Iron trust

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  • #253493
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    Message in a bottle?
    Are the Trust going to float their statement tonight?
    I’m going to be finding succour in a bottle of Glengoyne Single Malt.
    Cheers & UTI.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Message in a bottle?
    Are the Trust going to float their statement tonight?
    I’m going to be finding succour in a bottle of Glengoyne Single Malt.
    Cheers & UTI.

    That will be nice, it’s a drop of Tallibardine for me, cheers 🥃👍

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    Registered On: January 3, 2014
    Topics: 66

    Today’s newsletter for those who aren’t members:

    In our newsletter to Trust members on Friday 13th January the Trust, as a responsible organisation, stated that it could not condone protests which break the law.

    By and large the pitch protest was peaceful; however we were concerned that fellow supporters could receive banning orders affecting their future employment and foreign travel. The Iron Trust supports peaceful protest over the plight of our club, but we do not wish to see fellow supporters incur fines and/or banning orders. Their vocal support and loyalty are to be applauded given the on and off field problems of our beloved club.

    At this, the lowest point in the entire history of Scunthorpe United FC, we are also concerned about potential point deductions or fines, the latter further impacting on loyal staff (many of whom are fans) regarding payment of wages and their long-term employment security. SUFC staff are not the enemy.

    The fact that Mr Swann has been able to drive the club to the point of ruin is not the fault of the supporter groups or fans, but the lack of effective legislation. This could happen to any club and indeed has.

    When the Trust met with Lee Turnbull on Tuesday the Iron Trust was quite clear on the issues concerning fans which centred on a total lack of communication over the reasons the proposed takeover announced in December fell through, the appointment of Begbies Traynor, the winding up order by HMRC and the failure of the club owner to sell the club. Previously we have challenged the owner over the stopping of annual shareholder meetings, the lack of fan forums, the transfer of assets from SUFC to Coolsilk, the renaming of the ground without consultation and we have persuaded the Council to register the ground as an asset of community value. We have raised the way the club has been run with the Football Supporters Association, Parliamentary groups, the local MP and former MP and fan Nic Dakin as well as various media outlets.

    And now we are at the most crucial stage in the Iron’s history, not because fan groups or fans have failed, but for the fact that one man can use a community football club as his toy, to do with what he wants. What mustn’t happen now, at this moment, is for fans to be turning against each other when the real enemy is the man ruining our club.

    We need to be united; we need to support and help our club and we must be together. UTI

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    f row crewf row crew
    Registered On: June 22, 2020
    Topics: 18

    Much better statement than the last one !

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    Registered On: June 20, 2017
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    And after all that they have said they’ve done nothing’s had an effect, “we need to support and help our club” how? people have been looking for direction from the trust and that’s all we get, support the protest, get the trust down shut if that’s what happens, make a bloody stand.

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    BottesfordIrons5North Lincolnshire Irons
    Registered On: September 30, 2017
    Topics: 58

    These are just words from the Trust mainly regarding things that have happened in the past. Still there is no mention of an urgent meeting being called to discuss what action to be taken. They are not even trying to give any lead or guidance as to what they propose to do. No mention of fund-raising to try and save our Club when even other clubs supporters’ are wanting to help.

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    cliffbyrnesrightpegCliff Byrne’s Right Peg
    Registered On: October 17, 2015
    Topics: 57

    Disappointed to be honest; expected something more concrete and a formal demonstration to be arranged. Before anyone replies with the usual ‘do it yourself’… I’ve personally offered services to help arrange as a member, however it obviously needs the legitimacy of an official organisation behind it for supporters to rally behind.

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    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 104

    Initially the aim of the Trst was to purchase shares and obtain representation on the board. The current lack of ideas or leadership would indicate that would have been a waste of time anyway.

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    BottesfordIrons5North Lincolnshire Irons
    Registered On: September 30, 2017
    Topics: 58

    I think there should be a meeting and a new committee and chairman elected. Time for a clearout@

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    f row crewf row crew
    Registered On: June 22, 2020
    Topics: 18

    I believe the trust have space on the committee NLI…I will propose you if you fancy it ? Just need someone to second it.

    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 11

    There just bothed about shares and getting a place on the board.
    Let the fans down big style

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    Lord KitchenerLord Kitchener
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 36

    Initially the aim of the Trst was to purchase shares and obtain representation on the board. The current lack of ideas or leadership would indicate that would have been a waste of time anyway.

    Indeed, that would present an excellent opportunity for crowd funding. Either just buy available shares and donate them to a credible new owner / candidate so that they can easier afford to buy the club outright.

    As a member of the Iron Trust, I’m afraid that they are destined to sit on the sidelines, doing nothing more than moaning as our great club dies.

    What a waste….

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    Lord KitchenerLord Kitchener
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 36

    I believe the trust have space on the committee NLI…I will propose you if you fancy it ? Just need someone to second it.

    If any trust member can second this then I will. Next I believe is motion carried. Just please try and get something done.


    Registered On: January 20, 2014
    Topics: 8

    I requested that the Trust hold a meeting of all members to get views etc.
    Apparently discussed by the Committee prior to this letter but by their rules you have to give 28 days notice to call a meeting.
    Says it all really !!
    Playing politics when quick fast action needed.
    Might not even have a Club in 28 days !

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    BottesfordIrons5North Lincolnshire Irons
    Registered On: September 30, 2017
    Topics: 58

    I will be a willing member of the Iron Trust Committe if someone will 1st and 2nd me.

    Registered On: July 20, 2015
    Topics: 43

    I will be a willing member of the Iron Trust Committe if someone will 1st and 2nd me.

    I will 2nd you North Lincolnshire Iron, I have been impressed when reading your postings on here and the club loyalty you show, but I would also like to see another one or even a couple more join yourself on the Trust,I feel that you are very concerned regarding the present plight of SUFCb, but I cannot see where anything has been done by the present trust, and really feel that you would need some support in order to put anything across to them.

    I feel that every day is importanf if any efforts coming forward could possibly help in any way in saving our loved club, by sitting on the fence as the Trust appear to have done is criminal, its one thing saving local food banks, but they were formed to support and help SUFC.

    Action is required now, because the worse things get, they are just playing into the hands of the evil man. It is nearly one in the morning and the plight of Scunny really is effecting me sleeping, and that is honestly true, so if you want me to 2nd your joining of the Iron-Trust, please inform me on what I need to do. UTI.

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    Chocolate teapot.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 160

    Can’t the trust choose to suspend standing orders and get a meeting called?

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    BottesfordIrons5North Lincolnshire Irons
    Registered On: September 30, 2017
    Topics: 58

    The time for politics is over

    Are there any more Trust members on here who will join the committee?

    BottesfordIrons5North Lincolnshire Irons
    Registered On: September 30, 2017
    Topics: 58

    At the last forum which Lee Turnbull organised why was Tony Gosling, Chairman of the Trust, chairing the meeting.
    Chairman usually are impartial if the meeting is held by different groups ie: club and supporters.
    Surely on the night the Trust Chairman should have been speaking for its members on the night and asking questions, not being impartial.

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    Registered On: February 14, 2015
    Topics: 444

    This is a bit like the EU ref, we’re fighting each other and not the route cause.
    Just because some people don’t want to duo it your way doesn’t mean they’re wrong or for that matter you are right.
    I’d suggest we stick to .

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