“Illegal” immigration

Iron Bru Forums Non Football “Illegal” immigration

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  • #257084
    Registered On: February 14, 2015
    Topics: 496

    “The truth is that countries such as France have an appalling record of looking after migrants/immigrants. For all of the problems we have in the UK — and I’m not diminishing them for one moment — things are far better here than they are in many other countries, including a lot in the EU.”
    Then we should be proud ,puff our chests out and let it continue,we coukd stop the boats by opening proper safe routes and not closing them.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 119

    “The daughter of a Jewish refugee, who came to the UK from Hungary in the 1930s, has delivered a letter to Gary Lineker’s home to thank him for his stance on immigration policy.

    Susie Courtalt, 75, said she was thanking the 62-year-old former England footballer for “speaking up for all the people who can’t voice an opinion”.

    She told the PA news agency: “I used to live in Barnes and have come up from Brighton to see a play, so I thought I would come and put a letter through the door.

    “I just feel he is speaking up for all the people who can’t voice an opinion, including British people.

    “My father was very fortunate to leave Hungary in the 1930s where the language was becoming like it is here. My father was 18 and my uncle was 20.

    “For the Government, he (Lineker) is someone they want to destroy.””

    Registered On: August 5, 2017
    Topics: 18

    The BBC bosses in tow to a Government and right wing press have started to dig what could be a very deep hole. The likely outcome is that the BBC bosses will have to resign. The quicker the better as they clearly haven’t a clue how to implement their own impartial policy. Why did they need one in the first place?

    A long list of BBC presenters who have also expressed critical political views.


    Registered On: July 20, 2015
    Topics: 43

    “The truth is that countries such as France have an appalling record of looking after migrants/immigrants. For all of the problems we have in the UK — and I’m not diminishing them for one moment — things are far better here than they are in many other countries, including a lot in the EU.”
    Then we should be proud ,puff our chests out and let it continue,we coukd stop the boats by opening proper safe routes and not closing them.

    i am sorry to say “64”, but I cannot see any reason to stick my chest out when I see illegal men (from safe countries) being off loaded onto life boats out at sea and brought into our country. I do not feel proud when I see that these people are placed into hotels costing our tax payers about £80 per day each (stated to be £6 million per day), I do not feel good that France get rid of these by assisting them to get to Britain, I would probably stick my chest out if the people that are glad to accept them were instructed to take a few of them into their own homes.

    There were over 560,000 more forieners entered the UK last year than the one’s that left this country, how the hell longer do you do gooders intend sticking your chests out and think this can go on for ??????, we do not have enough houses for our own people, we do not have enough hospitals, dentists, schools, doctors, thgat’s why we are waiting to be seen for our own medical appointments etc. Plus I do not stick my chest out when I see many of these so called refugees that have knifed or blown up inocent people, or are employed by drug pushers, the truth is that not all of these illegals are good people, some are but many have criminal records prior to their boat trips, so let France keep these people themselves, most of them are living in small tents or cardboard boxes in France, but expect four star hotels, good free food and even moiney from the do gooders of britain.
    Please note that this is not being racist, it is just my own oppinion, which most people would probably agree with if they were not to be condmned as being racists, by the same people that think it is ok for Liniker to call Mrs Brabermans speech like it was coming from a Nazi, so my question has not been answered really.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 119

    Is your last paragraph meant to be parody?

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 119

    If I ever do a stand up set,’Mrs Brabermans’ is in my repertoire.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 119

    ‘my question has not been answered really.’

    Good job no one else gives a f then!

    IronageIron Age
    Registered On: April 10, 2019
    Topics: 59

    The BBC bosses in tow to a Government and right wing press have started to dig what could be a very deep hole. The likely outcome is that the BBC bosses will have to resign. The quicker the better as they clearly haven’t a clue how to implement their own impartial policy. Why did they need one in the first place?

    A long list of BBC presenters who have also expressed critical political views.


    I just wonder what would have happened if Lineker tweeted in support of Braverman?
    Would he have been reprimanded by the BBC, the Tory press and the government?

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: January 3, 2014
    Topics: 67

    Aye! It only happens in this country….


    Registered On: August 5, 2017
    Topics: 18

    BS, all of the points in this thread are criticism of the Government, which I guess you voted for. The Government has filled the hotels and are responsible for processing all migrant applications.

    The answers to your questions should be directed at one place, Martin Vickers MP who I understand has an office in Barton.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: July 20, 2015
    Topics: 43

    BS, all of the points in this thread are criticism of the Government, which I guess you voted for. The Government has filled the hotels and are responsible for processing all migrant applications.

    The answers to your questions should be directed at one place, Martin Vickers MP who I understand has an office in Barton.
    As you say pal, I did vote for this party, and what a bloody mess they are doing on most of the present topics, they have been a total washout and continue being so, but regards wanting to stop this endless flow of drop outs illegally entering the UK, is probably one of the better aims, but whilst Labour and the SNP want them to keep coming, I do not think that there is any answer to the situation, and like everything else, it will go on unattended, just like the strike actions, the ambulane waiting, the dentists, the cost of living crisis, the NHS etc.
    They do not appear to be able to solve anything, but I fear the other party will be just as bad, they are going to fix everything, but they fail to say how, or where the money is going to come from to pay for their plans if they really have any.

    The answer for myself is that I shall not bother my arse in voting for any of them, and let you guys decide for me, simply because they all act like bloody clowns.

    I see what you are saying pal, and as you say I did vote for the Tory

    Registered On: January 3, 2014
    Topics: 67

    Just what they want you to do.

    “If you’re not going to vote for us don’t vote for anyone”.

    At least some of their policies are working!

    Registered On: February 14, 2015
    Topics: 496

    when you look at the language used by our resident racist from Barton you se ethat the demonisation ,just like happened before the war, is in full swing and working on the “silent majority”
    I know the Barton racist is a willing acceptor but he no doubt brought his family up to believe it too add that to the mix of government rhetoric and it’s easy to see what happened in Germany happening again if not stopped now

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 81

    When you call bartonscorpion a racist with no justification Fans64,I praise him for not falling to your level of false accusations.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 119

    I think you’ll find there’s sufficient evidence.

    Registered On: August 5, 2017
    Topics: 18

    “whilst Labour and the SNP want them to keep coming, I do not think that there is any answer to the situation, and like everything else”.

    The Government has an 80 seat majority, there is nothing that Labour or the SNP can do other than oppose what will turn out to be an illegal policy.

    Alternatives have been proposed. The Tories have made a political choice to not sort out the backlog of residency applications. That’s why the hotels are full.

    3 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: July 20, 2015
    Topics: 43

    “whilst Labour and the SNP want them to keep coming, I do not think that there is any answer to the situation, and like everything else”.

    The Government has an 80 seat majority, there is nothing that Labour or the SNP can do other than oppose what will turn out to be an illegal policy.

    Yes Heath, it is a complete disgrace that this backlog of many thousands of these illegal invaders of our shores have not been screened and only the real people that are fleeing danger still remain.
    But this is not the main reason for 70,000 of them being housed in hotels, the main rerason is that they should not be allowed in the first place, and another being is because the UK laws offer them a system of being housed, fed and kept nice and warm, where other countries would just deport such people.

    As for “64” or what ever you call yourself, you are just one evil lout, and have been that way for years, your record of slagging off other member seem to have stuck with you as far as I can remember, it is probabbly yoo late to change it.

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    How do we not let them in? Erect a forcefield around the UK?

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 119

    ‘As for “64” or what ever you call yourself, you are just one evil lout’

    But calling me a ‘w***er’ (without the asterixes) as you did on the football side last week, is okay is it? No, it isn’t.

    Registered On: July 20, 2015
    Topics: 43

    ‘As for “64” or what ever you call yourself, you are just one evil lout’

    But calling me a ‘w***er’ (without the asterixes) as you did on the football side last week, is okay is it? No, it isn’t.

    In your case Deerey,it probably is ok ha ha!

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 119

    Hypocrite and a racist.

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Hypocrite and a racist.

    We have been through this umpteen times DM, he’s a tired old man whose run out of arguments, best ignored.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 119

    From a CNN article:

    Tim Bale, professor of politics at Queen Mary University of London, says that the policy is “a fairly clear grab at a type of voter the Conservatives badly need to hold onto to win the next election — older, whiter, probably less educated, and living in less affluent parts of the country.”

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Somebody in Barton just put a cap on after reading that post DM 😂, sorry I need to leave it alone really.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 119

    Well, you know, what do experts, scientists and academics know? They’re probably in the pay of the global elite neo-Marxist cabal trying to keep the real good men down.

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