Marketing Department

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    BottesfordIrons5North Lincolnshire Irons
    Registered On: September 30, 2017
    Topics: 59

    Where’s The Marketing Department and what are they doing to encourage fans down to Glanford Park to give more support to the team on Saturday. There is another opportunity missed. We used to advertise on the radio, and in the press, until SWANN fell out with the Telegraph. The Telegraph used to print vouchers for free tickets and they were brought into our Club prior to matches, 2 children free with 1 adult. Also free child tickets taken round schools and the children brought PAYING adults with them. This also created revenue at the catering points plus programme sales. There doesn’t appear to be any Marketing going on whatsoever now.

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    BottesfordIrons5North Lincolnshire Irons
    Registered On: September 30, 2017
    Topics: 59

    This offer of buy the next six or so games now up front and get the seventh free is simply not good enough. For one thing many supporters cannot afford to pay the upfront cost and also many will want to see an improvement on the pitch before committing to the remainder of home matches. As I see it PR is dead at the club and this has also alienated supporters and made them feel not valued. I guess this is why Simon Elliott has been brought in to try and rebuild the association of supporters with our Club and proves that SWANN AND HIS FAMILY are uncapable of doing this.

    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 50

    I heard there WAS a special offer.
    Buy tickets upfront for two games, but you don’t have to go.

    Or maybe a Swann special: buy one for £25, get TWO for £60.

    Would you buy a used car from this honest man?

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    Registered On: June 20, 2017
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    That offer of 2 free children with 1 adult is on all the time NLI and has been for years pre swanny I believe, as for the telegraph it is only printed once a week you do realise that don’t you so would be hard to acquire more than one voucher,Let me remind you once again scunny put out the most tweets of a football club in the world so there’s your marketing. I do think the club could make more effort with the ethnic minorities and go round factory’s and give a few free tickets out to encourage them to become supporters.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 118

    There must be a large contingent of older lapsed supporters that might go if they were incentivised (I know the threat of non league and new players in ought to be enough but they’re lapsed for good reason). Many might not use Twitter and Facebook much but presumably read the Iron section of the Telegraph online? No idea what the figures are like for Telegraph online btw

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    Registered On: December 23, 2013
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    You would have thought that if there was any time for a big push on promoting the club in the town, this would be it. Big “SOS – Save Our Season” posters up, encouraging people to rally around. Why not take out a couple of billboards around the town? Hire one of those mobile sign vans to drive around the retail parks. Get players on the high street after training. Invite Calendar news along to training and give them some interviews. Let’s get people interested in the club again!

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    BottesfordIrons5North Lincolnshire Irons
    Registered On: September 30, 2017
    Topics: 59

    Just tweets don’t cut it awaywego. Not all football fans rely on technlogy.The Marketing and commercial departments need to come up with better ideas to attract fans and get off their backsides and get out in the community and get some advertising done via the radio, schools, pubs and clubs, etc. What’s wrong with putting posters out, don’t just rely on technology. I know when David Beeby was at the club he was often on the radio advertising matches and upcoming offers etc. Wharton expected this.

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    BottesfordIrons5North Lincolnshire Irons
    Registered On: September 30, 2017
    Topics: 59

    That is an excellent post Ferrite!

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    BottesfordIrons5North Lincolnshire Irons
    Registered On: September 30, 2017
    Topics: 59

    Yes the offer of 2 free children with 1 adult is on all the time and this is being taken up I am sure but we need to get into schools and academies and attract the stay away fans back for the remainder of this season to support the team and try and keep us in the league. Surely the opportunity was there to make the match tickets for a fiver for Saturdays match.I just feel that the marketing and commercial staff are not coming forward with any fresh ideas and advertising the club.

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    Registered On: December 23, 2013
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    When people suggested things at previous forums all they got was ‘ they were fine, they knew what they were doing’ – they did, they ignored genuine people. Over the seasons this attitude was maintained and we are where we are -supporters at arms length.

    Simon will do his utmost and is trusted but it takes longer than half a season to turn a rudderless ship. A total change would only happen if someone bought the club.

    This is a tough gig and I applaud Simons work.

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    I remember a few years ago reading about how harrogate town players, staff and volunteers are good at getting out in to the community, spreading the word and connecting with people. Seemed to be the antithesis of what SUFC were doing. I came on here and mentioned it (maybe not so positively, ‘disenfranchised’ might have been said) and UTI99 and I had a disagreement about what supporting the club means. I stand by what I said though. The club could learn a lot about supporter engagement from the likes of Harrogate.

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    Registered On: December 31, 2013
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    Why can’t Swann offer free gas from all the stuff he spouts? Would get 8,000 in

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    Everytime refereePat O’Cake
    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 17

    I posted ages ago loads of ideas the club could use to engage with the community and entice lost fans back and attract new ones in but all i got was ridiculed by the likes of bucks and Swann Junior (UTI99) because apparently Swann was doing a great job and I should be grateful to have such a great businessman in charge of our club…….strange they hardly post now that we are rooted to the bottom of the football league….coincidence???

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    Registered On: December 24, 2013
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    Easy answer as to why we are relying on tweets etc.
    Tweets etc cost nowt.

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    Registered On: June 20, 2017
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    Laurie McMenemy used to the same at Grimsby Deerey, taking the players round factory’s to benefit both the players and the employee’s, mainly the players though to see what others had to do to earn their money and what a privileged life they had.

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    People use to complain about the marketing pre Swann and they will complain about marketing post Swann.

    Twitter has 69k followers, Insta 38k followers and Facbook 82k followers. I think it’s pretty safe to say unless you live under a rock people are aware of SUFC news through these outlets.

    People like you ALWAYS find someone/something to moan about. It’s a fact of life.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    The only marketing we want at the moment is winning games, quite simple winning games attracts more fans, don’t need any false dawn’s getting people to turn up in there droves only to be left disappointed that will do no good at all, when as more fans guaranteed results.

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    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 102

    People use to complain about the marketing pre Swann and they will complain about marketing post Swann.

    People only complain if they think things are not up to standard. You list the numbers of followers on social media accounts but they’re entirely meaningless – how many of those people are Scunthorpe United fans? Barely 20% I’d guess.

    Why is it a bad thing to want the club to spread the word more widely, to attract more people to the ground? Surely that’s basic marketing, the fundamental cornerstone of any business?

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    Registered On: June 20, 2017
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    You can have all the marketing in the world, but if they won’t pick up the phone to sell the tickets it won’t do any good, rung yesterday no one there, same today, left message on answerphone but very disappointing and just another reason why I stopped going regularly to the Glanny sands siro. Will post when (if) they get back to me. PS this is not a Swann thing it’s the way our club as always been run,the worse times though were under Don Rowing.

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    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 102

    Good point AWG, especially these days now you can’t just turn up on the day and pay on the gate.

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    People use to complain about the marketing pre Swann and they will complain about marketing post Swann.

    Twitter has 69k followers, Insta 38k followers and Facbook 82k followers. I think it’s pretty safe to say unless you live under a rock people are aware of SUFC news through these outlets.

    People like you ALWAYS find someone/something to moan about. It’s a fact of life.

    True to an extent about the moaning but justified to a large extent to. So what if those social media platforms have those figures? How many are active users and how many stay aways use those platforms? Even if they do use them, social media isn’t enough on it’s own. Anyone with a basic understanding of marketing knows that. The audience needs to get the message in various ways to act. You might actually connect better yourself UTI99 if your posts weren’t so antagonist.

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    Good point about McMenemy Awaywego. And he did the same at Southampton I recall. That’s the way to do it.

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    Registered On: December 12, 2014
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    You can have all the marketing in the world, but if they won’t pick up the phone to sell the tickets it won’t do any good, rung yesterday no one there, same today, left message on answerphone but very disappointing and just another reason why I stopped going regularly to the Glanny sands siro. Will post when (if) they get back to me. PS this is not a Swann thing it’s the way our club as always been run,the worse times though were under Don Rowing.

    It’s ok. SUFC have many followers on twitter. They know what to do. :-)

    BottesfordIrons5North Lincolnshire Irons
    Registered On: September 30, 2017
    Topics: 59

    The lack of marketing in the wider community is another reason why the connection between fans and the club has been lost. If commercial and marketing staff think that all they have to do is click a computer or mobile phone to get a connection with fans it shows just how bad things really are. Yes use technology to communicate but also get away from this LAZY attitude of thinking that is all that’s needed. In my opinion everything needs a total shake-up of the structure and mentality in which the club is run right from the very top to the bottom. It appears to have started with Simon Elliott coming in and trying to re-connect with the fans, but we need more like him. The attitude of fans don’t matter and its my money in the club has got us where we are now. Let’s just hope these new players that have come in can save our league status which is the only thing that really matters to fans at present, and that SWANN hasn’t left it far too late. GOOD LUCK TO KEITH AND THE PLAYERS FOR SATURDAY!!!!!

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    Simon said yes, well ‘yep’ to be precise 2 days ago. What’s materialised since? Not a dig at him btw, just curious…

    Everytime refereePat O’Cake
    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 17

    People use to complain about the marketing pre Swann and they will complain about marketing post Swann.

    Twitter has 69k followers, Insta 38k followers and Facbook 82k followers. I think it’s pretty safe to say unless you live under a rock people are aware of SUFC news through these outlets.

    People like you ALWAYS find someone/something to moan about. It’s a fact of life.

    If you dont use social media you wont see it, nothing to do with living under a rock!!!!

    As for always finding stuff to moan about, I will ask you again and see if I get an answer this time……Name ONE thing that has improved under Swann’s tenure, ONE????

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    Registered On: January 13, 2014
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    People use to complain about the marketing pre Swann and they will complain about marketing post Swann.

    Twitter has 69k followers, Insta 38k followers and Facbook 82k followers. I think it’s pretty safe to say unless you live under a rock people are aware of SUFC news through these outlets.

    People like you ALWAYS find someone/something to moan about. It’s a fact of life.

    Yes and I’m regularly visited by someone who has 500 friends on Facebook but has only ever had a real conversation with 2 of em

    3 users thanked author for this post.
    BottesfordIrons5North Lincolnshire Irons
    Registered On: September 30, 2017
    Topics: 59

    The worse times were not under Don Rowing, Siderite. The club had a good structure then and also a good Chairman who knew what he was doing. Everyone who worked for the club went home knowing they had done a good hard day’s work and very often stayed over not on pay but because they loved Scunthorpe United and valued supporters. Don Rowing was a good Chief Executive with a good General Manager David Beeby. The commercial department worked very hard with and in the local community. It’s the old saying that you don’t appreciate what you have until it’s gone. Fans were much more appreciated and given much better facilities and treatment to how it is now, they were made to feel valued. It was more like a family club. Opening hours were good in the office and the shop compared to now where everything has been cut to the bare bones. Things fans enjoyed have been taken away, being able to buy a programme, a working scoreboard, told you can’t take your own food or drinks into the ground and then catering prices increased at the same time, etc. The supporters have been alienated and without supporters there will be no Club. This is going to take a heck of a lot of rebuilding fans trust and commitment.

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    Registered On: June 20, 2017
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    A effort of marketing was made in 83/84 against Millwall a good Friday game same scenario facing relegation, get yoursen down and you can pay on the gate, yes the actual gate, hundreds more turned up only to find it had been turned into all ticket and the queue 100 yards long the amount of people just turned and went home or back to the pub. And we were fed all that shite by the good old evening telegraph.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    The worse times were not under Don Rowing, Siderite. The club had a good structure then and also a good Chairman who knew what he was doing. Everyone who worked for the club went home knowing they had done a good hard day’s work and very often stayed over not on pay but because they loved Scunthorpe United and valued supporters. Don Rowing was a good Chief Executive with a good General Manager David Beeby. The commercial department worked very hard with and in the local community. It’s the old saying that you don’t appreciate what you have until it’s gone. Fans were much more appreciated and given much better facilities and treatment to how it is now, they were made to feel valued. It was more like a family club. Opening hours were good in the office and the shop compared to now where everything has been cut to the bare bones. Things fans enjoyed have been taken away, being able to buy a programme, a working scoreboard, told you can’t take your own food or drinks into the ground and then catering prices increased at the same time, etc. The supporters have been alienated and without supporters there will be no Club. This is going to take a heck of a lot of rebuilding fans trust and commitment.

    Not really the focus of my comment. :-)

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