“Illegal” immigration

Iron Bru Forums Non Football “Illegal” immigration

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  • #256983
    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 119

    Yes, similar language used as the Nazi’s. A warning. Anyone trying to condemn him has ran off with that kernel of truth in to fantasy land as far as I’m concerned. So, I disagree with your take on it. Perfectly fine to say what he did in my opinion. Who is anyone to say he should have used another example? Pretty sure his post wasn’t attempting to find a more befitting example. He made a point, a fair one about the language being used. That’s it. In ‘free speech’ terms it’s nothing compared to frequent abuses of it by the far right.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    ‘It really is repugnant and to say that it’s “fair” reveals a great deal about anyone making such a claim’

    Oh, the irony!!! 👍👏😆🤣

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    BBC have announced he’s stepping back from MotD while they review his social media output. Before this gets spun into it being about the content of that particular post, ‘let’s be clear about this…’ it’s about how he’s using his personal social media whilst being a BBC employee, not about his post that upset so many gammons.

    Registered On: August 5, 2017
    Topics: 18

    So they have managed to shut down Lineker and Attenborough in one day. The sooner this lot are cleared out the better.

    Whatever happened to free speech? This from the same bunch who have been calling people who don’t agree with their vile views snowflakes.

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    Registered On: December 12, 2014
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    An absolute joke. No doubt Bucks will fire away and say we don’t care about other examples, but I would argue that I have called out similar nonsense (e.g. the Dahl books) which infringes upon free speech and doesn’t cross a line.

    Alan Sugar, Andrew Neil, Deborah Meaden and others have used social media to voice their arguments, and they should be free to, no matter their stance. It doesn’t matter that I think Linekar was wrong headed, he is his own person and what he said is perfectly permissible in a free country.

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    Registered On: August 5, 2017
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    Shearer and Wright walked out as should all BBC staff in protest. This Government needs to stop trying to control the media by appointing their mates to run it.

    Monty Python, Spitting Image and a whole host of other programs would not be allowed by this lot. Bucks needs to get his Mary Whitehouse granny dress on and his handbag out.

    They were elected to run the country. Get on with it. Gagging Attenborough is definitely not one of the people’s priorities.

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    Shearer walking out is pleasing on two levels!

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    Even Madeley on QT last night was defending him and his right to post what he did on his personal Twitter feed. That’s how ill thought this decision is. Now, just waiting for Keown to declare he’ll never appear on any media platform again…

    Registered On: August 5, 2017
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    That would be another bonus!! BBC now saying MoD will run without any presenters, not even Alex Scott.

    Got rid of lefty Lineker and saved a pot of money. Boris will be arranging another party that he will not attend.

    Registered On: August 5, 2017
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    Of course the man who arranged an 800k loan for his friend Johnson is completely impartial.

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
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    The Premier League should offer the Saturday night highlights show to ITV, with no presenters or analysis the BBC could be in breach of contract, hope they are, the BBC are apparently running scared of the right wing in British politics or so it appears.

    Registered On: February 14, 2015
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    If I were ever compared to 1930’s Germany…. My next move wouldn’t be to silence critics on the state media….
    Would be a bit too 1930’s Germany…

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    Registered On: June 21, 2017
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    I notice when Braverman misquoted Lineker’s tweet and mentioned the Holocaust ( which Lineker didn’t say in his tweet ) that nobody from the BBC rushed in to correct her or at least correct the mistake ( slur ) on BBC news, funny that eh?

    IronageIron Age
    Registered On: April 10, 2019
    Topics: 59

    Indeed Lineker was speaking of a time BEFORE the Holocaust. Lineker is not a stupid person, for an ex footballer he’s quite intelligent. The current government are seeking to confuse the issue. We should all take these events as a warning.
    It would not happen in Putin’s Russia.

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    Registered On: August 5, 2017
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    The BBC news staff continually fail to challenge politicians on obvious lies. This whole argument has been caused by a deliberately false narrative about what he didn’t write, including by Bucks on here.

    They all had a good quality of education, but apparently are not able to read and comprehend a single paragraph.

    As Iron Age states above, Lineker was talking about language used BEFORE the Nazis came to power.

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    Registered On: August 5, 2017
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    “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear”, George Orwell.

    Quote on a statue outside the BBC building!!

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    Registered On: December 12, 2014
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    It was a nod to rhetoric used against Jews though and it’s quite a crass comparison. People like to emphasise the danger of government rhetoric to shock and alert people to very real worries about dehumanisation, but I do think we need to be extremely careful when using the Nazis as a comparison.

    Also, Putin’s Russia. I can say many things about this government, but they haven’t done anything so deadly as launch wars of destruction and mass murder in Syria and Ukraine. Heck, they have contributed to the ‘migrant crisis’. It’s pretty much known that Putin and his puppet in Belarus, Lukashenko, have used it to try and sow division in the west through moving them on here.

    Registered On: August 5, 2017
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    Not just Jews.

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
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    Not just Jews, but they were the primary targets and which most people jump to when thinking of Nazi rhetoric.

    Registered On: August 5, 2017
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    “This is just an immeasurably cruel policy directed at the most vulnerable people in language that is not dissimilar to that used by Germany in the ’30s”

    Not dissimilar, he didn’t say the same as, as bad as or equivalent. The point he was making was just about the language which does have similarities. Demonisation, judgemental, breaking international laws and agreements, inhumane, over exaggerating the numbers and the problem. Braverman talked about billions coming here.

    Many “similarities” there.

    The BBC impartiality guidance specifically refers to sports presenters being a lower risk group in their responsibility in expressing their opinions and the requirement to be impartial.

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    Registered On: December 12, 2014
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    I don’t think he broke impartiality guidelines and have nothing against him airing his opinion as he did. I can disagree or think it’s an unwise analogy and fight for his right to say it.

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    Indeed. I don’t agree it’s an unwise analogy, as you know, but we can beg to differ.

    Registered On: July 20, 2015
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    I would think that in many cases, it is not particulally what he said, but more a case of resentment due to him being on £1,300,000 per year, you will find this in many walks of life.

    Just one thing that baffles me is, these forum members that preach their backing for free speech, they say that they support free speech, but many times on this forum these same people condemn others for giving their views, so are they saying that it is ok for some, but very wrond from others??????
    I await your views on this question guys!!!!

    Registered On: August 5, 2017
    Topics: 18

    Here’s the answer BS.

    “Hate speech laws in England and Wales are found in several statutes. Expressions of hatred toward someone on account of that person’s colour, race, sex, disability, nationality (including citizenship), ethnic or national origin, religion, gender reassignment, or sexual orientation is forbidden”.

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    Registered On: December 12, 2014
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    The only time I can think of that involves you stepping beyond the line is when you called Abbott a baboon. All the other times you aired comments I disagreed with has not made me think they should be removed. You are free to spout as much waffle as you want, and neither your comments here or Linekar’s go beyond the line for me.

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    What’s baffling about it BS? It’s all dependent on the content of those views published on here. If those views are exhibiting hate speech or are discriminatory, don’t be surprised if some posters take issue with it. I suspect, you’re not baffled at all really though, you’re simply free speech warrioring. If you reply do you think you’re able to do so without calling me a w***er this time? No problem with you or anyone else thinking that, but you crossed the line there…’pal’.

    Registered On: August 5, 2017
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    Karen Brady is a BBC personality. She is also in the House of Lords, representing the Conservatives. Each time she votes in support of the Conservatives, is she being impartial? Clearly not.

    Lord KitchenerLord Kitchener
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 37

    The problem with morals is that everyone thinks theirs are more accurate and acceptable than everyone else’s. Left wing, right wing, both full of hate. Those who describe themselves as Liberals are always leftward leaning.

    The political system in the UK is broken. The only way of fixing it would be to introduce election reform. Proportional representation is the only way that the entire population can feel like they have a voice. It’s not perfect, and could well lead to many a hung parliament, but in its purest form, PR is the fairest system out there.

    Registered On: August 5, 2017
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    We all have our opinions and I also think that PR could be the way to go. I don’t expect you to agree with my fear however that PR might give someone like Farage power as part of Government. You would probably say the same about a left wing group.

    Registered On: August 5, 2017
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