, their accounts were due for filing at Companies House on 31/03/22, so nearly 13 months overdue.

    Hardly a sign of good corporate governance.

    Registered On: May 29, 2022
    Topics: 6

    I don’t think all the hearsay is good for anyone , its being done to death now on here and with the fishies .

    Its a bit boring

    Lets just wait and see what May brings ,if Mr Hilton can stump up the 3.4Mil i dont think Scunthorpe utd fans will be too fussed about ifs,buts and maybes from his past .

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 119

    Agree with you Rich about the heresay. There’s enough stuff out there, recent actions, and actions to come, for supporters to make their own minds up. And we’re never going to all agree on our views about it all, so we’ll see how it develops. We are where we are, as they say.

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    You’re wasted on Grimsby Town btw

    Registered On: July 14, 2022
    Topics: 37

    Ask roderick langham what he thinks of him

    Why don’t you ask him, write it all down then come on here to keep us informed, after all you always provide plenty of evidence to back up your posts and insinuations don’t you?

    Do you want more work for SST to do?

    Interested BystanderInterested Bystander
    Registered On: April 9, 2023
    Topics: 15

    Ask roderick langham what he thinks of him

    Iron Insider, I’m intrigued by your post above and I will tell you why.

    I have found a screenshot on social media of an historic tweet by “hiltonsgroup” who alleged to have been in dispute with Rod Langham.

    Can you add anything further?

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 119

    Forget about his distant past, look at the world class recent history!

    Registered On: October 10, 2021
    Topics: 27

    We got flip flopper Pat pushing his big bad burger bun box spouting one minute “up the Iron” next its yer going down (not very nice to his chum DH).. then Intense Bystander on his crusade searching through more caves and turning over more stones then David Attenbourough when in reality I for one wont give a rats arse about the past if DH comes up with the doe for GP and the club can finally move on… not interested at all in Hilts past its the present and future that counts.

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    R. HoodR. Hood
    Registered On: April 20, 2023
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    IB – Go to Company number 11437340, look at Charge code
    1143 7340 0006, then search on the company that hold the charge. In the directorships you will find RL. Then have a peep at the statement under going concern on that company’s accounts that are made up to 31/08/2020. Maybe co-incidental.

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    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    After the original post can’t understand why it hasn’t been moved to non football it took ten posts before a team was mentioned?

    Interested BystanderInterested Bystander
    Registered On: April 9, 2023
    Topics: 15

    IB – Go to Company number 11437340, look at Charge code
    1143 7340 0006, then search on the company that hold the charge. In the directorships you will find RL. Then have a peep at the statement under going concern on that company’s accounts that are made up to 31/08/2020. Maybe co-incidental.

    Fantastic. I’ll piece this back to the original tweet by “@Hiltonsgroup” for the benefit of those who are interested once I have finished cutting the grass.

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    ‘once I have finished cutting the grass.’

    Yeah, get your priorities right! 🤣🤣

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    ‘once I have finished cutting the grass.’

    Yeah, get your priorities right! 🤣🤣

    Think he’s smoking it not cutting it, he probably cuts his cocaine before sniffing it then comes on here.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 119

    Who does? 🤣

    Interested BystanderInterested Bystander
    Registered On: April 9, 2023
    Topics: 15

    IB – Go to Company number 11437340, look at Charge code
    1143 7340 0006, then search on the company that hold the charge. In the directorships you will find RL. Then have a peep at the statement under going concern on that company’s accounts that are made up to 31/08/2020. Maybe co-incidental.

    As you say, it might be coincidental but here is what we know.

    1) Original tweet by “@hiltonsofficial” (I’ve not bothered to correct the obvious mistakes) – “Tonto is a guy called Rod Langham owner of a company called Stoneygate Commercial Finance, they lied to me and their own backers and spent money that wasn’t there’s. I was successful in a dispute and so they’ve come out to derail”.

    2) We know that Stoneygate 2007 Ltd, a company controlled by a Rod Langham has provided finance to Maxwell Cohen Ltd in the form of secured loans.

    12/11/18 – £941,176.47 – Charge code 114373400001.

    20/12/18 – £500,000.00 – Charge code 11437340002.

    31/08/19 – £304,350.00 – Charge code 11437300004.

    18/09/19 – £377,906.97 – Charge code 11437300005.

    3) The accounts for Stoneygate 2007 Ltd (year end 31/08/20) – Going Concern Basis:

    “A significant default on advances made in the year has come to the attention of the board of directors. Lawyers have been instructed (on a no win/no fee basis) to take recovery action and protect the company’s position insofar as possible given the damage already done; further a claim is being pursued against legal advisors involved in the document drafting. Full provisions against defaults have been made in these financial statements.”

    4) The accounts for Stoneygate 2007 Ltd (year end 31/08/21) – Going Concern Basis:

    “A significant default on advances made in the immediately prior year became known to the board of directors whom took corrective action insofar as possible given the damage already done; full provisions against defaults are included in these financial statements.”

    5) 06/10/21 – A striking off application is received by Companies House from Maxwell Cohen Ltd.

    6) 04/11/21 – An objection was received by Companies House in respect to Maxwell Cohen’s application.

    7) As of today, the accounts for Maxwell Cohen Ltd are the best part of 13 months overdue.

    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 91

    Bystander give it a rest you’re a quid shop, glue sniffing version of Miss Marple.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 119

    At least those attending Flag Day will know who the red ones belong to…Bystander or Insider!

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 119

    Bystander give it a rest you’re a quid shop, glue sniffing version of Miss Marple.

    In Grimsby that’s known as a compliment.

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    Topics: 18

    IB – Go to Company number 11437340, look at Charge code
    1143 7340 0006, then search on the company that hold the charge. In the directorships you will find RL. Then have a peep at the statement under going concern on that company’s accounts that are made up to 31/08/2020. Maybe co-incidental.

    As you say, it might be coincidental but here is what we know.

    1) Original tweet by “@hiltonsofficial” (I’ve not bothered to correct the obvious mistakes) – “Tonto is a guy called Rod Langham owner of a company called Stoneygate Commercial Finance, they lied to me and their own backers and spent money that wasn’t there’s. I was successful in a dispute and so they’ve come out to derail”.

    2) We know that Stoneygate 2007 Ltd, a company controlled by a Rod Langham has provided finance to Maxwell Cohen Ltd in the form of secured loans.

    12/11/18 – £941,176.47 – Charge code 114373400001.

    20/12/18 – £500,000.00 – Charge code 11437340002.

    31/08/19 – £304,350.00 – Charge code 11437300004.

    18/09/19 – £377,906.97 – Charge code 11437300005.

    3) The accounts for Stoneygate 2007 Ltd (year end 31/08/20) – Going Concern Basis:

    “A significant default on advances made in the year has come to the attention of the board of directors. Lawyers have been instructed (on a no win/no fee basis) to take recovery action and protect the company’s position insofar as possible given the damage already done; further a claim is being pursued against legal advisors involved in the document drafting. Full provisions against defaults have been made in these financial statements.”

    4) The accounts for Stoneygate 2007 Ltd (year end 31/08/21) – Going Concern Basis:

    “A significant default on advances made in the immediately prior year became known to the board of directors whom took corrective action insofar as possible given the damage already done; full provisions against defaults are included in these financial statements.”

    5) 06/10/21 – A striking off application is received by Companies House from Maxwell Cohen Ltd.

    6) 04/11/21 – An objection was received by Companies House in respect to Maxwell Cohen’s application.

    7) As of today, the accounts for Maxwell Cohen Ltd are the best part of 13 months overdue.

    So, is Ilkeston on the “never never”?

    Registered On: October 10, 2021
    Topics: 27

    Your fascination ,no obsession with hunting down DH to the extent of what his favourite bog roll is and if hes tanga or boxer really has become more tedious than the media v Harry n Megs … to you and a hand full of others it may be of interest and make your trousers move alas me and im guessing most other normal SUFC fans just dont give a shit and are simply waiting to see the outcome re the GP issue ..DH saved our club paid off its tax and other debts for that alone i am very grateful

    Agree with whoever posted this thread should be moved to the non football section where it can be ignored more easily or followed by those who do find it of any importance.

    I trimmed some grass last night .. i think its called a Brazilian ..lord knows the Iron could do with one or two of them in the side in its current plight.


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    Topics: 18

    Ask roderick langham what he thinks of him

    Iron Insider, I’m intrigued by your post above and I will tell you why.

    I have found a screenshot on social media of an historic tweet by “hiltonsgroup” who alleged to have been in dispute with Rod Langham.

    Can you add anything further?

    “Ex-England cricket star Collingwood sues IFA (Rod Langham) over £300k losses”

    More twists & turns and sub plots than an episode of Dallas.

    Oh well, comedy hour tomorrow to look forward to versus Southend. A bit of light relief from all the Sherlock Holmes malarkey.

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 102

    Bystander give it a rest you’re a quid shop, glue sniffing version of Miss Marple.

    Your fascination ,no obsession with hunting down DH to the extent of what his favourite bog roll is and if hes tanga or boxer really has become more tedious than the media v Harry n Megs … to you and a hand full of others it may be of interest and make your trousers move alas me and im guessing most other normal SUFC fans just dont give a shit and are simply waiting to see the outcome re the GP issue ..DH saved our club paid off its tax and other debts for that alone i am very grateful

    Why are we blaming the messenger?

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